fix articles 401572, as terrorists
White Youth Can Be Muslim Terrorists Too (tags)
Proving what you say can be a difficult thing. Oftentimes, the only thing to if not the best, is to allow what you say to be proven organically. Sure, not having your hand on something to manipulate the message can be a test of will for those that need to control and manipulate constantly, or are even obsessed with it. But for the rest of us, sometimes if you give the thing you have been asserting space to prove itself, you will be rewarded by the simplicity of how easy it is to get to the truth. Just be patient.
Israel’s Allies and the Lack of Civility! (tags)
I wrote back: Chris, I believe you are caught up in the Zionist hype. No civilization in the world regards freedom fighters as terrorists except Israel and its allies. Strange enough, your buddy, Britain, once regarded the American freedom fighters as terrorists. According to your standards, which I don’t agree with, they were right and we now have a terrorist “civilization”.