fix articles 3983, already Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : already


NATO and the new Cold War (tags)

In the period between 1999 and 2023, 14 states of the former Warsaw Pact were admitted to NATO in several stages: an increasing threat to the Russian Federation due to the ongoing shift of NATO's eastern borders to Russian territory. In 2018, Trump terminated the Arms Control Treaty, the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty & in 2020 the Open Skies Treaty.

From war to ecocide in Ukraine: these are the global consequences (tags)

Today peasants are fighting and dying in the war. They have lost everything. The processes of free land sale and purchase are increasingly liberalized and advertised. This threatens the rights of Ukrainians to their land, for which they give their lives. This portends that an industrial model of agriculture will prevail in Ukraine, based on large-scale monoculture farming.

Russia's victory in an economic war (tags)

If perspectives for ways out of the increasingly worsening crises of capitalist socialization are to emerge, it is indispensable to look at the whole of conditions and their complex entanglements. It is necessary to break with the myths and life lies of the 'free West' as well as with those of a mission for a Russian empire or any other autocratic fundamentalism.

When everything tips over (tags)

So it's high time for the left to break out of its shock paralysis, to start politicizing knowledge again and to develop its own models and approaches that are both bigger and smaller than the warning about the end of humanity. First, by taking into account the economic structures.... And on the other hand, by going into the painstaking, everyday detail work.

Car Plants Are Making Medical Equipment - And Things Should Stay That Way (tags)

The time has come for progressive nationalization and socialization. This includes the financial sector, because only if we gain control over the financing of socially necessary areas of production will it be possible to ensure that we as a society can plan our future.

Loss of reality and bellicism (tags)

Ukraine is "worn out" here while it is supposed to fight a proxy war "until the last Ukrainian" and is equipped for this with weapons, ammunition, financial means, etc.... None of this is even remotely realistic.

Compensatory Rhetoric (tags)

Ukraine has already lost much of its population since 1990, War casualties and flight would further obstruct the country's future prospects. It was against this backdrop that Gen. Mark Milley and Anthony Blinken, stressed that "recapture of the territories taken by Russia is unrealistic."

In Disaster Mode (tags)

"One must expect a tsunami of global inflation, further impoverishment and mass migration (of cheap labor) - and all of this will be blamed on Putin. One must expect the return of pandemic threats that support ongoing efforts to globalize vaccine passports and the digitization of life."

The brainwashing plant and Against forgetting (tags)

Klaus Schwab created a suitable stage for his ideology in the WEF. According to Forbes magazine, the WEF's Great Reset agenda is another example of how rich, powerful elites assuage their consciences with phony efforts to help the masses, making themselves even richer .

War in Ukraine. Nato taboos fall (tags)

This military-scientific glorification of a war that has long been hopeless for both sides, which is also supported by some media, leads to the postulation of the prospect of victory against one's better judgment. What is meant, however, is more likely a victorious peace.

The psychology of the warmongerers and The war cannot be won (tags)

We should strive quite fundamentally for a different Europe and a different Russia, namely each freed from capitalist, parasitic oligarchy. The Jaurès maxim, "Capitalism carries war like the cloud carries rain," is more relevant than ever.

The attacks on Nord Stream and the elephant in the room (tags)

In an interview with Berliner Zeitung, U.S. economist Jeffrey Sachs said that destroying Nord Stream would be contrary to Russia's interests; the country would lose "income, financial assets & bargaining power." The U.S., would "benefit strategically and financially."

Underhanded History of the USA (tags)

From Grade 5, many schools are becoming binary and anti-racist. "Attitude instead of Education" is by Willy Meyer.

The Poetization of the World and Behind the Curtain (tags)

When the poet says "autumn," he can mean a season but at the same time he can also mean melancholy, farewell, decline, the dying of a happy love affair (inside). Schelling had already praised this capacity "What we call nature is a poem that is locked in secret, wonderful writing."

A new quality of crisis (tags)

From the systemic urge to self-destruction arises the survival necessity of the emancipatory overcoming of capital. The capitalist regime of constraint must be transformed into history. The struggle for the transformation of the system has to be the central moment of left practice.

The price explosion of wheat (tags)

Many people in this country develop the willingness to explicitly freeze for an ideal. Whether for freedom of whatever kind or for the climate. Already now one could marvel at signs on "peace demos", on which was written: "Better freeze, than gas from Putin!"

Ukraine: A war for the disintegrating world order (tags)

The consequences of rearmament and economic sanctions are foreseeable: among other things, the aggravation of crises through higher economic burdens. They can already be seen in the form of price increases for heating oil, fuel and gas.

War as crisis accelerator (tags)

Opportunistic parts of the German left are already sorting themselves into NATO supporters and cheerleaders of hollow Western values, who are peddling the stale bourgeois-liberal ideology one last time before the Western states also sink into barbarism.

Signs on the wall (tags)

Civic democracy has become as threadbare as a worn-out shirt.. While the Corona measures condemn us all to an existence as individuals, each in his cell, alienating us from each other with masks, making any experience of collectivity impossible,

War on the Children (tags)

"In 10- to 59-year-olds, there is a 15-fold higher risk of death from corona vaccination compared with corona infection" (6). The broad majority is always mistaken - or allows itself to be misled. Children need love and closeness, not coercion!

Those who benefit from Corona should pay too (tags)

It's a dangerous trend for a society that is already tending to drift apart and where tensions could become ever greater: Corona has caused the differences between rich and poor to grow, even in Germany. Those who have anyway will become richer in the pandemic.

The Inner Sanctuary and The Uprooted Generation (tags)

Contemplation does not directly change the world, but it does change people by bringing them closer to themselves again. Our situation in a facade democracy with a compliant majority, with rigid state power, and with laws that are almost always against us, is not unlike that in a prison - a prison with larger cells, perhaps.

Limitation to 1.5 degrees is not possible with our economic system (tags)

In economics, an international mainstream dominates, which establishes optimized formal models that exclude many areas of economic relations, such as feminism, historical school, as well as post-Keynesianism, which considers the importance of demand and demand to be at least as important as good conditions for companies.

Corona containment and capital utilization (tags)

In the Corona crisis, it became obvious that our capitalist economic system is not suited to protect human life. There must finally be an end to eternal growth, the exploitation of nature and people and the shortage of time, an end to "more & more, faster & faster and further & further."

Crash Course (tags)

The present crisis means that, to a degree previously undreamt of, ever-greater numbers of human beings will simply be declared “superfluous.” The much-invoked “new role of the state” has not the slightest chance of recreating a 1960s style social welfare capitalism, with full employment and a rising standard of living.

The new school and Farewell to capitalism (tags)

"You can never solve problems with the same way of thinking that created them." That is why copyright reform, patent and property law, and many other regulations of the material "goods economy" that have grown up in the industrial age are not suitable for meeting the challenges

Psychology as a method of domination (tags)

The current pandemic policy has given the world the ultimate understanding of how democracies (...) transform themselves into totalitarian because inhumane systems. (...) Long live the courage to resist and refute.

The media response to Putin's conciliatory essay (tags)

On the exact 80th anniversary of the German invasion of the Soviet Union, which cost that country nearly 27 million lives, the Russian president himself published an essay in the former flagship of détente whose title already signaled a willingness to reconcile.

The Perpetrator-Victim Reversal (tags)

The West refuses to give the Red Army credit for Germany's liberation from fascism - instead, it diligently stokes the Cold War with Russia. France and West Germany were liberated by the landing of the Western Allies in Normandy - but all of Eastern Europe must have shaken off the yoke of Nazism all by itself.

The Corona Complex (tags)

The seizure of power that we are currently experiencing must necessarily be a form of foreign domination. The population is not consulted on large-scale planning agendas, such as the Great Reset. We encounter this foreign domination, on the one hand, in the form of bundled interests of large power players

Saving the planet by disempowering the elites (tags)

Humanity is at the final crossroads of becoming aware of the drama of the ecological and peace crisis in which it finds itself. The book "The Eco-Catastrophe" is a wake-up call to take note of the seriousness of the situation, to accept the Herculean tasks ahead, to understand the growth ideology of global capitalism.

Covid protests and Weimar Family Court (tags)

Democracy lives from criticism and protest. The Weimar Family Court has banned two schools from requiring students to wear masks and take Corona tests - because the children would be harmed "physically, psychologically, pedagogically and in their psychosocial development."

Never waste a good crisis (tags)

The negotiation of society after Corona is now beginning, and it is now important to strengthen positive tendencies such as the expansion of the public health system, a more planned economy and social solidarity. But these appeals only cover up their own helplessness and lack of advice. .

How the economic doctrine of salvation is changing education (tags)

Economy always takes place in social contexts - even more: It is itself a result of social contexts. In this respect, a discussion in the context of sociology, culture or politics is essential. However, this insight is already missing in academic economics.

It is up to workers to defang the fascists (tags)

How to stop the fascist upsurge.

Climate crisis and social transformation in times of corona (tags)

Companies go bankrupt, workers are laid off, and because the sources of income dry up, millions of people can no longer even buy the most basic necessities... What counts is whether the things produced can be sold on the market and make a profit.

"There is no vaccine to save the planet" (tags)

In the Arctic, 2020 has seen exceptional warmth, with temperatures more than 3 degrees Celsius above average - and more than 5 degrees in northern Siberia. Arctic sea ice in October was the lowest on record - and now re-freezing has been the slowest on record. Greenland ice has continued its long-term decline.

Corona vaccine development - they prefer not to ask about risks and side effects (tags)

Thousands or even millions could be vaccinated on the basis of "emergency approval." We will probably have to live with the virus. The current strategy of damaging measures until a vaccine is available is a bumpy path with incalculable risks, side effects and visible collateral damage.

America's Dual Recession (tags)

There is every reason to expect that many of the lost jobs – perhaps as many as 40% – will never come back. In the short to medium term, the tragic paradox is that employment opportunities are both too few and pay too little.

The state must cushion the economic impact (tags)

Heiner Flassbeck expects a slump of the German GDP of 20-30%, Neither Trump nor Merkel said a word about stabilizing the economy. You can't just shut down the economy and then hope nothing happens. Companies, banks and people must be supported. Money must go to those now becoming unemployed..

Wave of layoffs in the US election campaign (tags)

The corona pandemic triggered the most massive job losses in the USA since the Great Depression in the 1930s. Unemployment rose to its highest level in more than 70 years. In April alone, 20.5 million jobs outside agriculture were cut, according to the government

Thoughts and Theses on the Corona Exceptional State (tags)

The state of emergency threatens to become the normal state - Maximum vigilance is now required to ensure that the new state of emergency does not gradually normalize and that the authoritarian turnaround does not become entrenched.

Super Tuesday and Standing up to Racists (tags)

Sanders said you can't beat Trump with yesterday's recipes and figures. That would be Biden's strategy to evoke the nostalgia of the Obama years. It would work for a lot of black people and some of the "urban" upper class. In fact, however, these forces have already lost.

Poor Despite Work (tags)

Vancouver B.C. has 26 community centers that give an identity to working and nonworking persons. Three hours of free computer use, libraries, gyms, theaters, game rooms and $4 casserole dinners are among the many amenities.

DIARY OF A CON MAN . 25 (tags)

le journal d´anne frank n´est pas authentique

Nuke Shutdown News - (tags)

While nukes are fadinf away, the answer is blosing in the wins.

Oldest US Nuke Plant Going Way of the Dinosauers (tags)

Next October the Oyster Creek nuclear plant in New Jersey, the oldest in the US, will be closing after nearly 50 years of running and releasing radiation into the environment that has likely harmed untold number of people.

Zombie Capitalism (tags)

"We live in an unstable world, and the instability is going to increase. it is a world where a billion people feel hungry everyday, and the hunger is going to increase. In mid 2007, a number of banks suddenly discovered they could not balance their books and stopped lending..."

PHILIPPINES - Akbayan slams Duterte's raid killings, threats vs. rights activists (tags)

Akbayan partylist condemns Duterte's public threat to shoot human rights groups. The threat comes at a time when Oplan Tokhang has reached its bloodiest and human rights groups are needed to watch over the government's operations.

Staggering Turnout for Women's March L.A. (tags)

At one point, organizers reported a police count of 500,000. Later estimates were significantly higher. Messages on signs included, “See Jane overthrow patriarchy”; “Our descendants are looking back on us” (sign shaped like a pair of eyes); “Life is easier because of my white male privilege. That's not right”; “Stop Tweeting, start listening”; and “Abort Trump.” A number of signs had images of Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia; captions included references to rebellions being founded on hope. Some, including small children, even dressed as Princess Leia. (Additional signs are pictured following this article.)

What I Didn't Read in the TTIP Reading Room (tags)

Katja Kipping was one of the first German MPs to gain access to the new TTIP reading room opened in Berlin this week, and she has written up a report of her experience. We thought it was well worth translating from the original, ‘The Opposite of Transparency’.

Following Paris Terror Attacks, Only Three Things are Guaranteed (tags)

The immediate response to the terror attacks in France was one of blatant militarism. As Anti-Media reported earlier today, the French government has deployed 10,000 troops to patrol the streets of France.

KPFK Updating: a coup? or failure? or.... (tags)

KPFK may be the vital part of Pacifica's failure and the maybe sell-off to privatize a take-over... or only a part of Pacifica's failures in administrative management, or any competent oversight, or their following CA state required audits and elections, and honest business practices, accounting, and many more lapses...that have already occurred. Updating some info for what is barely revealed to paid-up KPFK stakeholders.

Veto-Proof Senate Margin Achieved for Iran Nuclear Deal (tags)


Greek Rape and Pillage Bailout Deal: Germany Wants More (tags)


Greece and Troika Agree on Bailout Deal in Principle (tags)


Troika Bandits Want More from Greece (tags)


Greece: Approving Its Own Death Sentence (tags)


Tsipras Surrenders to Troika Bandits (tags)


Troika Tyranny! (tags)


Plans for Destroying Greece Stall (tags)


LA Times goes to bat for killer cops in Salinas (tags)

"Velasco suffered bruises and may have a broken leg", (Salinas Police Chief) McMillin said at the very end of an report defending the latest police aggression against an already restrained subject. The media experts at Tribune Corporation know that few people read past the headline, and save truth for the end. The truth is in the video just becoming viral, and Salinas police are in urgent need of damage control.

Obama's Dirty War on Yemen Murdering Civilians (tags)


Nazi Kiev Offiial Greeted in Ottawa and Washington (tags)


Digitalization Makes Us Happily Unemployed! (tags)

Political upheavals often precede technical revolutions.. The digital revolution hardly seems to have produced social or political revolutions.. Digitalization penetrates and changes the economy and life of people as the industrial Revolution once did.

Charlie Hebdo Fallout in America (tags)

police state

Global Shale Gas and the Anti-Fracking Movement (tags)

Water Contamination. The evidence strongly suggests that fracking poses serious dangers to workers, communities, and the natural environment with particularly severe impacts in terms of water contamination and access. Fracking just one well can use between 2 million to 5.6 million gallons of freshwater

New giant spy airship-or is it already here? (tags)

The United States Defense Department claims that it is readying itself to issue contracts for the construction of a sophisticated, ultra-high altitude, 450-plus foot long blimps that will hover above the earth's surface at 65,000 feet and remain airborne for up to 10 years.

Emails Needed by Thursday, July 17 to Save the South Central Farm (Again) (tags)

The L.A. Planning Commission is again planning to put a sweatshop and warehouses on the South Central Farm site, and this time they're doing an end run around public comment.

Odessa Massacre: Eyewitness Account (tags)


Supreme Court Rules for Big Money (tags)

money power

The Snowdown - Wikileaks - Sibel Edmonds - Whistleblower Effect By Zahir Ebrahim (tags)

Just look for the core-lies and unquestioned axioms of empire that are typically retained in the “leaks” and reportage which, in order to sound credible, often openly expose what is mostly already known anyway or judiciously employ some variation of “Limited Hangout” wrapped in a veneer of dissent, 'freedom of the press', and often accompanied by the facade of angst and opposition from the state to afford a veneer of legitimacy to the whistleblowing revelations of supposed state-secrets having caused some great harm to the state. The extravagance enacted in the mainstream media, alternately making heroes of the whistleblowers and demonizing them, is a giveaway to the circus show being enacted for plebeian consumption.

RENT may not be Controlled in LA City out ! (tags)

Rent Control may be diluted and rents increased if CC Parks get's his strange way. He often acts as a dissenter but this time [maybe again] it is AGAINST the Renters of his city of LA. Ex-police chief wants to gouge renters so they pay for landowners' expenses for earthquake prevention, that should already be paid thru yearly Rental Increases every single year, regardless of individual improvements made on apartments. UNIFY and LEARN MORE to not allow this proposal to City Council to gain any momentum. [and see other good article w/info here @ Indy that lists City Council members' contact info to immediately start ACTING IN ALL OUR city residents' behalf. NOW !

Video: Republican Theme Song - Nothing Really Matters and The Fear Economy (tags)

Thanks to House Speaker John Boehner and his Republican caucus, the "Do-Nothing Congress" was so awful this year that I decided it deserved its own theme song. I had fun putting together this video—which also calls out some uplifting wins MoveOn members and other progressives were able to achieve this year

New People's Daily Building in China (tags)

Gawkers cannot believe shape of Chinese newspaper’s sizable HEADquarters. People can't help but notice the similarity of the new building for the People's Daily newspaper to male anatomy.

Obama’s War Grows as Support Shrinks (tags)

Some careful listening has exposed the lie that a U.S. attack (war) against Syria would be, as Obama put it, “a shot across the bow,” i.e. a “tiny war.” But even before the first missile is launched the birth of Obama’s baby war began to grow, and when it’s eventually unleashed it will resemble any other fully matured war, complete with massive destruction, the death of untold innocents and yet another Middle Eastern nation torn to pieces.


Remember all the months of U.S. frustration with Iran not laying down and rolling over—that is after all the one-sided demands by the United States that feels it never has to treat any country like an equal—save its constant kissing of AIPAC, NEOCON, and Israel’s asses nonstop? Well all the horseshit about precise, punitive strikes is a stratagem to settle the Middle East situation once and for all. “To swallow and follow, weather old doctrine or new propaganda, is a weakness still dominating the human mind.” William E. Gladstone

John Kerry Is A Ghoul In The Night of Living Dead (tags)

John Kerry now walks onto the graves of many, many to-soon-be-dead humans beings. He adamantly plays his well-crafted, seemingly rational justifications for more war; but his whole stage-craft of lies about knowing who is behind the chemical attacks, is a fraud of deceit as Biblical proportions. He is already a living corpse, a puppet for another Zionist-minted atrocity, similar to our Manchurian Candidate Barack Obama, both who lead this repeat of professional propaganda campaign, expecting the American public to swallow another pack of lies for another military and political fiasco (as if the U.S. can never learn from previous mistakes). Both have sold their souls to the devil of political push and shove.

War With Syria and Its Repercussions (tags)

A U.S. invasion of Syria could be the first war based on a YouTube video. After a video was released showing victims of an alleged chemical weapons attack, England immediately declared the Syrian government responsible, while Obama began drawing up military plans, saying there was “little doubt” the Syrian Government was at fault (zero evidence currently exists to suggest this). An extra U.S. warship has already been deployed in response.

The South Central Farm: A New Battle Begins... (tags)

The fight to save the South Central Farm is still going strong. As one activist said, “A people united will never be sub-divided.”

Israel Threatens Russia (tags)


Obama’s War on Syria and Its Implications (tags)

The Obama administration has already declared war on Syria, even if it isn’t “official” yet. Consider the facts, all of them acts of war: The U.S. now recognizes a group of Syrian exiles to be the official government of Syria; the U.S. is providing direct support for rebels attacking the government; the U.S. has coordinated with NATO to place advanced missile systems — and 400 U.S. troops — on Syria’s border with Turkey; Obama has drawn a “red line” that, if Syria crosses, would result in U.S. direct military intervention. If any other country made similar moves toward the U.S., there would be no question that war had been declared.

Atheist Census is back online! (tags)

We are pleased to let you know that Atheist Census is back online at URL below. PLEASE SIGN UP

São Paulo, Brazil: Military Police conduct massacres of the population every day (tags)

LETTER OF THE “MAY MOTHERS” (MÃES DE MAIO) FROM BRASIL TO PRESIDENT DILMA ROUSSEFF São Paulo – SP, July 23th 2012 “For those that ever lived at war, peace has never been” Racionais MC´s (rappers) Regarded Ms. President Dilma Vana Rousseff

We were wrong to think the environment could wait (tags)

Amy Hall meets outspoken Filipino campaigner Lidy Nacpil, who shares her thoughts on floods, solidarity and ramming home the climate-change message.

America Kaputt (tags)

To laugh a lot of Americans.

Cooperation is not only a good idea, it already works in practice (tags)

Cooperative enterprises, in which all employees share in all the decision-making and manage themselves, are not pie in the sky. They already exist.

PHILIPPINES: Appeal for Flood Victims (tags)

In scenes reminiscent of the large scale destruction wrought by Typhoon Ondoy (international name Ketsana) in late 2009 in which 400 died, torrential rains brought widespread flooding in the capital Metro Manila and nearby provinces. Almost a million people are affected and some 250,000 forced to evacuate, majority of whom are workers and poor, with 15 deaths already reported.

BLM’s new “alternative” on Vegas pipe (tags)

Ever heard of the Council on Environmental Quality? Chaired by former LA Deputy Mayor Nancy Sutley, it’s a White House office that according to its website ”coordinates Federal environmental efforts.” To judge by a recent update from the Bureau of Land Management, Sutley’s office may just hold the key for a compromise in a long-running battle over rural groundwater between Utah and Nevada. Using powers supposedly afforded by the Council, the Bureau is adding a new alternative to an environmental impact statement that may allow Vegas to pump and Utah to keep its water too. The only clear loser is the environment.

April Sexual Assault Awareness Month (tags)

April has been designated Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM). The statistics of sexual assault are shocking (207,754 victims 12 and older) and the statistics of those assaulted even more so(44% victims are under 18). Perhaps it is time though, that we look past the statistics and grasp that these people assaulted are more than mere numbers on a chart. They are people of both genders, with lives that are profoundly changed when sexual assault occurs.

It's not the Federal Reserve, it's the system it serves (tags)

If the Fed were eliminated, the exact same powerful capitalist interests would be continue to bend government policy to their preferred outcome and would continue to exercise the same dominance over government, social institutions and the mass media. The only difference would be that the economy would become more unstable than it already is because there would be less ability on the part of government to dampen excesses. Why would that be good?

Readying the Greek Corpse for Burial (tags)

class war

Eye in the Sky Spying on Americans (tags)

police state

The movement of the etcetera (tags)

“As a social forum, a thousand things happen at the same time and this is how thing flow. The square is beginning to fill up. Having a thousand things and a thousand different ways is a path towards no turning back!” Rodrigo Bertame at Occupy Rio.

Israeli Anti-Democratic Legislation (tags)


Imploding Bubble Economies (tags)



In the civilized occident you learn a thing in the history books and other very different in the newspapers, because many journalists are just ideologists.

On the former Philippine President Marcos burial issue (tags)

Open letter to Vice President Jejomar Binay on the Marcos hero's burial issue

The Mighty Wurlitzer: Wikileaks and Imperial Mobilization By Zahir Ebrahim (tags)

This 'grand organ' is now able to even more effectively synthesize, implant, and reinforce, all the right set of beliefs (myths) among the entire world's public – by suitably combining 'events' with imaginative 'expos' writing – which appropriately primes the world populations to acquiesce to the oligarchic agendas. While playing this orchestra is now an integral part of all state-craft, its major musical themes are entirely determined by the behind the scenes owners of the system. While some might refer to the underlying techniques as propaganda and psy-ops, 'Mighty Wurlitzer' singularly captures the messaging-system controlled under a unified purpose of command which is both highly compartmentalized and cellularized. Only the Mighty Wurlitzer knows the entire tune.


Mission: to combat the Americanism in Brazil.

BTL:Flawed Nuclear Power Technology Presents a Dire Threat to Human Health in Japan, World (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES - A four-time winner of the Connecticut Associated Press Broadcast Award for Best Feature in the non-commercial category, this syndicated, half-hour program provides a platform for individuals and spokespersons from progressive organizations generally ignored or marginalized by the mainstream media. Between the Lines covers a wide range of political, economic and social topics.

Obstructing and Delaying Aristide's Return (tags)


Education crisis in California (tags)

After several years of continuous budget cuts, California’s schools are in dire straits. The state superintendent of public instruction, Tom Torlakson, went so far as to call it a “state of financial emergency.” Newly re-elected Democratic Governor Jerry Brown’s proposed budget, however, includes widespread cuts to higher education and social services in an attempt to close the $25.4 billion deficit. Inequality in California is so staggering that the wealth of the richest Californian, Lawrence Ellison, CEO of Oracle Corporation, estimated at $27 billion, would eliminate the entire state deficit.

Labor's Last Stand in 2011? (tags)

The stage is set, and the main actors in Congress and in the corporate establishment are ready to perform, having rehearsed behind closed doors for the coming assault on organized labor's most powerful sector, public workers. The final preparations were smoothed out in Obama's tax "compromise" with the Republicans, which gave details of the drama's first act. The tax plan purposely did not include a critical element for state funding, called the Build America Bonds program (BAB), which allows recession-sunk states to easily borrow money from the federal government. In the face of enormous deficits, the states would be left to drown. Reuters blogger James Pethokoukis explains:

Our Commons Future is Already Here: Maude Barlow (tags)

For I too am a steward, did you not know?”_ —J.R.R. Tolkien


THEY PRETEND FOR THEIR FAMILY & FRIENDS TO CARE DEARLY ABOUT THEIR FELLOW MAN OTHER THEN THEIR FELLOW NEEDY AMERICANS.... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Road to World War III - The Global Banking Cartel Has One Card Left to Play (tags)

"The global elite have consistently used a strategy of arming and funding both sides of armed conflicts. While opposing populations kill each other off, they make off with their natural resources. When they confront a government that cannot be bribed or provoked into civil or regional war, they fund brutal death squads, attempt military coups and intimidate them by giving weapons to undemocratic neighboring regimes. If all that doesn’t work, they are declared a threat to national security and the US military, private contractors and NATO forces invade and occupy the country. These terrorist strategies are not limited to the Middle East and Africa, just ask our neighbors throughout Latin America about the School of the Americas. Contrary to popular belief, the horrendous torture techniques inflicted upon people in Abu Ghraib, Iraq were not an isolated incident. Many of those brutal torture techniques were developed over years by torturing innocent civilians throughout Latin America."




Temperature arises in the South America.

Turkey’s Henchmen: Mass Media Butcher the Armenian Genocide (tags)


French politics turned a Mexican family drama.

Stealth Action Against the Four Biggest Banks (tags)

--Fed Up Bank Customers "Put Some Teeth" into Movement to take back the power of the ordinary citizen to affect US economic structure-- Join the stealth action AND/OR move your money out of a big bank and into a credit union/local bank today-- If you've done that already, we want to hear from you...


The shame of the defeat.

The Big One Devastates Haiti (tags)

Haiti is now ripe for plunder

GeoEngineering: The Great and Mighty Oz (tags)

World leaders have given scientists the green light to experiment with global climate modification. Planetary aerosol spraying is just one of the schemes they propose, yet millions world-wide say that aerosol spraying is already deployed in our skies. Scientists will be meeting in San Diego, where protestors are sure to be.

Cyborg Initiative Reveals Some Chemtrail Agenda (tags)

this article was written to legitimize some of the experimentation being done on us now: all of this is being perfected and most is already being used wirelessly, and the chemtrails are just the visible aspect....this is being tested on all of us now, and has been going on elsewhere since before gulf war one...implants are a big part of the targeting process...the two gulf wars were the real testing grounds...once this technology of control was perfected there, wireless/pharmaceutical/implants, then it was brought home to be used on Americans who have been made stupid by their televisions and the fact, the churches were the major mind control attack on us, with all this wireless electricity and directed energy weaponry being just the mop up....b


What to do when the Mayor is enemy of the community?

Editorial Cartoon: "2012: They Were Warned" (tags)

Those of you who've followed my work for any length of time will remember my complaints about the early start of the Presidential "election" cycle (John Edwards announced on Christmas Week, 2006) in the form of the four-part "Jackass Slate for 2008".


In criminal subjects it is necessary to accomplish the Law, nothing else.

California to withhold a bigger chunk of paychecks (tags)

The tax that no one is talking about!


Brazilian journalists legitimate the police brutality.

What Obama Isn't Telling American Workers (tags)

A lot is happening in the tumultuous realm of global economics. The “Great Recession” has caused tectonic shifts internationally, with outcomes that will dramatically change the lives of millions of people in the U.S. and beyond. And while Obama is acknowledging this fact with repeated references to “a new world order,” he isn’t explaining how this adversely affects working-class Americans.

The Decapitation of Pakistan by its own Military! (tags)

Pakistani military helped destroy Afghanistan, and they are now helping to destroy Pakistan. No Pakistani civilian I know, including myself, ever authorized the Pakistani military to destroy Afghanistan, or aid the United States in its own hegemonic plans on the Grand Chessboard. Do you know anyone? So from where did they get their mandate? I would rather have clean drinking water in my tap, damn it! What good are the bloody nukes when they become the raison d'être for our very destruction in this manner without ever firing a single missile at the drones that are killing our own peoples?

Zhibin Gu: how China's outsourcing, logistics, tech, manufacturing centers are created? (tags)

Get inside story about Chinese business and management. How is global financial crisis reshaping Chinese and world politics, finance, banking, trade and outsourcing? How to profit from rising Chinese trade, yuan and stock market? How to do investing, travel, trade inside China? Get real investigations from a timely book.

Reflections after 22 days on hunger strike (tags)

Where are we now and where are we headed are two of the questions we are facing in this education crisis, one that if not addressed soon and courageously, will bring about devastation to our communities, especially those communities of color and in low-income neighborhoods.

"Minutemen" Domestic Terrorism Arrests (tags)

When the Minutemen 'go tactical' for dollars: Forde intended gang to rip off dealers, and may have struck in CA already

Zhibin Gu: how is China's manufacturing center created? (tags)

Get inside story about Chinese business and management. How is global financial crisis reshaping Chinese and world politics, finance, banking, trade and outsourcing? How to profit from rising Chinese trade, yuan and stock market? How do over a half million international companies make profits in China? Learn about Chinese multinationals, society, banking, management, outsourcing, education, politics, individual life during a transition period. How to do investing, travel, trade inside China? Get real investigations from a timely book.

9/11, Who Benefited Versus Gulag Gitmo? (tags)

Dick Cheney more or less admitted his group’s guilt in his desperate attempt to take on Barack Obama’s sane and necessary policy of closing Guantanamo. To argue that a military machine that spends up to a half trillion dollars a year doesn’t have the where-with-all to guard prisoners already in handcuffs is to argue an extremely weak case. To think that the Republican party would have the jaded audacity to use the NIMBY excuse as a wedge issue is beyond the pale—given the enormous harm their public relations of Guantanomo and Gulag has already affected the world’s perception of Americans and U.S. foreign policy.

Letter to California leaders concerning Public Transit (tags)

Emphasizing California's lack of progress and implementation of public transportation, and how it is one of the rudimentary causes of the state's financial failures.

Obama Draws Fire from Socialists and Conservatives (tags)

Socialists and conservatives alike believe bigger government and heavy spending is not the answer to restructuring the U.S. economy; and even though the ideas of socialists and conservatives are vastly different, both groups are opposing the president on his enormous spending proposals that are lacking any clear plans on how to revive the economy and limit an ocean of future debt for the nation.

KPFK's Mission is reviewed here and noted to not being full-filled (tags)

Reviewing the KPFK lauded Mission statements, tho it is brief, there are lapses, lacks in implementing it , and differing interpretations of what is meant in it's intention and the spirit of the [holy] message.

China wisdom: Chinese multinationals, stock market vs global financial crisis (tags)

How is global financial and economic crisis reshaping world politics, finance, banking, trade and outsourcing? Profiting from rising Chinese trade, yuan and stock market? How do over a half million international companies make profits in China? Learn about Chinese multinationals, society, banking, management, outsourcing, education, politics, individual life during a transition period. How to do investing, travel, trade inside China? Get real investigations from a timely book.

What is Behind the AIG Scandal (tags)

The controversy surrounding the American International Group (AIG) is one for the ages, for it starkly reveals who is really running our economic system and to what end. In an effort to please two irreconcilable groups — the vast majority, average working Americans, versus the few financial elite — Obama has lately resembled a tightrope walker on a tattered rope. The AIG debate has now unsettled this delicate balance; no longer will it be so easy to give billions to Wall Street while fake rage is hurled against this same group. The jig is up.

DOD proposes new giant spy airship-or is it already here? (tags)

Hundreds of Phoenix citizens reported seeing a lighted triangular shaped airship appearing to be two or three football-fields in size, flying slow and silently over the city a few years back. Airline pilots have also reported seeing giant similar airships.

Protogenes Queiróz (tags)

Finally, fighting for justice today. As Martin Luther King Jr. said, "Justice delayed is justice denied." So, we appreciate your vigilance and support for the processes of evaluation and dissemination of data contained in the 12 disks in the possession of the CIA are not obstructed. We want only the truth, because we know that just truth guarantees the sovereignty of our people.

Chinese multinationals, stock market vs global financial crisis (tags)

How is global financial and economic crisis reshaping world politics, finance, banking, trade and outsourcing? Profiting from rising Chinese trade, yuan and stock market? How do over a half million international companies make profits in China? Learn about Chinese multinationals, society, banking, management, outsourcing, education, politics, individual life during a transition period. How to do investing, travel, trade inside China? Get on-ground investigations from a timely book.

Feds Investigating Richardson -- Obama Commerce In Trouble Already (tags)

Richardson is President-elect Barack Obama’s nominee to head the Department of Commerce.

The underground's notes. (tags)

I've already explained to journalists, that my "sepulture" was held three days before performance that was announcement in press. It's happened that TV-journalists from Moscow asked me to undertake this action special for them, but as an artist, I realized that my re-sepulture would be the farce.

The Bailout Intensifies (tags)

Even through its muffled language, it was obvious that the typically non-alarmist New York Times was having trouble digesting the latest government announcements. On November 26, the Treasury and Fed revealed it would spend 800 billion more tax dollars towards new “lending” programs. That day, the Times concluded that the government was “sending a message that they will print as much money as needed to revive the crippled banking system.”[!] Later in the article we learn that “the government has assumed at least $7 trillion [!!] in direct and indirect financial obligations in the form of Wall Street bailouts, emergency lending and government guarantees on bank deposits, inter-bank loans and home mortgages.” The term “blank check” doesn’t begin to describe the vast amounts being tossed about.


"This is more 'Groundhog Day' than a fresh start."

Hope in Common, by David Graeber (tags)

We seem to have reached an impasse. Capitalism as we know it appears to be coming apart.

Barack Obama, new mouthpiece of ruling class interests (tags)

In renewing its great traditions of struggle, the American proletariat will have to fight the coming blood and tears policy of the Obama presidency

Dollar is over, says Carlos Lessa (tags)

To Lessa, "dollar is over" and it’s necessary that a new "Bretton Woods" establishes new parameters to global economy.

Anarchist prisoner on hunger strike in Catalunya (tags)

Amadeu Casellas(anarchist prisoner) remains on hunger strike since june 23rd. We need your help to spread and publish this information in the alternative medias and anarchist medias all over Europe. That,s why we send you here this information in english,frenchs and german, use the one you find closer to your languaje, or traslate it into your native languaje, and send to indymedias and anarchist websites.

Fannie, Freddie, Food and Fuel (tags)

The financial crisis deepens with the nationalization of IndyMac and the likely bailout of Freddie Mac and Fannie May by the US taxpayer. The financial crisis has company as inflation, and in particular huge increases in global food and energy prices, enters the fray. The American economic model has been discredited and the American century has lasted but a few decades. These developments have and will further open up a new period in the struggle between capital and labor on the world stage and the US working class will have a major role to play as it re-connects with its militant traditions.

UCLA Adult Stem Cell Speech (tags)

I had already researched embryonic stem cells, and that was so far away. There weren’t any clinical trials going on that I could find. It looked like it was going to be two, five, maybe ten years away. With the controversy over embryonic stem cells raging, the future of any new discoveries coming in time to help me was pretty dim.

Pass the Equity Bill NOW -JFAV (tags)

For us in the Filipino American community , the passage of the H.R. 760 , the Filipino Veterans Equity is of the utmost importance. This issue continues to be the most urgent and longest standing injustice our community has faced for decades. Thank you for your continued leadership and support in fighting for the enactment of the Filipino WWII Veterans Act of 2007, H.R. 760. As a faithful constituent, we recognize that you are an ally in this campaign and ask that the Filipino WWII Veterans Equity bill be made a priority in your already historic role as Speaker of the House.( As a congressperson from ____)

VOTE NO on Prop 98, YES on Prop 99 (tags)

even homeowners will be distrssed if voters dont realize they have DEREGULATED our LA City Rent Control, that protects us from evictions, from arbitrary rent hikes, from owners eliminating seniors and fixed income families they 'dont like' as tenants.

World Food Crisis Threatens Rich Nations (That's Us), Too (tags)

Unless we act fast for a global consensus on the price spiral, the social unrest induced by food prices in several countries will conflagrate into a price contagion, leaving no country-developed or otherwise-unscathed.

We have created human-animal embryos already, say British team (tags)

Embryos containing human and animal material have been created in Britain for the first time, a month before the House of Commons votes on new laws to regulate the research.

Crisis Over Teheran's Alleged Nuclear Plans Nearing Climax (tags)

Crisis Over Teheran's Alleged Nuclear Plans Nearing Climax

Global Casino Capitalism (tags)

What began with cheap money for American homebuyers has expanded to the greatest financial market crisis since the war. The whole extent of bad credits with banks is not yet known, let alone the effects on the world economy.

KPFK is not openly searching (tags)

KPFK restricts applications to it's Genl Mgr Search Committee - why ?


But, although I was getting better on one level, I still had severe problems from damage that had already been done to my organs (specifically, my heart). Losing weight just wasn’t enough to regain the health I had enjoyed as a younger man

No to French Military Intervention in Chad! (tags)

While the devastating rebel offensive marks time, the French government is showing its teeth. The sending a few days ago of several hundred soldiers to Chad to reinforce the thousand military already in place had been presented as intended to help expatriates (those local agents of imperialism which, it seems, still haven’t been bothered by anybody), the French military authorities said, without laughing, that they observed an attitude of neutrality vis-à-vis the internal affairs of the country. This so-called "neutrality" was reflected, however, by “logistical, medical and intelligence assistance” to the army of Chadian dictator Déby.

Forget oil, the new global crisis is food (tags)

A new crisis is emerging, a global food catastrophe that will reach further and be more crippling than anything the world has ever seen. The credit crunch and the reverberations of soaring oil prices around the world will pale in comparison to what is about to transpire, Donald Coxe, global portfolio strategist at BMO Financial Group said at the Empire Club's 14th annual investment outlook in Toronto on Thursday.

Berlin: Solidarity with Andrea! (tags)

18.12.2007 - Solidarity with Andrea! On the 1st of December the Berlin antifascist Andrea has been arrested by plainclothes cops of LKA´s political branch.

If They Bomb Iran You Get Drafted (tags)

the privileged rich kids of the 60's, protesting war, are now ridiculously walking around campus, bald and fat, with signs saying STAND WITH US...which in reality of course means DIE FOR US....those people are zionists all, and not Americans...don't fall for their lies...their kids are not fighting for israel, only you expendable, poor kids do that (if you are gullible enough)...

Body and Mind (tags)

During a long time the Medicine kept itself unprepared for understand the association of the diseases of the body with the psychosomatic beginnings, but, at present, doctors show itself well open to the emotional aspects of his patients, passing to consider the human bring as a whole one, and not barely like a liver or a heart.

Next 9/11, Summer, 2007? (tags)

Former army military intelligence and public affairs officer, Captain Eric H. May, analyzes the prospects and probabilities of a Summer 2007 Bush Administration false flag attack on a U.S. city.

the Iraq War -- a Socialist perspective (tags)

The war in Iraq is at the heart of the instability in the Middle East – and the U.S. It is now the third-longest-running war in U.S. history: longer than the American Civil War, the First and Second World Wars, and the Korean War. Only the Philippine-American and Vietnam Wars have lasted longer. Although control over Iraq’s oil was a major reason for the invasion, it was not the main factor. Overall strategic control over the region and teaching a “lesson” to any country that dares “step out of line” was the main objective. However, none of U.S. imperialism’s political, economic, or military objectives have been achieved. Far from demonstrating its power, U.S. imperialism has demonstrated the limits of its power. The results will be far-reaching both internationally and within the U.S. itself.


On this May 14 election week, the brutal Arroyo regime in the Philippines backed by the Bush administration is facing the people's judgment for "crimes against humanity." This essay reflects on themes and issues surrounding the crisis of the neocolonial polity in the context of Bush's war of terror and barbaric, predatory globalized capital's assault on the peoples of the world.



11:11 AM – Demonstrators already gathering at Olympic & Broadway. (tags)

11:11 AM – Demonstrators already gathering at Olympic & Broadway.

Already living Humans: new experimental music by pisaro/beuger/so (tags)

Experimental music by already living humans

PERFECT (tags)

ok to reproduce in entirety not-for-profit with credits to author

GUINEA: the army requisitions all the workers! (tags)

Friday evening, Kerfalla Camara, the chief of staff of the Guinean army, announced in a radio broadcast that he has ordered the end of the general strike and the resumption of work on Monday, by requisitioning all the workers in the administration, in commercial establishments and in private enterprises!

Pakistan to be bombed (tags)

General said OK.

Editorial cartoon series: "Your Jackass Slate For 2008!" (tags)

Here we are not even six months after The Most Important Election Since The Last Mass Extinction Event and, like Christmas commercials during the World Series, the Democratic "stars" have already announced their candidacies for the 2008 Presidential Fracas...

Solidarity with the General Strike in Guinea! (tags)

Four days after its official beginning on Monday, the general strike continues in Guinea. The production of C.G.B, the second leading Bauxite producer in the world, has been halted, the workers also having stopped the trains carrying ore, while the production of the other consortium continues to grind towards a halt (provoking incendiary inflation in the prices of bauxite and aluminum on the world market). All economic activities are paralysed.

My Big Prank on President Bush (tags)

Three years ago I stumbled into the midst of a new scientific movement. So I set out to turn the tables on President Bush myself. It was a long shot at the time. I never realized how many people were going to be trying to impeach him by now. Here’s my story…

Hundreds deported (tags)

Hundreds deported, others may face court after L.A. immigration sting.

New Year Destruction at the Hill of Tara, Ireland (tags)

In flagrant contempt of best archaeological and ecological practice, a systematic campaign of tree felling, earth clearance and monument removal has begun at the Hill of Tara. This is even before the Public Private Partnership (PPP) contract for the M3 Motorway, through the Tara / Skryne Valley, has even been signed. Daily protests are taking place, every 7am in the morning at the Hill of Tara car park.

Experts warn North Pole will be 'ice free' by 2040 (tags)

..."but our research suggests that the decrease over the next few decades could be far more dramatic than anything that has happened so far," .... "These changes are surprisingly rapid."

More trouble in Pelosi's privatized Presidio National Park (tags)

If you want to stop needless, inappropriate luxury development in San Francisco's Presidio National Park, now's the time to send your comments, and here's where to send them.

Journey to Beit Harun, After the Rain of Death (tags)

This is Islam al-Atamna. A girl of 14. She is sitting in her black mourning clothes. Eight close relatives - including her mother, grandparents, uncles and aunts - were all killed before her eyes, one after the other. They were killed in the street after they awoke at home in horror at the sound of the first shell that exploded and then fled outdoors, where the next shells caught them. About 11 fell on a residential neighborhood, one shell a minute, a rain of death, pursuing them in their flight. Fatherless for some time already, the girl is left alone in the world with her two little sisters and her 3-year-old brother Abdullah, whose legs were severed and who is hospitalized in the Al-Hilal Hospital in Gaza.

Betrayed Already! (tags)

The article below makes clear that if the Dems are true to the people who just put them in power they will elect Rep Jack Murtha House Majority Leader. But Nooooo! Checking the news this afternoon you will learn that they have betrayed the American people already by selecting a pro Bush/pro war hawk. So much for the "opposition." Please spread this truth far and wide. jamie

Call to Action Across the US Against Mexican Consulates (tags)

This is a call to action against mexican consulates all over the country for Monday Oct. 30.

Academia Tracking Down Dissent (tags)

Why is the United States government spending millions of dollars to track down critics of George W. Bush in the press? And why have major American universities agreed to put this technology of tyranny into the state's hands?

APPO Comunicado, October 13, 2006 (tags)

The federal government is preparing a massacre against the People of Oaxaca. Thousands of military units are already in the state, hundreds of bulldozers have arrived, helicopters, tactical reconnaissance planes, warships, planes, and even a bomber! This is the response from a fascist government to a rebellious and dignified people. They think that in this way they will bring the Popular Assembly of the People of Oaxaca (APPO, by its spanish initials) to its knees, that with this they will scare the people of Oaxaca, they believe they can impose themselves once again, at whatever cost, on a people who have already awakened. They want to put an end to the struggle and resistance of the Oaxacan people in order to implement the economic plans they promised to their imperialist bosses.

In Lebanon a battle within the Middle East great war (tags)

There are only two possible solutions for the “Palestinian problem”, classic solutions, historically already defined by the communist movement

Nothing to fear but the politicians who are using fear (tags)

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary. H. L. Mencken

SOS is Coming to Maywood (tags)

The Save Our State hierarchy continues to burn the candle at both ends. This time with the absurd call for a demonstration in, of all places, the city of Maywood.

Israel’s New Math 2 = 500,000 (tags)

This is obviously the outcome of the newly emerged Hebraic arithmetic laws. For 2 kidnapped Israeli soldiers who are still kept alive, 500,000 innocent Lebanese civilians are displaced. For 2 abducted Israeli soldiers, Lebanon, a sovereign state, is brought back down on its knees. Its civil infrastructure is ‘gone’. Some of its capital’s residential quarters and southern villages are already wiped out. Indeed, ‘two equals half a million’ is the new arithmetic the Israelis insist upon imposing on the region. Is it that surprising? Not at all, as predicted by Gershon Sholem already in the 1930’s: once the Jews start to speak Hebrew, it won’t take long before they consider themselves to be God. In the Bible Sodom and Gomorrah were "brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven" (Genesis 13:13; 18:20; 19:24, 29; Hosea 11:8). The two towns where erased by God for the sins of its inhabitants. In the Biblical narrative (Genesis 18), God informs Abraham that he intends upon demolishing the city of Sodom because of its gross immorality. Abraham pleads with God not to do it. God is willing to agree as long as there were 50 righteous people in town, then 45, then 30, 20, or even just 10 decent people.

A Wikipedia by and for Anarchists (tags)

Infoshop is pleased to announce a series of new initiatives under the OpenWiki project. OpenWiki is an open and collaborative endeavor which works off of the principles of the free software movement and employs the participatory wiki software. We're very hopeful of the way that this project can help us document our resistance, network and inform ourselves in ways which were recently much more difficult for many activists.

CIAs INDICTED (Romano, Castelli, Russomondo, De Sousa), also top Italy Spies (tags)

[JULY 5, 2006] Italy has just indicted three CIA officers and a U.S. Air Force officer on charges that they participated in the illegal 2003 rendition, or torture/kidnap, of a Muslim cleric in Milan. They are:

Geopolitical Chess Anyone? (tags)

There is a game in Korea called ba-dook, which is known as weiqi to the Chinese. It is a game of chess once played by the Yellow Emperor himself. Japan, America, Russian and Chine are now playing it and their game board is the Korean peninsula.

U.S. Army's Radioactive Blowback (tags)

Many will recall the haunting lyrics of "Dust in the Wind" by Kansas. In the wake of the U.S. military's deployment of DU munitions in the desert regions of the Middle East, a horrifying new impication is given to the lyrics. "All we are is dust in the wind".

Riot France 2005 (tags)

about the riot in the french banlieue

The Farm is under Siege!! Mobilize to the Farm (tags)

Arrests have already been made. It is still unconfirmed but there are also reports that a protester was carried out on a stretche. Bulldozer positioned nearby have began breaking through the fences.

Wars Based on Lies (tags)

The main characteristic of the hairspliter is reversal of the burden of proof.. We are at the next stage of the suspension of international law created after 1945 and its replacement by the right of the stronger.

SOS/Nazis will be in Downtown L.A. Sun 5/21 at 11 am (tags)

Oppose the Nazis and Unlce Ted

Scott Ritter mentioned that war with Iran already underway (tags)

Scott Ritter mentioned that war with Iran already underway

May Day - the Real Labor Day (tags)

May 1st, International Workers' Day, commemorates the historic struggle of working people throughout the world, and is recognized in every country except the United States, Canada, and South Africa. This despite the fact that the holiday began in the 1880s in the United States, with the fight for an eight-hour work day.



John Conyers Heads Committe to Investigate and Move for Impeachment (tags)

author: a patriot

In Memory of Dr. Eugene Mallove (tags)    

The Shit Hitting the Fan (tags)

Hasta La Victoria Siempre

Resistance is NOT Futile! (tags)

Fighting federal tyranny

Goodbye Philippine President Gloria Arroyo (tags)

8 July 2005 AKBAYAN Party today said that the speech made by the President last night announcing that she will not resign and will push instead for major constitutional reforms indicates that "house is already burning." Akbayan also called the speech of the President, which called for the resignation of all Cabinet members, as a feeble pitch to preempt the expected withdrawal of support from key Cabinet officials.

Screwing Future Retirees...Again (tags)

Having failed to kill off Social Security with private accounts, conservatives in Congress are now trying to render it useless by raising the retirement age further—this time to 69. That may be okay for a Wall Street lawyer who runs half-marathons and spends two hours in the gym, but for the average American worker bee, employers have by that point pretty much ruined her or his health and body. Some “reform.” ----------------

News From Santa Monica (tags)

Groups are starting to gather in Santa Monica, and there are at least two sites of protest. 16th and Pico is already blocked off.

S. KOREA. MIGRANT WORKERS STRUGGLE (tags) continuing. Latest news about Anwar, the recently arrested president of MTU.

The Web: Video search engines come of age (tags)

A story about new video search capabilities.


According to the ABC newswire, the DPRK has created some exciting new investment opportunities which should enhance deterrent capabilities which could be diversified if they took my advice the last time and already posses what they need as an alternative to nuclear war. The space shuttle is on the launchpad as the world attempts to suppress laughter, the best kind.

Expensive socialism – Finnish stevedores make 50K EUR annually (tags)

Finnish stevedores’ strike is over and labour returns to work. No information on salaries given, but a reference was made to last year salaries, according to which a stevedore made already 50.000EUR per year.

Santa Monica Starts Massive New Push for Anti-Homeless Laws (tags)

With election of "Bobby Shriver" --brother of Maria Shriver, and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's wife --Homeless People in Santa Monica are Facing What May be the Single Biggest Push in the Nation to Pass a Massive Wave of New Anti-Homeless Laws.

critique of 3/19 (tags)

The March took too long to start, and that may have driven some people away. (esp. when RAINING!!!!)

Farewell Italia, Viva the Coalition of the Willing (tags)

Bush’s Coalition of the Willing allies are dropping like flies. Of 39 “members,” 14 have already quit and two more have announced plans to pull out, and now Italy, the third largest U.S. ally in the so-called coalition, says it’s leaving too. Can Britain be far behind?

The Treaty of Amsterdam. (tags)

The University of Amsterdam.


Often we suspect there is something ‘rotten’ in our global order and only an urgent adjustment can save us from calamity. But we are unable to articulate or convert our suspicions into logical concepts expressed in the context of past and current political and economic evolutions.

CIA hides files on Nazi torturers (tags)

To protect Nazi handlers like Kissinger, files about Nazis after 1945 remain highly classified...

S. KOREA. Construction Mafia is Continuing Terrorizing Residents (tags)

Seoul's mayor, the city council hand in hand with the construction mafia, step by step are driving thousands of "ordinary" families out off the center of the city.

The EPA and Industry Team Up to Protect Profits in Florida Study, Leaving Children Behind (tags)


Ballots Or Bullets? (tags)

The only choice we'll have is between ballots and bullets if we want to remain free. That is the dilemma facing America today. Do we restore integrity into our election process today or do we face a dark choice later?


It gives some friendly advice to world leaders.

Fallujah, the Hue of Iraq (tags)

US troops are following Gen. Westmoreland’s playbook, while the Iraqi insurgents seem to be following the playbook of Ho Chi Minh. We know the ending of both books.

Syria-S Trouble (tags)

One key to stabilizing Iraq isn't even in the country, but next door in Syria.

Remember the Red and Blue States (tags)

Don't cry for the passage of the democratic government. Weep for the real patriots that will be swept away to the concentration camps or whose blood will cover the streets, but above all else regardless of the outcome remember the red states.

US Dollar Heading for Collapse: Robert Reich (tags)

In painting a bleak outlook for the US economy, Reich suggested the worst is yet to come, especially if President George W. Bush and the Republican party's agenda of tax less and spend more is re-elected in Nov

New World Disorder Issue Three Now Online! (tags)

The furthest fringes of the culture - in its obscure webpages, zines, and samizdat publications, eerie shortwave and streaming audio radio voices that sound like they're coming from the other side (or maybe just a trailer in Lawrence, Kansas) - and the memes they contain, can be used a magic mirror, a shewstone, Delphic vapors where the future can be divined, where the cultural matrix you will find yourself in the future can be glimpsed now.

7 Million American Hostages (tags)

7 million American expatriates are held hostage by the Interventionist foreign policies of President George Bush. Democrat candidate John Kerry promises to continue this evil. Both parties scheme to silence further media exposure revealing the extent of Democrat-Republican collusions.

Be Afraid: Scared of Political Controversy at the Local Library (tags)

Farenheit 451 arrives. Ashcroft is intimidating political protesters with FBI agents; He’s already scared some local librarians about presenting authors of controversial books.

America's Last War (tags)

Things are a bit trickier for our Texas-grown dictator, George W. Bush, burdened as he is by our annoying insistence on forcing him to run for the office he stole fair and square. Now that the invasion of Iraq has been universally acknowledged as an unjustifiable, counterproductive distraction from a war on terror that has yet to begin, Bush needs a still bigger war to distract us even more. Then, he figures, we'll forget about Iraq the way Iraq made us forget about Afghanistan. North Korea.

Drawing A Line In The Sand: Bush & The Election (tags)

Shortly after Bush stole the 2000 election, I wrote an article in which I suggested that it might be wise to consider the purchase of an AK47 as an investment. Today those words sound strangely prophetic, yet eerie alien.

S. KOREA Deep Sleep, Fun & Bad News (tags)

MSSC struggle report

S. Korea, Migrant Workers... (tags)

...struggle, now the 245th day, continues. Latest report

Chavez: the FTAA is dead (tags)

Venezuelan president, Hugo Chavez, expressed again that US project of completing a Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) is definitely dead. This time, the Venezuelan president made this balance at his arrival to Puerto Iguazu, in Misiones, Argentina, where he will participate on the Summit of MERCOSUR presidents.

Why I Plan on Voting for Kerry and Opposing Him When He Wins (tags)

The American ruling class must be peeing its pants for joy this election season. On the right we have a foaming-at-the-mouth fascist ready to launch the world into war, war and more war and on the "left" we have a kinder-and-gentler fascist willing to fight these pathetic wars and "do a better job at it" than the fascist on the right. What a choice for those of us who despise fascism and see Kerry for what he is - a different flavor of ruthless war criminal (read about his actions in combat during the Vietnam war)! Best yet, for the warmongers, he intends to suck up to the Likud even more than Bush does (and who thought that possible?).

Chomsky Backpedals on "Silent Genocide" in Afghanistan (tags)

The Independence Day (tags)

SAI & SAF; It is only a matter of time, when Finland turns out to be another Nazi-Germany with it police commissioner and his new as well as becoming Police and Enforcement Act.

Chavez reiterates the call to arm the people (tags)

solidarity with the Venezuelan Revolution

AgriTerrorism, Atmospheric Engineering, and the bush crime family (tags)

Still further, plumes in accordance with with the present invention can be formed to simulate and/or perform the same functions as performed by detonation of a Heave type nuclear device without actually having to detonate such a device...Bernard Eastlund, Inventor of HAARP

Lib weekend harassment already started. (tags)

Radical conference in LA is greeted with a weekend of harassment against innocent activists.

ROBERT FISK: An illegal and immoral war, betrayed by images that reveal our racism (tags)

First, our enemies created the suicide bomber. Now, we have our own digital suicide bomber, the camera. Just look at the way US army reservist Lynndie England holds the leash of the naked, bearded Iraqi. Take a close look at the leather strap, the pain on the prisoner's face. No sadistic movie could outdo the damage of this image. In September 2001, the planes smashed into the buildings; today, Lynndie smashes to pieces our entire morality with just one tug on the leash.

A funny thing happened to me today... (tags)

Don't I Feel special... What happened to my thread? A blank page shows when I link to it. Not hidden - blank

America's Bar-B-Que Vote (tags)

While the angry white man (AWM) understands that John Kerry is a decorated Vietnan Vet who enjoys extreme sports, the AWM is ultimately dissatisfied because Kerry isn't the kind of guy he can talk to around the barbecue.

They All Fall Down (tags)

Culling the young of the lower classes through war. How to eliminate the opposition by attrition. Think about it. They aren't coming back alive. They may walk around for awhile, but they're already dead.

Mayday in S. Korea (tags)

Workers, students and migrants demonstrated for a world without exploitation and oppression.

Playas New Mexico Becoming Home Of Homeland Security Training (tags)

The Fourth Reich Thrives In New Mexico.

M24, Rally at Gov. LA office- clemency for Pamela Martinez (tags)

Los Angeles Greens join Assemblymember Goldberg and others asking Gov. Schwarzenegger to pardon Pamela Martinez. Attorney General Bill Lockyer has spent 2 million of taxpayers dollars to order her back to prison to serve an additional 65 days for that same, non-violent petty theft.  If she is forced to fulfill his order, she will lose her hard-won job and home.

Tre Arrow arrested by FBI (tags)

Tre Arrow was on the FBI's most wanted list, accused of burning logging trucks on Mt Hood

Reversing Global Warming. (tags)

China has already started.

Aristide in his own words - KPFA's "Flashpoints" Exclusive (tags)

mp3, ~10megs, 1 hour show, with Aristide statement at top of show

Tony's Deli & British Mixed Salad (tags)

Serg. P. explains the UN's round table confidentiality, and gives some university education high-lights.

Our War Too - Gay Heroes, and Gay Necessities (tags)

A gay praise of the War Against Terrorism

Death Penalty is Forever (tags)

When making a choice concerning a man's life, there is no return from the wrong choice. Once a man is executed by the state, later evidence of innocence will not bring Kevin Cooper back from the dead. We need a time out, stop the execution of Kevin Cooper..

Slaying The Beast Before The Election Is Canceled (tags)

The Bush administration is guilty of so many crimes that they don’t dare give up the grips of power. The seriousness of their crimes rivals those brought to trial at Nuremberg. Every single senior member of this administration is guilty of war crimes, war mongering and crimes against humanity.

Earth First Orange County targets Irvine Company (tags)

Earth First! was founded in 1979 in response to a compromising and increasingly corporate environmental community. We believe that it is not enough to simply preserve some of our remaining wilderness. We need to preserve it all and take steps towards rehabilitating what we have already destroyed. In this effort, we utilize everything from grassroots organizing and involvement in the legal process to non-violent civil disobedience and other forms of creative resistance. Get involved! Help us build a movement: e-mail or call (949) 370-9894. For additional information, log onto "Pay your rent: Work for the Earth!"

At least 22 US Soldiers Have Killed Themselves In Iraq (tags)

Sunday January 25, 2004 The Observer The war's over, but the suicide rate is high and the army is riddled with acute psychiatric problems. Peter Beaumont reports

Warning: This diet is not for everyone (tags)

Finding a quarter-billion acres for adequate feed grain harvests would mean at least a 7 percent increase in cropland worldwide at a time when farmers are already using most of the better land. Much of the newly plowed acreage would likely be marginal, subject to greater erosion and requiring extra generous applications of fertilizer and pesticides.

Government Will Be Abolished (tags)

The Free State project already has over 5,000 people committed to relocating to New Hampshire to form a libertarian voting block -- the long term goal being the removal of all regulations, taxes, and government.

"The truth will get you in whole lot of trouble here." (tags)

Friends of truth and the recognition it brings, Well all is backslapping and smiles as the Saddam monster (of US creation) is corralled. Looks like he’s been hit with a good course of benzodiazphines already, lest he begin to jabber about his old friends in the CIA and White House betraying him.

The Crash has Already Begun (tags)

"The crash has already begun! Every crash comes inthree steps, the stock market crash, the banking industry crash and finally the real crash, the collapse of the economy, businesses, jobs and the financial system.. The coming depression is the correction.."

The Fascism is getting harder to hide. And harder to fight. (tags)

Found this morons diatribe on DU and thought I'd post it here so all the liberal and anarchist wingnuts would have something to jerk -off to. Don't say I never did anything for you. Idiots.

Action for Worldpeace (tags)

You might not be able to stop wars, but you can surely do something.

The White Man's Last Stand (tags)

An article on the California recall process by a Los Angeleno.

Day of Peace Celebration in Temecula (tags)

Friends and neighbors from Peace Works! in Temecula Valley met together tonight to celebrate the International Day of Peace.

The GRID: Profits vs Reliability (tags)

The "market" is already demanding "incentives" for expanding the transmission grid, but it will only increase their reach leaving the rest of the country even more vulnerable to widespread power outages.

F#$K Jeremy Morse and his racist defenders! (tags)

The number of articles posted on the IMC in "defense" of Jeremy Morse, including the worthless chimes of bigot Pat Buchanan of all people, are clear evidence that this site is being monitored by cops, right-wingers and straight up racists assholes.


CHIAPAS: The Thirteenth Stele Part One: A Conch Dawn in the mountains of the Mexican southeast.

Resistance Isn't Futile (tags)

The more action you see from Shills saying that resistance or Protests are futile the more you know it is working. If it was not working they would encourage it. They are, while really scared - Psychopaths don't get it, they are disturbed.

Social War in France (tags)

"The radicalisation of the strikes, the images of violence like those seen on Tuesday evening in Paris could disturb consumers' peace of mind"

Saving Private Lynch- a Hollywood Drama (tags)

Irag War

Fidel's trip to Argentina (tags)

analysis of the new context in Latin America

LifeLog and Totalitarianism (tags)

The Pentagon's new project "LifeLog" is the latest installment in a very old story -- one that echoes especially strongly with the not so distant past, in the dreams and the desires of the totalitarian regimes

Hey Kilborn (tags)

This is a shout out to one of my favorite 'guppies' that comes over to watch me ejaculate upon him , nightly. It truly is a source of great enjoyment. Even though it is just work [2 Sam 6:22]

The history of Runsfeld and Reagan's alliance with Saddam. (tags)

The U.S., having decided that an Iranian victory would not serve its interests, began supporting Iraq: measures already underway to upgrade U.S.-Iraq relations were accelerated, high-level officials exchanged visits, and in February 1982 the State Department removed Iraq from its list of states supporting international terrorism.

What did the war accomplish? (tags)

"What "threat"? When did Saddam ever utter any such threat? And what weapons? This weekend, Iraqi general and chief scientist Amir Saadi said after surrendering that Iraq has no such weapons, which is what he said before the war. Maybe there are some even he doesn't know about, but there's no trace of them so far,..."

Ignored looting indicative of US disinterest in WMD (tags)

All of Iraq, from factories and mansions to government ministries, party headquarters, and military installations is being picked clean by looters. Why is there no US concern that critical evidence of WMD is being lost and destroyed?

hey elen (tags)

enough already.

uuhhhh..... like, are we real? (tags)

- - just to be accurate, people - we should really start calling it the "postpeace movement" now - -

New sex study (tags)

A UK funded trial aimed at reducing the spread of Aids in Uganda by modifying sexual behaviour appears to have had little discernible effect.

PHOTOS (4) M/30 Anti-War March from Pershing Square (tags)

The Corporate Media didn't cover this huge march. One helicopter showed up over our heads only when half of the people had already left the protest. This is sad.

PHOTOS (3) M/30 Anti-War March from Pershing Square (tags)

The Corporate Media didn't cover this huge march. One helicopter showed up over our heads only when half of the people had already left the protest. This is sad.

PHOTOS (2) M/30 Anti-War March from Pershing Square (tags)

The Corporate Media didn't cover this huge march. One helicopter showed up over our heads only when half of the people had already left the protest. This is sad.

PHOTOS M/30 Anti-War March from Pershing Square (tags)

The Corporate Media didn't cover this huge march. One helicopter showed up over our heads only when half of the people had already left the protest. This is sad.


The US Media has been lying to us. Read some world views and understand that we have another Vietnam on our hands.

reclaim.......TV (tags)

some words from the NarcoNews journalist Al Giordano that could inspire us today to reclaim the Media and specially the TVs:

Riverside protesters show up in force against war (tags)

Over 50 people protest against the war in Iraq in Riverside, amidst death threats, jeers and a lot of honks in support.

When War Breaks Out, Orange County convergence at Nixon Library? (tags)

Have OC residents planned where we will meet the day bombing starts? I propose the Nixon Library.

concerned (tags)

Letter to G W

"THE WAR HAS BEGUN," reports the London Daily Telegraph (tags)

Several thousand allied special forces, including more than 300 SAS personnel, are already operating inside Iraq. This suggests that, despite efforts to secure a United Nations resolution backing force, the war has begun.

SUV's the wrong target (tags)

MSN loves our SUV's, but are they missing the point?

The invasion of Iraq has already begun ... (tags)

The invasion of Iraq has already begun ...


"You are not going to decide whether there is war in Iraq or not," the diplomat said U.S. officials told him. "That decision is ours, and we have already made it. It is already final. The only question now is whether the council will go along with it or not."


As the case for war collapses from the weight of lies we have entered a dangerous period where the criminals in the White House are likely, in desperation, to do anything to get their war.

Washington escalates military buildup in Latin America (tags)

The resurgence of American militarism in what US imperialism has historically regarded as its "own backyard" was evident at the fifth Conference of Defence Ministers of the Americas held in Santiago, Chile in late November.

Daily Mirror (UK) publishes leaked British military plans to seize Iraqi oil (tags)

British troops will seize control of Iraq's oilfields under a secret invasion plan already agreed with America

Borders in Hollywood (tags)

Welcome to Borders Hollywood. Midnight Special is closing down, so come on in.

Global warming: Smog belches from Bush administration (tags)

The New Year began with environmentalists pressing two separate lawsuits charging the Bush administration with gutting the Clean Air Act and pushing policies that have accelerated global warming that poses a long term threat to life on earth.

Just Another Coincidence.... (tags)

As most folks outside the USA already know, real Jews worship God, not "money". Real Jews are not mammonists. Talmudic Euro-Ashkenazis are neither real Jews, nor are they Semitic. And since the so-called "Jewish banking conspiracy" is EXPOSED, by definition it isn't a "conspiracy", but just a manifestation of the neurotic death-industrial COMPLEX....


PROUDHON CENTURY XXI Subjects of interest yesterday as today that they can be found in Join in this site some of the works and articles, published and unknown, that the author of these pages had chance to write in these last sixteen years. 1- PROUDHON CENTURY XXI 2 - PROUDHON: The WAR and the PEACE OR the LOGIC of the FORCE


THE ACTUALITY OF PROUDHON Subjects of interest yesterday as today that they can be found in Join in this site some of the works and articles, published and unknown, that the author of these pages had chance to write in these last sixteen years.

Bali terrorist attack causes shock-waves in the pacific (tags)

Bali terrorist attack

Bowling for Columbine (tags)

New Michael Moore film desperately needs the support of Los Angeles progressives this weekend!

Sludge Report #140 - Thou Shalt Not Steal (tags)

In This Edition: Thou Shalt Not Steal - This Is Not About Persuasion, It Is About PR For A Decision Already Taken - The Countdown To War Has Begun - Poppy’s Friends Run Interference For Junior - The Prize – Cui Bono – Commanders In Thief - There Is Always An Alternative


Less than a week after being inaugurated as Colombia’s new president, extremist Alvaro Uribe Velez, has enacted a law that vastly curtails the rights of Colombian citizens and appears to legalise certain tactics used by paramilitary death squads. Civil society is bracing itself for the worst and already parts of the union movement are making plans to start operating in secret.

HAVE A LAST STROKE & DIE (July 29, 2002 version) (tags)

Cheney is a terrorist liar. He’s about to unleash the next 911.

California’s Global Warming Law Will Only Bring State Motorists What They Already Ha (tags)

Despite auto industry denouncements, California's new global warming law will usher in a new age of environmentally-sensitive cars that auto companies already are making or preparing to build.

Kate Sharpley Library - URL new homepage (tags)

The Kate Sharpley Library - dedicated to recording and revealing the true history of Anarchism - now has a new homepage up and running at

Latest News from Madrid: March towards the summit (tags)

People chanting: "Yankees go home", "Aznar, listen, FARC rules!" and "This democracy is a lie"

Beliefs (tags)

I have received today an invitation to stand for a trial in my university, the University of Haifa.

Deportations & The Drug War (tags)


Setting a New Direction (tags)

God's power the sages say, is benevolent to noble souls, terrifying to the evil-minded, beautiful and sweet to the devoted, and is everything to those who seek the truth...

When Socialism takes over the education (tags)

Socialist State university education on Business is like your 14 old son’s first drive with your old van; he has always wanted to do it, and he thinks he knows everything related to driving already, just because he has sat next to you, while you have been driving.

Auntie Racist on Hogs and Tactics (tags)

On McVeigh, Bin Laden and the plump end of a hog.

Peru Supreme Court Upholds Lori Berenson's Sentence (tags)

The following was dated "Monday, February 18, 2002" and was addressed "To All Friends and Supporters of Lori Berenson." It includes the Press Statement released by Lori's parents.


My little wild prediction...

Koreatown WEF solidarity action (tags)

a little schizo-agit prop in downtown Koreatown. This two-sided map was folded into empty globes. The shapes were released into Koreatown's night.

A woman touched by Rights... (tags)

The city of pain rose above towering mountains and straightened valleys, lacing the crimson Western line with passionate hearts ready to break another fast. The linen, multipurposed and strong, laid neatly between legs and guns, as children, women and lanky old men threw their meager portions of dates and fruits, apportioned to them by Providence-hands through UN aides.

"Please don’t bomb my house... " (tags)

Afghans look at the destruction of a house in the center of Kabul which was hit during a U.S. bombing raid, according to witnesses, on October 17, 2001. (Photo- Sayed Salahuddin/Reuters)

We Have Already Lost (tags)

We have already lost War on Terrorism: What victory can we possibly achieve that matches the defeats we have already suffered, let alone the defeats that lie ahead? Asks author John Le Carre

The Peace Movement Continues - Report-back Oct. 13th in Westwood (tags)

As the drumbeat of war persists and American bombs continue to fall on Afghanistan, the peace movement here at home persists in sending a message that many Americans are in strong opposition to this war.

Bush=Mass Murderer (tags)

George W. already had blood on his hands before he was INSTALLED-Over 160(as I recall-anyone have the EXACT figures?) executed in Texas by this nazi-istic thug. Now he's bombing Afganistan-how many thousands dead already?

Hot spots of resistance (tags)

Almost not recognized by the media, there is more resistance than they let us believe...


According to rumor(first heard Friday, Sept. 14,) Donald Trump and other real estate moguls allegedly are ALREADY discussing plans to erect ANOTHER TOWER on the site of the former WTC. As the world continues to mourn the 10,000+ dead, these CROOKS can only think of $$$$!! I wander if its design resembles one posted here on the same day?!?!

Downtown Gentrification Gets Website (tags) is going to launch, marking another phase in the gentrification of downtown LA. Watch the marginalization of the poor and nonwhite, as it happens!

come to the 2004 presidential protests (tags)

come to the 2004 presidential protests, already being planned by a stuttering mumbling mayor manino

Soros, the Golem (our proud sponsor) (tags)

ignored tags synonyms top tags bottom tags