fix articles 39824, cartoon
Tea Party Cartoon Pokes Fun at Obama's Death (tags)
Conrad the Constitution, a tea party youtube series, depicts Obama's death in a fictional assasintion plot.
The One Cartoon That Explains Just How Screwed America Is (tags)
Education is the "great transformer" (John Kenneth Galbraith). The only way to solve the three crises of mass unemployment, environment destruction and trade imbalance is to shift to qualitative growth from quantitative growth. A job in education costs 1/10 a job in industry.
Economic Meltdown Funnies (tags)
This 20-minute cartoon was co-produced by Jobs with Justice and the Institute for Policy Studies Program on Inequality and the Common Good.
How to make a cartoon about George W. Bush (by Latuff) (tags)
Copyleft video by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.
Ah-mad-in-jihad says Auschwitz did not exist. Those that do not learn from history, repeat it.
Antidote to anti-Islamists (tags)
Monkey-Wrench the Zionist Warmongers!
Right In Der Arnold's Face! (a pro-immigrant parody) (tags)
In the spirit of '43!
RCP interviews SpongeBob SquarePants (tags)
SpongeBob SquarePants is known all over the world. He has his own cartoon show on Nickelodeon and people of all ages seem to have at least one toy or product with his image on it. Having just been on the big screen, he had the spotlight on him long before James Dobson and his group, Focus on the Family, launched their attack on him accusing the sponge of being "pro-homosexual" and tolerant of people of different sexual orientations.
SpongeBob recently agreed to meet with the RW at his home—a pineapple under the sea—to talk about all the controversy surrounding him and what is at the heart of it. What follows is an unedited transcript of our conversation.
'You should be ashamed of what you did to Tillman' (tags)
Bill O'Reilly called political cartoonist Ted Rall "a far left guy" who "makes (Gary) Trudeau look like Rush Limbaugh."
Cartoon of naked Sharon devouring infant wins top UK prize (tags)
Cartoon of naked Sharon devouring infant wins top UK prize
Cartoon of naked Sharon devouring infant wins top UK prize (tags)
Cartoon of naked Sharon devouring infant wins top UK prize
Al Giordano interviews Latuff (tags)
Exclusive interview with Brazilian cartoonist Latuff for Al Giordano's Big, Left, Outside.
L.A. Times Cartoonist investigated by the Secret Service (tags)
L.A. Times Cartoonist Michael Ramirez is no Lalo Alcaraz, he's a deeply conservative fellow that fully supports Bush and the war on Iraq. Ramirez created a cartoon that supports Bush and portrays him as a victim being politically murdered for his attacking Iraq. Now Ramirez is being investigated by the Secret Service for his drawing!
Anti-Women Gov Davis Faces Certain Recall (tags)
The latest act of anti-women Gray Davis is to have his lackeys hold rallies for him, claiming he is pro-choice and for that reason alone, he should stay in office. Not to be outdone, the 6/11/03 SF Bay Guardian has an editorial cartoon condemning the recall of pro-PG&E Gray Davis. The Recall campaign is clearly succeeding in spite of this stupidity.
Perceptive Anti-War cartoon from the London Independent (tags)
This cartoon says it all...
Terror Level Threat to be Sponsored By Looney Toons (tags)
A satirical news story about one possibile way to reduce the federal deficit.
anti-recruitment cartoon by lalo alcaraz (tags)
forward this cartoon please to interested parties
My latest 9-11 Anti-war on Everything cartoon.
A Cuban cartoonist talks of his art and Cuba (tags)
ArÃstides Esteban Hernández Guerrero, known as Ares, is an internationally acclaimed cartoonist living in Havana. His drawings have won hundreds of awards in world cartooning and satire competitions.
Text for Below Cartoon about Mental Patients (tags)
cartoon c 2002 by charles amsellem
Is cowardice a solution for reactionary attacks against IMC? (tags)
This is the letter of "support" for IMC Switzerland written by Urbana-Champaign IMC.
Che Guevara was Palestinian (cartoon by Latuff) (tags)
Copyright-free cartoon by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their struggle for independence. High resolution versions for printing purposes are available for free by request.
Intifada ROCKS! (cartoon by Latuff) (tags)
Copyright-free cartoon by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their struggle for independence.
Sharon's Basic Instinct (cartoon by Latuff) (tags)
Copyright-free cartoon by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.
She is Palestinian! (cartoon by Latuff) (tags)
Copyright-free cartoon by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff on behalf of brave Palestinian people. Support International Campaign for Justice for the Victims of Sabra & Shatila. Click on the link below for details.
They are Palestinians! (cartoon by Latuff) (tags)
Copyright-free cartoon by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff on behalf of brave Palestinian people. Support International Campaign for Justice for the Victims of Sabra & Shatila. Click on the link below for details.
You are Palestinian! (cartoon by Latuff) (tags)
Copyright-free cartoon by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff on behalf of brave Palestinian people. Support International Campaign for Justice for the Victims of Sabra & Shatila. Click on the link below for details.
Editorial Article to go with below Cartoon (tags)
artcle to accompany cartoon posted below this article on the newswire
Editorial Cartoon and Article about Raisthefist (tags)
cartoon c 2002 by charles amsellem
We are all Palestinians (cartoon by Latuff) (tags)
Copyright-free cartoon by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff on behalf of brave Palestinian people. Support International Campaign for Justice for the Victims of Sabra & Shatila. Click on the link below for details.
Do not feed Ariel Sharon (cartoon by Latuff) (tags)
Copyright-free cartoon by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff on behalf of brave Palestinian people. Support International Campaign for Justice for the Victims of Sabra & Shatila. Click on the link below for details.
Second Try Cartoon Protest (tags)
If you get scrampbled message again, please go to this url:
Editorial Cartoon: "Liberal America's United Front" (tags)
Time to celebrate the patriotic devotion of our cherished Liberal "institutions" (yeah, right):
Editorial Cartoon: "Liberal America's United Front" (tags)
Time to celebrate the patriotic devotion of our cherished Liberal "institutions" (yeah, right):
New version for Rodin's "The Thinker": The Muslim Thinker (cartoon by Latuff) (tags)
Copyright-free cartoon by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.
NEW!!! McDonald's American Flavor (cartoon by Latuff) (tags)
Copyright-free cartoon by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.
USA rail travel by ANTHRAX (cartoon by Latuff) (tags)
Copyright-free cartoon by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.
Vietnam and Afeghanistan: U.S. foreign policy stands the same (cartoon serie) (tags)
Check link below. It's a cartoon serie I did about U.S. intervention in Vietnam. These images are hosted on, a web site maintened by open-minded (north) american Vietnam veterans. Looking at these cartoons, you will realize that U.S. foreign policy has not changed a single milimeter from Vietnam to Afeghanistan.
Cartoon and more pictures of Mayday 2001 (tags)
Against capitalism and the state !
Cartoon: Latinos and the Internet (tags)
Cartoon by Lalo Lopez (L.A. Cucaracha) about 'net use by Latinos.