fix articles 39401, quebec Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : quebec


BTL:Quebec's Student Tuition Strike Grows into Massive Anti-Austerity Movement (tags)

Interview with Andrew Gavin Marshall, an independent researcher and writer based in Montreal, conducted by Scott Harris

Social Justice on Trial in Canada (tags)



FBI DIV 5 MKULTRA now linked to today’s Canadian Columbine in Montreal, Quebec. Three weeks before this incident six major compromised FBI Div #5 Informants fled the Denver, Colorado area for British Columbia, Canada and Montreal Quebec.

Building Bridges Radio: Fighting Wal-Mart in N.Y.C & Quebec (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

Indymedia Post Used Against Protester in Quebec City (tags)

Indymedia Post Used Against Protester in Quebec City

Labor rallies to challenge brave new Wal-Mart world (tags)

If Americans can get a DVD player for $29 - as they could this week during a pre-Christmas promotion at Wal-Mart - they are not going to be unduly concerned about whether workers who assembled the gizmo have a dental plan.

How Quebec Almost Saved Iraq (tags)

It was a great day when Canada’s Québécois Prime Minister Jean Chrétien held a press conference at his offices in Ottawa and declared, “The Canadian military will do everything it can to assist in the American-led intervention in Iraq.” “I ask Allah to save me from the wrath of Dudley Do-Right,” Hussein reportedly told his Imam.



Cascadia Media Collective Presents... (tags)

The Cascadia Media Collective's newest film, Guerrilla Video Primer, will rock your heart, head and body.

(Video) Quebec 2001: The Battle Against the F.T.A.A. (tags)

34 heads of state. 6,000 cops. 60,000 protesters. Two miles of chain link. One secret document. A journey through the historic protests against the Free Trade Area of the Americas in Quebec City, April 2001.

Quebec Brewery Wins Right to Label Its Beer GE-Free (tags)

Looking to our Northern Neighbor for a bit of sanity.

Québécois have understood … (tags)

A recent survey done by the research company SOM and published in Montreal’s La Presse newspaper show the collapse of support for globalization in Québec.


The case drew immediate interest from some of the nation's top first amendment advocacy organizations: the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the Electronic Privacy Information Center, the Center for Constitutional Rights.

Quebec City Photo Essay (tags)

Photographs from the Quebec City protests, April 20-22, 2001.

Age should not stop us.... (tags)

Corporate Security State Protects Wealthy Elite from Citizen Dissent (tags)

In the final session of the People's Summit, April 21st, French farmer Jose Bove, well-known for his 1999 bulldozing of a McDonald's restaurant in France, spoke to an overflow crowd.

Quebec Poster Collage (tags)

Quebec Collage Poster, Cover of Barricada May. Actual Size 11x17 Single Issues Available for 2$ US and Canada minimum,3$ suggested, and 4$ Western Europe Six Month Subscriptions are 15$ US and Canada and 20$ in Western Europe


Important stories and photos of arrests, gassing, assaults and bravery in the face of massive police oppression. This zine shows the power and beauty in what demonstrators did last weekend, as well as the horror. We hope you print off a few copies of this and distribute it in your community as a fundraiser for those arrested and illegally detained in Quebec. Thank you.

Civility & Double Standards (Corporate Media & Bush Lies Re: FTAA, etc.) (tags)

It seems like just yesterday when the national news media was quick to accuse leading politicians of lying. But "George W. Bush has changed that, with journalists now won to the "civility" that Bush vowed to bring to Washington. Take how The New York Times delicately stepped around the apparent contradictions in Bush's words at the Quebec free-trade summit...."

Protests to Confront 34 Heads of State Meeting in Quebec City... (tags)

Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Maude Barlow, chairwoman of the Council of Canadians, who explains why her group opposes FTAA and describes the extraordinary security measures put in place by the Canadian government in anticipation of the tens of thousands of demonstrators coming to Quebec City.

Pictures from Quebec City (tags)

Against Ftaa

Quebec 3 (tags)

Quebec City, Saturday night

Quebec 2 (tags)

Quebec City, the fence, late Saturday night

Quebec 1 (tags)

Quebec City, late Saturday night

analysis of weaponry used in quebec (tags)

This is a detailed look at the kinds of gas and bullets used by Canadian police in Quebec.

Report from Quebec (tags)

The view (through the tear gas) from the streets in Quebec.

Rebick's Second Report from Quebec (tags)

A report from Z net direct from Quebec.

The Fence Comes Down (Quebec) (tags)

Protesters destroy the fence, a symbol of the barrier to democracy, surrounding the Summit of the Americas in Quebec.

Shooting Chemicals in Quebec (tags)

Cops shooting CS cannisters into crowd in Quebec

Views of Quebec (tags)

More signts and sounds from Quebec

Workers Cheer Protesters in Quebec (tags)

A report from Quebec posted by activists in the Hudson Valley, NY: how there was mass support in Quebec for the protesters.

Quebec: 85 confirmed arrests, 50 unconfirmed (tags)

Article: Quebec: 85 confirmed arrests, 50 unconfirmed

Update From Quebec, at the US/Mexico Border (tags)

Medea Benjamin, while talking on a cell phone with her husband, Kevin Danahur, in Quebec City, relays an update from him to the crowd at Larsen Park near the U.S./Mexico border in California.

Report of protestor death in Quebec... (tags)

Quebec - report of death and brutality of protesters...

Labor Marches to Illegal Perimeter (tags)

being carried by labor union marchers to the illegal perimeter in Quebec City to protest the FTAA.

Quebec Police Cell Numbers Released! (tags)

a link to a scanned copy of the quebec police forces chain of command AND phone numbers!

Quebec: Day One Report (tags)

Commentator Judy Rebeck, Canadian correspondent, activist, reporter, feminist, is on the scene in Quebec. Here is her day one report [from Z Magazine].

Nervous Shopkeepers in Quebec (tags)

A shopkeeper, nervous about mass protests planned in Quebec City, follows the lead of many others in the old town and boards the windows of his store.

Live streaming video of Quebec Protest right now (tags)

Watch live video of Quebec protest online

FTAA: Why It Is Important To Protest... And Why Protests Are Not Enough (tags)

"The mobilizations for Quebec are not only about visible outrage at the impact of neo-liberal globalization, but can signal a redefining of the proverbial line, which divides friends and foes. Rather than a retreat into protectionism and national narrowness, the anti-globalization mobilizations around Quebec can help to encourage an internationalist politics defined by the needs of working people."

Shutdown the Summit of the Americas (tags)

Shutdown the Summit of the Americas in Quebec City, Canada

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