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other people

[Info] Beware of Ingmar Eckhard! (tags)

This is a contribution about Helles Sachsen under real names known as Ingmar Eckhard. A few things about him need to be clarified. If not known, it would be better to pay attention to him. Under certain circumstances, it could endanger other people.

Obama's Demagoguery in Selma (tags)


Book TV: Panel on Finance (tags)

Participants at the Los Angeles Times Panel on Finance: Anat Admati; Helaine Olen; Nomi Prins

The Rise and Fall and Rise of Great Public Spaces (tags)

"Copenhagen’s comeback gives hope to people around the world who want to make sure that lively public places don’t disappear in this era of rampant traffic, proliferating privatization and heightened security..."

Grace Aaron Committee to Strengthen KPFK Run Station Board Shuts Down Web User Forums (tags)

The new Grace Aaron/Ian Masters Local Station Board slate candidates have moved to strengthen their control over the station by eliminating a source of listener criticism.

Pete Seeger for Nobel Peace Prize (tags)

Pete Seeger has worked for Peace and Social Justice over the course of his 87 year lifetime. We can be influential in getting him nominated for the honor he deserves.

'NO WAR' against Sydney Opera House 2 - Interview with 1 'artist' = Dave Burgess (tags)

On January 30 [Will+Dave] will be charged with "malicious damage" for painting NO WAR in 5m high blood-red letters on the Sydney Opera House [..] The pictures [went around] the world, thus [propagating] that Australia is part of the "Coalition of the killing". Now the state authorities are [..] threatening a jail sentence of 5(!) years, plus charging an outrageous A$151,000. [..] Green Left Weekly spoke with Dave Burgess about the "very real prospect of going to gaol" (so Judge Blackmore) [..] [ Find the Call for rally & support and more PICS @ ]

4.29-No Revolution. (tags)

Sa-I-Gu was no revolution. All this inflated rhetoric about struggle is ignorant.

Network Activism (tags)

Just a thought on getting the word out.

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