fix articles 392883, no fair
KPFK :must VOTE by 9/30 to local board. (tags)
Below is a REPOST from a dedicated volunteer of KPFK who wants everyone to Vote, while providing his preferences for those not already decided. ACT NOW. Call the radio station for ballot if one was not rec'd but you qualify : 1-818-985-2711 x1 Deadline for returning the ballots is Sept 30! dont delay. If not enough voters act, the 'losers' who did not qualify in prior elections will now take their un-won positions instead ! No Fair ! A quorum must be met to have LSB members change and improve and have new voices run KPFK and 4 will also be nominated to be on Pacifica's board from all on LSB.
NO MORE BAILOUTS....we have done too much already (tags)
It is FEAR MONGERING, by exaggerations and catastrophic depictions.. propaganda...selling us the 2% incomers version of how bad it will be for us if they lose any of their profits, capital gains, benefits, compensations, and lobbist powers, and government chummists [the revolving door club]