fix articles 3923, ceo
The C.E.O. - A Fun Poem (tags)
BY RENE SONSMANN. SET: The play takes place in Heaven. The set is a bare stage. The stage is lit with a warm ethereal light. God is bathed in a strong spot light at all times. CHARACTERS: God and Adrian, a recently deceased arrival in Heaven. God is middle-aged, clean shaven
The Corrupted Nature Conservancy And Ecosia Search Engine (tags)
Nature Conservancy, once a network of wilderness sanctuaries, was taken over by Henry Paulson, former CEO of Goldman Sachs and G W Bush Secretary of the Treasury who arranged bank bailouts. He turned the forest shrines into mixed use cattle ranches. Now NC is intertwined with the Ecosia search engine and is able to datamine the computers of those doing searches.
Republican Race Tightens: Does It Matter? (tags)
Nature "Conservancy" Continues Mammal Murder And Environmental Destruction (tags)
A coup d'etat at Nature Conservancy has helped environment-raping big business execs take over NC land holdings
CEO Marissa Mayer Creates Problems For Yahoo (tags)
Many Yahoo clients are criticizing Yahoo's email, advertising and Yahoo Groups policies.
Recall effort launched against Rep. John Kavanagh (tags)
Will Rep. John Kavanagh be recalled for making Arizona the "Show me your genitals state" with his silly SB 1432 which makes it a crime to use the wrong restroom???
“Red Cross, Where is Haiti's Money?” (tags)
“. . . All of the generous people who donate to the Red Cross have no idea that very little of those resources get to the victims of the disaster. It's being used for administrative costs. The CEO of the Red Cross is earning six-hundred thousand dollars a year." -- Margaret Prescod, Women of Color in Global Women's Strike
Full List of Bilderbergers[]sp] Attendees (tags)
I’ve been dragging my feet on publishing this list because I’m worried that it would fuel excessive negative sentiment against the individuals involved.
BTL:GOP Doubles Down on War Against Women's Access to Contraception (tags)
Interview with Judy Tabar, the long-time president and CEO of Planned Parenthood of Southern New England , conducted by Melinda Tuhus
Genetech's Herceptin Increases Risk of Heart Defects (tags)
The breast cancer drug called Herceptin manufactured by Genentech has shown to increase the risks of heart defects and cardiotoxicity in older patients. This supports evidence provided by the ALF that states animal tests are not only cruel, though are also ineffective at determining the risk to humans.
National Public Radio's War on Free Speech (tags)
Dominant Finance Capital Institutions (tags)
money power
BTL:Newly Organized Progressive Coalition Challenges Corporate-Funded Tea Party Agenda in (tags)
Interview with Natalie Foster, CEO of the Rebuild American Dream campaign, conducted by Scott Harris
On LAUSD's urgent need to pressure CNCA to revise the CRES #14 charter (tags)
When LAUSD V.P. Flores awarded CRES #14 to Camino Nuevo Charter Academy (CNCA) against the wishes and explicit votes of the Echo Parque community, and against the express recommendation of the Superintendent, she promised she would address the grievously problematic issues with CNCA's proposal regarding their exclusive and inflexible language program. Instead, nothing has been done to resolve this major point of contention between the corporate charter school operator and the community they will soon occupy.
Russia's Formula 1 circuit to be no trouble for Sochi residents (tags)
A Formula One circuit to be built in Russia's Olympic host city of Sochi by 2014 will create no troubles for the city's residents, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak said.
RAN names Coal MTR CEO Blankenship to its Board of Directors (tags)
Rainforest Action Network Names Coal Kingpin Don "Donny B" Blankenship to its Board of Directors; A "Welcome, Consistent Addition to Our Team," He Joins Fellow Mining Magnate Michael Klein, a former RAN chairman and co-owner of Palm Beach Aggregates, an aggregate rock mining company with operations in the Everglades in South Florida, where rock mining, like MTR coal mining in Appalachia, pollutes the local water supply.
BTL:Legal Precedent Demands Massey CEO Be Sent to Jail for Deaths of 29 Coal Miners (tags)
BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine
Goldman Sachs: Master of the Universe (tags)
Don't bet against Goldman
Media Release: ELF Press Office Applauds the Removal of General Motors' CEO Rick Wagoner (tags)
Force GM into Bankruptcy!
White CEO of Republican Think Tank Refuses to Let Black Subordinate Run for Lt. Governor o (tags)
Here's the actual e-mail from Joseph Bast, the CEO of a Republican think tank in Chicago, the Heartland Institute, in which he explains why he has stopped his employee, the former Mayor of Maywood, Ill., an all-black suburb, from running for Lieutenant Governor. This was sent to other Republican insiders yesterday morning. Note the hypocrisy -- Conner ran for Cook County Assessor in 2006 and netted 250,000 votes. He was an employee of Heartland then too. Guess these low-lifes at Heartland don't want a black man to be one of the leaders of the Illinois GOP. Subject: RE: Ralph Conner for Lt. Governor of Illinois -- Let Freedom Ring Date: 3/27/2009 11:19:58 A.M. Central Daylight Time From:
Media Release: ELF Press Office Condemns FBI Hunt for Environmental Defenders (tags)
Banks dictate conditions of US financial bailout (tags)
The 936 point rise on the US stock market yesterday was the American ruling elite’s initial verdict on the extraordinarily favorable terms the government is granting to financial firms in the $700 billion bailout passed by Congress on October 3. Far from heralding improving economic conditions for working people, the Wall Street surge reflects the financial establishment’s success in extorting massive sums of money from taxpayers.
America, Fight Back: Nationalize the Oil Industry! (tags)
Surging oil prices are sinking the U.S. economy, while Big Oil is raking in obscene profits. For example, ExxonMobil recorded profits in 2007 of $40.6 billion. Its CEO’s pay averaged out to $13,700 an hour. Today, gas is selling at $3.50 a gallon with no end in sight. Truckers are paying more for their diesel fuel and as a result food prices are rising. Globally, nationalization of the oil industry is the trend. It’s time for the U.S. to join that club.
Wanted, top CEO to manage Pennibanctrust see Google, Former CEO compromised
The delegates at Bilderberg 2007 (tags)
These people need to be tried for crimes against the commons. And their toys taken away to enjoy a life in one of their ruined poisoned lands. Some need to be hanged.
Cheney on DC Madam's list (tags)
Cheney said to have used DC escorts
the secret of all secrets (tags)
the secret of all secrets
Follow Chavez's Lead; Nationalize US Oil (tags)
Chavez took the needed step of nationalizing Venezuela's petroleum reserves to prevent multinational corporations (ie., Exxon-Mobil)from theft of resources. Here in US, we would be wise to follow Chavez's example..
Lay Dead? Rumors Abound that Ken Lay Still Alive (tags)
Houston - The sudden, unexpected death of Enron Corp. CEO Kenneth Lay on the eve of his court sentencing has prompted widespread speculation that the convicted multimillionaire is in fact, not actually dead.
KARL ROVE IN LOS ANGELES, JULY 8, 20006 (repost) (tags)
Open letter to John Doolittle (4th dist) about Hurwitz/Maxxam (tags)
Our regional congressman John T. Doolittle (R) for Oroville and the surrounding Sierra foothills to Modoc 4th district has along with Tom Delay & Richard Pombo prevented a federal investigation of Maxxam corporation's CEO Charles Hurwitz for the S & L collapse.
Bush Fundraiser Held at the Bel Air home of Robert Day. (tags)
The Republican Fundraiser that Bush attended last night was held at the Bel Air home of a Mr. Robert A. Day.
Fascist Dictatorship is Here Already--On the Job (tags)
The firing of Boeing’s CEO, based upon the secret monitoring of his email correspondent with a co-worker/lover, highlights the police-state environment in which most of us now work. Revolution, anyone?
Phone, email, and other info on key RNC staff - FORWARD EVERYWHERE!!! (tags)
Your CEO May Be Briefcase Bob (tags)
Al-Qaeda is recruiting Americans likely to go unnoticed by law enforcement. Your CEO is a likely candidate for recruitment. Report strange activities by your CEO to the Department of Homeland Security.
Capitalism: It's not inherently evil, I mean it (tags)
US style Capitalism with its "me first" ethos encourages job flight and Enron-style financial mismanagement. But It doesn't have to be this way. Honor the worker and the worker will honor you.
CEO calls Bush "worst free-trade president" (tags)
"Bush has been one of the worst free-trade presidents we've had in a long time. He is a big spender who makes Bill Clinton look like a penny pincher." -- Silicon Valley CEO, T.J. Rodgers
Clergy leave on pilmigrage to pray for Steven Burd's shriveled soul (tags)
A bus pilgrimage left from a Vons this morning to hold a prayer vigil at Safeway CEO Steven Burd's home. Speakers at the boarding rally included Jews, Muslims, Christians
A Debate: The War over Music (tags)
Stanford Law Professor Larry Lessig vs. Former RIAA CEO Hilary Rosen
Proof that Jews have always controlled at least 85% of the U.S. media. (tags)
Listed below are the Big 8 Monolithic U.S. Media Conglomerates that control the minds of Americans. This article explains how the U.S. media have propagandized and conned their American subjects into supporting war on any and all Arab countries for the express benefit of Israel and the oil companies.
How has the American media conned its subjects into supporting war on Iraq? (tags)
How the U.S. media has systematically propagandized its American subjects to be pro-Israel and anti-Arab, and have programmed the American mind into accepting 300,000 American troops being sent to fight and die for the fascist government of Israel and greed-obsessed oil company executives. This story will list the seven biggest monolithic media conglomerates that dominate American political news & commentary. Copyright Richard Lee (2003)
Write to a hatemonger (by Latuff) (tags)
Well, well...Just another hate email from an advocate for Israeli war crimes. This time, Keith Daves, CEO of Top Executive Greeting Cards.
responses to Bush's speech (tags)
we will use the full weight of the law to expose and root out corruption
Jeanne Merrill Confronts CEO and President of Safeway Supermarkets Steven Burns (tags)
Jeanne Merrill from Greenpeace stood up in a large crowd on April,23 at The M.I.L.K.E.N.Conference in Beverly Hills,CA and presented CEO of Safeway Steven Burns with "The Unsafeway Award"for Unsafe and Untested Genetically Engineered ingredients in the Safeway name brand products.The Crowd Applauds!She asks "Are consumers really in the drvers seat"? The majority of consumers want to know what is in a product. With no labeling of GMO`s your rights have been violated.
Environmentalists Haunt Staples CEO Tom Stemberg on Halloween (tags)
On Halloween night, a group of activists dressed as the ghosts of chopped-down forests, went trick-or-treating in the neighborhood of Staples CEO Tom Stemberg. In a fun and safe action, they gave out candy and information on Staples' environmental practices throughout the neighborhood.