fix articles 39078, clear
Government document instructs vaccine strike force teams how to clear buildings.
Strengthening the welfare state (tags)
Trump's smear campaigns, scapegoating, fear mongering, $8-trillion tax heists, corporate welfare, attacking the poor, minorities, seniors, disabled, children and students have left democracy in intensive care. Helicopter money, a Marshall Plan for journalism and ending wars could revive the debate culture.
Turkey Mobilized to Invade Syria? (tags)
BDS Drops Its Veil: Campus Anti-Semitism (tags)
More anti-Semitism in califronia schools
CBS, Ford, Las Vegas, Kawasaki, Randy Houser, Country Radio Sponsor Rodeo Brutality (tags)
It's time for CBS, Ford, Kawasaki, Randy Houser, Clear Channel, the city of Las Vegas etc. to end their profiteering from blood sports causing deaths and injurieds to human beings and animals.
Flashback to 2003: "Major combat in Iraq is over, U.S. warns rogue Syria" (tags)
Living in an age of dis-information, not many people do remember the deadly serious Anglo-American threats of war against Syria on the 26th day of the “shock and awe” genocide in Iraq.
Growing East/West Divide (tags)
Dueling East/West Agendas (tags)
Obama Heads Closer to War on Syria (tags)
WPFW needs a home, not scare tactics about a corporate takeover (tags)
Some WPFW programmers are making an underhanded power play by framing a new lease as a corporate takeover
Lawless NYPD Spying on Muslims (tags)
Escalating Pressure on Iran (tags)
Israel's Lieberman Resigns (tags)
Strategically Timed Syrian Massacre (tags)
Non-Violent November Fifth followed by a Forceful November Sixth (tags)
"This isn't about (political) parties," states one protestor firmly. "We're just angry citizens who don't like what we see is happening and we want to change it."
The Boogeyman Is Dead. Long Live The Boogeyman. (tags)
Unless you are a Blackwater "contractor" or an arms dealer or a Haliburton executive, you will not blindly accept that your money (or your childrens lives) should be spent chasing boogeyman after boogeyman.
Egypt at Dawn's Early Light (tags)
liberating struggles
US, Iraqi Troops Kill Civilians in Fallujah Raid. No accident (tags)
"Imperialism Means Killing Civilians. The U.S., though, must kill them slowing in time. Otherwise the process and method are too clear. See the imperialism in Iraq and Afghanistan?"
Complete Interview Transcript with Richard Falk from May 31st 2010 (tags)
DB "The Israelis say that these commandos who they say were armed with hand guns and paint guns were only defending themselves from armed and dangerous attacks by people on the boat. Your response to that? RF: There are two lines of response, and this is an area where the facts are contested and difficult to disentangle at this stage. The witnesses on the boats themselves, particularly the Turkish boats where most of the violence took place, claim that the commandos landed shooting, and that it was only after the initiation of that violence that there was some attempt at defense on the basis of very contrived and primitive weapons, as opposed to the kind of weaponry that the Israeli commandos were carrying. Beyond that, it’s fairly clear if unlawful attack of a vessel on the high seas is occurring, the passengers on that ship have some sort of right to self defense. So that’s one aspect of it. The second aspect is that even if there was some kind of defensive violence on the ship, that’s no excuse for an unprovoked attack carried out in this manner. If Israel didn’t want the ships to go to Gaza, they could have diverted them, and if they did what the other boats did in the Freedom Flotilla, except for the larger Turkish one, it seems pretty clear that this was a deliberate attack designed, I suppose, to punish the effort to carry out this humanitarian mission, which would obviously have disclosed the brutality of the blockade of the Gaza Strip, which has gone on now for almost three years. The Israeli arguments are not really seriously plausible. Given the overall circumstances it’s very difficult to give them any kind of serious credibility, and this seems to me to be as clear a violation of international humanitarian law, international law of the seas, and international criminal law, as we’re likely to see in the early part of the twenty-first century." RF
Is America going dumb as well as fascist? (tags)
Is it something in the food or on TV?
Will The Republicans Shut The Fuck Up (tags)
The latest outburst from the moron from South Carolina during President Obama’s speech on health care is just he latest example of Nazi behavior being exemplified by Republican party
"Tim Geithner made clear the US government does not plan any breach with disaster capitalism....No wonder Wall Street cheers. New life is breathed into speculation at state expense with junk securities.."
Hey Fox-News-Fascists, Get a Job! (tags)
Bush II is not the right color.
Statement of Peace and Freedom Party California State Chair on San Francisco Police Riot (tags)
After the Monday evening demonstration at the Israeli Consulate in San Francisco was broken up by club-wielding police, video of the incident was widely distributed on the internet. One of those who saw it, Peace and Freedom Party California State Chair Kevin Akin, issued a statement demanding that the police videotaped beating demonstrators "at random, for no apparent reason, with clear malice and intent to inflict serious injury," be arrested and charged with assault. "This criminal assault shows us that after the murder of Oscar Grant, it is apparent that more members of Bay Area police forces need to be reminded that they can no longer get away with violent crime in this age of video."
The Blackout of the March 21 Mobilizations: Redbaiting on the Left (tags)
The War on Iraq drags on with no clear end in sight. The war on Afghanistan is being escalated. The war on Pakistan has also been stepped up, a war undeclared by Congress, therefore unconstitutional and the basis for an impeachment. All this has happened since Obama took office.
Just what kind of recognition and victory did the veterans get? The word “recognition” in the text of the Section 1002 of the stimulus bill signed into law by President Barack Obama pertains exclusively for the purpose of issuing the lump sum. As soon as lump sum is issued, the recognition shall immediately disappear. Notice how the text was very clear in saying that the lump sum was a “compensation for human suffering.”— not a recognition of wartime heroism and valor. If the intention of this provision is to tax-exempt, then just say the lump sum is non-taxable, but without a condescending term as “human suffering.”
Jan 28-29: Israel Strikes Gaza; Finklestein's Photos on US/Israel War Crimes (tags)
On January 28-29, as on January 27, Israel violated its ceasefire and bombed Gaza, continuing its program of genocide, just like the Nazis. The photographic evidence is very clear. We American taxpayers pay for this to the tune of $15 million a day/$6 billion a year
From Gaza
Hundreds take the streets in Temecula to say NO ON PROP 8!
September 11th, 2008, Seven Years Latter, and Still No Clear Answers (tags)
Seven years after the attacks on September 11th, the Bush Administration still has no clear, definitive answers for the American Public, or the world, on who actually attacked the United States, where they are, and whether or not all the Billions Spent will ever bring anyone to justice.
HR 6304 Sets New Referendum; Fire all the Traitors! (tags)
Our representatives have turned on us. It is very clear, with the passage of HR6304 in the House of Representatives, that it will be up to us to make a difference in this country.
Fallon resigns as Mideast military chief (clear the deck for the coming war with Iran whic (tags)
Fallon resigns as Mideast military chief (clear the deck for the coming war with Iran which will be for Israel just as Iraq has been)
The very week the Education Week Quality Counts report gave California a D+ for school funding, the governor proposed budget cuts of $4.8 billion from public education over the next 18 months. Cuts of this size, which includes midyear and across-the-board cuts, can’t happen without suspending Proposition 98, the minimum school funding law.......................................... “The governor’s proposed budget is a giant step backwards for our students,” said CTA President David A. Sanchez. “It’s disappointing and ironic that in the proclaimed ‘year of education’ the governor is talking about cutting billions from our public schools and decimating our minimum funding law. Our students didn’t create this budget crisis and their education shouldn’t be ransomed to solve it.”................................. While it’s clear there are extraordinary budget challenges, it’s also clear that California voters believe our students and public schools should be a top priority. CTA will be closely monitoring the budget situation and will continue to provide updates and calls for action........................................ REJECT THE GOVERNOR'S STATE BUDGET PROPOSAL: ...................................TAKE ACTION: email your lawmaker!
Venezuela: ... Autonomous struggle from the ground up! (tags)
* Issue #52 of El Libertario is out In its editorial we reaffirm the commitment of this voice of Venezuelan anarchism to maintain a critical viewpoint on the country's realities, as well as our stand in solidarity with the struggle for liberty and equality.
American Environmental Activist Valerie Morse Jailed for Terrorism in New Zealand (tags)
Valerie Morse, a well-known Wellington environmental activist and one of the 17 arrested in the police 'anti-terror' raids, previously published a book on the effects of the 'war on terror' just six months prior.
Is John Edwards an Alternative for U.S. Workers? (tags)
Millionaire trial lawyer, one time Senator, and former VP hopeful John Edwards, is now seeking the Presidency. Like the rest of the candidates, he seeks to differentiate himself from Bush and even from many in his own Party, as there is a much-deserved disgust with the political rulers in Washington. But is Edwards fundamentally any different the rest of the bosses’ candidates? Can he really represent the interests of working people? The war in Iraq is by far the biggest question on the minds of most U.S. workers. Edwards has presented himself as an “anti-war” candidate, even apologizing for his Senate vote to authorize the war, claiming to have been “misled” by the Bush administration. But let’s not forget the facts: in the march to war, the donkeys marched right alongside the elephants.
US escalates ME arms race (tags)
US military package for allied Middle East states is designed to create a de facto Sunni Arab front against Iran as the region slips deeper into crisis.
MIWON still covering for LAPD mayday attack (tags)
MIWON march 'leaders' still backing lapd statements blaming activists for the designed police assault.
How many Minutemen does it take to formulate an argument? (tags)
Minutmen protest peaceful commemoration. Why?
How many 'firsts' can you have? (tags)
Magic, Tommy Morrison and...... LONDON - A British man claimed on Sunday to be the first person to become clear of the HIV virus, which can lead to AIDS, after earlier testing positive for it.
from the killers in grey suits
Toxic technology: the hazards of micowave technology (tags)
A recent danish study seemed to give the all clear to cell phones, but it merely ignored the mountain of clear contrary evidence. The website: shows the extent of victims
Call to Action Across the US Against Mexican Consulates (tags)
This is a call to action against mexican consulates all over the country for Monday Oct. 30.
Bomb Plots, Elections, Smokescreens, and the Way Forward (tags)
The author argues that an election victory in November will do nothing to halt the Bush regime agenda of global empire. Only by ousting the regime can that be accomplished.
According to ABC, yesterday "Taliban" terrorists bombed a US government supported school in that nation. This demonstrates the Afghani revolutionary ability to discern the threat from the current political climate and agenda being voiced in Bush's America and obviously in retaliation for the approximately 4 million Mexican insurgents imported during the last 5 years via a blind eye in the Bush administration concerning immigration regulation.
Transgender Woman Assaulted by Police (tags)
A transgender woman who has been a leader in social services for the Latina transgender community in Los Angeles was assaulted and molested by security guards and police in Miami 03/10/06
The media beat the drums for th Balkans war, esp with the word :'Genocide' However,'lately this word is disappearing from their writings on the NATO war. The real target of Western 'intelligence' was not Iraq, but the British and American public - the goal was to frighten and deceive us to support a war fought for elite interests. It was to persuade us to send our troops to kill and die for profits. It was to persuade us to ignore clear warnings that, in all likelihood, we would be subject to terrorist reprisals. Such risks were clearly deemed a small price to pay for the prize that mattered - control of Iraqi oil and enhanced influence in the region and beyond.
Local Activists Meet to Discuss Zapatista Red Alert (tags)
When Comandante Marcos sent out a general red-alert last week from the Zapatista community in Chiapas, Mexico, ripples of concern could be felt worldwide.
100,000 Dead for a Heap of Lies (tags)
100,000 Iraqis paid for that with their lives; 1600 American soldiers were sent to their deaths for a heap of lies.
With the Global Climate Change initiative, Bush presented an alternative to the rejected Kyoto protocol..Dan Kowalzig from the NGO Friends of the Earth described the initiative as merely a camouflage to protect industry.
"The Way is Clear": Venezuela (tags)
Venezuela is one of the few states whose government is taking new paths against the global trend to political stagnation.. No one has the illusion that the people and the political system can change from one day to the next but the way is clear.
Oh for the Day When Journalists Were Journalists (tags)
Even in World War II, when the enemy was fascism and Hitler, a reporter like Ernie Pyle could write of the horrors and waste of war, and describe the carnage in terms that defied the jingoism of the day. Where are reporters like that in today’s media, where we aren’t even allowed to see the dead, much less write about them. ------------------
Critique of Harpers Magazine Hitpiece on Nepal Maoists (tags)
Refuting the lies of "It's Not Easy Here in Katmandu: Caught between the Maoist Rebels and the king"
Veterans for Peace Joins 'Impeach Bush & Dick' Campaign (tags)
This article is from the Binghamton IMC: by Bing IMC ST. LOUIS--On March 30, a national veterans’ organization called for the removal of President George W. Bush and Vice-President Richard Cheney for crimes the group charges were committed during the invasion and occupation of Iraq.
10,000 in first black-led Harlem peace march (tags)
The march from Harlem drew anywhere from 4,500 people, according to an unofficial police estimate, to nearly 10,000, according to legal observers. But its significance, organizers said, lay less in its size and more in the fact that this was the first black-led antiwar march to emerge from Harlem, a neighborhood they say symbolizes the disproportionate impact the war has had on communities of color.
Like the Song Says: It's Deja Vu All Over Again (tags)
Soldiers dissing the Secretary of Defense, mutinies, desertion at record highs. Can officer fragging be far behind? Does any of this sound familiar?
Venezuela's election: defeat for opposition, advance for the Bolivarian movement (tags)
Bolivarian Revolution
Bush's War on the Rocks (tags)
Whatever the president says, things are going from bad to worse in Iraq and in the “War” on Terror. If the voters are paying attention, it may cost him the election next week.
The FBI has quietly declared October to be "Harass Anarchists, Muslims and other Enemies of the State" month. Well, the FBI hasn't exactly been quiet.
The US Iraq Policy and Combating Terrorism (tags)
"America has the duty of the superpower to combat terrorism with political wisdom, not only with military superiority. Terrorism's causes must be understood and tackled.."
Is Despair Spreading in the Bush Camp? (tags)
"The situation for Bush is really precarious if one considers the increasing signals that the economic system is much weaker than assumed.. Ultra-conservatives are worried about the great global instability.."
Film IN PLANE SIGHT Shocks Sacramento Citizens (tags)
Highly recommended and without the flaws or dubious sponsorship of moores bs...
Bush’s Iraq Policy a Shambles, But Can Kerry Challenge It? (tags)
The fighting in Najaf exposes the fraud of the June 30 “sovereignty” handover, and represents a complete failure of Bush’s Iraq strategy, but Kerry can’t bring himself to condemn the whole thing as the colossal disaster that it is.
Chemtrails From Hachita New Mexico 061604 (tags)
...clear morning, real-looking clouds for a change, but the bush robotic luftwaffe was soon at their EM activities, spraying aerosol chemical lines, AND ALL THAT MEANS ...
If "The Miami Model" was to indiscriminately beat heads and attack dissenters for No Reason.. The No War March Tuesday morning made clear to me .. "The Brunswick Model"
Geneva Accords on Treatment of Prisoners of War (tags)
Much has been made of the clear violations of the Geneva Accords by Nazi USA, but the provisions of these accords are not known to most Americans. Now is the time to become familiar with these accords, detailed on the website of the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. See:
Chavez reiterates the call to arm the people (tags)
solidarity with the Venezuelan Revolution
We celebrate the new Socialistic Capitalism (tags)
In a country that feeds its public ( in comparison to the corporate) social structure and common heritage into the furnace to smelt out the profit produced by the reduction of our water air and lives into waste and poisons and death.
Spirit of the Radio (Clear Channel and What is Being Done About It) (tags)
This Article Examines Clear Channel Communications and how Internet Radio is being used to resist censorship.
M20 LA-style... YOUR Perspective
Clearly Racist And Bigoted Skits On Clear Channel (tags)
In the March 10 Bill Handel show on KFI AM 640, a pretend "Muslim" allegedly reading from the new Iraqi constitution refers to "hairy Iraqi women," "lovely Japanese schoolgirls," the "infidel custom of bathing on a regular basis," and "civil unions" between Iraqis and "loving camels and goats."
Nations of Periphery Have a Right to Weapons of Mass Destruction!!! (tags)
March 8th Editorial of the Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network
Talk Radio: Fascism or Democracy at Work? (tags)
Those attacking Clear Channel are the rringe elements - potentially violent radicals, anti-Semites, conspiracy mongers - including the various incarnations of the left-wing
On the Need for a Pro-Iraq United Front In the US (tags)
CLEAR LIES PART: King Coal -- the Sellout of America's Skies (tags)
Assuming that Americans will be focused, open-mouthed and drooling over the mainstream media coverage of the Bush UK tour, the GOP goons in Congress are ramming through the Bush-Cheney energy bill -- the BIGGEST CORPORATE GIVEAWAY IN US HISTORY
CLEAR LIES: The Dirty, Deadly Truth about Bush's Clear Skies Initiative (tags)
The Clear Skies Initiative is a litany of lies concocted to justify the infamous Bush-Cheney Energy Plan. In this Five-Part Series, CLEAR LIES: The Deadly, Dirty Truth about Bush's Clear Skies Initiative and Catastrophic Energy Plan," the lies, manipulations and false promises laid out in Bush's Clear Skies speech are ripped away to reveal to ugly truth beneath.
Rush Limbaugh's loss negligible on Clear Channel's revenue (tags)
Despite the Limbaugh controversy, Clear Channel announced a record third quarter on revenues of $2.54 billion. Limbaugh is expected to return on November 17 with his base of listeners, advertisers, and stations intact.
New Wave Band Tours to Stop Vote Fraud (tags)
Upcoming New Wave band Railer tours nationwide to support their album "Frame of Mind" while joining the fight against fraudulent voting technologies.
Is Dean the Blackest White Candidate We Can Find? (tags)
It's a given that black candidates are unelectable. So who's the most black-friendly white candidate the Democrats have to offer?
We are raising funds to sue KOBE for libel, defamation, and harassment.
Dennis Kucinich in Orange County (tags)
Choose, America WAR or PEACE. Kucinich is the man of peace. PHOTOS & COMMENTARY Meeting presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich in So. Cal.
Democrats Considered "Too Liberal" (tags)
If Democrats are considered "too liberal", what does that make those who consider Democrats to be right-wing fascist?
Radio Under Fire Over Free-Speech Clampdown (tags)
WASHINGTON (Billboard) - Natalie Maines' controversial comments about President Bush are echoing ever louder in Congress and starting to rattle windows in the radio industry.
Clear Channel Fires DJ for Anti-War Views (tags)
So much for "objective" News from Clear Channel Stations. Toe the Party Line of Love that Georgie's War or be fired for maintaining an honest view.
Clear Channel Is A Subsidiary Of Bush, Inc (tags)
t's no coincidence that Clear Channel executives Tom Hicks and L. Lowry Mays have contributed tens of thousands of dollars to Bush's gubernatorial and presidential campaign coffers. Or that Clear Channel gave $119,370 in "soft money" to Republicans in 2001-2002, this on top of the $82,850 it gave in 2000. (Democrats, meanwhile, got $25,000 in soft money in that same three-year period.)
Clear Channel Bush INC. (tags)
Why the land of the brave is becoming the land of the slave.
Peru: An Upsurge of Strikes and Barricades (tags)
All through May the people of Peru built a powerful wave of struggle--isolating the corrupt government and shaking the rotten system that holds them in misery. Peru's President Toledo responded with bloody repression--imposing a fascistic "state of emergency" and unleashing his soldiers to kill people in the streets. As we go to press, this powerful upsurge is still shaking the country. The following report is based on mainstream press accounts.
Clear Channel: the Media Mammoth that Stole the Airwaves (tags)
Clear Channel Communications of San Antonio may not be a household name yet, but in less than six years it has rocketed to a place alongside NBC and Gannett as one of the largest media companies in the United States. The mega-company has gained a reputation for its ugly hardball tactics. Clear Channel has played a leading role in destroying media diversity in the United States. And yes, it is the same media company that allegedly "blacklisted" certain songs following September 11, including Cat Stevens' Peace Train and John Lennon's Imagine.
Dressed Like Dixie Chicks Protesters to Hit Clear Channel the *Poster Child *for FCC Dereg (tags)
On Thursday, May 29--just four days before the Federal Communications Commission votes on a proposal to radically deregulate the media--free speech advocates and media consumers will protest at Clear Channel Communications radio stations in seven cities, including Los Angeles, to draw attention to the problems that resulted from the last media deregulation.
Protest Clear Channel as FCC Deregulates (tags)
On Thursday, May 29--just four days before the Federal Communications Commission votes on a proposal to radically deregulate the media--free speech advocates and media consumers will protest at Clear Channel Communications radio stations in seven cities, including Los Angeles, to draw attention to the problems that resulted from the last media deregulation.
FOX Cancels Columnist John Kaminski Appearance (tags)
So ... this is what I wanted to say to those Fox shills, and what I want you to be saying to those people you know who are at least willing to talk about what happened then, and what is happening now.
Good Morning
In other news - IMF reports globalization doesn't help the poor (tags)
While the world's attention is focused on war in Iraq, the International Monetary Fund has released a study finding there is little evidence that globalization helps poor countries. In other words, the protesters were right all along.
Pro-War right wingers try to stop Peace Vigil (tags)
The weekly Peace Vigil at the corner of Topanga & Victory has been targeted by Right-wing extremist radio talk show host Larry Elder. Come support the Peace Vigil!
Boycott Clear Channel!
Need a sign or poster? Fed up with the likes of CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX and media giants like Clear Channel? Show your dissent with the M.O.A.B.
Who is Paying for the Pro-War Rallies. (tags)
The Pro-War rallies are a contrived artifice of a few big Media Conglomerates pulling together a bunch of suckers and picking up the tab so it makes it easy for the Suckers to attend. Clear Channel has even been paying for professionally made signs.
February Homeless Sweeps (tags)
february 20th. downtown.
Organize, Organize, Organize (tags)
An overview of the critically important relationship... between online activism and the explosive growth taking place in the peace movement; specifically, how the internet can serve to expand and enhance that growth, if we online activists promote the application of the various internet tools to the organizational tasks of the mass movement -and do so in an organized, coordinated way.
Activist Backgrounder to Tuesday's FCC event (tags)
Taken from answers to a several questions asked by IA-IMC to this San Francisco Media Activist. A backgrounder to the event and what activist are doing and can do.
Introducing... the new "Leader" of Iraq! (tags)
The internal US Government debate over whether to go to war "is over"... and the new US imposed leader for Iraq has been choosen.
I was done in by the system
LA Anti-War Protest: at least 20,000 (tags)
At least 20,000 demonstrate in Los Angeles against the Bush Administration and their plans for war.
Go see Bowling for Columbine (tags)
Michael Moore’s latest movie, Bowling for Columbine, is a must-see. Moore does an excellent job of connecting the military-industrial complex, in particular, Lockheed Martin, to the violence in this society, to the same complex’s propaganda machine called “TV News” and to the repeal of welfare, also known as the most vicious, racist, bipartisan (Democrat & Republican) attack on the workingclass of the 1990s, that continues to this date.
Iraq okays UN terms, Bush pushes war (tags)
Iraq has accepted a United Nations Security Council Resolution giving weapons inspectors sweeping new rights but allows many pretexts for the Bush administration to provoke a war. The resolution warns Iraq of “serious consequences” if it doesn’t comply – and the White House has made clear that anything it defines as a material breach will almost certainly mean a new war.
Origin of Iraq invasion planning (tags)
Notes made at a command center briefing five hours after the WTC attacks make clear that Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was determined to use the 9-11 tragedy as a pretext for overthrowing Sadam Hussein.
Announcing (tags)
A new ally in the war against media consolidation, against the BMG control of our musical herritige.
I was thinking that maybe the media is very vulnerable to acts of civil disobedience. I was also thinking that major media is the most powerful weapon in the war against everyone.
Sharon :: already 508.804 signatures online (tags)
there are needed 1.000.000 last 24h more than 30.000 signatures let's put Sharon on the just started international court!!! let's see if that court is a joke or not
CLEAR View Alert: Post 9/11 Anti-Environmentalism Threatens Green Activism (tags)
CLEAR helps activists and concerned citizens understand and counter misinformation about environmental policy and science and the impacts of environmental law on the economy and private property. This alert identifies some of the major attacks on the environmental movement post 9-11, most of which revolve around exploiting the "terrorism" label, exactly as McCarthyism exploited the "communism" label.
CLEAR View Alert: Post 9/11 Anti-Environmentalism Threatens Green Activism (tags)
CLEAR helps activists and concerned citizens understand and counter misinformation about environmental policy and science and the impacts of environmental law on the economy and private property. This alert identifies some of the major attacks on the environmental movement post 9-11, most of which revolve around exploiting the "terrorism" label, exactly as McCarthyism exploited the "communism" label.
U.S. GENOCIDE in Afghanistan (tags)
The bombing by the U.S. of no fewer than SIX Red Cross warehouses in Afghanistan is clear evidence the U.S. is committing GENOCIDE in that country!
To bring down a structure,to irrevocably destroy it,a clear understanding of its material base is required,and it is towards this foundation that the coupe de grace must be dealt.Any other strategy will merely be absorbed or deflected,the base remaining unaltered.This is how we must also approach racism.
Saturday Anti-War March Meeting and Report On Said Meeting (tags)
Date and Times of Rally and commentary on tonights meeting.
Coup Watch: odd things happening in UK too (tags)
Not wishing to bore you with our own local difficulties, there are curious developments in Britain too
COUP WATCH: The Story At A Glance (tags)
The coporate media have done an excellent job of making something simple seem incredibly complex. But 3 simple graphs produced by Carnegie Mellon professor Greg D. Adams make the whole thing "perfectly clear." Just show them on national TV & Bush is history. But will they ever get there?
4 activists lock down at Moscone Center entrance, others scuffle with cops on way to Clear Channel, where they are confronted by shock jocks.
Organizers call for investigation into indiscriminate police violence (tags)
Organizers from the IMC, Shadow Convention, ACLU, Green Party, D2KLA, Global Exchange and others band together to call for an investigation into last night's outrageous use of police force against demonstrators and concert-goers.