fix articles 3905, posters
The sacred cow & The propaganda machine (tags)
These campaigns by politics & the media, which prescribe an extremely narrow framework of what can be said, narrow freedom of expression to the Western narrative. Those who dare to express dissent are grabbed by their livelihoods.
Center for the Study of Political Graphics exhibit on Police Abuse posters (tags)
Center for the Study of Political Graphics' exhibit: "To Protect & Serve? Five Decades of Posters Protesting Police Violence." runs through Feb. 28
Hindus seek withdrawal of “ampm” posters linking cheeseburger with “Holy Cow” (tags)
This is about the gas station convenience store, AM-PM Mini Market which is at most local Arco stations.
Stop muzzling Free Speech on Campus (tags)
Stop Muzzling Free Speech on campus
Dial 911 - Report a jaywalker (tags)
These new "Dial 911" posters in Valley Metro buses sound like they are there to create a jobs program for cops.
MEXICA NEW YEAR! 1.16.10 (tags)
The lecture will cover Nican Tlaca identity,Nican Tlaca education and liberation,“Four Corners” history and cultures,“Indian Schools” of 16th thru 20th centuries, feminism, Purepecha Civilization, "spirituality", our theology, and mislabels: Hispanic, Latino, Raza. This event is free but we accept donations. There will be food and posters for sale to help fundraising for the two non-profit organizations sponsoring this event.
LA antiwar projects- interviews and surveys (tags)
The new issue of LA based Journal of Aesthetics and Protest is now out. Subtled "Theory in Three Acts" it contains three editorial sections and has a bunch of articles on Los Angeles based activist and art projects. Section 2 focuses on Anti-war art and activist Projects
Shepard Fairey’s Image Problem (tags)
As if Wal-Mart didn’t have enough controversies to deal with, imagine the consternation in the PR war room when news hit that the retail giant was selling t-shirts bearing a Nazi SS skull. As the story unraveled, it turned out that Wal-Mart’s designer had ripped off the image from pop art superstar Shepard Fairey, whose reference for the Gestapo logo was 1960’s “biker culture.” Oops.
Space 1999: San Francisco's Mission Yuppie Eradication Project (tags)
A critical re-examination of an ultra-left effort against the gentrification of San Francisco in the late 1990's.
If They Bomb Iran You Get Drafted (tags)
the privileged rich kids of the 60's, protesting war, are now ridiculously walking around campus, bald and fat, with signs saying STAND WITH US...which in reality of course means DIE FOR US....those people are zionists all, and not Americans...don't fall for their lies...their kids are not fighting for israel, only you expendable, poor kids do that (if you are gullible enough)...
Help ANSWER with Oct. 27 Mass (tags)
Come this Tuesday to Build Oct. 27 in Los Angeles Organize to End the War on Iraq
$10,000 Penalty For Posters About Political Event ! (tags)
ANSWER Coalition, promoter of some of the largest. most successful Wash DC demonstrations, is threatened with $10,000 fines for posters promoting upcoming demos. This threatens ALL interests that may hope to gather peacefully to express grievances to officals and mainstream public.
Free Movie Screening: Peace Press (tags)
A feature-length documentary about Los Angeles' Peace Press produced by students in L. A. Valley College¹s Media Arts Dept.'s Directed Studies workshop in conjunction with several Peace Press "alumni" and the Center for the Study of Political Graphics. [ Image: "Evict Nixon" Poster created by artist Mark Vallen in 1971 and published by Peace Press.]
Donate Old Protest Posters and Placards for an Art Exhibit!!! (tags)
Did you make some amazing anti-Bush sign that has only been seen by your fellow protesters? Now is the time to show them in a museum!
Donate Old Protest Posters and Placards for an Art Exhibit!!! (tags)
Did you make some amazing anti-Bush sign that has only been seen by your fellow protesters? Now is the time to show them in a museum!
New Robbie Conal Posters Hit the Streets (tags)
New Robbie Conal Posters Hit the Streets.
Bush Regime's Terrorism Against America Continues (tags)
This fascist terrorist regime's crimes and treason against America continues
Sofia: Protest against the disposal of US military bases in Bulgaria (tags)
Robbie Conal's 'Patriot Inaction' posters appear across L.A. (tags)
See Bush Drown In Robbie Conal's new poster
The Center for the Study of Political Graphics, SPARC, and The Venice Arts Council Present A Venice People’s Centennial Celebration POSTERS OF PEACE PRESS September 10 - October 9th, 2005 SPARC - 685 Venice Boulevard, Venice CA 90291 Opening Reception September 10 2005 5-8pm Gallery hours M-Th 10am-4pm Fri 10am-9pm Sat-Sun 1pm-5pm
IMC posters arrested by Feds! (tags)
IMC Posters Arrested by Feds!
Protest posters ready to be printed out for upcoming May Day actions.
Seeking options to military recruiting (tags)
A local peace vigil activist made the local paper.
Posters for M19 -- SAY SOMETHING (tags)
New posters just in time for M19: IF YOU SEE WAR CRIMES, SAY WAR CRIMINAL
FOR MORE YEARS!? (protest posters) (tags)
FOR MORE YEARS!? A new series of protest posters just in time for the election.
Protest at Santa Monica Business that Displays Hate Speech in its Storefront (tags)
Students at Santa Monica College are planning to protest ALL PHONE WHOLESALE, a racist business that displays extreme anti-immigrant, anti-arab, anti-Muslim hate speech in its store window.
Free speech in Chicago? (tags)
Choicago teachers assert 1rst amendment rights
no-DNC Flyers From Boston (tags)
Help us get the word out by distributing these around your city.
Random thoughts on the passing scene (tags)
Anti-War-on-Terror Posters
I love Arnold Schwarzenegger ? (tags)
The media has skillfully focused on his father and away from all the real Nazi connections and said "Arnold can't help what his daddy did." But what they don't tell you about is that Arnold is a self proclaimed follower of Kurt Waldheim. Kurt Waldheim was a favorite of the United Nations and served as Secretary General from 1972 to1982. When Waldheim ran for the Presidency of Austria in 1986, Arnold was Waldheim’s biggest supporter and campaigned across Austria. He was even featured on campaign posters. During Waldheim’s campaign it emerged that he had been a wanted war criminal for atrocities he had commanded as an officer in the dreaded Nazi SS. Waldheim had written and approved posters and leaflets that read among many things, "enough of the Jewish war, kill the Jews, come over.”
New McCartyism at (tags)
Help defend the 1st Amendment at message boards,where moderators and a group of rightwing posters have imposed censorship of anything critical of the US government.
Soviet-like agit-prop: Long Live to Iraqi Resistance (by Latuff) (tags)
Download zip file for high resolution artwork on link below.
There is another shill at la-imc. (tags)
There is another shill at la-imc. His goal is to discredit the Left and waste bandwidth.
call for entries for anti-war poster artwork and graphics (tags)
call for entries for anti-war poster artwork and graphics
Book Review: You Back the Attack! (tags)
Review of Micah Wright's remixed propaganda posters.
Posters from the May '68 Paris Uprising (tags)
Art For A Change celebrates the 35th Anniversary of the ATELIER POPULARE with an essay on the artworks and a display of the historic Posters:
Free Full-Size Color Posters at Revolutionary Worker Online
LA Unified creates model pesticide policy for the nation with help from California Safe Schools.
Anti-War on Terror Posters for April 12/13 (tags)
When the fighting ends, the war is not over (tags)
Link to pdf posters
Here are twenty more for your viewing enjoyment. Oh, Shit, I sound like a Fux News intro!!!
Hope you enjoy....cuz I enjoyed finding them and making them. Humor often gets a point across..... :-)
Free protest posters and stencils (tags)
If you are looking for protest posters and protest stencils then take a look at Insta-Protest. We've got a collection of over 100 Protest posters available free for printing on the web and a growing collection of stencils. Here are some samples.
Image, message and empire (tags)
Being effective is not just about getting numbers to rallies and events: Why I believe we should build on the connection between American Empire and this war
By focusing on empire, we can reach a broad audience without giving up radical views. Includes link to establishment thinking of the American Empire and links to anti-empire pdf posters.
Art Exhibition
THE ART OF PUNK exhibit will offer original artworks and related materials documenting the rise of L.A.'s Punk underground at the close of the 20th century.
THE ART OF PUNK exhibit will offer original artworks and related materials documenting the rise of L.A.'s Punk underground at the close of the 20th century.
Beneath Our Bombs posters (tags)
I executed this series of four posters out of concern for the children of Iraq. The series features children from the cities of Basra, Baghdad, Mosul, and Arbil.
ANTI-IRAQ Group to Burn Flag (tags)
COUNTER DEMONSTRATE: A group calling itself the International Human Rights Organization has announced to the news media that it plans to burn the Iraq's flag and pass out posters of Sadam Hussein with a target on his face.
Three New Posters Created for Sept. 11 Anniversary (tags)
Three new posters -- "War on Terrorism/Drugs," "When Will It End?" and "Bush: For Terrorism" have been released for immediate distribution in the days leading up to the 9/11 anniversary. Available online, but you can also write for free copies sent via mail, too.
Posters Lay Stacked and Ready to Go (tags)
San Francisco April 20, 2002 Hundreds of posters were available at Dolores Park. Many proclaimed, "Act Now to Stop War and Racism."
An anarchist celebration of May Day (tags)
Print out and distribute your own May Day posters and leaflet/pamphlets from
Protests in the airport in Fortaleza. (tags)
They are forced her be from front to one camera camcorder their faces are recorded in several angles.
Thousands of angry protestors on the streets of Bangladesh and Jakarta have been photographed carrying posters showing a "heroic" Usama bin Laden, but the photo collage posters also bare another personality.... that of the Sesame Street Muppet, BERT.
Letter from demonstrator in Brighton, UK (tags)
On Sunday, September 30, our allies in Britain gathered at the Brighton Conference Center (or Centre, as they say) to barricade a meeting of the New Labour party. Owing to recent events the demonstration took on an additional focus - a push for peace. The following is her short report.
Quebec Brewery Wins Right to Label Its Beer GE-Free (tags)
Looking to our Northern Neighbor for a bit of sanity.
Not all disimformation posters are police! (tags)