fix articles 39045, tactical
The Video ICE Wishes Was Never Made Public (tags)
It looks like a scene out of a movie — men toting shotguns and wearing tactical gear marked "POLICE" suddenly storm into an auto repair shop in South Los Angeles - but they weren't police.
Philippines: 100 Days of the Duterte Presidency (tags)
This article has been presented and discussed by the leadership and organizers of the Partido Lakas ng Masa (Party of the Laboring Masses - PLM) to mark the coming 100-day anniversary of the Duterte administration. It is a contribution to the discussion among the Left and progressive forces on how to view this administration and the tasks ahead.
Tribute to Comrade Leoncio Pitao (Commander Parago) (tags)
I join the Filipino people, the people’s revolutionary government, the Communist Party of the Philippines, the New People’s Army, the National Democratic Front of the Philippines, the revolutionary mass organizations and other revolutionary forces in mourning the death of Comrade Leoncio Pitao (Commander Parago) and in celebrating his achievements from the time he joined the NPA in 1978 until his martyrdom yesterday on June 28, 2015.
Bombard the Headquarters of the Opportunist Utrecht Mafia! (tags)
Comrade Mao-Zedong had been so clear in his teachings. Practice is primary over theory. He rhetorically asked in his philosophical writings, “Where do correct ideas come from? Do they fall from the sky? Are they innate in the mind? No, they come from social practice and social practice alone.”
The Los Angeles PESANTE NEWS learned today from media sources in the Philippines that Jorge Madlos, NDF Spokesperson for Mindanao said: " We give the highest salute to the New People's Army on its 41st anniversary of its foundation on March 29, 1969 in the second district of Tarlac. In 1972, the NPA also established guerilla fronts in Mindanao and spread swiftly throughout the archipelago. The red fighters of the NPA and the revolutionary masses who have offered their very lives in the service of the people deserve no less than our highest regard and praise.
Pesante Hails Transfer of Echanis to PNP Jail- A Tactical Victory (tags)
The Philippine Peasant Support Network (Pesante-USA) hails the transfer of Randal Echanis, yesterday as a victory. Echanis, a persecuted leader of KMP, a veteran FQSM student leader and an NDF Peace Consultant PNP was transferred from the Manila City Jail to the PNP Jai. The transfer is a tactical victory in the interest of justice and lasting peace and was a demand of different human rights groups in the Philippines and in the U.S.
Significant NPA victories in 2007, more and bigger victories eyed in 2008 (tags)
The revolutionary movement i n thePhilippines today said the New People's Army (NPA) "achieved significant military victories the past year, portending more and bigger successes in response to the Party's anniversary call to accelerate advances in 2008." "Based on our summary of still very partial reports received from the field, clearly the revolutionary forces have gained significant victories in waging guerrilla warfare. Foremost is the defeat of the military campaigns launched by the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) this year to date," said CPP spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal.
Capital Sources: The Next Terrorist Attack (tags)
The head of the National Counterterrorism Center speaks out on Al Qaeda's plans, America’s readiness—and the nature of the war on terror.
AJLPP-USA Statement on the Mass Rally in Manila, (tags)
The Alliance for a Just and Lasting Peace(AJLPP-United States, is one and united with the Filipino people and all the religious groups that finally saw the light and now united in converging and expressing their joy in ther tactical victory against the machinations of the US-Arroyo regime to change the constitution through nefarious and blatant means.
Is the Bush Administration Planning a Nuclear Holocaust? (tags)
Will the US launch "Mini-nukes" against Iran in Retaliation for Tehran's "Non-compliance"?
US nuke goes off in iraq -- VIDEO (tags)
this was to be used for yet MORE israeli false flag terror like 911 and so many others
More Research on Iraq Mushroom Cloud (tags)
All manner of attempts to discredit this bit of news have arised and why not? This has the potential to be far more damaging to the Bush administration than anything that has occured on his watch yet - yes anything. We are talking about storing nuclear devices in a foreign country, in a war zone. For what?
JFAV Greets Senate Vote Giving Veterans Special Immigrant Status as a Tactical Victory, (tags)
The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) greet the news that the US Senate unanimously approved by a voice vote on Thursday (Friday in Manila) an amendment in the proposed immigration reform bill that would allow Philippine-based single or married children of Filipino World War II veterans to join them in the United States, as a tactical victory in its 60 years of struggle for recognition, justice and equity.
The U.S could free up with seven times as much money for aid to the tsunami victims as it is currently offering by just canceling the order for one new F-22 Raptor tactical fighter jet.
"Self-defense" is a right and a responsibility (tags)
“Freedom” is only a concern of the living! Feel free to contact Jacksonville ABC ( or myself ( for more info.
collective's "strategic silence" on Iraq (tags)
Several LA basedcollectives have recently met to discuss the administrations plans to go to war with Iraq. T
Congressman says "NUKE 'EM!" (tags)
"They did it once, and they'll do it again... they'll shower us all in their deadly rain."
Ha'aretz: U.S. nuclear weapons sent to Afghanistan as 'last resort (tags)
The London-based Arabic daily Al Hayat reported Thursday that part of the American forces deployed to the Afghanistan area in advance of a planned military strike is equipped with tactical nuclear warheads.
LAPD Central Units on Full Tactical Alert (tags)
LAPD Central Units just put on full tactical, surrounding units on partial tactical alert.
Listening to the LAPD scanner. (tags)
City Wide Tactical Alert Announced.
Distancing ourselves other activists as they are being attacked by the state is not only immoral, it's political and tactical suicide.