fix articles 388477, robert george tronge
Misuse of Scientific Information – Robert Tronge (tags)
Using scientific studies and scientific information appears in most cases a proper way to approach things, but in actuality people should take the time to look into the information provided and not taken at face value.
Where is Our Personal Freedom Going. – Robert Tronge (tags)
I think it is time to take a look at where our political leaders are leading us. America has always been based on the concept that all men are free and there should be no barriers put up barring a person’s liberty or freedoms regardless of any defining characteristics that a person has. The most obvious examples are race, color, creed, and religion but there are also others.
Obituary - Robert George Tronge (tags)
Robert George Tronge, of Grand Rapids Michigan, kicked the bucket on the 22nd of December, 2016, when his tired and worn out body finally gave out at age 37.
All Government Officials can be Sued for Actions Outside their Authority – Robert Tronge (tags)
We have the court saying that restrictions unrelated to the crime are unconstitutional, and if that is so for the court then it would also follow through that it is unconstitutional for the parole and probation department to impose them. It would also follow through that it is unconstitutional to pass laws imposing them. For example residency restrictions against a person who is involved in child pornography, or for that matter, a person involved in incest. Residency restrictions would only seem to apply to people who were strangers to the victim.
The Effectiveness of Sex Offender Treatment Programs – Robert Tronge (tags)
In January of 1989, before the sex offender hysteria hit the legislative sector of our country, a study was conducted entitled ‘Sex Offender Recidivism a Review‘, by the noted researchers L. Furby, M.R.Weinroth, and L. Blackshaw. Although the primary purpose of this study was to try and determine the actual recidivism of people who are involved in sex crimes what it secondarily discovered was the effectiveness of treatment programs or lack thereof I should say in reducing recidivism.. Realize that today most treatment programs that use behavior modification follow the same type of guidelines that were used during this time. They were basically drug and alcohol programs that were modified to treat people with what therapists perceived as sexual control problems.
Take a Step Back – Robert Tronge (tags)
I’m sure we’ve all heard the statement “walk a mile in his shoes”, but how many people are actually willing to step outside of their comfort zone and do this for a real. Most people are unwilling to see the other person’s point of view, especially when it violates their concept of right and wrong, whether that view of right or wrong is based on past experiences, ethnic, cultural, religious believes or outright bigotry.
Require a Citizenship and Constitutionality test for all Lawmaking Bodies – Robert George (tags)
Arizona Governor Doug Ducey on Thursday signed legislation that will require all Arizona High School students to take and pass the US Citizenship test before they are able to graduate.
Self-Serving Politicians Behind Legislation – Robert G Tronge (tags)
To protect our children, It’s an emergency, if the passage of this law saves just one child then it has served its purpose. We have all heard these type of comments from our legislators. Friedrich August von Hayek once wisely said.
How to get rid of fleas by Robert George Tronge (tags)
If you have outdoor animals you may want to treat the lawn surrounding your house to kill the fleas living there that may hitch a ride on your pet when they return to your home. Another option is to simply not let you pet outside anymore.
Government Sponsored Terrorism or Public safety? (tags)
This fact is basic psychology, Robert George Tronge. 1. You see something new 2. You learn to trust it and accept it. 3. You speak about it, passing on the information you were given to others. 4, You act upon the information given.