fix articles 3880, species
De la couillonnade, vigie catastrophisée (tags)
La paranoïa paranoïaque à la paranoïa...
The Rise and Rise of the Cult of the Ego (tags)
All types of people are convinced to buy something to ward off feelings of inner emptiness. A mix of clickbait hyper-capitalism will hoodwink an entire generation. "When you lose control, you reap the harvest you have sown" (Pink Floyd)
Plunder less and do more to preserve the one world (tags)
It is downright absurd that in our latitudes, half a century after "Limits to Growth" and a cascade of catastrophic ecological reports, every dip in economic growth rates is perceived as negative, even dramatic. Immediately shore up, revive, that's what politicians and the media agree on.
Farm Animals And Covid-19 (tags)
We know that animals are murdered for human appetite, tortured in laboratory research. As pets or watchdogs kept outside they freeze in winter and bake in summer. There is a new area involving them
Trump: A Disaster For Animals As Well As People (tags)
126 Of Many Ways Donald Trump Harms Animals People Birds Fishes Butterflies Bees The Watershed and Mother Earth
18 Lethal Consequences Of Hunting (tags)
A blood sport involving guns, bows and arrows, sometimes alcohol, boats, etc. often has lethal karmic blowback.
We now witness a sea change in our species.
Trump Accelerating and Multiplying The Ways Animals Are Harmed (tags)
speeding up slaughterhouse lines, letting stalking hunters into national parks, pardoning a slaughterhouse owner, putting more meat fish & dairy into school lunches, abandoning marine mammals etc
No Future and Computerization (tags)
Crises, cracks in the mirror, wake-up calls and writing on the wall call us to rethinking and resistance, to new priorities and countermeasures. Didn't the Club of Rome around 1970 warn that it was "5 minutes before 12"? Government must be more than corruption.
Animal Defenders International (ADI) is launching an urgent campaign on World Animal Day (tags)
On World Animal Day, ADI launch campaign to create a South American pact to defend the threatened real life Paddington bear – the Andean bear
Botswana Minister supports highest level of protection for African lions (tags)
Tsekedi Khama appealed for countries to support CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) Proposal 4
International Community Rallies to Protect a Monkey Species for the First Time in 30 Years (tags)
“The endangered Barbary macaque could get a new chance at survival at CITES CoP17”
Joanna Lumley slams CITES’ rhino horn proposal (tags)
Joanna Lumley has teamed up with Animal Defenders International (ADI)
Joanna Lumley slams CITES’ rhino horn proposal as ADI make a stand for the African elephan (tags)
British national treasure Joanna Lumley has teamed up with Animal Defenders International (ADI)
Joanna Lumley slams CITES’ rhino horn proposal as ADI make a stand for the African elephan (tags)
British national treasure Joanna Lumley has teamed up with Animal Defenders International (ADI)
Ricky Gervais urges public to support ADI bid to restrict hunting and save African lions (tags)
Hollywood superstar Ricky Gervais has launched an urgent appeal
International Primate Day September 1st: Moby teams up with ADI to ‘Back the Macaque’ (tags)
Moby Teams Up With ADI To Back The Macaque And Help Endangered Primates
It's Not Just Climate - Pope Francis Is Also Warning About The Health Of Our Oceans (tags)
In his 222-page encyclical, Pope Francis warned about (1) the polar plight, (2) sea level rise, (3) ocean-bound water pollution, (4) ocean acidification, (5) overfishing and (6) loss of marine biodiversity.
Nestle Continues Stealing World's Water (tags)
While Sacramento has suffered drought, Nestle continues to drain California aquifers and sell the people's water back to them at great profit... under many dozen brand names.
Human Chauvinists Discuss Exterminating Millions of Fish (tags)
AP, the Army Corps of Engineers, and NPR host discuss the electrocution of millions of Asian carp as if it were a good thing
China's Human Organ Snatchers Ordered by Chinese Government to Save Worlds Elephants ! (tags)
We applaud Chinese leaders for deciding to send their countries human organ transplant specialists out into the International elephant community to install all of them with artificial tusks preventing future poachers from killing them for ivory profit$..
Brazil: SEMI-ARID will be a thing of the past? (tags)
In this process truly poetic rather than scientific, in which consortia of species succeed in building an environment increasingly rich and varied, every plant, every animal, every micro-organism has its contributory role, being the man for the first time in history, leaving his sad protagonist role of stingy tormentor of nature and life and move creatively to assume the coordination of the construction process.
Brazil: Structural changes on the way (tags)
She also studies rebuilding the soil, flora, fauna and rainfall in semi-arid areas (see map!), Home to 18 million Brazilians and it occupies nearly one million square kilometers.This reconstruction will take place at very low cost, without engineering works, but supported on the natural succession of species, according to a technique called Agroforestry Regenerative Analog System (ARAS), developed and disseminated in Brazil by swiss citizen Ernst Götsch, who is in full activity.
Spring Snails Survival Threatened by SNWA Pipeline (tags)
The spring snails of the Great Basin region are threatened by construction of the SNWA pipeline to Las Vegas. Spring snails are vital as primary consumer herbivores to reduce algae and thereby prevent eutrophication, also being the base of the trophic food web pyramid that supports trout, eagles and humans. Spring snails should be protected under ESA and are more valuable than golf courses and sprawl development north of Las Vegas.
Owens Lake Reminders for SNWA Pipeline’s Water Grab from Northern Aquifers (tags)
The recent decision by the NV State Engineer to support the SNWA's proposed pipeline follows the same tactics used by San Fernando Valley developers who removed water from Owens Lake and Valley by using deception and purchasing land and favors from government officials.
Depleting the Seas of Fish (tags)
DNA Resonance and Dead Blackbirds (tags)
It seems that a new weapon has been tested. It also seems to have worked pretty well, liquefying the internal organs of a specific species of blackbird.
Overwhelmed by Oil and Toxic Pollutants: The Destruction of an Entire Coastline (tags)
"Fifty dolphin have so far, been reported found dead. Experts estimate only one tenth of species which die will be washed up. The full toll of big oil's "collateral damage", now, previously and in the future, will likely never be known."
NV; New Cave Species at Risk from SNWA Pipeline (tags)
Two new cave species were discovered near Great Basin Natn'l Park's Lehman Caves, part of the same cave aquifer system that SNWA plans to pump billions of gallons away from with their proposed pipeline. The species found were a shrimp called an ostracod and a cave millipede. Both depend on groundwater in caves that would be taken to Whittemore's suburban sprawl developments outside of Vegas city limits.
British Columbia's Premier Takes His Environmental Hypocrisy to Los Angeles (tags)
The Premier of British Columbia is in California today for the Governors' summit on Climate Action, even though his record at home is one of environmental hypocrisy. Campbell has been pushing for coastal drilling for oil and gas, and campaigning to open up crude oil tanker traffic along the coastline of the Great Bear Rainforest.
The Zeitgeist Movement is not a political movement.
Why Sunland project is absolutely possible and why it has to be done? (tags)
Many people are constantly asking us: “How are you going to arrange proper living conditions and other facilities for the sunlanders? How are you going to organize Sunland’s economy?” Some people even express doubts in our fairness, while quite the contrary others reproach us in unrealism and keenness on empty fantasies. In this short article I shall try to prove that the Sunland project is a genuine project and more over its significance goes beyond the framework of an ordinary settlement in some obscure location.
Rattling up rattlesnakes (tags)
Biodiversity greater than anticipated
Gambling with Extinction; Snails, Dace, Chub & Trout Threatened by SNWA Pipeline to Vegas (tags)
Petition for endangered species status and a lawsuit by conservation groups to protect spring snails could delay or even stop the destructive aquifer draining pipeline to Las Vegas proposed by SNWA.
live love unite follow your heart and make it right
U.S./Mexico Border Wall Risks Endangered Species Extinctions from Gene Isolation (tags)
Risks of the U.S./Mexico border wall on native species of ocelots and other mammals include extinction from genetic isolation of disconnected populations.
Autonomous Action Against Border Wall Construction Company (tags)
In the early morning hours of Sunday, November 11, a group calling themselves “No Borders! Earth First!” sent a clear message to the El Centro office of Granite Construction Company:
Hearing (7/31) on Cheney's role in Rio Klamath fish kill of 2002 (tags)
Despite previous warnings of an impending collapse of Klamath's riparian ecosystem, Cheney promised basin farmers far more water than could be delivered during a severe drought season of 2002. As predicted, low water flows resulted in a massive die-off of endangered Klamath Rio salmon, today Cheney is being held responsible for his deceptive manipulations of science for profit off of physically unavailable water..
Cults of Unreason and the End of Species (tags)
People today seem perplexed as civilisation as we know it plummets into the abyss. Yet, in the broad sense, the future is entirely predicable. The much lauded system of economic rationalism has resulted in huge disparities in wealth comparable to ancient societies; the wealth of Pharaoh-God-Kings of the past was staggering and in stark contrast to the wealth of their subjects. The peoples’ living standards were maintained at ‘adequate‘ levels to ensure a fit work/slave force for their rulers – remind you of anything, are you able to draw any comparisons today? In fact ancient Egypt (utilising modern poverty statistics) would have fared better in the social sense than most of today’s societies. So much for economic rationalism and laissez-faire capitalism! The inequity of today’s economic reality is far from mysterious; however, one mystery remains, the masses of today tolerate far greater inequities than the masses of yesterday.
Campesino permaculture can save delta smelt from extinction (tags)
The major reason delta smelt face extinction is overuse of Sacramento Rio agua by agribusiness. Campesino permaculture, intercropping and polyculture teaches us how to reduce rio agua use and could save the smelt if applied soon!
Homo habilis and language (tags)
Two recent discoveries represent a powerful experimental verification for all hypotheses that Marx and Engels brought forward about human evolution from the monkey stage to the productive, thus social one.
Amazonian Manatee is under extinguishing risk. It's not the only one...Why? (tags)
We want to make in the place a first experience of an untouched reserve with respectful exploitation, in permanent expansion, that later can be taken to other regions of the world.
The Failure of Modern Western Society (tags)
Wind down from your artificially induced stress/pace and confront your personal reality – take stock for a moment. Your existence has been confined to sustaining and maintaining a system that makes ever-increasing demands on your liberty and freedom – the pillars upon which joy and satisfaction are built/derived! The frenzied pace of western society is largely the result of the manic need for ever increasing profits and greater concentrations of wealth in the fewest possible hands, which inevitably makes higher demands on those at the bottom of the financial scale. Obtaining wealth is simply a matter of applying unfair downward pressure in favour of upward flowing benefits; wealth is not created it is the result of manipulation and/or theft – the historical record bears this out. Put simply, profit is exploitation/theft!
Tundra Disappearing At Rapid Rate (tags)
It's like it waited until conditions were just right and then it decided to get up and run, not just walk.".....This sets up a "positive feedback," the same process that is associated with the rapidly decaying Arctic ice cap.
The Great Emergency: Global Warming, Mass Death and Resource Wars in the 21st Century (tags)
"We are the watchers. We are the witnesses. We see what has gone before. We see what happens now, at this dangerous moment in human history. We see what's going to happen, what will surely happen unless we come together---we, the Peoples of all Nations---to restore peace, harmony and balance to the Earth, our Mother." --Chief Arvol Looking Horse, from White Buffalo Teachings
Climate News that YOU NEED TO KNOW! (tags)
Here are some recent reports that you may have missed because of the Holidays or the corporate media's censoring of this information.
The execution of the murderer, Saddam Hussein, by American organised criminals, via their proxies in Iraq, highlights the fact that criminals vying for power determine the course of the world. The coalition of Bush, Blair and Howard is directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians yet these leaders commit their crimes with impunity. The defining principle is not law (as is claimed) it is brute force! Economic and military power determines who is a ‘criminal’ and who is a ‘saviour’, regardless of the similarity of the acts committed.
Human Evolution and Religion—A Global Truce through Anthropology (tags)
Every religion in the world was created to serve the needs of humans who are evolutionarily equal, and therefore, have asked the same questions about life. Anthropologists have identified a number of universal constants of religion, and have discovered that different religions aren’t so different from each other after all.
The Evolution of Morality (tags)
Scientists who study human evolution have discovered the evolutionary origins of morality. The concept of morality exists in every culture on Earth, but the morals themselves are different, which causes a lot of conflict in the world. Now that the Democrats own Congress, I’m sure that conflict is about to get very interesting…
Ancient Negro, I mean to say the aboriginal inhabitants of the pyramid shaped, at least from a side view, continent, often labled as the dark continent by barbarians lost in the darkness of the jungles, share ancient spiritual customs, rarely explained in a rational way, with ancient Chinese and modern society, that dispute Darwin's EVOLUTION OF A SPECIES. For example, the disc used to extend the lower lip. Much more. Oh much much more.
Contra Costa Delta Region Sprayed w/ Pesticides (tags)
Within the last few weeks Contra Costa county near the Sacramento/San Joaquin delta was heavily sprayed with pyrethroid (PBO) pesticides. Cancer risks to humans aside, is large scale aerial pesticide spraying even an effective strategy for any purpose besides fattening the bank accounts of pesticide manufacturer CEOs???
Conservation of Symbiotic Bees Pollinators and Vernal Pool Goldfields (tags)
Developers attempt to build sprawl-marts on top of critical habitat for a great many endnagered species in the Sacramento Valley's vanishing vernal pools. What are some reasons for protecting the valley's vernal pool biodiversity?
GOP Launches Vicious Attack on Endangered Species (tags)
In the GOP's latest hellish vision (bills S.2112 and HR 3824), the lives of living organisms would be bartered, traded, and thrown away like so much monopoly money in a "credit system. "
excellent critique of humanity and our role in the destruction of the environment and the acceleration of global warming
what corporations are behind animal testing? (tags)
How do pharmaceutical corporations profit from animal testing and their "investment business with disease"? Some ideas on why the American Chemistry Council and pharmaceutical corporations continue to endorse unreliable animal research as a fast track to the commercial market.
News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/24/05) (tags)
Rewrite of endangered species law approved.
Sonoran antelope habitat fragmented by border wall (tags)
With all the economic hype about the border wall, would like to introduce to the human population a resident of the desert that considers both sides of the imaginary US/Mex border their home..
Another Doomsday, Another Dollar: Shifting Science towards Peace and Ecology (tags)
Science must be urged to climb those mountains which promote sustainability, peace and ecology rather than those which place our planet in peril.
From Democracy to Omniocracy (tags)
Shouldn't we consider a move away from Democracy – which is really just a rule by the elite (humans) – to an Omniocracy (a government of, by and for all living beings)?
The Evolution of Revolution: Part I of III: The Human Animal (tags)
must read analysis of the human condition
History's Greatest Land-Grab Hoaxes (tags)
Much of the written history we have in our hands today, was written by authors who were employed by the people they wrote about, including the events those people were involved in. Meaning, that the history we are reading has been manipulated to have a positive-propaganda value to the employer (usually within his or her peer group) and not of value to the general public, most of whom were illiterate at the time. It was not until after free public education was introduced (1827 in Massachusetts) and mass amounts of the general public began to become literate, did we start to see a less manipulated documentation of history.
Slavery Still Legal In Many Places (tags)
When an environmental disaster strikes, such as the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and resulting tsunamis on December 26, 2004, many of our species will sit and wait for food, water, and shelter, and even die when it does not arrive on time. They have been falsely trained to believe that they are truly helpless, except for prayer.
an essay expressed by Croatians... for the world to read "A small country for great holidays ... But a small country for great cruelty!"
Symbiosis as a Basic Principle of Evolution (tags)
Human life is inseparably embedded in the great metabolic cycles of animate nature.. A humanity that cancels this symbiosis and destroys natural resources seals its own destruction. Perhaps we could be matriots, not patriots.
In-situ crop diversity, wild relatives & GE pollen contamination (tags)
In-situ (on site) conservation of crop biodiversity is another answer to the fallacy of genetic engineering (GMO/GE) monoculture crops promoted by biotech corporations. Wild relatives of crops like rice and maize can be intercrossed/introgressed to increase resistance to insect pests and "weed" competition. We only need to protect the wild relatives of crops like rice, potatoes and maize..
Save Sac/San Joaquin Valley Vernal Pools from $$prawl (tags)
Sacramento/San Joaquin Valley vernal pools are paved over by developers interested in making money off suburban sprawl, specific info on Shasta county..
Comments Needed: Help Protect Oregon Old Growth (tags)
The Forest Service is trying to move forward with several contentious old growth sales in Oregon that have been the site of mass protests and civil disobedience. Tomorrow (Wed March 18th) is the last day to submit public comments.
Spring Equinox 2004 Global Rainbow Gathering of the Tribes - Mexico (tags)
You are invited to the gathering!
Why we need the Endangered Species Act (tags)
Critics want the act gutted, claiming it protects "unimportant" species and halts development, but can you imagine America without the bald eagle?
Essential Quotes For The Aware (tags)
These are bonafide and verifiable quotes of those in the know and in control. Rather chilling really. I would suggest saving them for reference.
The Conservative Assault on our Environment (tags)
Fitzsimmons, a free-market policy analyst and former libertarian and conservative think tank consultant, contends that ecosystems exist only in our imagination -- thus, federal policies should not be used to manage or restore the environment.
Bush challenged on 3.2M acre desert off-road plan (tags)
Bush Administration Faces Legal Challenge to 3.2M Acre California Desert Off-Road Plan BLM?s W. Mojave ORV Plan would reduce conservation; harm wildlife and air quality
Republicans will gut Endangered Species Act to Protect Pentagon (tags)
Despite two reports from the congressional General Accounting Office stating environmental protections have not harmed US military readiness, Representative Richard Pombo (Republican/Libertarian) is on the hunt.
Serving the Individual Strengthens the Group (tags)
From the book "The Origin of Social Dysfunction" by E. Allie.
The Pink Party welcomes everyone interested in promoting global peace and understanding.
Global warming: Smog belches from Bush administration (tags)
The New Year began with environmentalists pressing two separate lawsuits charging the Bush administration with gutting the Clean Air Act and pushing policies that have accelerated global warming that poses a long term threat to life on earth.
Nautical Ecocide Threatens the World's Aquarium (tags)
(versión en Español pendiente) Analysis of the Escalera Nautica or Nautical Stairway project in Northwest Mexico, with regards to environmental impact and global economic forces.
Dictator Watch Manifesto (tags)
Now, or never?
Ten Years After - Time to Revisit The World Scientists' Warning to Humanity (tags)
We the undersigned, senior members of the world's scientific community, hereby warn all humanity of what lies ahead. A great change in our stewardship of the earth and the life on it, is required, if vast human misery is to be avoided and our global home on this planet is not to be irretrievably mutilated.
Bush Administration Works to Weaken Endangered Species Act (tags)
Between The Lines' Melinda Tuhus spoke with Bruce Hamilton, conservation director with the Sierra Club, who discusses the impact these proposed changes could have on threatened and endangered species, and what his organization is doing to fight back.
The abuse of women should not be tolerated in our society in any field, whether its ordinary day living or in the film industry. They are seen as just thngs, when there much more than that, like an education, but then I appreciate women in many ways, many of my species do not, but it was about time they started too.