fix articles 387428, complutense university
DEA Failure to Comprehend Science when Scheduling Drugs (tags)
The recent decision by the DEA to keep cannabis on schedule 1 status while meth is a schedule 2 drug draws into question their scientific knowledge. Other reasons for such scientific negligence on the part of the DEA is the profit motive; protecting pharma from legalized medical cannabis competition.
Fusion Green Liberty Party 2016 Presidential Campaign (tags)
The Green Liberty Party is a fusion party that combines both Green and Libertarian concepts. Primarily the GLP is concerned with ending the rackets called "war on drugs" and "war on terror". GLP candidate Mark Paul Miller will use the Office of President to research, expose and stop these two government rackets that have taken lives and money from U.S. voters. It is possible for a write-in candidate to win the election if they get enough votes
Chavez in Madrid-The working class must be the vanguard of the revolution (tags)
Bolivarian Revolution