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bob dylan

Ukraine war: the business with death (tags)

State-sponsored arms shipments cause corporate profits to skyrocket. That warlike conflicts boost the business of arms corporations is a well-known fact, but never in recent history have Western arms firms and corporations been able to enrich themselves so shamelessly from human suffering as in the Ukraine conflict.

Learning to Feel Collectively (tags)

The starting point of the upheavals are the anti-colonial movements that have been spreading across the globe since the end of World War II. With the Black Civil Rights Movement, they penetrate into the heart of the capitalist world system starting in the mid-1950s, where they politicize liberal students* and the beat culture.

Reflections on Jerry Rubin (the Yippie) at Activist Support Circle (tags)

New information and insights about Jerry Rubin were discussed by his biographer Pat Thomas, whose book, "Did It! From YIPPIE to YUPPIE: Jerry Rubin, an American Revolutionary," comes out next month.

Video: The Politicians and the Egalitarians, 50 min (tags)

Sean Wilentz is a professor of history at Princeton and author of "Bob Dylan and America" and "The Politicians and the Egalitarians."

“None Dare Call It Conspiracy:” How U.S. Elites Made Islamist Militants the New Red Menace (tags)

The American Establishment’s Quarter-Century Scheme to Replace Defunct Soviet Communism with “Expansionist” Militant Islam. And Why We Need Former U.S. Senator turned diplomat Gary Hart, Who “Thinks Differently” About U.S.-Russia Relations, to Join the 2016 Presidential Race

Canada had its best election ever! (tags)

Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party with 184 seats became the Majority Party in O Canada two weeks ago. "When government trusts citizens, citizens trust the government," Trudeau said. With higher taxes on the wealthy and infrastructure investment, Canada will become more inclusive.

Studs Terkel's 1963 interview with Bob Dylan, 58 min (tags)

Silver and gold cannot buy back a heart grown cold. Attitudes are the only disability. If the political elite heard or, their anger and competitiveness would be broken!

Angry leftists seek silver lining in debt deal and 7 videos (tags)

May we mend our own pockets and put the horse (14 million jobs and drying up the tax havens) before the cart (economic recovery/economic democracy)! Robert Kuttner speaks about this at

Israel kills protesters on Nakba Day/Israeli murder machine goes on and on (tags)

The Israeli killings of Nakba Day and six june war protesters is not an incident, but part of the systematic violence of Israeli occupation Palestinians can only get their right by the armed struggle against the occupation army


Is the fashion of the moment to criticize the government? Why not to do this with profit?

Talkin' Tea Party Paranoid Blues (tags)

Comic-satire on the Tea Party phenomenon set to the tune of Bob Dylan's Talkin' John Birch Paranoid Blues.

Woodstock 2009: A Slow Learning Curve? (tags)

One generalization, that unfortunately holds true for “many” musicians and rock bands is, despite the fact they often have potentially huge audiences (the marketer’s dream), is that they often have little, if anything, intelligent and insightful to say about social and political issues. But more specifically, they will not likely assert the likelihood—that U.S. sponsored torture of Islamic prisoners has probably rendered “zero” results of quality or worthwhile intelligence (save perhaps what “Israeli” objectives might have wanted).

Woodstock 2009: A Slow Learning Curve? (tags)

One generalization, that unfortunately holds true for “many” musicians and rock bands is, despite the fact they often have potentially huge audiences (the marketer’s dream), is that they often have little, if anything, intelligent and insightful to say about social and political issues. But more specifically, they will not likely assert the likelihood—that U.S. sponsored torture of Islamic prisoners has probably rendered “zero” results of quality or worthwhile intelligence (save perhaps what “Israeli” objectives might have wanted).

Sarah Dylan Sings Hope Tonight for Barack Obama MTV Inaugural Ball (tags)

A musical tribute to President elect Barack Obama from the young generation.

Radical new book: No Innocent Bystanders (tags)

Riding Shotgun in the Land of Denial

Bob and Sarah Dylan and Paul McCartney on Saving the Environment (tags)

It’s all just common sense.

Barack Obama Al Gore Bob and Sarah Dylan on Global Warming (tags)

We are now turning the corner on world peace and climate change.

Bob Dylan’s Prophecy Democracy Don’t Rule the World (tags)

Bob Dylan’s lyrics from 24 years ago have now come true. Hopefully we will now turn the ship around.

Pluristem Placentas,James D Davidson,Leumi Bank Israel Holocaust Victims,U.S.Stock Fraud (tags)

Below is a link to and quote from James Dale Davidson and his newsmax.con's spamming for the illegal Israeli-U.S. penny stock pump and dump scam called Pluristem that hopes to get 'oil from placentas' according to the tasteless con artist Davidson.As you will see if you follow the link the Beltway connected James Dale Davidson received 20 million of the Israeli scamsters' U.S. penny stock shares. If, for instance, he can keep the price at or above 5 U.S. cents as he sells or 'dumps' his 20 million shares he will make a million dollars or more on this one penny stock fraud alone ! And that can buy more influence in Washington !

The American assassination of John Lennon by CIA and the White House. (tags)

Bcc to Buckingham Palace. (To Bcc or not to Bcc. That is the question...)

Utah Gov Jon Huntsman,Senator Bennett, Hatch call Republican Senator Shelby 'a gangster' (tags)

If Patrick Byrne,the largest campaign contributer, or 'briber', of Utah Governor Jon Huntsman Jr., and Utah Senators Bob Bennett's and Orin Hatch's favorite 'securities' fraudster and Republican 'dirty tricks' financier says Alabama Republican Richard Shelby is a 'gangster'he must be speaking for them as well,after all all three of those right wing Mormon bozos support every lie he has had to offer so far as well as his generous Republican donations......

The Meaninglessness of Actiivism/Slacktivism (tags)

Do you (or anyone else out in the mental wasteland known as the world leader, the beacon of democracy, the land of opportunity – Nazi America) have a view, a perspective, a politics, an interest, a truth, a belief, - or anything you will stand for, die for?

Download Song Commemorating Rachel Corrie (tags)

British folk singer Billy Bragg has released a FREE mp3 song dedicated to American hero/peace activist, Rachel Corrie... here's what Bragg said about his song: "Rachel Corrie went to Gaza to draw attention to the plight of the Palestinians, whose voice is seldom heard in her country, the US. That she herself should be silenced - first by an Israeli bulldozer, next by a New York theatre canceling a play created from her words - is a testimony to the power of her message. This song was written on a plane on March 20 and recorded at Big Sky Recordings, Ann Arbor, Michigan on March 22. The tune is borrowed from Bob Dylan."

Carta de la señora Maigret a John Lennon (tags)

Cuando John Lennon creó “Imagine”, éste, probablemente no imaginaba su propia muerte. La Señora Maigret ofrece, en esta carta, testimonios de la pervivencia de Imagine y de los excelentes resultados que puede tener este discurso, el que mantuvo el mismo cantaautor en su época de los Beattles y los de otros, como Saint Exupéry o Dylan en la puesta en práctica de otros mundos posibles

Ex Undersecretary Commerce Robert Shapiro aids J. D. Davidson ,Attorney John O'Quinn fraud (tags)

Clinton Undersecretary of Commerce Robert Shapiro aids James Dale Davidson's , Attorney John O'Quinn's stock fraud :It must be remembered he(James Dale Davidson) claims to have been a supporter during Clinton's first election even though the writing below indicates he had very close ties to Papa Doc or 'Poppy' Bush in the 1980's.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (3/03/06) (tags)

Kurt Nimmo on the PATRIOT Act renewal.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (2/11/06) (tags)

US trade deficit reaches all-time high

Books of the Year (tags)

Critics name their favourite books of the year 2005

Weapons of Mass Distortion: The President's New Campaign of Lies About Social Security (tags)

Like a man shouting “Fire!” in a crowded theater, like a charlatan trying to create a run on a bank, the president is trying to create a panicky run from Social Security among younger people with this new WMD-like campaign of lies.

Monty Python on Post-Modern Bush (tags)

This Monty Python letter could cheer us in this murky world of denial and myopia. Pyro-maniacs make poor firefighters. Wolves in sheeps' clothing make poor leaders. Enron lawyers (eg Gonzales) make poor Attorney Generals.

Voodoo Verbotten!, SS Save GWB from Terrorist's Voodoo Threat (tags)

Punk Band Plays: Masters of War, by Bob Dylan; Adds Worst Wishes to GB; Gets a Visit from the SS

Free Anti-Bush/Anti-War Music Video (tags)

New (R)evolution is a music video featuring live footage of anti-war/anti-bush protests in L.A. and San Francisco. Runing Time: 3:45

Commentary: What Really Happened at the Aladdin? (tags)

Did Las Vegas give Linda Ronstadt the boot? Was she censored for her political views? By Joseph Smigelski Many people are starting to ask, What really happened at the Aladdin Casino in Las Vegas on Saturday night, July 17th? Was Linda Ronstadt removed from the stage because the crowd had become unruly and safety issues had been raised, or was it because the casino’s management disagreed with her political views?

Country Joe Band, 2004: 'Uncle Sam Needs Your Help Again' (tags)

Taking the stage at a community center in the small Northern California town of Bolinas, a group of four musicians quickly showed themselves to be returning as a vibrant creative force centered very much in the present.

Post-9/11 Political Hip Hop (tags)

Fuck Clearchannel and MTV. This is the real shit.

Revolutionary Music Review: Evan Greer (tags)

Young political songwriter Evan Greer has made a name for himself in Boston by gracing stages with the likes of David Rovics, Howard Zinn, and Tim Robbins. Erin Osgood of Flamejolt Magazine reviews his music, his politics, and his message.

The Dixie Hummingbirds/ "Still, Keepin' It Real... (tags)

The incredible "iron-men" of gospel have once again "pressed the envelope" of magnificence with a dynamic, eclectic, collection of new and familiar material.

Rage. Mistrust. Hatred. Fear. Uncle Sam's enemies within (tags)

A few things have happened recently that show just how powerful -- and, perhaps, unstoppable -- is the march of the right-wing machine in the US. This month the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), a right-wing think tank umbilically tied to the Bush administration, declared open warfare on non-governmental organisations (NGOs) deemed too left-wing and set up an organisation called NGOWatch to monitor these liberal pressure groups.

Nightmare Scenarios: Today & 3 Years From Now (tags)

A look at what might happen if New York State Senate Bill 2996 becomes law and the FCC loosens ownership regulations for media corporations causing the further erosion of diverse, locally owned and operated newspapers and broadcast stations thanks to the consolidation of their ownership.

Stuck in a Depression On the Brink of War Again (tags)

This paraphrase of Bob Dylan's Memphis Blues was published in: News from Nowhere, PO 10384, Eugene OR 97440 (Free in person or for postage)

The Spoils of War: Winners and Losers (tags)

Bill O'Reilly assesses the winners and losers from the Iraq war

All Americans are War Criminals (tags)

You are either for or against the war criminals in the White House!

American eco-terrorists declare war (tags)

Homegrown environmental radicals cast their own fatwah on America this week. Eco-thug Craig Rosebraugh called on his antiwar troops to take "direct actions" against American military establishments, urban centers, corporations, government buildings and media outlets.

Empty Vee: Lights On, Nobody Home (tags)

I was watching the very first night MTV was on the air, back in the eighties. i saw that buggles video. Now it looks like censorship has utterly silenced the once vital music station. (admittedly, the eighties were a long time ago.)

Protesters that give the left a bad name (tags)

These fools are who gives the left a bad name.

Song for Palestine w/dylan melody (tags)

Please record this song, or give it to Dylan so he'll record it. Uses 'chimes of freedom' chord progression

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