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DIARY OF A CON MAN . 37 (tags)

anne frank didn´t write the diary of anne frank

"Explosive" 9/11 Documentary Premieres in San Diego (tags)

One day before the film's "official" premiere in Beverly Hills, architect Richard Gage and other members of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth showed their new film, "9/11: Explosive Evidence: Experts Speak Out" at the Joyce Beers Community Center in San Diego. Its thesis is that "controlled demolition," not fires caused by the impacts of the planes hitting the buildings, brought down the World Trade Center towers on September 11, 2001.

The Debt Ceiling: Where Are the Grownups? (tags)

The fact that the ruling elites haven't stepped in and forced the President and Congress to raise the debt ceiling, the way they did in October 2008 to push through the TARP big-bank bailout, suggests either that the corporate ruling class likes the "shock treatment" agenda being pushed by the Tea Party -- force a default on U.S. debt so the President and Congress will have to eliminate the welfare state virtually overnight -- or that the Tea Party has become the ruling class's Frankenstein, a monster it can no longer control.

Another DC Stand Down-As Radioactive Groundwater Due to Hit Chesapeake Bay (tags)

Not 1 or 2 but fully all the nuclear power plants in the Chesapeake Watershed are leaking radioactive water. What's going on? Why is this a big deal for all of the US?

No one cares, No world cares (tags)

Prose written by: Nezam Al Mehdawy The first cry: oh, Mother…Don’t die... You said you would prepare dinner….You were worried that I may get killed .Don’t die, Mother… Take my heart, my head, my blood, my life….. It is too soon to die ... from...

Lib Dems Need to Stop Whining about Vote Theft and Start Winning (tags)

Democrats in other far more repressive lands fight tooth and nail to battle against election fraud. If Republicans are stealing elections here, it’s because we are letting them get away with it.


stop bull-shit lies, fraud and Dis-Information--UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE DEPT.

Where are all those Iraqi weapons? (tags)

“Where are the weapons of mass destruction?” That is the first of many awkward questions George W. Bush faces as the vaunted victory in Iraq unravels in chaos. Another question is: “How long will the occupation last and how much will it cost?”

So where are they, Mr Blair? (tags)

Not one illegal warhead. Not one drum of chemicals. Not one incriminating document. Not one shred of evidence that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction in more than a month of war and occupation

John Loeffler - Conservative News Radio (tags)

For documentation on the plans for the National Homeland Security police, listen to the following John Loeffler interviews with Dr. Stanley Monteith, Dr. Dennis Cuddy, Karen Lee Bixman and Joel Skoulsen.


Don't allow "Wolves in Sheep's clothing" to define the life and actions of Dr. Martin Luther King. The "I have a Dream" speech (1963)is King's weakest... yet it's the only one you'll hear quoted on radio and television. King's "Beyond Vietnam" speech of 1967 reveals the true MLK, the man we should all embrace as a revolutionary leader for all times.

Stop the Lynching! (tags)

DNC joins protestors in using Hitler as example for population elimination.

Stop the Propaganda (tags)

DNC joins protestors in using Hitler as example of eliminating problem populations.

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