fix articles 385455, mustard gas
Bush erred on mustard gas (tags)
His own White House is even correcting him now, how embarrassing, but he doesn't seem to notice.
Am I still An Unpatriotic Traitor? (tags)
Am I still an Unpatriotic Traitor? That's what you called me when I said let the inspections play out, let them continue. But no, you said "enough was enough". You told me Saddam was building this apocalyptic arsenal. He had VX and Sarin and Anthrax and Mustard Gas and Salmonella and The Cooties. You told me was capable of launching a biological attack at the drop of a hat. You told me he presented a clear and imminent threat to my security. You told me to gift-wrap my house in Saran-wrap and Duct Tape.