fix articles 38409, cant Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : cant


Capitalism can't overcome the laws of physics (tags)

That humanity can dominate nature “is an illusion.” The laws of thermodynamics remain in place. “Consequently, a growth-centered capitalist economy finds itself trapped in futile attempts to completely decouple itself from nature — aiming for a 100% circular, service-oriented and zero-waste existence.

Beware the Anti-China Sentiment Pushing Us Towards Another Cold War (tags)

If the United States can’t learn to cooperate with China, our future will be one of constant escalation of wars and threats of wars and all that comes with them—including massive refugee flows, environmental destruction, and rising poverty.

Sinking Free Speech, New Wars Recognized (tags)

After an 18 year coma in California after a federal series of billion dollar robberies i witnessed as a USA federal bank examiner at FDIC Many were killed raped maimed robbed. Loomis Sacramento Robbery 1999 of Sock Strategy Warfare you cant remember. LA fed injected me in 2001 before I could get an attorney. I was in fear in a coma.

Freedom Shouldn't Depend on Your Bank Account Balance (tags)

Did you know that the median bail amount in California is $50,000? That’s just a little less than the state’s median income of $61,000.

Black New Orleans 10 Years Post-Katrina (tags)


Another US Jail Cell Death Sentence (tags)

police state


For the 4th time since last Friday, people protesting killer cops who got away with murdering African American men shut down Market Street in downtown San Francisco.

Interview with Naomi Klein (tags)

This is a crisis with spectacularly bad timing because it fell in our laps at the very moment that history was being declared over and liberals around the world were exporting this market fundamentalism. They’re telling us we can’t regulate just when we need to regulate and that we can’t invest in the public sphere just when we need to

The humanity of resistance can’t be erased by a Pinochet or a Friedman (tags)

The Pinochet coup was the first application of “shock therapy.” The intellectual author of shock therapy, Milton Friedman, needed a dictator and unlimited violence to implement his ideas.

KPFK'S LSB lax, cant get meeting location announced ? huh ? (tags)

why cant KPFK folks do it like everyone else ? set a meeting time and place in advance and post it ?

Capitalism and the Mad Uncle in the Attic (tags)

The economy should be a part of life, not a steamroller crushing creativity and self-determination.

A medieval present of austerity, a future of feudalism (tags)

Financiers can’t tolerate losses flowing from their own greed and reckless gambling. Their solution is to have the state guarantee their stratospheric profits, bonuses and salaries. Governments can only do so through extracting money from their citizenry and facilitating the upward flow of wealth within corporate structures.

Socialist Mimi Soltysik’s Pre-Election Message to California Voters (tags)

The Socialist Party USA stands for political activity independent of the two major corporate parties. Socialists believe that capitalism is fundamentally incompatible with democracy and that true democracy can only be achieved with society’s transformation to socialism.

ALBA Declaration on Copenhagen Climate Summit (tags)

"It’s clear that we can’t consider the issue of climate change without considering changing the system. The model of capitalist production and consumption is bringing life on the planet to the point of no return and to a crucial moment in human history, and the debate in these situations can’t be reduced to the economic interests of a small group."

Democrats Won’t Discuss Collateral Economic Damage Health Care bill Will Cause Americans (tags)

Americans that can’t afford health insurance or pay opt-out penalties, the IRS shall pursue and may file liens destroying their credit.

LA's The South Central Skankers Debut: Welcome To Lost Angeles (tags)

The South Central Skankers are releasing their debut album on June 6 and in honor of the release are playing at LA SKACORE Invasion!

The nine ways we create unconsciously (tags)

why on earth did I create this”? Sometimes it is phrased: “I can’t possibly be creating my reality because I never would have chosen this”. Everybody wonders about this. This article explains how we create.

Let's Start a Bank! (tags)

Instead of borrowing trillions and sticking future generations of taxpayers with the cost of bailing out a corrupt and ineffective financial system, the federal government should use the bailout money and charter a bank of its own,one that could offer loans directly to individuals and businesses and thereby stimulate the economy by providing capital to people who can't get it now from the private banks.

NO MORE BAILOUTS....we have done too much already (tags)

It is FEAR MONGERING, by exaggerations and catastrophic depictions.. propaganda...selling us the 2% incomers version of how bad it will be for us if they lose any of their profits, capital gains, benefits, compensations, and lobbist powers, and government chummists [the revolving door club]

NO BAILOUTS at all ! (tags)

NO BAILOUTS AT ALL, not for you, not for me, not for them, not for any body...not now !!!!

Something smells different in Cuba (tags)

ººº With respect to the situation in Cuba these past few weeks, the Cuban Libertarian Movement – MLC (affinity group of Cuban anarchists in exile) speaks up to answer the unknowns and the challenges facing Cuban society. Ours is the voice of uncompromising commitment to freedom, equality and solidarity that has always been the sound of the Cuban anarchists.

Israel to become 51st. State (tags)

It's our only hope of survival

Rep. John Conyers: “Congress Can Fire Bush!” (tags)

A massive anti-Iraqi War rally was held, in D.C., on Sat., Jan. 27, 2007. The Chairman of the House’s Judiciary Committee, Rep. John Conyers (D-MI), sent an unmistakable warning to President George W. Bush. Conyers said he wants the “war stopped.” He reminded Bush, that the U.S. Congress “can fire him.” Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) said Bush “tricked the American people” into the war. She said, to loud applause: “Bush isn’t the decider. He’s the liar!”

Taking the 7 Talks to the Proletariat and Building for October5 (tags)

The recent correspondence on taking out Bob Avakian’s 7 Talks, especially into proletarian communities, was very important (see Revolution #60 and #61 for articles on this). One thing that comes through: there is nothing else speaking to the how-to-live-and-die questions that are on people’s minds....


Today, for the second time this month, World Can’t Wait – Drive Out the Bush Regime published a full-page ad in the New York Times calling for massive protests across the country on OCTOBER 5. The ad reads: 'ENDLESS WARS! TORTURE! KATRINA! THEOCRACY! BRING THIS TO A HALT! We must act now-- The world's future is in our hands."

The Planetary War of the United States of America (Dec2001) (tags)

Sooner or later the competing bourgeoisies will attempt to free themselves, to unite, to escape from America’s more and more choking dominance.

Burbank: Standoff in the Street (tags)

On Saturday morning, during an immigration confrontation at Burbank Home Depot, Save Our State and other minutemen spouted their frustration and unsuccessfully tried to provoke violence after a month of pro-migrant victories.

Baradei is Isareli lackey (tags)

Israel is putting itself into grave danger.


Photos of the World Cant Wait - Drive Out the Bush Regime Protest on 01/31/2006 in Hollywood Ca

The World Can’t Wait--Drive Out the Bush Regime (tags)

Today, The World Can’t Wait - Drive Out the Bush Regime organization placed a full page ad in The New York Times calling for George Bush to step down from office, and take his program with him. Similar calls for the resignation of Donald Rumsfeld, Karl Rove, or Dick Cheney have appeared, but this is the first time an organization has run an ad in a national media outlet calling for the removal of the entire Bush regime and their program from power.

World Can't Wait White House Encampment and Countdown to Nov. 2nd (tags)

The World Can’t Wait, Drive Out the Bush Regime! says,“Your government, on the basis of outrageous lies, is waging a murderous and utterly illegitimate war in Iraq, with other countries in their sights.” oin us! We are here from 10 am- 7 pm EVERY DAY. And at NOON each day, we cross the street, on the sidewalk in front of the White House, and directly serve notice about the number of the days til the beginning of the end of the Bush Regime.

Voices of the Lost and Forgotten- Pt. 4: Families In Poverty (tags)

Part four in a five part series on the alarming increases of homelessness, poverty, and hunger in America.

The War For Freedom (tags)

Utah concert attacked by MILITARY! Where's the media?

Silent Violence (tags)

If you like peace the notion of silent violence may be uncomfortable - disturbing even. But the elements that make violence what it is; fear, pain, danger, and death are all contained within deprivation. The only difference perhaps is that one is a result of aggression and the other a result of ignorance.

US Soldier: Dead heroes can’t pay the bills! Stop killing us and then waving the flag! I (tags)

Interview with a US soldier who was deploying for a second tour in Iraq.

In America’s Industrial Heartland Can’t Pay Won’t Pay Campaign takes Off (tags)

Anger at corporations and their politicians finds concrete expression in North West Indiana

Dashing Mayor to the Rescue (tags)

San Francisco hotel workers strike heading in the wrong direction as millionaire mayor gets involved

Why vote for Nader if he won’t win? (tags)

[T]he old saying of Socialist Party leader Eugene Debs--"I’d rather vote for something I want and not get it, than vote for something I don’t want and get it"--is more relevant than ever.

"President Bush, You Killed My Son! I dare you to tell me the Iraq war was justified! (tags)

An interview with Sue Niederer, Military Families Speak Out member, whose son Lt. Seth Dvorin was killed in Iraq on February 3rd, 2004

Voices of the Lost and Forgotten-Part One: (tags)

Homeless families ask an important question: "How can America let this happen to us? Why can’t we get any help?"

Industry Experts Can’t Explain Pentagon Photo Evidence (tags)

"If the disc in the photo can be matched with a Rolls Royce AE 3007H engine, some speculate that it would prove something like a Global Hawk hit the Pentagon. The Global Hawk engine is hand built at the Rolls Royce plant in Indianapolis and has an opening diameter of 43.5 inches."

Revolutionary Yoga (tags)

Revolution as a spiritual exercise:

concerned (tags)

Letter to G W

The United States of America Has Gone Mad (tags)

America has entered one of its periods of historical madness, but this is the worst I can remember: worse than McCarthyism, worse than the Bay of Pigs and in the long term potentially more disastrous than the Vietnam War.

ANTIWAR protest saturday feb15th (tags)

why cant i seem to find info about saturdays national protest on IMC? It is @ 1 pm in Hollywood cant remember which cross streets. la brea?

i am american poverty (tags)

examines the reality of poverty in contemprary america, asks "where is the left" and offers solutions

Divesting Scrooge & Marley - a seasonal commentary (tags)

Every December 25th, or there about, the ghost of Charles Dickens revives the Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come, and still the wheels of commerce so often roll over our human condition


The new war its foudations and impications

Environmentalists Against Gore Speak Out (tags)

After eight years of environmental betrayals, largely buried in the corporate press, grassroots environmetal leaders cry, "Enough!"

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