fix articles 383991, san remo
It Can’t Happen Here! Oh Yes It Can! (tags)
CoronaVirus Pandemic, Growing Anti-Semitism, Economic Collapse; What Will It Take To Become Jew-woke, And Move Back to the Homeland, To Israel?
A Short History of the Israeli - Palestinian Conflict: Past Is Prologue (tags)
Israel chooses violence
Al Gore shares Nobel's Explosive Peace Prize (tags)
Awarding Al Gore the Nobel Peace Prize reminds most people of the unbelievable awarding of this Prize to another infamous global warmonger, Henry Kissinger. Vietnam was still burning in 1973, and Le Duc Tho, who was supposed to share the Peace Prize with Kissinger, said the whole 'Nobel Prize business' was 'dishonorable'. Al Gore proves it again.
Fortune Magazine: After Sadam (tags)
"A prolonged, expensive, American-led occupation is also plausible, one that could turn U.S. troops into sitting ducks for Islamic terrorists, a la Lebanon in the 1980s."