fix articles 3828, demands
In short: Either we accept the cultural and historical plurality as well as the legitimate security interests of all states on our globe - and not only of the West - and actively support UN international law or we will perish together.
The Ukraine-Russia conflict (tags)
"The West must negotiate with Russia" NATO should also agree to talk about a new European security architecture if Russia is also willing to agree to de-escalating and confidence-building measures in the relationship with Ukraine."
SAG-AFTRA video game performers on strike (tags)
In the early morning of Friday, the Screen Actors Guild‐American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) announced a strike against a dozen video game entertainment corporations, including Electronic Arts Productions, Inc., Disney Character Voices, Inc. and Warner Brothers Games, Inc.
July 2015 Honduras Coup update (tags) The July Honduras coup summary is up... this time a lot of the repression was against hunger strikers, students linked to occupations, journalists and human rights defenders. Things are getting to an impossible point for many and there is some hope about how this rage be channelled.
Zoo Animals May Starve in Greece (tags)
Anti-Climax in Greece: Epitaph for a Failed State (tags)
Tsipras Banishing Ministers Opposing His Sellout (tags)
US Bullying Iran to Capitulate in Nuclear Talks (tags)
Looming Greek Capitulation to Troika Bandits? (tags)
High Stakes Game of Chicken in Greece (tags)
Planned US Coup in Greece? (tags)
Greece: Ground Zero for Global Pillage (tags)
Tsipras Surrenders to Troika Demands (tags)
No Deal as June 30 Iranian Nuclear Talks Deadline Arrives (tags)
Greece Declares Bank Holiday, Capital Controls Imposed (tags)
Israel and Its Lobby Aim to Sabotage an Iranian Nuclear Deal (tags)
Kiev Demands Russia Pay $350 Billion for Destruction Its Own Aggression Caused in Donbass (tags)
Netanyahu Insists Iran Deal Include His Demands (tags)
No Deal on Iran's Nuclear Program - So Far (tags)
KPFK FUND DRIVE drives on and on and on ..... (tags)
no end in sounds of repeat programming, desperate guilt ploys, and asking for money to save what may be a dying old radio station. sad. but may be time for real changes, any how, any time, on air time especially.
Netanyahu: Israel's Pinochet (tags)
Statement on the Gaza Genocide (tags)
In the past week, Israeli military forces have escalated their offensive on the Gaza Strip. Israeli warplanes have increasingly targeted houses, civilian-populated areas and civilian facilities in the Gaza strip. Israeli warplanes have destroyed a number of houses while their residents were inside, without any prior warnings, killing and wounding many Palestinian civilians.
"Fair Harvard" Lacks Fairness (tags)
Dead in the Water Peace Talks (tags)
Sham Israeli/Palestinian Peace Talks Continue (tags)
Iranian Nuclear Talks Continue (tags)
From Summit to Summit: Lost Generation and Lost Decade (tags)
Neoliberal economic thinking explains unemployment as a balance phenomenon with only supply-side causes: poorly trained, wrong place, excessive wage demands and an overly generous social state.. Youth unemployment of 30 or 60% is a catastrophe.
The Egyptian Revolution’s Next Barrier (tags)
When the Egyptian army first began its offensive against the Muslim Brotherhood, many speculated that such an assault would likely be extended to the same revolutionaries who demanded — in massive demonstrations — that President Morsi be evicted from office.
The AFL-CIO’s New Strategy: Inspiration or Hype? (tags)
After years of embarrassing denial, the AFL-CIO recently took its first baby step in addressing the crisis that has engulfed organized labor: it recognized there was a problem. In the run up to its national convention in early September in Los Angles, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka recently admitted that “what we’ve been doing isn’t working,” and consequently announced a new strategy that was, supposedly, a revolutionary break from the previously-failed strategy of organized labor.
LA Families March For Trayvon Martin (tags)
Mothers, Fathers, Sons and Daughters come together to pressure the Feds on Stand Your Ground Laws and a Federal Indictment of George Zimmerman / Photo Set 2 0f 2
LA Families March For Trayvon Martin (tags)
Mothers, Fathers, Sons and Daughters come together to Pressure the Feds on Stand Your Ground Laws and a Federal Indictment of George Zimmerman. Photo-Set 1 of 2
What’s Next for the Egyptian Revolution (tags)
Egyptians are making history at a frantic pace. After the largest protests in Egypt’s history initiated the downfall of the first Muslim Brotherhood government, a military-led massacre of Muslim Brotherhood faithful quickly altered the political dynamic. Everything is in flux.
Iran's Legal Right to Enrich Uranium Unchallenged (tags)
Navigating Egypt’s Revolutionary Crisis (tags)
As chaos again envelopes Egypt, the revolution is evolving in new directions, along contradictory and confusing channels. It’s tempting to immediately support the “opposition” to the Muslim Brotherhood’s apparent “power grab,” but the situation in Egypt is more complex. The recent events in Egypt are not simply signs of a healthy revolution, they include immediate dangers.
Workaholics and Burnout (tags)
"Real life is unlived because one has traded oneself and everything one has for a promise of success and career that turns out to be nothing but a race without a goal or end."
Taxing the Rich and Its “Left” Critics (tags)
In a recent article published on the website of Socialist Viewpoint, Chris Kinder criticized those on the left who call for raising taxes on the rich. Identifying himself as a Trotskyist, Mr. Kinder displayed particular displeasure with Trotskyists who embrace this demand. Yet, as we will argue, his arguments fundamentally deviate from the political-strategic framework established by Marx and Engels and developed by Lenin and Trotsky.
A Conversation Worth Having (tags)
The Nation magazine recently held a roundtable blog discussion that debated the effects of the failed Wisconsin recall. The discussion is important because of the seriousness of its subject. Such open and frank conversations have been sadly quite rare, so it is something of a credit to the Nation that they hosted this discussion.
The Struggle for Leadership Within “Leaderless” Occupy (tags)
The current debate that has erupted within Occupy circles was built into this movement’s foundation. It has been sparked by much needed soul searching in the wake of a series of confrontations with the police, most notably in Oakland, that ended disastrously.
From: David KleinSent: Saturday, December 10, 2011 8:29 AM Subject: [CEIA-SC] CSU open letter update
[Strategy!:] The Occupy Movement Needs a Good Fight (tags)
The Occupy Movement Needs a Good Fight "Power concedes nothing without a demand." - Frederick Douglass In a movement based on general anger about inequality and the domination of big banks, it becomes difficult to focus the rage into something concrete. For many Occupiers, being concrete is a mere distraction, meant to shift the movement into something 'less radical,” since their targets — big banks and inequality — are at the root of the problem. Why mess with the tree when you could go for the roots? But, as any tree-removal worker will tell you, the tree comes first, then the roots. The roots cannot be the immediate goal of the Occupy movement because pulling them out would require tens of millions of hands, and the vast majority of working people are not yet directly involved in the movement, though many of them are giving approving nods from a distance. Bringing these more distant people into the movement requires they be given a good reason to join. And although a general anti-1% sentiment sounds appealing to the 99%, a struggle to win worker-friendly demands can help pull these people into the streets.
Video: Robert Pollin onOccupy Movement and Demands (tags)
Social justice, solidarity and sharing open doors while unrestrained deregulation leads to exploding inequality and generalized insecurity.
The Way Forward for Occupy Portland (tags)
In Portland, Oregon, all the promise and pitfalls of the Occupy Movement are on public display. Portland is second only to New York when it comes to sustained Occupy power, but in a newly born social movement strength is not something to take for granted. The vast amounts of public support in Portland, earned through large demonstrations and strategic outreach, can be frittered away by the internal contradictions of the movement.
[The Occupy movement] Demands and Grievances: Limit Corporate Power, Equal Rights for All (tags)
Different statements have been released by the more than 1,500 solidarity groups and occupations throughout the world..... the Move Your Money Project and Bank Transfer Day, both in solidarity with the Occupy movement, have called for people to remove their money from large corporate banks by Nov. 5, moving their money to local banks and credit unions. Excerpts from two occupations' statements of grievances and demands follow.
Urgent Message from Occupy Coachella Valley (tags)
reposted from facebook
Smiley and West Buoy the 99 % at Occupy LA Rally (tags)
Dr. Cornel West and Tavis Smiley address the folks at Occupy LA.
Palestinian Freedom Later, Not Now (tags)
Israeli Street Protests: Suppressed by US Media (tags)
class war
The Labor Movement in Portland, Oregon, Takes a Step Forward (tags)
On only the second sunny weekend of the year in Portland, Oregon, 60 plus labor activists decided to spend their Saturday at the Electricians union hall (IBEW Local 48), at the United Labor Strategy Meeting ? an event unlike any other happening in the country. What made the meeting unique was both its perspective and the diversity of unions that participated.
Egypt's Military Declares Martial Law (tags)
liberating struggles
Egypt at Dawn's Early Light (tags)
liberating struggles
Venezuela’s Social Movements: Autonomy’s Difficult Path (tags)
* On November 2010, in the Spanish city of Cordoba, during the celebrations of the Centennial of the historical anarcho-syndicalist union, the Confederacion Nacional del Trabajo (CNT), a Round Table discussion about Latin America’s social movements took place. A representative of El Libertario was present and delivered the following report.
The 7 Demands of The Tahrir square Protestors: (tags)
US government demands Twitter account information of WikiLeaks and followers (tags)
The Real Significance of the One Nation Rally (tags)
How are we to interpret the massive One Nation demonstration in Washington D.C. on October 2nd? Was this a rally to elect Democrats? A progressive movement hijacked by the Democratic Party? Or something else?
After October 2, What Next? (tags)
The October 2nd demonstration in Washington, D.C., is a great step forward. We are now beginning to take matters into our own hands, relying on ourselves, and acting collectively.
Jerry Brown Widens the Chasm Between Labor and the Democratic Party (tags)
With the November elections rapidly approaching, most Americans are unimpressed and uninvolved, having concluded that elections have changed little in their struggling lives, despite all the promises of politicians.
Philippine President Aquino's inauguration (tags)
THERE IS A REASON to celebrate the inauguration of President Benigno ‘Noynoy’ Aquino -- we have finally dumped the most corrupt and most hated regime since the fall of the Marcos dictatorship in 1986. GMA didn't deserve the President's farewell granted her. She should have been ousted years ago. Nevertheless, Aquino’s victory rightfully belongs to the Filipino people who voted against Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and her minions.
Dueling Strategies in the Defense of Public Education, Part I (tags)
The massive turnout across the state of California on March 4 in defense of public education provides indisputable evidence that this movement is just at the beginning stage. And much credit is due to the countless number of students, staff, and teachers who committed many, many hours of their time, tirelessly organizing for March 4; without this dedication, the event would have sputtered to a stop.
Video: UCLA Students Murphy Hall Sit-in (tags)
LOS ANGELES, UCLA CAMPUS – March 4, 2010 – 1:00 pm PST - At least 200 Students marched into Murphy Hall in an attempt to deliver to UCLA chancellor Gene Block a list of demands. Instead they were greeted by UCPD offices who prevented access into the chancellor’s office. Undaunted, the Students then read their demands via megaphone outside in hopes that those inside would hear them. Still with no response the Students declared a sit-in until the chancellor would come to meet with them. Uploaded is video from the action.
UCI Muslims join LGBT Protest (tags)
UCI Muslims join LGBT Protest in occupying Administration building. LGBT demands of gender neutral bathrooms and queer studies funding are joined by demands that the MSA Oren protesters not be charged.
How Liberals Strengthen the Right Wing (tags)
The Democrats look around, blindly, after losing their long-held Senate seat in Massachusetts, and with it their Senate super-majority. They wrongly blame the voters, or their “populist” opponent, but rarely themselves. The Democrats’ claim to be “shocked,” but this scenario is now too familiar in the U.S. two-party system — that corporate-owned game of political musical chairs. Just when it seemed that the Democrats could finally “do something” — since they had a year of super-majority status in the Senate — a wrench was somehow thrown in the machinery.
[2] Solidaridad con Atenco: Cita en Consulado de Mexico (tags)
Dia Internacional en Solidaridad con Atenco: Video corto en resumen de los actividades en California y Mexico y Informacion sobre una Cita Formal con los oficiales del Consulado de Mexico a presentar exigimos. Presentaron una carta con cientos de firmas al consulado, y recibieron confirmacion que la carta ya lo envio directo al gobierno en estado de Mexico, mismo dia.
Iran's Coming Revolution: For Civil Rights or Beyond? (tags)
Simplifying the events in Iran as yet another attempt at a U.S. financed “color revolution” is shortsighted, to say the least. But this is the shallow position many on the left are taking. Fortunately, millions of people partaking in mass demonstrations cannot be reduced to “mere puppets” of Uncle Sam — they have aspirations of their own and ways to achieve them. It is possible that the U.S. played a role in the events leading up to the massive protests in Iran, since the U.S.-sponsored color revolution formula is well known: a pro-western opposition candidate creates political instability — usually around election time — and uses the demonstrators who support them, who are funneled money through the C.I.A., to help topple the existing regime.
Unraveling The Card Check Debate (tags)
Sometimes in politics a particular issue strikes at the core of deeper social-economic forces. Card Check - properly named The Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA)- is such an issue. EFCA, if implemented as proposed, would allow workers at any work place to join a union simply by having the majority of employees sign union authorization cards. The current law mandates that there be a secret ballot election one month after the requisite number of signed cards are submitted. This one-month period allows employers to mount campaigns to discourage employees from voting for a union, often using conscious distortions and intimidation as tactics. EFCA would prohibit newly unionized workers from striking for two years to gain a first contract. Moreover, if a first contract has not been negotiated within the first three months, a Federal Mediator can step in and impose a contract. Currently, employers who are compelled to recognize a union do not have to concede to a negotiated contract at all; and if, after one year a contract has not been negotiated, the union can be subjected to a vote of decertification, which is often the case.
The Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) and the Coalition of Filipino American organizations of California (CFAOC) wholeheartedly support the united voice of the rank and file workers of the United Health Care Workers -West-UHW who called for a ote for disaffiliation from SEIU International.
Wednesday (12/24): Reports from Greece (tags)
Big demonstration in solidarity with the arrestees through the main shopping district. The occupations of the university buildings are ending and more actions are planned.
Witness to Rove election rigging dead in plane crash (tags)
Bush Insider Who Planned To Tell All Killed In Plane Crash: Non-Profit Demands Full Federal Investigation
Betrayal of hope by Obama's new neoliberal regime (tags)
People who thought that Obama would bring us change and some sort of positive direction need to brace themselves for the ultimate betrayal once the new neoliberal Obama regime replaces the old neoconservative GW bush regime, another shift change in the psychiatric ward we call the United States..
Venezuela: ... Autonomous struggle from the ground up! (tags)
* Issue #52 of El Libertario is out In its editorial we reaffirm the commitment of this voice of Venezuelan anarchism to maintain a critical viewpoint on the country's realities, as well as our stand in solidarity with the struggle for liberty and equality.
Bush to assassinate Al-Maliki
Update on Elvira actions (tags)
Planning around Elvira Arellano response, and demands.
US Congress Demands SOA/WHINSEC Release Names of Graduates and Instructors (tags)
On Sunday August 5, 2007 the House of Representatives approved a report accompanying the FY 2008 Defense Appropriations bill that demands the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (SOA/WHINSEC) release to the public the names of all students and instructors who attended the school during the fiscal years of 2005 and 2006. The directive also requires that the same information be available to the public in all future fiscal years.
stop ted hayes anti-arab/black muslim march 8.11 (tags)
hayes will march 8.11 to defend u.s. chattel slavery & attack "arab/black muslim slavers" "Who should be responsible for paying reparations". up u.s. reparations/amnesty! down hayes/u.s. war!
8th Annual GWS LA Event with Sò An (tags)
Report of 8th Annual Global Women’s Strike Los Angeles Event: An Evening of Resistance & Song with Sò An, Popular Haitian activist, political prisoner & folk singer
Strike Against War by Occidental Student Coalition to end War (tags)
Strike plans at Occidental College (1600 Campus Road, Los Angeles, CA 90041):
Brazil: Paraná State demands respect. (tags)
In the case of BR-376 the situation is still more serious. Because it is intended to give to private exploration a federal highway that was constructed with money of the people of Paraná State.
Democratic Congressional candidate Cynthia Matthews (26thCD) demands that Cong. David Dreier explain his actions and inactions relating to Republican Mark Foley. Calls for 4-way debate that includes all candidates in the race for the 26th Congressional District.
The Philippine government (GRP) on Wednesday rejected demands by Muslim rebels for control over vast swaths of land as peace talks remained at a standstill. Executive Secretary Eduardo Ermita conceded that the talks with the Muslim separatist Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) “are at a stalemate right now on the issue of territory.”
The Power of the Oaxaca Commune (tags)
From Mexico
VIDEO: Immigrants Rights March in Downtown LA (tags)
Although only a fraction the size of the massive marches of March 25 and May1 this march still drew an estimated 3,500 people.
Faking Palestinian Resistance (tags)
In keeping with the idea that this particular Palestinan group does not actually exist, Hamas, Abbas and every other known Palestinan grouping denied any involvement and indeed condemned the kidnapping, with Haled Abu Hilal, Hamas interior ministry spokesman saying "this is not acceptable at all" and stating that Hamas security officials have put police across Gaza on alert and set up roadblocks to find the gunmen and free the reporters. Sadly, to no avail.
JFAV Demands Justice: Investigate and Punish All Responsible for the Veterans Scam (tags)
The Justice forFilipino AMerican Veterans (JFAV) is monitoring the developments on the recently exposed theft of 26.5 million American veterans’ records last May 3 but which was not immediately reported by the Veterans Administration (VA) will have a long-lasting impact on millions of veterans. JFAV states that it is bad enough that the benefits of American veterans are being drastically cut ($15 billion cut in the last 3 years), now they fall prey to criminal syndicates due to the incompetence of the VA authorities.
United Students Against Sweatshops sitting at Riverside and Berkeley Univesities (tags)
Students Are Sitting-In in California!
Jim Gilchrist speaks on LA march (tags)
Words from Jim Gilchrist on the march in L.A.
Open Letter to the anti-War Movement- WCW (tags)
Making Demands, Are We? (tags)
Making demands like a spoiled child...
Green Party Demands Retraction of False Statements by Jim Gilchrist (tags)
The Green Party of Orange County demands a retraction of slanderous statements made by Jim Gilchrist, founder of the Minuteman Project and American Independent candidate for Congress in the 48th Congressional District, accusing the Green Party of being "terrorists" and individual Greens of orchestrating "mayhem" and "attempted murder."
VoIP Wake up to the fascism (tags)
The FCC threatens Voice over IP
The People Went To The DA To Demand Justice (tags)
On Wednesday, June 1st, the people went to the DA's office to voice community demands.
Showdown in Coal Town: 16 Arrested in MJS Action (tags)
For the third time in one week, residents of the Coal River Valley of West Virginia and supporters from across the country met at Massey Energy's coal processing plant behind Marsh Fork Elementary School to demand that it be shut down and cleaned up. Sixteen of the 150 participants in the Mountain Justice Summer campaign were arrested as they attempted to deliver a list of demands to the site's supervisor. Earlier in the day two campaign participants delivered the demands directly to Massey's head offices in Richmond Virginia.
For the Sake of the Kids: West Virginia Residents Confront Massey Energy (tags)
While Massey Energy stockholders met at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York City, parents, grandparents, and other residents of Coal River Valley, West Virginia rallied to oppose Massey's operations adjacent to Marsh Fork Elementary School. Two grandmothers and a third resident of the valley attempted to deliver a list of demands. The residents were met by the plant's head of security who refused to allow them to present their demands. When the residents again attempted to present their demands, they were arrested in a moving and dramatic act of civil conscience.
John Kerry, who often flip flops, (considers the opinions and advice of others and his constituency) has selected a HVT, (high value target), John Edwards, as predicted, which should sure up the southern belle demographic as the main stream media slowly begin to switch sides. Bush also reminded President General Musharraf that he wants Osama, but he will settle for any HVT.
Annulling Debts as a Great Step (tags)
"The goal must be redefined beyond goods production and abstract labor, beyond the market and the state.. The great step of debt cancellation occurs when the burden can no longer be endured. The new finance capita-lism is a bubble and debt capitalism.."
Fast 4 Education Introduced on Assembly Floor (tags)
The Fast for Education was introduced on the Assembly floor on Friday It is currently entering its 21st day!
Bolivian Government to Face Week of Strikes and Protests (tags)
La Paz.-
Issue of detainees in Syria 'a tragedy' (tags)
A human rights activist said Monday that the issue of Lebanese who were victims of arbitrary abduction and detention by Syrian forces was a harsh humanitarian outcome of the civil war.
Persian revolutionaries killed 9 ununiformed mercenaries according to CNN. The religious fanactics had apparantly traveled to Persia to take advantage of the spoils of war. CNN refered to the religious fanatics as Southern Baptist civilians.
Why Some Men And Women Refuse (tags)
Ethnic cleansing without a concentration camp.
Iranian Workers Solidarity Network (tags)
Tell the President and your Reps that you demand the removal of all Israeli settlements from the Palestinian territories.
Demands regarding the invasion, occupation and 'reconstruction' of Iraq (tags)
This statement will be presented to the "Iraq and the Global Peace Movement: What next?" conference in Jakarta, Indonesia, 19-21 May and at the peace and anti-war movements events during the G8 in late May.
The 4th Global Women’s Strike (tags)
March 8, 2003 – Westwood Federal Building Los Angeles
Global Women's Strike Mobilizations Around the World -- Written March 7th (tags)
Virtue Demands Pulling All Support from Pride (tags)
A history of Zimbabwe and its ongoing land reform struggles in the face of drought, starvation and economic disaster perpetrated by Western intervention and demands.
3rd Annual Global Women's Strike- March 8! (tags)
Under the banner "Invest in Caring Not Killing: Welfare Not Warfare," women –- including welfare mothers,grandmothers, immigrant women,lesbian women, and women with disabilities, as well as men supporters -- will take to the streets with puppets, street theatre, music, and banners, highlighting all the demands of the Global Women’s Strike, in a march down Wilshire Boulevard, a major Los Angeles thoroughfare.
I call for economic sanctions against the Republican Party and their donors (tags)
How to enact a liberal agenda in the public and private sector. (tags)
Coalition Protesting Policies of World Bank and IMF Lays Out 4 Key Demands... (tags)
Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Robert Naiman, senior analyst with the Center for Economic and Policy Research, currently working with the Mobilization for Global Justice, who lays out the demands of labor, environmental, and human rights groups coming to Washington, D.C. the last week in September.
Wellesley Students Protest College's Lack of Commitment to Multiculturalism (tags)
A diverse group of students at Wellesley College is protesting the institution's protracted neglect of curricular and student life issues concerning its largest minority population, Asian and Asian American students.
I was part of the video affinity group. I am now working on publishing a zine THE OBSERVATIONIST. Please fill out the following survey.
Justice for Youth March (part 5) (tags)
A interview taken at the Tuesday morning march from Belmont Learning Complex to California Governor Gray Davis' office to deliver 10 demands. Vist our youth organizing website for Quicktime Video and the list of 10 demands.
Justice for Youth March (part 4) (tags)
A summary video of the march Tuesday morning march from Belmont Learning Complex to California Governor Gray Davis' office to deliver 10 demands. Vist our youth organizing website for Quicktime Video and the list of demands.
Demands of Tuesday Justice for Youth March (tags)
The Justice for Youth March on Tuesday morning was part of continuing statewide efforts to fight for more Schools and less Jails in the State of California. The following were the 10 demands presented at the Ronald Reagan State Building where California Gov. Gray Davis' office is located:
Demands to LAPD, Rampart (in spanish) (tags)
4 demands made to LAPD (Rampart) in front of their station Wednesday 8/16 during the demo there. (Spanish)
Demands to LAPD, Rampart (tags)
4 demands made at the demo in front of Rampart PD station Wednesday 8/16.
Kissin' in the Square, Dyin' in the Streets (tags)
Despite police presence, Queers and Allies pull off a successful march organized around demands for Our Health, Our Rights, and Our Lives.
Bread and Roses Revisited (tags)
Opening the rally with songs from the Industrial Workers of the World and concluding with a nonviolent march, close to five hundred people walked to support valuing women’s work and women’s lives.
Description of the conditions of protesters arrested during the Republican National Convention, and their struggle for release.
R2K Imprisoned Female Protesters Embark On Water Strike (tags)
Over 300 Republican Convention Protesters Still in Custody: High Bail and Ludicrous Charges Levied by Philadelphia D.A.