fix articles 3827, assembly Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : assembly


War criminal Netanyahu at UN on September 27th (tags)

War criminal Netanyahu plans to leave for New York early on Tuesday, September 24th and pollute the General Assembly on Friday afternoon, September 27th, before arriving back in occupied Palestine on the afternoon of Sunday the 29th.

Freedom of Asembly is Sick (tags)

The denial of these problems and the refusal to deal with the destructive effects of capitalism are the reason why the USA is particularly ill-equipped to face future challenges.

[GREECE] About the “Self-organized libertarian assembly Paliacate Zapatista” (tags)

[GREECE] “Self-organized libertarian assembly Paliacate Zapatista”: Neither self-organized, nor libertarian, nor assembly

Jesse Jackson's Sneak Attck on Toyota Lexington Ky and it's workers 2018 (tags)

Toyota Ky is where Toyota has moved it'S. manufacturing. Fremont CA has been shuttered. Jesse Jackson the leader of Operation Push has won a 10 year agreement funding Operation Push with $$7.8 Billion in US dollars. Thats $780 million each year.

Witness Venezuela’s Elections This December-6, 2015 (tags)

This December, witness one of the most important elections in the history of Venezuela, and of the hemisphere. On December 6, the people of Venezuela will exercise their right to vote in elections for deputies to the country’s National Assembly. Voters will decide whether to carry forward the Bolivarian Revolution by retaining a Chavista majority in the National Assembly or return the political intitative to the traditional elites represented by most of the Democratic Unity Roundtable (MUD).

US Petition Drive to Arrest Netanyahu (tags)


Witness Venezuela’s Elections This December-6, 2015 (tags)

This December, witness one of the most important elections in the history of Venezuela, and of the hemisphere. On December 6, the people of Venezuela will exercise their right to vote in elections for deputies to the country’s National Assembly.

Bolivarianism Likely to Triumph in Venezuelan December Parliamentary Elections (tags)


Obama and Putin to Address General Assembly in September (tags)


California Community Colleges Reject BDS (tags)

Divestment from Israel is roundly defeated by the California Community College General Assembly

City of Fullerton Conspires to Silence Free Press Following Hung Jury #LivestreamOnTrial (tags)

After the jury returned a hung verdict, the Fullerton district attorney announced their intent to retry independent journalist livestreamers AJ Redkey and PM Beers for their presence at the January 18, 2014 protests of the police murder of Kelly Thomas. #FilmThePolice #FreeThePress #LivestreamOnTrial #opFullerton

Venezuelan Anti-Imperialist Enabling Law (tags)


America's Deadly Embrace (tags)

Sweden Recognizes Palestinian Statehood (tags)


Video: Moral Mondays Are Back in Business (tags)

The first Moral Monday since court struck down the North Carolina General Assembly's new rules — interpreted by many as measures designed to silence the Moral Monday Forward Together movement — singing, praying, chanting, and civil disobedience arrests looked a lot like what we saw from Moral Monday in 2013.

Upcoming Syrian Presidential Election (tags)


Maoist Popularity Wanes in Nepal Election (tags)

Results for Nepal's national elections show its Maoist party has plummeted in popularity, coming in a distant third and suggesting the former rebels' influence has diminished in the South Asian nation.

'Divide and Rule' at the UN misdirects Occupation's discontent towards the two percent. (tags)

The Occupation - often with good hearts but heads not straight due to the 'divide and rule' which stems from the UN.

Vilifying Venezuela's Maduro (tags)


Palestinians' Right to Resist (tags)


Longstanding Bahraini State Terror (tags)


Fixing OccupyTogether (tags)

Each movement defines its own language, and OccupyTogether is no exception. The problem is, their definitions are more vague than the old definitions. Here are some suggestions.

My Encounter with the 'Precarious and Service Workers Assembly' of Occupy Oakland (tags)

It's their party, and they'll cry if they want to...

Chavez Inauguration Postponed (tags)


Philippine Leftists launch election campaign to take on traditional politicians (tags)

At a one-day assembly of more than 500 delegates on November 28, the militant socialist Party of the Laboring Masses (PLM - Partido Lakas ng Masa) introduced its candidates for national elections scheduled for May 13 next year.

Chavez Struggles to Recover (tags)


Egypt’s Revolution Stumbles (tags)

The call for a new constitution was a key political demand of the Egyptian people when they overthrew the thirty-year dictatorship of Mubarak. Motivating this was the desire to begin dismantling the repressive bureaucratic state machinery they had suffered under and replace it with a democratic government that would be guided by their needs and hopes. Such aspirations served to unite the divergent forces that made Egypt’s political revolution and encourage their grassroots organizing efforts.

Uncertainty about Chavez's Health (tags)


Palestine UN Vote Postmortems (tags)


U.N. Vote on Palestinian Recognition Blocked by U.S., Israel and Germany (tags)

The right wing government of Germany under Chancellor Angela Merkel has made the unfortunate choice to side with the U.S. and Israel in blocking Palestinian recognition in the upcoming United Nations vote. However France, Spain, U.K. and many other nations are going to act with ethics to support Palestinian statehood instead of caving in to the imperialist whims of U.S. and Israeli pressures to maintain their state sanctioned apartheid and discrimination against the Palestinian people.

Obama Rejects Palestinian Statehood (tags)


One Step Away from Protecting Muslim Calif. Workers' Rights (tags)

Throughout the year, CAIR-California has actively worked to mobilize community support in passing of Assembly Bill 1964 (the Workplace Religious Freedom Act). Your response to our call has been overwhelming.

Day of Infamy at General Assembly (tags)


World Bank Opposes Palestinian Sovereignty (tags)


Egyptian President Morsi orders dissolved parliament to resume work (tags)

Egypt’s newly elected President Mohamed Morsi has ordered the country’s dissolved parliament to resume work.

Queer Democrats Host Love-Fest for Endorsed Candidates (tags)

The predominantly Queer San Diego Democrats for Equality turned their June 28 meeting into a love-fest for their candidates who survived the June 5 primary and moved on to the November 6 general election. In the first test of their new policy against endorsing or rating candidates who aren't 100 percent for marriage equality or reproductive choice, they also refused to consider an endorsement or a rating for socially conservative Democrat Juan Vargas for Congress in the 51st District.

NGOs Promote Wars for Profit (tags)


ICC Absolves Israeli Lawlessness (tags)


Bob Brown on Global Democracy and World Parliament (tags)

Bob Brown delivers the 3rd annual Green Oration

Organized Non-violent Civil Disobedience vs. OWS (tags)

I'm all for organized non-violent civil disobedience but that is not what Occupy Wall St. has been doing.

Human Rights Day (tags)

human rights

New Report on Israel Restricting Free Expression and Assembly (tags)


Unlawful Assembly California Penal Codes Section 407, 408, and 409 (tags)

Many Occupy L.A. protesters were arrested under the Unlawful Assembly Failure to Disperse laws of the California Penal Code. Sections 407, 408, and 409 given here.

Unlawful Assembly at a Protest (tags)

Unlawful Assembly at a Protest. What it is. Laws about it. Orders to disperse. Detailed.

Occupy LA Holding General Assembly Now (tags)

LA Indymedia reporter at the general assembly reports very large crowd there. Perhaps largest GA yet. Reporter estimates 500 to 800 people there now.

Shots from The GA that said NO (tags)

November 23rd General Assembly Shots


Occupy LA Braces for Police Raid this Sunday at Midnight (tags)

LOS ANGELES, November 25, 2011 – The Mayor announced this afternoon that he is ordering the closure of Solidarity Park (formerly known as City Hall Park). Standing with police chief Beck the mayor said that closure of the park would begin at one minute past midnight this Sunday night.

Occupy Los Angeles Ups The Ante on November 17th (tags)

3 actions with 72 arrests and No Violence Photoset 4 of 5 / Occupy Bank Of America Plaza

Occupy Los Angeles Ups The Ante on November 17th (tags)

3 actions with 72 arrests and No Violence / Photoset 3 of 5 / Occupy Bank Of America Plaza

Occupy Los Angeles Ups The Ante on November 17th (tags)

3 actions with 72 arrests and No Violence / Photoset 2 of 5 / Occupy Bank Of America Plaza

Occupy Los Angeles Ups The Ante on November 17th (tags)

3 actions with 72 arrests and No Violence / Photoset 1 of 5 / Occupy Bank Of America Plaza

Time, Place, and Manner Restrictions on Peaceable Assembly (tags)

Time, Place and Manner Restrictions on First Amendment Right to Peaceable Assembly (protest)

Police Harass Peaceful Occupiers in Downtown Riverside (tags)

October 16, 2011

RIVERSIDE, California - We are currently in day four of the peaceful occupation of the pedestrian mall of Downtown Riverside. Despite our best efforts at constructive dialogue with all parties, including agents of the police state, cops this morning demonstrated that their negotiations have been in bad faith when they roused us two hours prior to the agreed-upon time. At some point today, we learned that the resistance had taken the bold move of expropriating public space invaded by the financiers to spread a message of truth.

Occupy Riverside Official Launch October 15, 2011 (tags)

October 16, 2011

RIVERSIDE (California) - After an event-filled launch of the occupation of Riverside timed to coincide with Saturday's international day of action, just under 100 people of conscience successfully held the pedestrian walkway of the downtown mall, despite police threats of arrest for those determined to sleep in the public thoroughfare.

Some Thoughts on Last Night's Occupy L.A. General Assembly (tags)

Reposted from facebook

Brief Anaylsis Of LA and Seattle Occupations (tags)


Occupy Riverside October 3, 2011 (tags)

RIVERSIDE (California) - The revolution, having recently broken out in New York, has now begun to spread to other cities. Inspired by our newly-free sisters and brothers in nearby Los Angeles, who recently liberated areas surrounding corruption-filled City Hall, citizens of Riverside met tonight for a general assembly to plan to emancipate areas of their city through occupation and take further action against the 1% of humanity that perpetrates inequality and disgrace.

Netanyahu and Obama Spurn Peace (tags)


Occupy Los Angeles, Occupy Wall Street Solidarity (tags)

Report from the #occupyLA meeting and march. There's another meeting tonight at City Hall's south steps at 6pm. Go if you want to support the NYC occupation, and join an LA solidarity group.

Obama and Netanyahu to Palestinians on Statehood: Go to Hell (tags)


Abbas Speech Signals Capitulation (tags)


Implications of Palestinian Statehood (tags)


Lawlessness and Injustice Define America and Israel (tags)

rogue states

Israel's Operation Summer Seeds (tags)


Washington Threatens Palestinian Statehood Bid (tags)


General Assembly Palestinian Statehood Vote (tags)


New York Times Opposition to Palestinian Self-Determination (tags)


Philippine Akbayan Party to seek life sentence for Arroyo (tags)

Even before newly appointed Ombudsman Conchita Carpio-Morales could step in her new office, anti-corruption advocates already have an important assignment for the new chief of the anti-corruption body.

Palestinian Divisions on Statehood (tags)


We're not going slow. We're going Far--dispatch from an American in Spain (tags)

Report on the events in Spain surrounding large scale demonstrations and assemblies. 14 minutes of video.

Declaring An Independent Palestinian State (tags)


Live Reporting from the Wisconsin Protests (tags)

Madison, Wisconsin IMC is offline right now- however there are other NONCORPORATE places to go for breaking news from Wisconsin-

California Congresswoman Maxine Waters (tags)

California Congresswoman Maxine Waters speaks out concerning the war in Iraq, and how President Bush and his friends were trying to "take over the world".

100% Cal Assembly Honors Fascist Ronald Reagan (tags)

Are you still registered Democrat? On June 28, 2010, the entire California Assembly, Democrats and Republicans together, voted 100% to honor the fascist Ronald Reagan with a remembrance day, his birthday, February 6. In case you forgot or are too young to remember, here is a remembrance you should memorize, as you change your voter registration to Peace & Freedom or Green IMMEDIATELY.

Venezuela: The jail bars will not silence people protest (tags)

* National and international campaign of epistolary solidarity with trade unionist Rubén González *

Israel's New Initiative: Barbarism and Piracy at Sea (tags)

more Israeli crimes against humanity

Behind The Scheme To Privatize NASA Elon Musk, The Downey Connection & Google Owners (tags)

Elon Musk who is planning to build "green" electric auto assembly plant in Downey is also working with Pres Obama to privatize the NASA program and turn the program over to him

Israel has not implemented the UN resolution on investigation into Israeli war crimes in G (tags)

Nor will Israel implement (as usual) the UN resolution.

Miguel d'Escoto's Last Address as President of the 63rd UN General Assembly (tags)

A new world is possible and a new economics is necessary! As prejudice and narcissism can be gradually overcome, breaking the chains of profit worship, monopoly capital and empire building can bring hope and a new day for all people.

Jose Compean to appear in Temecula parade (tags)

Former U.S. Border Patrol agent, Jose Compean, whose sentence for shooting a suspected smuggler was later commuted by President George W. Bush is scheduled to take part in Temecula’s Fourth of July parade as the guest of a conservative group.

KPFA Flashpoints Radio: oil wars, oil taxes, and California Assembly Bill 656 (tags)

Conversation with Nora Barrows Friedman, co-host of KPFA-Berkeley's Flashpoints Investigative Radio, about both, and independent journalist Ann Garrison about oil wars and oil taxes and California Assembly Bill 656.


The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) vehemently condemned the vicious and unprovoked attacks by the San Francisco anti-riot police on peaceful assembly at the Civic Center in San Francisco last March 21. The AJLPP also scored the police riot on the Palestinian youths and the peaceful assembly who were the targets of their attacks. A baton hit a Palestinian woman and a Filipino youth with the ANSWER peace marshals was also attacked brutality by the cops.

Stop The California State Budget Attack On Californians! Email contacts! (tags)

Stop The Monstrous Budget Cutting Rippoff Measures Being Proposed By Democrats & The Governor Which Places The Welfare Of 38 Million Californians' At Risk!

Bashing Venezuelan Democracy (tags)

The dominant media again on the rampage.

Wednesday (12/24): Reports from Greece (tags)

Big demonstration in solidarity with the arrestees through the main shopping district. The occupations of the university buildings are ending and more actions are planned.

Monday+Tuesday (12/22-23): Reports from Greece (tags)

Police threating of raiding the Polytechnic University, occupants are not backing down. Protests continue.

Sunday (12/21): Reports from Greece (tags)

Things are usually slow on Sundays and that was the case today. However, many local assemblies took place to decide further actions.

Occupied building of GSEE (in Greece) (tags)

Since 8 o'clock in the morning the building of GSEE (Patision and Alexandras) is occupied. We declare the building a Liberated Workers' Zone. Open Workers' Assembly at 18.00 The Building is open to all workers all day long.

Day of International Action Against State Murders - Saturday, Dec. 20th (tags)

Sparked by the murder of 15 year-old Alexandros Grigoropoulos by police in Greece, students, activists, and workers have taken to the streets all over Greece not only calling for the end to state murders, but to demand a change from the conservative government that currently holds the Greek office. Because state violence is pandemic and not limited to one nation, the Athens assembly has called for a Day of International Action Against State Murders on Saturday, December 20th 2008. Now is the time to show our solidarity with Greece, and voice our opposition to all types of state murder.

The Logic of Solidarity: A Revitalized Vision of the UN (tags)

The prevailing exclusionary logic of selfishness has at times crippled the ability of the General Assembly to fulfill its mandate. This logic must be transformed. All of us, without exception, share responsibility for the state of the world.


After an interview with Congressman Bob Filner, Chairman of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs and chief sponsor of HR 6897, by a local news reporter, Filipino World War 2 Veterans confronted Filner in the war memorial building and aired their demands for US Congress to immediately call a joint conference committee to reconcile Filipino Veterans bills, restore Section 4 of S1315 and junk HR 6897- the quit claim bill. Veteran Simplicio Yoma in front of the camera asked Filner, “Will you sign this, Sir?’ Inspite of hesitation claiming that he still has to talk with senators and other congress leaders, Filner signed the petition.

DAMAYAN PRE-X Mas Activities (tags)

/ Strengthen our mutual support through expanding and consolidating our organization // Annual board election and annual membership meeting // Holiday dinner, music and dancing to have fun and build community despite the hard times //

Francis Boyle's "Palestine Palestinians and International Law" (tags)

Boyle's powerful case for Palestinian self-determination.

What Will It Take to Defeat the War? (tags)

On June 28-29, an “Open National Antiwar Conference” was held in Cleveland, called by a newly minted National Assembly to End the Iraq War and Occupation. Over objections from the conference organizers, centrally Socialist Action, the assembly voted to change the name to include reference to the war on Afghanistan, and to emphasize the connection with U.S. backing for the Zionist occupation of Palestine. (The sponsors of the confab were so right-wing that they feared losing “unity” with Democratic Party supporters of Israel and the Afghanistan war!) What did not change at all was the popular-front character of the new outfit, tying it to the bourgeois parties despite the fig leaf of electoral “independence.” Making this utterly clear, it was decided not to call a national antiwar mobilization prior to the November elections explicitly in order to court those forces who wish to aid the Democrats (and therefore want to avoid making problems for the presumptive Democratic nominee, Barack Obama). Here is the leaflet issued by the Internationalist Group at the conference.

Washington v. Cuba After Castro (tags)

The passing of an era in Cuba and Washington's hostile reaction.

Fidel Castro: What I wrote on Tuesday 19 (tags)

That Tuesday, there was no fresh international news. My modest message to the people of Monday, February 18 had no problem being widely circulated. I began to receive news from 11:00 a.m. The previous night I slept like never before. My conscience was at rest and I had promised myself a vacation. The days of tension, with the proximity of February 24, left me exhausted...

Free Speech Victory in Central Park Lawsuit (tags)

Free Speech Victory in Central Park Lawsuit

Crushing Defeat of US blockade of CUBA at UN General Assembly (tags)

For the sixteen consecutive time, United Nations members voted against the US economic, financial and commercial blockade of Cuba. The resolution presented by the island received 184 votes in favor, one more than in 2006, four against and one abstention.

Promised Social Change in Ecuador (tags)

Hope for social change in Ecuador

Queer Democrats Endorse Block, Pettis for Assembly (tags)

The predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club endorsed Marty Block, San Diego Community College board member, over more grass-roots candidates Arlie Ricasa and Auday Arabo for an open Assembly seat at its September 27 meeting. The club also endorsed openly Gay candidate Greg Pettis for another Assembly seat in Palm Springs and Riverside County.

Art and the Oaxaca Commune (tags)

At a time when many US citizens feel powerless to stop the criminal direction of ‘their’ government, the examples of revolutionary movements elsewhere give not only hope, but practical education towards organizing a society where humans outrank profit on the list of social priorities. The ‘Oaxaca Commune’ in Mexico is such an example. For three months, the Mexican state of Oaxaca was controlled by a people’s ‘popular assembly’ that took rapid measures in ousting the corrupt state government and its accomplices within the media and police. The Mexican federal government has since taken severe action in repressing this popular movement, but further organizing and revolutionary momentum has already begun. The huge successes of the movement and its continued political evolution should thus be an inspiration for all those interested in social progress.

Philippines: Charter Change is Arroyo's Cover-up (tags)

AKBAYAN (Citizens Action Party) today stepped up efforts to derail attempts at the House of Representatives to initiate Charter Change (Cha Cha), calling the move as nothing more than an attempt to cover up the seething political crisis hounding Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (GMA).


---Faced with threats of massive protests against the planned constituent assembly (Con-Ass), President Arroyo’s allies in the House of Representatives said on Saturday that they would settle for a constitutional convention (Con-con).

Photos Oaxaca - APPO - Flavio Sosa: Mexican police arrest head of Oaxaca activists (tags)

MEXICO CITY 5/12/2006


help us abolish strip mining

3,000 Teaches go to Oaxaca in Support of APPO (tags)

Today, the Popular Assembly of the People of Michoacán (APPM) has sent 3,000 Teachers to support APPO in Oaxaca!

Demonstrations and Vigils at Mexican Consulate (tags)

Join mobilizations and vigils this week at the Mexican consoulate to support the people of Oaxaca and the memory of those killed by the Mexican state, including indymedia journalist Brad Will. 5pm Tuesday and Wednesday, 10am and 5pm on Thursday.

Federal Police launches attack on Oaxaca (tags)

The federal police is attacking the popular assembly in Oaxaca City with water-tanks, helicopters and armed contingents of the military police (PFP).

Not to the evict of the Almagro`s Assembly ! (tags)

¡No al desalojo de la Asamblea de Almagro!

Democrats defend “our president” against international criticism (tags)

The pretense that the Democratic Party represents some sort of opposition to the Bush administration was punctured again last week when leading Democrats vociferously condemned the anti-Bush speech given by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to the United Nations General Assembly.

President Bush is "the devil" and a "world dictator" (tags)

Something many Americans have known for a long time - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez came to the United Nations and denounced President Bush as "the devil" and a "world dictator"

A symbol of American manufacturing’s decline: Ford to slash 44,000 jobs (tags)

Ford Motor Company on Friday announced a plan to drastically downsize its North American operations, cutting about a third of its salaried employees and offering buyouts to all of its hourly workers in the United States. The move—an acceleration and intensification of the company’s “Way Forward” plan announced in January—is aimed at cutting annual operating costs by $5 billion.

Stop Israeli War Crimes (tags)

Creating A Sustainable Future (CASF) has prepared a petition addressed to the United Nations General Assembly demanding that they immediately establish an International Criminal Tribunal for Israel (ICTI).

California Legislature passes involuntary outpatient commitment bill (tags)

With bipartisan super-majority votes that stunned and dismayed mental health clients and advocates, the California Senate and Assembly passed involuntary outpatient commitment (IOC) bill AB 2357, sending the bill to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to sign or veto. The bill would extend Laura's Law, California's existing outpatient commitment law, by five years.

Petition: International Criminal Tribunal for Israel (tags)

We, the undersigned, demand that The United Nations General Assembly immediately establish an International Criminal Tribunal for Israel (ICTI) as a ‘subsidiary organ’ under U.N. Charter Article 22 to prosecute the Israeli Prime Minister Olmert, Defense Minister Peretz, Chief of Staff Halutz and Israel’s other top generals and war criminals for their infliction of international war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide against the Peoples of Lebanon and Palestine.

Stop Biotech Bullies and Big AgriBusiness! Hearing on Wednesday! Call Your Rep! (tags)

It is important that we voice our opposition to this bully bill, SB1056. Please see messages and sites linked below for more; please contact your representatives!

Outpatient commitment extension bill AB 2357 to be heard in Senate Appropriations June 26 (tags)

Join the CNMHC and other advocates at the State Capitol on June 26th, as we speak out in opposition to involuntary outpatient commitment extension bill AB 2357.

THREE STATES to vote on forwarding REAL impeachment bills that require US House votes (tags)

author: Constitutionalist ....your own state's legislators can introduce Impeachment Proceedings against Bush immediately as a State Legislature Joint Resolution, that then goes on to be a preferred bill, meaning that it automatically takes precedence over all other bills then in Congress!

Venezuelan Government To Launch International 9/11 Investigation (tags)

Billionaire philanthropist Jimmy Walter and WTC survivor William Rodriguez this week embarked on a groundbreaking trip to Caracas Venezuela in which they met with with the President of the Assembly and will soon meet with Venezuelan President himself Hugo Chavez in anticipation of an official Venezuelan government investigation into 9/11.

Maryland forces Wal-Mart to pay for employee health care -- Will California be next? (tags)

The Maryland General Assembly became the first state legislature in the nation Thursday to approve legislation forcing Wal-Mart (WMT) to pay more for its employee health care, potentially paving the way for other states to follow suit.




A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

Sacramento Gets It - Kids Aren't Lab Rats! (tags)

AB 405 (Montanez) , a long overdue clarification of school health laws, passed its first hurdle.

CWA union backs new labor Assembly Bill (tags)

AB1172 is much needed paycheck protections for commission based employees of California.


The following program will typically be required of the revolutions in the Andes and throughout Latin America (the pace of adaptation and implementation may vary somewhat) :

PDLA Election Protection Action Alert! (tags)

Progressive Democrats & Democracy for America activists in CA are both urging everyone to flood Sacramento with calls RIGHT NOW. Please help!

Veterans and military familes say: 'Bring troops home now - and care for them' (tags)

ST. LOUIS - “Those in the armed services right now can speak the truth about Iraq because we've been there, we've seen with our own eyes the disaster we've created in Iraq. And we can tell you that the only way to cope with this disaster is to bring the troops home now - and care for them when they return!”

How Sistani & the Shia Have KICKED BUSH'S WORMY ASS--Again (tags)

The ChickenHawk Has Another Precious MISSION ACCOMPLISHED Moment

S. KOREA. Last Year's Last Struggle Report... (tags) - still drunken - activists in Seoul

CKUT Radio: Gaza Strip Military Occupation - Canadian Complicity (tags)


Caracas: the opening of a Libertarian Centre & social library (tags)

* The Venezuelan Comision de Relaciones Anarquistas (CRA) calls for solidarity with a project which is the first of its kind in our country: the opening (sunday 14th November 2004) of a Libertarian Social Studies Centre (Centro de Estudios Sociales Libertarios - CESL), together with a social library.

S. KOREA. 10.27/Last Week's Struggle Report... (tags) MSSC (Myeong-dong Sit-in Struggle Collective) - now since 346 days in strike against government's policy of man hunt and mass deportation.

Third-Party Assembly Candidate Shines in Contentious League of Women Voters Debate (tags)

Third-party candidate James Smith steals the show at League of Women Voters debate for the 53rd Assembly race.

Los Angeles/Arab American woman for State Assembly (tags)

A local Arab American woman runs as a common sense candidate for California State Assembly

UN Report Blames Israel For Building Fence To Confiscate Land (tags)

Israel continues to steal land for Apartheid Wall/Fence devestating thousands of lives , creating more refugees and re creating racist ghettos . US tax dollars support this form of ethnic cleansing:

BTL:Much of the World Views Bush Administration Policies with Disdain and Fear (tags)

Interview with David Cadman, deputy mayor of the City of Vancouver, British Columbia, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Half-Million Marchers Defy N.Y. Mayor Bloomberg to Denounce Bush War and Lies (tags)

Despite threats and intimidation from New York’s Republican Mayor, a record half million protesters marched in New York City against Bush’s war in Iraq and his attacks on civil liberties at home in a disciplined and spirited march past the RNC convention site.

Up Against The Wall ! Israel ! (tags)

People who attack the World Court for its July 9 Ruling on the Israeli wall in the Occupied Territories should beware.

Fast 4 Education Introduced on Assembly Floor (tags)

The Fast for Education was introduced on the Assembly floor on Friday It is currently entering its 21st day!

Israel, Tel Aviv, Violence against the anarchists in the first of May rally (tags)

The authoritarian, statist and racist/zionist left at work. Business as usual.

G8 2004: Police crackdowns begin in Savannah (tags)

Savannah, March 15--Today, 15 Savannah Metropolitan Police officers swarmed a dozen leafleting labor union leaders in historic Johnson Square.

GOP in name only? (tags)

Is a crypto-Libertarian extremist with a prison record who advocates selfishness as a personal philosophy and promotes atheism to teenage criminals the best candidate to represent the Republican Party?



Arab states oppose UN measure on Israeli children (tags)

UNITED NATIONS - Arab nations will oppose an Israeli resolution condemning Palestinian attacks on Israeli children that is awaiting a vote this week in a UN General Assembly committee, a Palestinian diplomat said on Monday.

The president lays an egg at the U.N. (tags)

The Dimwit in Chief fails again to convince anyone with any intelligence that he is not a congenital liar.


This is an article about resistance in several neighborhoods of many latin american countries: the way they get active in the community and how they are evolving and making difference in their lives in a self-organized way.


Pagina de la asamblea anfiteatro la floresta desde Buenos Aires Argentina.

Greenpeace: Momentum Builds for New UN Peace Resolution (tags)

Demands for a UN emergency session are on the rise! 32,015 of you have written to UN Ambassadors around the world. You've sent 29,700 E-cards to friends, colleagues, fellow students, and family members. This is an extraordinary response in a very short time, and what do we want??? MORE! Please re-post onother indymedia sites.


The UN GENERAL ASSEMBLY also has SECURITY COUNCIL power to make an Anti War resolution (with no VETO provision) CONTACT UN GENERAL ASSEMBLY NOW !

Uniting for Peace - UN RES 377 (tags)

At the Three Hundred and Second Plenary Meeting on 3 November 1950 the UN General Assembly adopted A/RES/377 (V) "Uniting for Peace" UN resolution 377 allows the General Assembly to recommend collective action "if the Security Council, because of lack of unanimity of the permanent members, fails to exercise its primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security".


Despite intense pressure from Washington and White House promises of Billions of Dollars in "aid" (bribery)... Turkey has REJECTED plans allowing U.S. Troops on their soil.

Violent Repression in Oaxaca, Mexico on 1/25...Support Needed! (tags)

Information on the most recent Mexican government sponsored repression against Indigenous communities in Oaxaca. After two shots to the chest and abdomen, Jaime Betanzos remains in serious condition.

Event In Westwood: Beyond War On Iraq / Scott Ritter and others / TODAY!! (tags)

Important gathering today. Here's the details

Stop Israeli Genocide against the Palestinians! (tags)

Of course I have great respect for Palestinian negotiators. They have done the very best they can negotiating in good faith with the Israeli government that has been invariably backed up by the United States. But there has never been any good faith on the part of the Israeli government either before, during, or after Oslo. The same is true for the United States.

Conservative lawmakers seek to divorce themselves from gay-marriage legislation (tags)

Legislation that would create a parallel system of marriage for gay couples in California is raising a political fury between Democratic lawmakers and conservative voices who say marriage should only exist between a man and a woman.

Some Important Points about Afghanistan (tags)

The direct result of the Najib coup was murder of 1,000's of people. When the Soviet forces occupied the country they used anti-personnel mines to limit opposition groups. Today over 1 million Afghani's live in refugee camps in Iran while nearly 2 million live in refugee camps in Pakistan. This demonstrates the value of national boundaries.

National Council of Churches Opposes Bombing (tags)

National Council of Churches Opposes Bombing

Action: Stop the Bailout of the Energy Robber Barons! (tags)

CA Assembly likely to vote TODAY on a $4.1 Billion bailout bill negotiated in secret with the utilities and energy companies. Action: Contact your representative.


The GPUSA Green Assembly met Saturday, May 19, in Pasadena and debated the pros and cons of the Boston Proposal, an agreement to create a single electoral Green Party in the United States.

Important: DC RAAB Update, Assembly Point Change (tags)

Franklin Square between I and K on 14th Street

Nader Press Conference An Assembly of Legends (tags)

Before the Friday super rally, Nader was joined at his press conference by Phil Donahue, Medea Benjamin, Green Party candidate for U.S. Senate and Sara Amir, Green Party candidate for state assembly, as well as rock legend Patti Smith, political cartoonist Tom Tomorrow, and Jello Biafra, First Amendment crusader, spoken word artist and former bandleader of the Dead Kennedies.

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