fix articles 38202, ilwu local
Class War on the Waterfront: Longshore Workers Under Attack (tags)
ILWU Local 10 retired longshoreman Jack Heyman talks about technology and the danger of a proposed 8 year contract.
ILWU Local 30 Locked Out Boron Rio Tinto Miners Speak- out In SF At UK (tags)
Locked out ILWU Local 30 Boron Rio Tinto miners protested and spoke out at the SF UK consulate on 4/16/2010
May 15, 2009 LA ILWU Local 13 75th Commemoration March in Wilmington at 10:00 AM (tags)
On May 15, 2009 ILWU Local 13 will have a march to honor members killed and injured in their strike
Candidate Alexander: Labor, War and Education Connects (tags)
Stewart A. Alexander, a presidential hopeful with the Peace and Freedom Party, applaud the actions of the ILWU Local 10 and Local 34 for lending their strong support to anti-war protesters at the SSA shipping terminals in Oakland, California. On May 19 the Port Action Committee, the Oakland Education Association, along with teacher, students and community activist demanded that the U.S. get out of Iraq and called on other unionists throughout the United States to mobilize in action to stop the war.
Bush visit to Portland, an invitation (tags)
ILWU Local 5 resolution regarding the upcoming Bush visit to Portland, OR>