fix articles 381461, faux Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : faux


VIDEO: "The Servant Economy" - Jeff Faux (tags)

Propaganda from the right has blown away cooperation. Since Reagan, the future has disappeared from American politics. The idea of planning for the future was embedded in the New Deal and lost completely with Reagan. Reagan photoshoped the future.

Faux News Says Nader Is In (tags)

Faux News Says Nader Is In

This is What Rush Limbaugh Thinks About People Who use Drugs (tags)

Rush will rant on for sure, after proclaiming that sessions with Jerry Falwell have recommitted him to Christ. He will be “reborn.” He will “triumph over adversity.” He will be embraced by Bush as a true patriot and the betrayal of America will continue, leaving in its wake a trail of brazen lies and the ancient ruins of democracy.

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