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united states army


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The USA is a bestial and lawless nation seeking world inhumane domination. (tags)

Here is my summary and conclusion regarding how the fbi has turned USA into a bestial and criminal regime.

Pavlovian dogs are today's fbi human torture victims (tags)

*As Pavlov rang a bell and gave the dog food and after a few repetitions, the dogs started to salivate in response to the bell. Similarly, The fbi rings a bell, sends a human beast or opens the trunk, etc., and the Traget is prepared to sustain more torture.

fbi continues crimes against whistleblower (tags)

See my recent reports on the ongoing crimes against me by the fbi.

My Half Century Of Discovery: The Corruption of Murderous USA (tags)

See my summary of a half century of discoveries regarding the decadence of the murderous United States of America.

70th Bataan Day, A USAFFE Scout Remembers (tags)

he ALLIANCE NEWS reported today, on the 70th year of Bataan Day, that Sergeant Dominador Figuracion, 92, begged off from talking about the Fall of Bataan to the Japanese Imperial Army on April 9, 1942, and how he and some 70,000 Filipino and American soldiers had been forced to march to a concentration camp in Tarlac. Around 7,000 to 10,000 soldiers perished during the Death March. About 26,000 of the 50,000 Filipino prisoners of war at Camp O’Donnell in Tarlac died of dengue, malaria, dysentery or starvation when this was closed in January 1943, according to historical accounts.

Video: Why Might a Saudi King Want the US to Attack Iran? (tags)

Normalizing war and militarizing foreign policy are perversions, the bitter fruits of an elite democracy marginalizing and criminalizing criticism and independent intelligence.

Aafia Siddiqui: Victimized by American Injustice (tags)

a human tragedy and gross injustice

The Abduction, Secret Detention, Torture, and Repeated Raping of Aafia Siddiqui (tags)

America's war on Islam

US Army Lies To Our Young men, On Behalf of fbi/cia Assassins (tags)

The fbi/cia are in part responsible for the loss of American soldiers killed in battle around the world (this is a matter of public record, as shown in part in the Iraq conflict).The US Army, in order to continue the fbi/cia murderous agenda, targets the most vulnerable segment of our population for recruitment as 'citizen soldiers'.

SAVE THIS DATE: Iraq Forum at CSULA Thursday May 29, with KPFK's Sonali Kolhatkar (tags)

On Thursday, May 29 at 7:30 PM, Sonali Kolhatkar of KPFK's morning show "Uprising" will moderate a forum on Iraq and Middle East Peace with Iraqi reconstruction activist Raed Jarrar, former US diplomat Col. (Ret.) Ann Wright, and Edgar Cuevas, a member of Iraqi Veterans Against the War. Col. Wright will also be selling copies of her book, "Dissent: Voices of Conscience," about government insiders who have risked their careers to oppose the Iraq War. At 7:30 PM, 3rd floor Golden Eagle ballroom, CSULA.

Leonard Peltier: Silence Screama (tags)

Leonard Peltier has spent more than 31 years in prison.

Stop Racist Military Recruiting at CSUF (tags)

While the CSU Fullerton recruiting event will be resisted, opponents are trying to prevent it from happening at all. Already, the University has expressed concern. For one thing, it specifically targets Latinos; for another, it uses state college facilities as a recruiting tool for the entire US military, not CSUF's own ROTC.

Bush sets stage for major escalation in Iraq (tags)

The remarks delivered by President Bush at a year-end press conference Wednesday, combined with a series of military and political developments, point inexorably to a major escalation of the US war in Iraq in the coming year. Bush revealed little new in his encounter with the press corps, dismissing as “hypothetical” all questions on the reported turn by his administration to a new military offensive in Iraq based on a “surge” of up to 40,000 more US combat troops in the country.

Local Soldier, David J. Almazan, Killed in Iraq (tags)

Almazan was killed in action Aug. 27 while on a combat patrol in this city of 30,000 in Iraq’s Al Anbar province. His platoon was on patrol to clear the city’s streets of improvised explosive devices, deadly roadside bombs used by insurgents to target coalition and Iraqi forces, the day he was killed.

URGENT: Take Action to Support US Military Officer Refusing Iraq War (tags)

The Hayden Plan Containing the Anti-War Movement (tags)

A Vets Perspective of the Weasel 'Left' approach to kissing the lardbutt of the Riech.

Dept. of Defense Town Hall Meeting, 6/29/05: Recruitment ? (tags)

Recruitment question/answers and more......

Israel's Control Over Washington (tags)

Is there really any doubt that Jewish Americans call all the shots in Washington?

Response to Help Screaming (Twice) (tags)

They had me scared that someone was going to hurt me, or kill me. I understand the connection now to 9-11 and it is not good. So they kept me in the view of satellite until it was time to do this. In otherwords I have a right to privacy and I don't want to have satellite on my brain or do anything else. Thank You Thomas Matthew Houser Born: 08/15/78

Response to Help Screaming (Twice) (tags)

They had me scared that someone was going to hurt me, or kill me. I understand the connection now to 9-11 and it is not good. So they kept me in the view of satellite until it was time to do this. In otherwords I have a right to privacy and I don't want to have satellite on my brain or do anything else. Thank You Thomas Matthew Houser Born: 08/15/78


There is no question mark after the title of this article because the title is not a question. It's a declarative statement.

Pentagon NMCC director WINFIELD (CFR)asks substitute,9-10,to stand his watch 9-11,@8:30am (tags)

9-11 PLANNER: Brigadier General Montague Winfield "It's just too dangerous, you know, to risk myself, after planning this state terror attack. Yes, it's tomorrorow. Can you stand in for me during the Pentagon hit? Besides you're a rookie, and we want as much confusion as possible when the Bush family's drug dealing military corporate financier mafia takes over the whole damn U.S.A. on 9-11. You will, thanks. What a pal!" "I agreed and relieved Brigadier General Winfield at 0830 on 11 September 2001." [just as first WTC1 hit terror strike going toward NYC.]

Abu Ghraib prison scandal motivates "Rummy" to implement badly needed reform! (tags)

Mobile phones fitted with digital cameras have been banned in United States Army installations in Iraq on orders from Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, The Business newspaper reported on Sunday.

I hate bushite (tags)

No words from the bushites who rule our communications through corporate news censorship, while Christian parents call out unheard: why has corporate america allowed forsaken soldiers to eat plutonium to murder God for a measly few dollars the bushmob will pocket for the up coming "unbiased" re-election news campaign?

God or no God, I don't like that demon antiChrist, Our Mr. bush Jr. very much (tags)

By Annan not publicly addressing this very serious issue, will not be fooling me he hasn't heard it mentioned. The families of Iraq are accounted almost entirely by "comprehensive, extremely detailed" measurements. So what the hell is going on about supporting our world community by not condemning war crimes?, Just where is Annan on the issue of an international commitment kept I want asked religiously across this world. Now.

Shame on You, Ann Coulter (tags)

Coulter rewrites history in a shameful attack on a real American hero.

Bush Reform of Immigration Policy may have a Hidden Agenda: Hispanis Beware! (tags)

Hispanics are Sitting Ducks: "We're addressing an important economic need (and) we're being compassionate to those undocumented workers who are here now ... many of (whom) are probably being abused and exploited,... part of this policy will help make America more secure because we'll know who's here." --White House spokesman Scott McClellan 01/08/04.

Who's Who On The 911 "Independent" Commission ( Part 1 Of 2) (tags)

A factual description of the 911 Commission's unholy host of ties to Osama Bin-LAden, Saudi Oil, Bush Administration, CIA, and those accused of the attacks.

The Forbidden Truths of two recent george bush speeches (tags)

A Forbidden Truth rewrite of two recent public speeches made by the supreme leader of amerikkka.

United States: US media subservient to the state (tags)

The Media Whores, marching lockstep (Goose Step?) with the Bush Regime's agenda has whored itself repeatedly because "War Sells". All those nice explosions and all that misery keep the Proles complacent and glued to the screen of the Programming machine.

Banging Your Head Into Walls (The Evil Oligarchs Kill, and kill, and kill again) (tags)

John Chuckman is a Vietnam Veteran who now lives in Canada. "Not that there is no such thing as genuine terrorists. Of course, there are. Terrorism - from the Sons of Liberty and the Klu Klux Klan to black street gangs and camouflage-obsessed militia-nuts - is a rich part of American history. Please note that it has not been dealt with by blowing up whole neighborhoods of innocent people. "

Imperial ills: The Great American Problematic: The Youth and Imperial Justification (tags)

Here is but a taste of what the American regime, as nation-state, faces because of its manipulated misdirection into an all encompassing global regime: the American-led corporate global empire -- Imperium in Imperio.

US Soldiers to America: Bring Us Home Now!: PART 2 (tags)

The following interview was with a Sergeant First Class in the United States Army. He has been deployed both in Afghanistan and most recently in Iraq in Falujah and in Kirkuk, which have been the heart of Iraqi resistance and attacks on US forces.

Bush "Feels Good" (tags)

Bush "Feels Good" after sucking French & German cock at the UN.

A Bright Shining Lie (tags)

I was inspired to come to Iraq by the experience of reading “A Bright Shining Lie: John Paul Vann and America in Vietnam.”

Truth spoils a good war story (tags)

July 11 2003 The heroic tale of Jessica Lynch, the teenage United States Army soldier rescued from Iraqi captivity in a televised commando raid, has been largely debunked by a military investigation.

The Education of a Peacemaker (tags)

"Nationalism is not the same as culture..This triad of chosenness, glory and trauma produces vicious types of nationalistic ideologies that are constantly threateing world peace..Nationalism lays claim on land and times.."

Achtung!  Are We the New Nazis? (tags)

Presently, American military veterans—rank and file former soldiers mostly--are speaking out against American Imperialism, as well as ministers, artists, reporters, scientists and educators. But the powerful alliance of media monopolies and corporate-financed political leaders sway public opinion to war.

Israel is Buying Our Politicians! (tags)

According to a Fortune magazine survey of Washington insiders, the second most powerful lobby in the United States is the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC. A tape transcript in which former AIPAC president David Steiner discusses lobbying activities on behalf of the Israeli government reveals the blatant corruption in the American political system.

BREAKING NEWS! Defense Ministry says, "Natives not ready for their own state" (tags)

Do these words seem familiar?

USA/Africa: Anthrax, History and Security (tags)

In the New York Times of July 2, columnist Nicholas Kristof attacked FBI foot dragging in the investigation of last year's anthrax attacks. In particular, Kristof pointed to the failure of the FBI to fully investigate "Mr. Z," rumored within the biodefense community to be a prime suspect. "If Mr Z. were an Arab national, he would have been imprisoned long ago," Kristof commented. "Mr. Z" is identified elsewhere in news stories and on the internet as Steven J. Hatfill, an American bioterrorism specialist who is reported to have served in the Rhodesian military in the 1970s.

Bush-Cheney Regime Dissolved (tags)

Fake "U.S. Administration" Found Guilty of Numerous Felonies. New Cabinet Nominated....

Military Crowd Control Deployed in LA (tags)

Long before the RNC in the summer of 2000, police in Los Angeles worked closely with military officers on crowd control and situational handling. This document from the "Miltary Review" (aka "The Professional Journal of the United States Army") outlines the militarized tactics used on demonstrators in Los Angeles. It's author, a Lt. in the LA Sheriff's Department and USMC reservist, attempts to justify a militarized approach in dealing with citizens of a Democracy. You, the citizen and your right to assemble, are in the crosshairs.

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