fix articles 38047, only a
The Last Stage of the Middle Class (tags)
Money capital is fleeing into the speculative financial markets because investments in new factories have become unprofitable. While growing parts of society are impoverished or even impoverished outside of production, only a simulative accumulation of capital through financial bubbles takes place...
Time Magazine Exposed Chinese Anto Satellite Space Delivey Test Against Carriier of Space (tags)
Time magazine about 12 years ago discussed a space mission from Lop Nor a governmental small town in western China . THe town 's history and environment are related to Nevada 50's history with nuclear testing in the atmosphere.
Cooperation is not only a good idea, it already works in practice (tags)
Cooperative enterprises, in which all employees share in all the decision-making and manage themselves, are not pie in the sky. They already exist.
Osama bin Laden as U.S. Anti-Christ: (tags)
The greatest terrorist known to the Christian world is the Anti-Christ—he represents all the fear mongering any religion could possibly create. Ever since the axis of newsmedia, government and American naivete succumbed to the improbable story of highjackers commandeering huge airliners, which they were not trained to fly, with mere box cutters no doubt, Osama bin Laden has become the greatest threat to the United States of Feeblemindedness. So great is his cunning prowess that he threatens the gigantism of the American pentagon and White House cabinetry, as tax-holic corruption galore, from bat caves thousands of miles away. Only a devil could be so wily. Apparently one of his evil attitudes is that he doesn’t support drug cartels or their profit motive.
from me and the book of truth it is say the one who falow the spirit shall become imortal.we all have the power of creating the reality we want. the pivot is the use of the law of atraction this universal law of life visualise you self in the place you want
Is Diversity Dead? The Media Ownership Debate (tags)
The ethnic variety in American society is greater than any other country in the world and greater than it has been in the past. But you wouldn’t know it to see what’s offered in mainstream media or to look at who actually owns the media. // © 2006, Sasha A. Rae, All Rights Reserved
Dutroux scandal : is the police protecting the Belgian elite ? (tags)
Grotesque and revolting. The proof that the lawsuit Dutroux is only a media farce.
Capitalism is Legalized Robbery (tags)
An analysis of capitalism illustrating that not only are there periodic examples of large, conspicuous thefts by capitalists, but there also exists an everyday, subtle, disguised theft of the value created by the working class.
American banana problem ? (tags)
one day 6 heroes dead 6 collaborators dead 43 heroes wounded to cripples And no personalized evil in sight to blame
Spy Finance and the Black Budget (tags)
".....a congressional investigation revealed that the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), a supersecret agency whose existence was publicly acknowledged only a few years ago, lost track of a $2 billion slush fund because it was so highly classified even top intelligence officials had no control over it."
Dinosaurs that have been carbon dated give an age of only a few thousand years.
Long Term Goals of the Communist Agenda (tags)
In 1958, Cleon Skoussen, former FBI agent, revealed in his book, THE NAKED COMMUNIST, the long term goals of the communist agenda. This information is also contained not only in the Congressional Record (August 1963), but also in the Communist Manifesto itself. For the sake of brevity, only a few of those goals are listed here:
Capitalism is Legalized Robbery (tags)
Conspicuous and inconspicuous examples of theft by the capitalist system.