fix articles 377318, william cook
William Singletary, 65, Courageous Witness of Mumia's Innocence (tags)
"I learned from William Singletary's wife, Jeannette, that he died this morning. Bill was a courageous man who lived fighting to make the truth known that Mumia is innocent in the shooting death of police officer Daniel Faulkner. For that Bill suffered severe personal and financial consequences. I've known Bill since June 1990 when he came forward with his eyewitness testimony for Mumia and as a witness at the PCRA hearing in 1995, when I was co-counsel for Mumia." -Rachel Wolkenstein
Frailty of the Ballistics Evidence in the Case Against Mumia Abu-Jamal (tags)
The following report questions the accuracy of physical and ballistics evidence used by the prosecution in their claim of Mumia's guilt, and provides additional conflicting evidence that Mumia could not possibly have interacted with Philadelphia Police Officer Faulkner in the manner described by prosecution.
Court Decision Looms--Mobilize to Free Mumia! (tags)
Partisan Defense Committee P.O. Box 99, Canal Street Station, New York, NY 10013 email: PRESS RELEASE – 4 December 2007 PDC contact: Kevin Gilroy (212) 406-4252 Court Decision Looms—Mobilize to Free Mumia! Media Blitz Targets Mumia Abu-Jamal
Top Ten “Fry Mumia” Myths Debunked (Myth #1) (tags)
The following is the first in a series of ten articles I have written answering the top ten myths being circulated by those who advocate execution or continued prison for Mumia Abu-Jamal.
More Than 17 Years Later, Mumia Abu-Jamal Still Guilty (tags)
Somebody aked for a bit of the overwhelming evidence aginst Cooke. Here's just a very small bit of the Mountain of it.