fix articles 37705, attention Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : attention


Pride and Palestine (tags)

The 41st Pride Parade in Long Beach was a joyous occasion. At the same time, outsiders drew some attention to Israel's ongoing genocide of Palestinians.

Prodrome (tags)

Le corps humain n'est pas glamour...

Twitter against Trump (tags)

Trump's track record in the summer of the 2020 pandemic is disastrous, 1K deaths every day with a total of around 150K. More than 30 million Americans are receiving unemployment benefits. Trump is trying to turn Biden into the destroyer of America.

Save the Amazon Demonstration (tags)

Glendale's Americana shopping mall was the site of a demonstration reminding consumers about consequences of shopping decisions and our culture of ignorance.

NYPD Case Calls Attention to 'Consent Defense' That Can Be Used by Officers Accused of Rap (tags)

NYPD Case Calls Attention to 'Consent Defense' That Can Be Used by Officers Accused of Rape in 35 States

Public Risks, Private Profits and Prosperity (tags)

All personal and corporate achievements are based on state investments in roads, schools, hospitals, community centers, airwaves, food safety, and water quality. The Apples and Googles of this world are businesses that developed the results of state-financed basic research...

My Prayer That Grace May Touch The Mosaic Of My Work (tags)

My prayer is in the form of a mosaic of prose.

The Pussies did not Riot, they wanted publicity instead (tags)

Free to be Hungry by Paul Krugman (tags)

Paul Krugman is a winner of a Nobel Prize for Economics.


Thi s article is based on observing protests. The police has plans for how to deal with protestors. This is by opioion of a methodof dealing with these police plans

Challenging Israeli State Terror (tags)


Greenpeace Rallies On Climate Change In Issues In Mexico (tags)

Greenpeace is not just about stopping whaling. It has many active chapters all over the world. The Mexican branch of Greenpeace recently held a protest in front of the foreign ministry in Mexico City. The issue they were calling attention to was climate change.

NaninhaH, do sertão da macaxeira! (tags)

First insight A reconsideration of the inherent mystery that surrounds our individual lives on this planet. We experience mysterious coincidences which show us that there is another side of life we have yet to discover--some other process operating

The Blueprint for Forward Base America (tags)

This was the plan all along, no matter how they try to dress it up.

U.S. Economy doing well? Think again. (tags)

Hold on to your shorts and wallets!

David J. Hart, a Local Soldier Killed in Iraq, Returns Home (tags)

David J. Hart, of Lake View Terrace, died in Balad of wounds suffered in a firefight with insurgents Jan. 8 in Samarra, north of Baghdad. He was 22.


ATTENTION SINOPHOBES, SINOLOGISTS, SITUATIONISTS, MAO LOVERS, AND ALL FILM FREAKS! Come See René Viénet's rarely seen 1977 classic, "Peking Duck Soup"

L.A. Fil-Am vets rally draws over 500 (tags)

Nearly 600 students and supporters gathered to march for Filipino Veterans’ rights on Nov. 11 in Historical Filipinotown. The event, organized by the coalition group Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV), was the seventh annual march aiming to raise community awareness about H.R. 1315, a bill that would grant Filipino veterans pension for their involvement in World War II. Supporters of the bill, which has yet to be approved by both the Lower House and the Senate before being signed into law by the President, are hoping that the rally will cause enough attention to the issue before Congress adjourns its session for the year on Nov. 16, or at the very least, to get an extension until December. Another bill being pushed for approval along with these benefits is the family reunification bill, which veterans would use to expedite the immigration process for family members still remaining in the Philippines.

Grim Reaper Recruits With Marines (tags)

Campus War Protest--Semper Fi: Grim Reaper Recruits With Marines in Georgia Performance Action, Central Campus, Georgia College, 9/20/2007 Images by Emily Gomez

Web 2.0 Promotes Narcissism (tags)

"Young persons born after 1982 are the most narcissistic generation of recent history and far removed from a social orientation.. Narcissism is a business or income in the attention economy.

Grabbing Attention and Keeping It For A Spell (tags)

making obvious the root lie

Boffins, Buffoons and Intelligence Agencies (tags)

Paul O'Sullivan, Director-General ASIO, recently fielded questions after his public address at the Sydney Institute. In response to a question relating to the Cronulla race riots, the ASIO chief confirmed that extremism from any quarter (left or right) would attract the attention of our domestic watchdog. His answer prompted a memory recall of the most infamous failure of our domestic spy agencies, the Sydney Hilton Bombing of February ’78.


We need videographers to test and analyze in the LAX Airport Court and any other place with key decision makers with a metal roof over their heads. Beware of technological apparatus. Bring Your Home-Made "Indymedia Reporter" badge.

Don't Blame Bush (tags)

Maybe you think that it’s all just a bad dream. In a few years there will be a new President of the United States and everything will be different then. Everything will be back to normal. The bad news is, you are awake. The really bad news is, it isn’t Bush.

G-8 SF Riot, Anarchist betrayed by the local IMC (tags)

let the sacrifice of our brothers in arms serve as a warning

Invisible Children (tags)

I am a guardian ad-Litem, author, speaker, and writer on children’s issues working to draw attention to the millions of American children reported to Child Protection Systems every year. Our schools and prisons are filled with them. They need our voices and our help. Teachers know the difficulties caused by traumatized children in their classrooms. Extraordinary drop out rates and failing students are being blamed on poor teaching and the influx of immigrants today. This is an outrage. Not enough attention is brought to the severely damaged children being managed by public education or the poor political stewardship that has brought these conditions to be. Let’s build a grassroots movement to bring attention to the issues of abused and neglected children.

Prejudice Against Blondes (tags)

There is a form of racist prejudice in this country that seldom is ever acknowledged—namely prejudicial stereotyping of blonde people (particularly in negative ways). Often it is subtle and other times notso; and yet it seems more pervasive than many people may be willing to believe.

Governor Tough Guy, At It Again (tags)

Last week, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger garnered another round of media attention by denigrating a group protesting outside of a conference at which he was speaking.

So Many Herrings, So Little Time (tags)

To fish or not to fish, that is the question in this soon-to-end Rovian era. Just know this: If it looks easy to catch, then there is a catch. For more details about how to spot a keeper from a cropper, read on.

Economics and Ethics: The Stakeholder Model (tags)

"Businesses cannot be reduced only to the principle of profit maximization.. Businesses are bound in a relational structure of different claimant groups including a critical public alongside the traditional economic actors.. Brent Spar is an example.."

This Week in Rape-oops- Sports (tags)

Kobe screwed, but is his accuser screwing us?

Silence about Muslim Deaths (tags)

How many times have you heard Israel blamed for Muslim Deaths? Now How many times have you heard Muslims blamed for Muslim Deaths- the disparity in numbers will shock you. All in all, it makes Israel look like a kitten.

L.A. Indymedia - The "Sherman Austin" website (tags)

L.A. Indy posts in yet ANOTHER leading article on Sherman Austin... "The more we are under attack, the more we will continue to intensify our struggle, and the more we will fight until the machine is put to rest. An injury to one is an injury to all. They may have been able to lock Sherman up, but hundreds, thousands, millions more are ready to take his place and continue fighting even stronger. "

29 Reasons to attack Iraq (tags)

There has to be more....please add to the list

George W. Bush: An Intolerable Act (tags)

A royal message to the people of the United States - THE GAME (of democracy) IS OVER

Attention OC Voters: Beware of Right Wing Republican Chris Norby (tags)

Attention Anaheim, Buena Park, Fullerton, La Habra, and Placentia Voters! Beware of Right-Wing Republican Chris Norby! Anti-Union, Anti-Affirmative Action, Anti-Immigration!

Salon: Bush Ignored Bipartisan Report Warning of Danger Last January (tags)

Former Sens. Gary Hart (D-CO), and Warren Rudman, (R-NH), co-chaired the U.S. Commission on National Security/21st Century, chartered by the Defense Department, which issued a report in January that got serious attention from Congress before the Bush Administration shot it down, promising to start from scratch with its own own commission-on Oct. 1.

Borderhack 2.O *REPORT* (tags)

SOMETHING there is that doesn't love a wall, That sends the frozen-ground-swell under it, And spills the upper boulders in the sun; And makes gaps even two can pass abreast. -Robert Frost

Bush Biographer's Death A Suicide [?] (tags)

With Genoa occupying our attention, this could be easily missed. Read between the lines.

Why So Much Attention to Nader? Read Our Mission Statement (tags)

A number of people have published pieces complaining about how much attention the IMC sites have been giving to Nader. But a glance at our Mission Statement should make it obvious why Nader is getting so much attention. He's running a vigorous national campaign and he's addressing the issues the brought the IMCs into existence.

Mainstream Media Coverage (tags)

Mainstream media covering protest preparations.

Some lessons from Philly RNC (tags)

A few personal tactical/strategic observations from the Philly protests

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