fix articles 37607, crimes committed
Crimes Committed by Newsmedia (tags)
"Journalists are paid to lie, betray and never tell the truth to the public" - Top journalist Udo Ulfkotte
Our highest officials are criminals (tags)
The USA is governed by highly paid thugs and criminals.
How USA 'Intel' Subverts America (tags)
The fbi currently employs an army of psychotics to discreetly destroy the life of the political Target (i.e. victim, ME) in a program as sinister and deadly in its application as it is cruel and unbelievable in its conception.
Today's Police/fbi Traverse the Lines of Human Decency (tags)
See my reports and discover the reality of a system of laws and law enforcement that are irrationally brutal and often inhumane as presently applied.
USA's President Has Almost No Power Over fbi / cia assassins (tags)
The President of the United States of America has no real power over fbi/cia/dod assassins & mass murderers.
Police and fbi crimes as SOP (tags)
This report seeks to understand the nature of our emerging police state USA.
how the fbi converts cops at every level (and citizens) into criminals. (tags)
fbi unlawfully engages US PI and Texas DPS, Police, et al as criminal operatives
See links to recent reports on crimes committed by the fbi.
Human rights protest in Salt Lake City (tags)
The Committee for War Criminal Prosecution held its third annual spring gathering in Salt Lake City, Utah to focus attention on human rights abuses and war crimes committed by members of the U.N.'s Security Council.
Human rights protest in Salt Lake City (tags)
The Committee for War Criminal Prosecution held its third annual spring gathering in Salt Lake City, Utah to focus attention on human rights abuses and war crimes committed by members of the U.N.'s Security Council.