fix articles 37554, spread Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : spread


How Religious Fundamentalism Hijacks the Brain (tags)

In moderation, religious and spiritual practices can be great for a person’s life and mental well-being. But religious fundamentalism—which refers to the belief in the absolute authority of a religious text or leaders—is almost never good for an individual. This is because fundamentalism discourages any logical reasoning or scientific evidence making it maladaptive.

UNRWA and Co: Netanyahu's war against the truth (tags)

Journalists and Israel critics as Hamas accomplices. The Netanyahu government has also been very successful in spreading narratives that declare anyone who supports the Palestinians in Gaza with humanitarian aid, reports on their suffering & criticizes the actions of the Israeli government as Hamas accomplices, Hamas anti-Semites.

The Conversation of Sabbatai Zvi (1666) (tags)

Schabbtai Zvi, also Sabbatai Zewi or Schabbatai Zwi (born 1626 in Smyrna, Ottoman Empire, today Turkey; died on September 16, 1676 in Ülgün, Ottoman Empire, today Montenegro), was a religious scholar and, as a self-declared Messiah, the founder of the Messiah named after him Sabbatianism.

Blame the Covid-19 failure on your governments, not on China (tags)

The anti-Chinese narrative is based on false statements and serves to distract people from the failure of neoliberalism. Build hospitals and expand health care! Cut military spending in half!

LA Coronavirus COVID-19 Resources (tags)

Some links to local resources.

How Singapore has taken control of the virus and avoided panic (tags)

The city-state has learned a lot from the sars crisis and is not letting the coronavirus get it down. Not all recipes are transferable to other countries, but some are. And unusual measures are taken to ensure the cohesion of society.

USDA Withholds Names Of Turkey Companies Spreading Salmonella (tags)

update on the turkey salmonella outbreak which has spread to 35 states as of November

Jeremy Corbyn Anti-American? (tags)


Former Science Ed of London Times: Smallpox Vaccine Triggered Aids (tags)

As Governor Brown, Dianne Feinstein, and Barbara Boxer have worked to violate the 1st amendment which guarantees religious freedom and to violate the health of children, it's time to examine again the data which indicates the WHO smallpox vaccine spread AIDS around the world.

Thanks Captain Z (tags)

Our Dad Died recently and we were able to spread his ashes at sea because of a white boat Captain.

How Obama's Rumors About Pres. Al-Assad Led to ISIS Growth (tags)

Since the beginning of the Syrian coup against Pres. Bashar Al-Assad the growth of fundamentalist terrorists in ISIS has grown exponentially in power every month. The seeds of the rebellion against the legitimate president of Syria originate in the rumor mill of the U.S. military-industrial complex under the reigns of one Barack Obama.

Ebola Depopulation Scam: Liberian Poor Held At Gunpoint In Quarantine Concentration Camps (tags)

The World Health Organization, CDC and international drug cartels continue their depopulation scam: ebola

Free Internet Book: "The World Crisis" (tags)

Once the source of hope, the US is often a source of fear. Closing most of the 700+ bases would be a step from empire to republic. Security is a political and social challenge, not only a military project. Development should be a right, not only a hope and a promise..

Oligarchy and Democracy (tags)

Jeffrey A. Winters is professor of political science at Northwestern University and author of Oligarchy, published by Cambridge University Press in 2011.

Middle East Protests, Violence and Strikes Continue (tags)

liberating struggles

Assange should be Person of Year: Time needs a pair (tags)

"Reaction, meanwhile, was swift by readers on Time's website, including Avijit Paul who wrote, "So I guess Time has chickened out by not making Julian Assange as the person of the year. It's a shame when [Assange] was not the top when the biggest chunk of readers say he is." Time reader Tony Castro pondered: "Wasn't Mark Zuckerberg in tenth place? I will spread this injustice like wildfire knocking your readership down to zero."

1697 duplicate wikileaks sites and growing (tags)

"Also this document has those 1697 links/urls to wikileaks mirror sites. Make it impossible for this information to be “disappeared” like so many victims of CIA/client state butchery. This is an opportunity that will not come often. Take advantage of it now. Spread very, very widely."

Cholera Outbreak Hits Port-au-Prince (tags)

an epidemic threatens Haiti

Ugandan Bomb Attack May Herald Spread of Somalia’s Instability: Be afraid! (tags)

“This very tragic event is a reminder of the wider regional risks that exist,” Rhazia Khan, an economist at Standard Chartered Plc in London, said in a phone interview. “It seems to reinforce that what is happening in the Horn of Africa region may have cross-border implications.” Thus we are told to fear!

Julio Rodriguez Update (tags)

Update on one of the arrested.

The H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic: Manipulating the Data to Justify a Worldwide Public Health Em (tags)

"There was no attempt to improve the process of data collection in terms of lab. confirmation. In fact quite the opposite. Following the level 6 Pandemic announcement, both the WHO and the CDC decided that data collection of individual confirmed and probable cases was no longer necessary to ascertain the spread of swine flu. As of July 10, one month after the announcement of the level six pandemic, the WHO discontinued the collection of confirmed cases. It does not require member countries to send in figures pertaining to confirmed or probable cases. WHO will no longer issue the global tables showing the numbers of confirmed cases for all countries. However, as part of continued efforts to document the global spread of the H1N1 pandemic, regular updates will be provided describing the situation in the newly affected countries. WHO will continue to request that these countries report the first confirmed cases and, as far as feasible, provide weekly aggregated case numbers and descriptive epidemiology of the early cases. (WHO, Briefing note, 2009)."

Ebola Virus in the Philippines (tags)

In the last couple of weeks, news broke out about the presence of a strain of the "ebola virus" here in the Philippines and the infection of a pig farm worker in Bulacan. Upon inspection, the DOH and WHO declared all the pigs in that farm infected with the "ebola virus". Because of this, all the pigs in that farm will be slaughtered to control the spread of the disease brought about by the "ebola virus". A person with "ebola virus" can die by hemorrhage. "Ebola virus", is one of the viruses invented by the U.S. Army Biological Facility in Fort Detrick, Maryland, U.S.A.. This is now being run by the World Health Organization (WHO). Among the viruses the US Army made were ANTHRAX, AIDS virus and "mad cow disease".

aWearness Call to Action--Support the Angola 3 (tags)

host a solidarity birthday party for Albert Woodfox of the Angola 3 on Feb. 19th. Enter our cake contest.

Boycott Bullies bro (tags)

United , Peaceful , Boycott. Spread The Word , Pass it on !

Vaccines Not Enough to Stop Spread of TB, Health Officials Say (tags)

KIGALI — Rwanda’s Ministry of Health last month formally banned the traditional “sharing of straws” that locals here employ to drink beer.

Campus Coalition Against Hate Group (tags)

Campus Coalition Against Hate Group protest Jim Gilchrist's, co-founder of the Minutemen, ignorant and hateful rhetoric.

Microbicides & HIV/AIDS (tags)

Making a Difference What you Can Do To Fight The Spread Of HIV/AIDS?

Amazing new 911 truth video (tags)

911 truth Activism

Call to Action Across the US Against Mexican Consulates (tags)

This is a call to action against mexican consulates all over the country for Monday Oct. 30.

A New Movement is Born - Congratulations Democrats NOW Do Your JOB !! (tags)

Republicans have sold their souls and are unreachable by anyone who doesn't have millions for their campaign coffers. The Democrats appear to be poised to gain some power. We watched the Democrats allow the 2000 election to be stolen by allowing black voters to be disenfranchised in Florida. Did you see Farenheit 911? Not one Democratic Senator would stand up with the black caucus. I watched the Democrats stand by and leave Cynthia McKinney dangling when she found the courage to demand of Rumsfeld "Where's the $2.3 trillion you lost?" and "Investigate 9/11." So, where are we. We have a weak opposition party that has performed dismally. One that finally may gain some power. One that may not do anything with that power unless they wake up with 1 or 2 million demands from us citizens that something be done to change our country for the better forever. is a vehicle to make that happen.

A CALL TO ARMS: Fighting Conservative America From Your Computer Desk (tags)

Have you ever wanted to get involved and have your voice heard? Here is an easy and entertaining way to do both from the computer you are using at this very moment.

Free Media Software (tags)

This is the political statement for the dyneLbolic media operating system CD, a special CD that turns any PC computer into a media workstation. If you want software that doesn't engage in the tricknology of the system, you want free software.

Spread the Word, Que Corre la Voz (tags)

SPREAD DA' WORD!!!" Youth & Student Conference 2006 SATURDAY, JUNE 10th 10am-5:30pm (registration begins @ 9am) ****this is a FREE event****

Gas Girlcott (tags)

Maybe gas boycotts don't work because they are sexist. Join the cause that will make a difference, but it needs your help. The solution is simple, but it's not easy..

Whose ass is Judith Miller protecting: Her source's or her own? (tags)

Is Judith Miller, now in jail on a contempt charge for refusing to name her sources in the Valerie Plame outing case, a muckraking journalistic hero, or was she a journalistic poseur who was helping the White House slime whistleblower Joe Wilson? --------------

National Atheist Organizing (tags)

Plan of action to undermine the theocrats

Bush Concealing Imperialist Goals Behind Democratic Rhetoric (tags)

Webster's defines euphemeism as the substitution of an inoffensive term for one considered offensive..Capitlaism has little to do with democracy or freedom or liberty.

GAYS: More cases of RARE DISEASE (tags)

Homosexual/Bisexual - Health issues - Lymphogranuloma venereum, or LGV, is a form of chlamydia that can damage the bowels and scar the anus. Among the few patients that have been identified in the United States, most also had the AIDS virus.

Kerry Receives 100 Times More in Contributions from GOP Donors than Nader (tags)

The anti-Nader Democrats have spread their big lie to discredit Nader and silence his anti-war and progressive message that Kerry could not rebut.

Command from Above: Book Review (tags)

"Are there justified reasons for US bashing? Never has a US administration taken as little pains to veil its true interests as the administration of George W. Bush.. A messianic-aggressive rhetoric spread which is the real reason for the estrangement between Europe and the US.."

Fuck Bush! (tags)

Listen to the civil RICO ACT against Bush and his fiends. Listen to the wife of one of the murdered victims of 9/11 admire her bravery!

14 More reasons (tags)

Even more evidence that 'AID$' is a rascist puritan myth

converge on nycimc 9.11.03 (tags)


Logging started in Straw Devil in unit 1 today (tags)



The time is NOW. Gathering at the KOBE headquarters on May 24th 2003 1:00 pm till ??? End racism in Los Angeles one wesite at a time.....

1,000-2,000 TONS DU Spread Over Iraq's Cities (tags)

I am rubbing my hands in glee, Leukemia, Birth Deformities, and Wasting diseases. The harvest will be great. All Heil Bush!

Globe and Mail Editorial (Toronto) (tags)

The team leader of the trial, Dr Anatoli Kamalai, acknowledged that there was "no measurable reduction" in HIV incidence with "no hint of even a small effect." The trial showed there to be no connection between sexual activity and AIDS.

photos from saddam statue were propaganda: they were false. (tags)

photos from baghdad seem to show thousands and thousands of Iraqis tearing down the statue of Saddam. However, BBC photos reveal that there were at most only a couple hundred people there and that includes US troops!

New sex study (tags)

A UK funded trial aimed at reducing the spread of Aids in Uganda by modifying sexual behaviour appears to have had little discernible effect.

Spread Some Sanity! (tags)

Spread Some Sanity: Attack Global Warming Not Iraq!

Spread the Word! Tell Everyone-Boycott Corporate Media! (tags)

EVERY day should be "TV Turn-off Day"!

Virus Alert (tags)

I'm not sure if reprinting is allowed here but this seemed kinda important.

America Did this to itself. (tags)

It is the last thing the "Flock" wants to admit. Why? Because arab terrorists are an easy target. Kind of like Hiroshima.

Cops using IMC publish and comment ability to spread lies. (tags)

The cops are now using the IMC's posting & commenting abilitys to spread false information and attempt to disprove or downplay others

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