fix articles 37531, from august Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : from august

from august

CT Republican Candidate For Gov Disappears An Island (tags)

Unionbuster Tom Foley, sent by Bush to facilitate Paul Bremer in the rape of Iraq, is a Republican candidate for governor of Connecticut,. He has disappeared an island

Israel Behind Egypt's Coup? (tags)


Iraq Today: America's Imperial Legacy (tags)


Inciting Unrest in Venezuela (tags)


Anti-Iranian Hysteria (tags)


Advancing the Ball for War on Syria (tags)


Israel/Palestine: More on the Sham Peace Talks (tags)

economic decline

The End of Prosperity (tags)

The wages of sin have come due.

Public Enemy Number One (tags)

Fed- engineered crisis.

Spanish authorities have prosecuted a child for terrorism! Incredible but true! (tags)

14-year-old Èric Bertran e-mailed companies requesting labeling in Catalan language, using the "Phoenix" monicker from the Harry Potter books.

Camp Justice for Farmworkers Rights in Delano, CA (tags)

Farm workers gather at second Camp Justice event in Delano, CA to organize and share skills to fight poverty wages, pesticide exposure and other abuses faced daily by farm workers in CA's central valley..

Youth Against Hate (ARA Network Conference) 2005! (tags)

From August 5th – 7th, ARA Toronto will be hosting Youth Against Hate (ARA Network Conference) 2005!

"Yo! What Happened to Peace?" (tags)

LA artist John Carr has organized a terrific exhibition of antiwar posters to be exhibited in Boston and New York during the conventions. The show, "Yo! What Happened to Peace?" is currently on display in Cambridge MA until July 30th. From August 6th to September 5th it will be on display in Brooklyn NY. Dozens of artists contributed prints to the show, including Mark Vallen, Winston Smith, Doug Minkler, Seth Tobocman, Favianna Rodriguez, EMEK, Chaz Bojorquez, Mear One, Edward Colver, Eric Drooker... and many others!

The impeachable offense (tags)

Finally, and far too late, the networks, the big dailies, and the national news magazines are discovering that the Bush Administration's case for invading Iraq was a combination of willfully gross exaggerations and flat-out lies.

Police Attack Biotech Activists; Maine Greens Sue to Prevent Resdistcting (tags)

Big Fish Being Wiped OutSenator Byrd: War Fought On False Pretenses Rescuing Private Lynch; Ignoring Rachel Corrie Greens vs Democrats 2004 Don't Let Computer Voting Destroy Democracy

Firsts hand account from arrestee in occupied Palestine - some corrections (tags)

Being back in Los Angeles comparing the two ways of life. Police brutality in Los Angeles does not even compare to Israeli occupation. One though, must draw the correlation, that Israel’s brutal occupation would not even be possible without the backing of the United States. Anybody who's oppressed can have some unity with the Palestinian people who have nothing to lose and a world to win. My friends and other youth (who constantly get harrassed or brutalized by police) can draw inspiration from Palestinian youth's fearlessness going against tanks with their slingshots for their dreams of liberation.

First Hand Account from Arrestee in Occupied Palestine (tags)

On August 7th of 2002, 9 international activists were arrested in a village near Nablus, called Hawara. There was a demonstration organized by Palestinian farmers, against curfews imposed on them by Israel

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