fix articles 37513, tunnel
Light at the End of the Tunnel: Communities Must Stand Together for Change (tags)
Diverse communities in the U.S. have been standing together to bring about social change at the grassroots level in an unprecedented wave of euphoria set off by the inauguration of Barack Obama. Whether in public meetings, workshops, or protests the unity of purpose and momentum is palpable. What will it take to translate that human energy into real change?
SOS, CCIR and Minutemen - Greatest Hate Yet?? (tags)
Save our State And CCIR have shown their true racist beliefs by teaming with the most racist of Minutemen Groups the Mountain Minutemen.
Irish women tunnels in to stop Construction of M3 Motorway near Hill of Tara (tags)
A Female Protester has sealed herself into a tunnel under a hill upon which the Rath Lugh National Monument is positioned to stop construction of the M3 Motorway near the Hill of Tara. 100 protesters have now joined the protest at Rath Lugh.
Building Works at Rath Lugh National Monument near Hill of Tara stopped by Protesters (tags)
From the Tara Foundation: These are two statements released by the Save Tara Campaign on behalf of the Rath Lugh Direct Action Camp outlining the emergency situation at the Rath Lugh National Monument near the Hill of Tara:
North Korea has "put everything in place to conduct a [second nuclear] test (tags)
news of the world
The Dublin Port Tunnel Scam (tags)
The €1 billion euro Dublin Port Project, directed by Halliburton subsidiary KBR, has been plagued with construction problems, and from this viewpoint alone looks like becoming another financial black hole to the benefit of a military contractor. But there is more to the story: back in 1990, when there was a chance to move Dublin Port, thus providing room for much-needed expansion and removing Port traffic from the city streets, the State chose instead to leave the Port where is was and instead build the Port Tunnel. Earlier this year, the Progressive Democrats, partner in the Irish government, revived the plan to move the Port, when the tunnel was almost complete. This article examines why.
Vive La France! Major Mossad Terror Plot Busted in Maryland (tags)
Michael Chertoff and Dept. of Homeland Security has been fingered again as a co-conspirator. Elements of a secret French anti-terror team just busted a Mossad operation which was designed to bomb the Fort McHenry Tunnel in Baltimore, Maryland in the first week of October. In the early morning hours of September 21, 2006, an unmarked white van was stopped by Maryland State Police driving north and south and back and forth through the Fort McHenry Tunnel.
Lt. Governor Candidate: No Tunnel, No Quarry (tags)
Stewart Alexander, Candidate for California Lieutenant Governor, is opposing two projects being planned for west Riverside County; a ten mile tunnel that will move traffic beneath the Cleveland National Forest and the Santa Ana Mountains, and a quarry that is being planned near the boarder of Riverside and San Diego County. Alexander says these two projects are the results of irresponsible planning that will cause long term damage to our environment and will have a negative impact on the lives of millions of Californians.
4 may have drowned in illegal border crossing (tags)
If you sneak into the USA thru these tunnels please don't do it when its raining!
Lawyers: Terror cases lack intent (tags)
In the two recent terrorist busts it seems like the feds are making a big deal about nothing
Cops over react as they almost always do! (tags)
Reported gunfire at Capitol wasn't
Lt. Gov. Candidate Opposing Tunnel Project (tags)
Stewart Alexander is opposing plans to construct a 10 mile tunnel beneath the Cleveland National Forest and the Santa Ana Mountains to relieve traffic congestion between Riverside and Orange Counties. Alexander believes any future for this project should rest with California voters and not with government agencies and corporate executives.
Lt. Governor Candidate Proposes Rail System (tags)
The Peace and Freedom Party candidate for California lieutenant governor, Stewart Alexander, is proposing an elevated twin rail system to move commuters between Riverside and Orange County. This is a plan to reduce traffic congestion and pollution in Southern California. The candidate is opposing the present plan, to build a 10 mile tunnel, drilling holes in the Santa Ana Mountains and the Cleveland National Forest.
Help Save the Belmont Graffiti Art Hall of Fame from Developers! (tags)
Currently there is a battle being waged between developers and local grass-roots organizations to preserve the Toluca Subway Tunnel and Belmont Graffiti Art Hall of Fame from becoming a large scale apartment complex. This site has been used in countless films and music videos over the decades.
The Truth About Checkpoints: Sentiments & Article by Shlomo Lahat (tags)
Below Shlomo Lahat writes about the disasters that are known as check points. There are a number of additional kinds of disasters in the West Bank and Gaza; they not only will not contribute to anyone’s security, least of all Israel’s, but as a result of this are also likely to keep Jews and tourists away from Israel’s doors and encourage many residents and citizens here to leave for happier and safer grounds.
George Dubya found caught in a dirt-tunnel hideout, 20 feet beneath the White House (tags)
"High Value Target" George W Bush was found caught in a dirt- tunnel hideout, 20 feet beneath the White House, 8 months after his defeat in the 2004 Presidential elections. "Troops clear the opening of the tunnel, revealing a vertical shaft about 2m deep. They discovered George W. Bush, sitting in the bottom of the tunnel cradling a pistol in his lap. When asked who he was, he reportedly replied "George Dubya"