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May 21 Deadline to Change Your Party Status to Peace & Freedom or Green to Save Both (tags)
You have until May 21, 2012 to change your party status or register to vote for the 6/5/12 election Peace & Freedom Party or Green Party to save these two parties, due to the anti-democratic “Top Two” Primary Prop 14 passed in June 2010. These 2 parties have been on the ballot only due to receiving enough votes in November elections, but not due to registration. Now, it must be by registration only. The Decline to State voters are 21% of the registered voters, or some 3 million people. If you want choices, you have to care about the parties NOW because Peace & Freedom and Green will most likely not make the Top Two for November and will be gone forever when this happens, as it will, in 2014, the governor’s race and other statewide constitutional offices.
Behind the Scenes at San Diego’s Gay Fraternity (tags)
KEVIN KAO, EZRA EVANGELISTA and ARTHUR HUANG probably wouldn’t have joined any other fraternity, but Delta Lambda Phi was different. Not only was it founded 22 years ago specifically for Gay, Bisexual and “Progressive” (Queer-friendly) men, but its members get along and have fun with each other without drinking or hazing.
Action Alert All White Jury Convicts Black Grassroots Leader Rev. Edward Pinkney (tags)
The case of Rev. Pinkney is yet another example of anti-racism criminalized and put on trial. It is an attempt to silence the voice of grassroots Black people, to undercut the efforts of those with the least who demand accountability of those in power, to maintain the legacy of racism and poverty, and to make a way for even further exploitation
Not so secret address of REDFLEX TRAFFIC SYSTEMS, INC. (tags)
The Arizona Republic ran an article about the secret offices in Scottsdale, Arizona of Redflex Traffic Systems which makes photos radar systems
Orange county: Officer Shoots Unarmed 19-Year Old (tags)
As far as a political discussion, this would probably fall under the same category as Amadou Diallo Case, and Abner Louima in an example of law enforcement brutality bordering on outright criminality. Here are the relevant facts:
Sharp Rise in Press Attacks in Afghanistan (tags)
Reporters in Afghanistan are being threatened with death if they do not stop critisizing government officials.
ACTION ALERT: Tell UN to stop US sabotage of Weapons Inspections in Iraq! (tags)
Contact UNMOVIC, IAEA, the Secretary-General, and the permanent members of the UN Security Council! Complete contact information included! Suggested points to make: 1. Get the inspectors back in Iraq as soon as possible and REJECT US attempts to STOP Iraq weapons inspections! 2..Reject US attempts to turn Iraqi inspections into a "poison pill" with new UN resolutions that Iraq can't accept, giving US an excuse to invade Iraq.