fix articles 371113, a house of
VIDEO: A House of Cards: Richard Wolff (tags)
Most of economics depends on consuming. When employers stop raising wages, you force a dilemma on people. Borrowing substitutes for wages. We took on unprecedented debt and built a house of cards.
Channelling Charles -- Entitling A Universal 'Royalty'? (tags)
With the Global Bilderberg and EU/G8 Summits and Protests coming on this week -- a whole planet of awakening sovereigns is learning the language of freedom from a lifetime of economic, political and cultural servitude. The question of the role of the British and Global Security State in the murder of Princess Diana -- and the contemporary dialog on how to emancipate the British population from their thralldom to 'royalty' -- is the beginning of a dialog on a Global Entitlement to Life and Prosperity.