fix articles 37080, 2000 democratic convention
Looking for memorabilia from the August 14-17, 2000 Democratic Convention Protests (tags)
I am looking for memorabilia/paraphanalia (such as buttons, pins, photos, that kind of stuff) from the August 14-17, 2000 Democratic Convention protests in Los Angeles.
Looking for memorabilia from the August 14-17, 2000 Democratic Convention Protests (tags)
I am looking for memorabilia/paraphanalia (such as buttons, pins, that kind of stuff) from the August 14-17, 2000 Democratic Convention protests in Los Angeles.
Seeking Cable Access Producers to Spondor DNC Protest Documentary (tags)
I have recently completed a half-hour documentary on the Democratic Convention protests, and I'm looking for people involved with cable access to sponsor it on their local stations. In the posted clip, activists deconstruct the Democrats' claims of prosperity and progress.