fix articles 37032, beaten Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : beaten


Grab bag list about Leonard Peltier and the Positive Leadership he has played in USHistory (tags)

Leonard Peltier has done a helluva quantity of work for people in dire straights on the reservation that dot the US primarily in the Western half.Leonard occupied abandoned Ft Lawton near Seattle on March 4 1970 according to the text "prison Writings" page 224 appendix 1

Israeli Fascist Brutality (tags)


Kiev Junta War Crimes (tags)


Canadian Pigs Beaten, Electroshocked, Frozen, Suffocated, Injured, Die Of Thirst, Heat (tags)

torture of pigs video'd at Western Hog Exchange in Edmonton and elsewhere

Deplorable Bahraini Human Rights Violations (tags)

police state

Bilderberg Security Assaults EU Members of Parliament (tags)

During the secretive meeting of the globalist Bilderberg cabal, a member of the EU Committee on Civil Liberties was beaten and arrested by Bilderberg Security for attempting to gain entrance to the exclusionary meeting. The corporatist (ie., fascist) media in the U.S. has chosen to ignore this story entirely.

Oppressing West Bank Palestinian Children (tags)


Brutalizing Palestinian Children (tags)

state-sponsored terrorism against children

No Borders Camp Attacked (tags)

Border Patrol Attacks No Border Camp in Calexico, Ca. Click Link for Video of the Assualt

The Black Holocaust; A Day of Remembrance (tags)

NOTE: During the past 400 years more than 220,000,000 Blacks have been affected by the negative impact of slavery in America. The Black Holocaust is a time for us to pause in silence to remember the more than 40,000,000 Blacks that suffered horrible deaths due to torture, were raped, beaten, murdered, lynched, or died in the Atlantic crossing.


It's after 2 a.m. in the morning, my deadline is tomorrow, and I have been beaten up by the local police and my right elbow is sorely hurting, but I need to write down exactly what happened to me today before I go to sleep. Otherwise I will forget important details. I was harassed, beaten, and shocked with a Tazer-like gun in my front yard before my wife and children, and then abused for 6 hours by the ADL-trained local police. I have every reason to believe it is because of my journalistic investigation into 9/11. I have been threatened before in my career as a journalist, but this is the first time I have been intentionally beaten and abused – by the cops.

G8 solidarity: Barricades in Streets of San Francisco, Police Officer Beaten (tags)

Capitalism is global, so to is resistance.

Korea - Dog and Cat Meat (tags)

Scandal in South Korea

Invisible Children (tags)

I am a guardian ad-Litem, author, speaker, and writer on children’s issues working to draw attention to the millions of American children reported to Child Protection Systems every year. Our schools and prisons are filled with them. They need our voices and our help. Teachers know the difficulties caused by traumatized children in their classrooms. Extraordinary drop out rates and failing students are being blamed on poor teaching and the influx of immigrants today. This is an outrage. Not enough attention is brought to the severely damaged children being managed by public education or the poor political stewardship that has brought these conditions to be. Let’s build a grassroots movement to bring attention to the issues of abused and neglected children.

Jones versus the ashtray (tags)

Arab on Arab Violence (tags)

Half of all wives beaten last year

The rigged nation (tags)

During an attack to by an true patriot who have forgotten to be at frontline killing innocent people we are on air again as follows:

abandon pacifist leadership (tags)

fuck westwood protests that shits whack as fuck go get shit beaten also that shits far and pointless militant bloc at beverly hills on rodeo street where there is people and property

Eat the Rich! (by Latuff) (tags)

Support Opera Ball Attack Alliance in Austria. Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.


The situation has become untenable and this Easter thousands of activists from all over Australia plan to descend on Baxter for the purposes of demonstrating their dissatisfaction with Australia's xenophobic mandatory detention policies.

Hans Bennett photoessay: REMEMBER AUGUST 8, 1978! FREE THE MOVE 9! (tags)

On the corner of Broad and Walnut in Center City, Philadelphia, August 10, 2002, more than 25 MOVE members and supporters (including several visiting from Spain) gathered for a demonstration to commemorate August 8, 1978. On this day, 24 years ago, more than 500 heavily armed police officers attacked MOVE headquarters in the Powelton Village neighborhood of West Philadelphia. When the MOVE family fled into the basement to avoid the attack, police countered by flooding them out and imprisoning the MOVE 9 for the murder of Police officer James Ramp.


The human rights director of the CUT trade union federation is still in hospital after police beat him round the head with bats on a May Day protest in the city of Cali. After being identified by military intelligence agents various other union and social leaders were also attacked.

From L.A.: call to action against Bush brownshirts! (tags)

A week ago Saturday, at the Westwood (L.A.) Federal Building, FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN WERE BEATEN UP BY PRO-BUSH THUGS. YES, THE CHILDREN WERE BEATEN UP TOO. I was just told this by an eyewitness.

Non-violent means can be just as effective (tags)

non-violent methods to shut down any summit

Czech Abuses in Jails: PROTEST! (tags)

The main reason for this message is that people who have been arrested are having an extremely hard time in jail. Many people of all nationalities are being beaten. Over 900 have been arrested. About 2/3 are Czech. There are reports of broken arms, teeth knocked out, black eyes, and sexual abuse.

Innocent people beaten (tags)

I am covering the event as an open-minded journalist for Attending the DMC as a journalist, in the protesters area, and being approached by LAPD on horses and getting beaten.

Wearing the words across your chest (tags)

Police fear the puppets and the costumes enough to pre-emptively arrest those who create them. But what if we all wore a message?

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