fix articles 368799, and john reed stark
Tim Mahoney,vFin,Venus,Florida Methodist Church,Sayed Mustafa and Islamic Usary (tags)
Mr.Mustafa seems to have a way of bending his own supposed religious rules.However in my humble opinion,by involvement in penny stock scams with his fellow right wing Christian or other business partners he is committing usary or worse.Perhaps Tim Mahoney or Leonard Sokolow at vFIN can explain to Sayed Mustafa how penny stock scheisters take a suckers money first and give worthless penny stock shares and then charge them steep interest on their own money as the worthless shares they were conned to purchase are dumped by insiders till all psychological value of the truly worthless shares is also lost.
John Reed Stark UAE,SEC,Georgetown University Stock fraud Academic fraud Cyber fraud (tags)
Why does Securities Exchange Commission's John Reed Stark of internet enforcement not enforce ? Why have so many fraudulent internet websites proliferated under his reign of internet securities fraud and cyber fraud terror ? Is John Reed Stark aiding a sick psychological and stock fraud experiment as well as fraud upon investors by doing nothing to stop internet securities fraud and psychological abuse even using religion and death threats as well as fraudulent 'naked shorting' claims,etc. to promote stock fraud ? And the anonymous internet threats come from people he can and has identified already on the world wide web and on ragingbull and Yahoo and their extended websites and yet does nothing about it except to protect the criminals.John Reed Stark and other SEC officials are now responsible for allowing illegal pump and dump scams and probable money laundering with unaudited U.S. penny stocks in Dubai,UAE and for this reason alone should resign in mass or be convicted for this traitorous fraud against Americans.