fix articles 36822, regency
Philippine unions support campaign of workers in Hyatt hotels in US (tags)
TRADE unions and other organizations picketed today the Hyatt Hotel and Casino Manila in the Malate area to air their support to the global campaign to boycott the Hyatt chain of hotels prompted by the rampant abuses against the workers in several Hyatt hotels in the US, even as they recall the almost similar plight suffered by the workers in the shuttered Hyatt Regency Manila.
Hotel Workers Use Labor Day to Press Boycott of Hyatt Regency Santa Clara (tags)
Hotel service workers of the union Unite Here! Local 19 marked Labor Day by picketed the Hyatt Regency Santa Clara, which has been the target of a boycott campaign launched by the union six months ago. Hyatt workers, who have been without a contract with the hotel, have been demanding recognition of the union through a card-check / neutrality agreement.
The Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) based in Los Angeles county called on the management of the Hyatt Regency hotel in Long Beach to be fair in evaluating Ben's Orenlas suspension. As members of the community of Long Beach ,we are asking for a fair process and that he is treated with equal respect. Ben Orenlas, a Filipino Hotel worker at Hyatt who has worked for the Hyatt for 8 years. He was once rewarded at he Hyatt for being the best worker in the Kitchen. He was suspended by the management last Friday.
ARNOLD ALERT!!! March 22, Irvine!!!!! (tags)
Tuesday, March 22, 2005 Regency Hotel, Irvine, CA 5:00 p.m. Arnold Schwarzenegger Fund Raiser!
Join Protest as Bush Visits Westwood to Raise $ For SImon - Sat Aug 24 / 7AM (tags)
BRUNCH WITH SHRUB! BRING PRETZELS AND BANANAS! pResident Bush will be at the Regency Club in Westwood Aug 24 at 7 AM, whoring for Simon. Come join us for Coffee with the Commander in Chimp [and Cereal with the Crook!] Make Waffles, Not War! Breakfast Not Bombs! Cherry scones for the smirking drone!
Brunch With Shrub LA Aug 24/7AM Bring Bananas and Pretzels! (tags)
pResident Bush will be at the Regency Club in Westwood Aug 24 at 7 AM, whoring for Simon. Come join us for Coffee with the Commander in Chimp [and Cereal with the Crook!] Make Waffles, Not War! Breakfast Not Bombs! Cherry scones for the smirking drone!