fix articles 36759, national vanguard
Balak: Epstein and Pedophilia, Weinstein, Barak and Peres (tags)
With the unfolding Epstein saga, be alerted to the fact that Jew haters of all political stripes and colors in America, are using it to foment more Judeopathy than usual.
Republinzi Chris Simcox On The Run (tags)
You may remember this lovely Republican Christian when he came to California under the fake names "Save Our State" a.k.a. "Minutemen" a.k.a. "National Vanguard" a.k.a. "National Alliance" and so many others. They're all the same neo-Nazi Klan regardless of what names they give themselves.
Jeff Stone Riverside County Corruption Probe (tags)
The increasingly notorious politician Jeff Stone is once again embroiled in controversy involving his corruption, graft, and collaboration with organized crime in the agency of the equally notorious Scientology crime syndicate. While Riverside County is the most corrupt County in California, it also boasts the worse racist law enforcement outside of the Los Angeles Police Department.
The importance of the independent media (tags)
"The mass media form for us our image of the world and then tell us what to think about that image. Essentially everything we know—or think we know—about events outside our own neighborhood or circle of acquaintances comes to us via our daily newspaper, our weekly news magazine, our radio, or our television."
White Supremacist Tancredo calls Miami a ” Third World” Country (tags)
Crooks and Liars is carrying a report on this scumbag's racist, hate filled National Alliance / National Vanguard / Save Our State / Minutemen / Klu Klux Klan spew.
SOSMM, June Griffin, and hate (tags)
The "Save Our State" / "Minutemen" / Aryan Nations / National Vanguard / Stormfront / et al. mentality isn't solely the venue of racist hate mongers standing on street corners and screaming.
CM Protest Against Three Little Pigs: Silly, Garbage & Baloney (tags)
The Minuteman Junta that controls the Costa Mesa City Council (Mayor Allan Mansoor, Eric Bever and Gary Monahan) call allegations that they pander to extremists the equivelent of the Three Little Pigs fairy tale and "silly garbage baloney," but local residents who marched through Costa Mesa July 8 feel otherwise.
SOSMM Racists on FOX Network (tags)
The SOSMM et al. were being advertised by a FOX network affiliate
Since the September 11th attacks, racist groups have gained increasing size and political power.
Alert for anti-white supremacists (tags)
The San Gabriel Valley Tribune printed an article about the so-called "Friends of the Border Patrol" which didn't address the salient issues.
New Face of SOS/MM/NV Hate (tags)
The new band Prussian Blue seeks to increase the numbers in the National Vanguard, Minute Men, and Save Our State.
SOS to Return to Baldwin Park (tags)
Save Our State is planning to return to Baldwin Park for a third anti-immigrant demonstration. They are in the planning stages right now and are discussing which date would work best.
Photos of Laguna Beach protest against the racist (2) (tags)
Linkage with Save Our State to National Vanguard
Photos of Laguna Beach protest against the racist (tags)
Linkange with Save Our State and the National Vanguard
Laguna Beach police allegedly asked Joe Turner if he posts on Stormfront (tags)
According to a message posted on the "Save Our State" website, Joe Turner apparently got incredibly angry when Laguna Beach police officer Andy Peck allegedly asked him at last Saturday's anti-day laborer center demonstration what "username" he used on the Stormfront White Nationalist Community website, a nationwide bulletin board service on the internet run by an ex-Ku Klux Klan leader. But what are the Laguna Beach police supposed to think when Turner shows up at a protest in their city and suddenly decides to spend some quality time hanging out with Robert Floyd (aka, "Baldy"), an avowed "white nationalist" who was tackled to the ground a couple weeks earlier for allegedly trying to assault Naui Huitzilopochtli, a counterdemonstrator, at a previous demo?
SOS, Neo-Nazis & White Supremacists (1/4) (tags)
The photograph below shows Don Silva, a top spokeperson for Save Our State (SOS), the immigrant bashing group founded by Joe Turner, holding up the blue banner, "DEPORT ILLEGAL ALIENS," along with a man reputed to be "Advocate," at the Saturday, July 16th, 2005 rally against the day laborer center in Laguna Beach, California. A woman reputed to be "Dixieland_Delight" poses before the camera while waving an American flag. Both "Advocate" and "Dixieland_Delight" are known to be white supremacists and have posted messages under these psuedonyms on the Stormfront White Nationalist Website.
SOS, Neo-Nazis & White Supremacists (3/4) (tags)
The below photograph is that of Robert Floyd (aka, "Baldy"), who is wearing a black t-shirt with the website of the National Vanguard, a "white nationalist" organization, imprinted upon it. The man on the bullhorn behind him is SOS leader Frank Jorge. Both men allegedly tried to assault Naui Huitzilopochtli, a counterdemonstrator in Laguna Beach on July 16, 2005. Photo originally posted on
SOS Rejected by L.A. Urban Policy Roundtable (tags)
The L.A. Urban Policy Roundtable moderated by Earl Hutchinson and scheduled for August 20, has been cancelled. The Roundtable was to be used by Save Our State as a vehicle to build relations with the black community in Los Angeles.
SOSMM / NV Plan White Supremist Literature Spew (tags)
Racists plan on trying to disseminate white power literature widely.
Los Angeles Urban Policy Roundtable, Save Our State, and National Vanguard to Partner (tags)
The people at Save Our State have been busy. Now that they have joined forces with the National Vanguard, they are meeting with members of the Los Angeles Urban Policy Roundtable to join with them as well.
SOS, a front group for the openly racist National Vanguard, to hold Laguna rally (tags)
Joe Turner, founder of Save Our State (SOS), a front group for the openly racist National Vanguard, plans to hold a rally at the day laborer center in Laguna Beach on Saturday, July 30. Come to Laguna Beach and watch top leaders of SOS stand in solidarity against the "brown problem" with members of the National Vanguard, just like they did in Baldwin Park. Make sure you take plenty of photographs of the SOS rally, because many members of that group are linked to the National Vanguard , the Ku Klux Klan, and other white power groups. Below is picture taken in Baldwin Park last month showing Frank Jorge, a close friend of Turner, shouting into a bullhorn, while Robert Floyd, a National Vanguard member wearing a black shirt, stands guard "protecting the white race."
Robert Floyd of Pearblossom, CA (posts on both the Stormfront and SOS forums under the name Baldy) is a National Vanguard member/white nationalist and regular attendee of SOS rallies (I guess that would make him a member of SOS too). His name was printed in Sunday’s (6/17/05) Los Angeles Times. The National Vanguard is also planning a BP3 (details below)
SOS Inspires National Vanguard (tags)
Apparently inspired by the tactics of SOS, the National Vanguard, a well known hate/white supremacist group, will hold their own SOS-styled demo. This is more proof that SOS is being used as a recruiting tool for racists and fascists.
White Supremists Claim Victory (tags)
"Save Our State" a.k.a. "Minutemen" a.k.a. "National Vanguard" a.k.a. Whatever they're calling themselves this time around... Whatever they call themselves, they all claim victory after having their frocking clocks cleaned by anti-hate communities where ever the white supremist scumbags show their white racist faces.
United Resistance - Victorville (tags)
Ernest M. Saenz, Chicano Artist commemorates a flag to the United Resistance of Victorville.
Baldwin Park 2, the Rematch! (tags)
A more detailed look at the anti-hate rally in Baldwin Park, Claiofrnia, on June 25'th.
Baldwin Park 2: La reconquista continúa (tags)
Report from the second invasion of Baldwin Park
Pictures/Report From Baldwin Park (tags)
Approximately 1000-2000 people showed up to counter the presence of SOS in Baldwin Park.
Preliminary anti-hate rally report (tags)
The anti-hate / anti white supremist rally in Baldwin Park was another overwhelming success!
Stornfront Coming to BP? (tags)
The message below was taken from a StormFront message board thread.
"Save Our State" / "Minutemen" Dreaming of a White Amerikkka (tags)
Reading white supremists web sites indicate fear and denial of the unavoidable reduction in white Americans in North America.
SOS Must Be Opposed in Alhambra (tags)
On Saturday, the Ventura based SOS organization will be holding yet another anti-immigrant demonstration, this time in Alhambra (9am –Noon at Home Depot, 500 S. Marengo, Alhambra). The SOS likes to harass and intimidate day local day laborers. Passages from the SOS website portray a “massive illegal alien invasion” which turns “our communities into cesspools.”
Minuteman "Flavor of the Month" for Repubs (tags)
Gilchrist hooks up with Republicans in Saddleback.
SOS = Neo-Nazi National Vanguard (tags)
The National Vanguard, which joined SOS in Victorville, is a splinter group of the National Alliance, the largest neo-Nazi group in the U$
What happened In Victorville (SOS rally) (tags)
The SOS was in Victorville on Saturday. The picture quality is real bad but it's all we've got. Check below for the rundown of what happened.
Nat Vanner, Hans Glans, Webguider are all the same fascist troll abusing the newswire.