fix articles 36717, climate change Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : climate change

climate change

The Enemy and the Libidinal Economy of the Apocalypse (tags)

The West continues to avoid introspection by invoking the Other as pure evil. While the terminal crisis of capitalist civilization is truly global, and no emancipatory model can be seen on the geopolitical chessboard, it is also evident that today’s anti-Russian sentiment stems from a consolidated ideological framework. To West, Russians have always been an inferior race,

Multiple crisis and catastrophe (tags)

The official self-image of bourgeois society remains strangely untouched by crises. They are understood as improbable and short-lived interruptions of what are actually successful processes. Disruptions and crises are denied, are considered technical and, through a variety of individual measures, if not solvable, then at least postponable into the future.

Saving the planet means saving the world (tags)

Instead of today’s economic system, which increases inequality, a new system is indispensable, according to Rockström and colleagues. What is needed is a ‘wellbeing economy’ which serves people and the planet—rather than people and the planet serving the economy, as the Wellbeing Economic Alliance (WeAll) puts it.

Brazil Chairs G20 and Vows to Address Poverty, Hunger and Climate Change as Finance Minist (tags)

The Brazilian Presidency of the G20 hosts finance ministers for their first G20 meeting this year.

Memorandum 2022 and Memorandum 2023 (tags)

The Bremen study group on Alternative Economic Policy has been publishing analyses since 1975. Sustainable infrastructure Investments, de-carbonization, environmental safeguards, work protections and welfare regulations are primary as well as resisting profit maximization and environmental destruction.

The military will not solve a single problem (tags)

Solidarity could also be understood and implemented differently: as a concept that reduces violence and aims at protecting human lives in concrete terms. This includes not only refugee aid, humanitarian aid & all conceivable diplomacy. It is also important to examine whether social resistance measures planned for the short term make sense in this highly escalated situation.

When everything tips over (tags)

So it's high time for the left to break out of its shock paralysis, to start politicizing knowledge again and to develop its own models and approaches that are both bigger and smaller than the warning about the end of humanity. First, by taking into account the economic structures.... And on the other hand, by going into the painstaking, everyday detail work.

New York Legislature Extends Session, Vote on Debt Relief Bill Pending (tags)

Religion, Development and Labor Coalition Pushes Passage of New York Taxpayer and International Debt Crises Protection Act

Utopias and Dystopias and Cooperation with China (tags)

Joe Biden and his foreign policy team are in many ways still entrenched in the Cold War era, and his administration has generally taken a far more antagonistic stance toward China than Obama.

UN Climate Conference Agrees on Fund to Address Climate Change Impacts in Developing Count (tags)

COP27 Agreement Asserts Climate Change Results in High Debts and Development Failures

Against the cannabilism of capital (tags)

Only a progressive tax revolution can stop the climate collapse (tags)

There is an urgent need for a pluralistic opening of the economic sciences, so that the argumentative dispute about the ethically correct interpretation of market-competitive interaction relations and the status of market logic again becomes a normal part of economic discourse.

The window of opportunity is closing (tags)

Oscar Wilde wrote: "A map of the world in which Utopia is not marked is not worth looking at, for it undercuts the shore on which mankind will eternally land." "Disobedience, for anyone versed in history, is man's true virtue. Through disobedience came progress..." (Wilde 2014)

A Radical Peace Economy (tags)

We live in a time of real militaristic orgies of war and rearmament, not only in Ukraine, Russia and Yemen, also in the US airbase Ramstein in Rhineland-Palatinate. The war against nature on our planet puts continued human existence at risk.

Stress for the soul. Climate change triggers stress and despair (tags)

Psychology understands fear as an arousal that primarily causes displeasure. Fear is never rational, but sometimes it is appropriate and serves as an alarm. Anxiety disorders, on the other hand, according to the common definition, are directed at non-existent dangers...

Peace Policy and Every military solution leads to disaster (tags)

"Our Common Security" (April 21, 1982) called the Palme Report revealed a new way of thinking that helped make German unity and the overcoming of the European divide possible in 1989.

Ecosocialist strategy: industrial restructuring (tags)

The findings of international climate research and the IPCC are clear. World society is heading for tipping points that will abruptly change the earth and climate system. As a result, several billion people will lose their previous livelihoods in a few decades.

The Rich's Deal (tags)

The richest percent of the world's population accounts for fifteen percent of global emissions, which is twice as much as the entire poorer half of the world's inhabitants together are responsible for CO2. Once again, the rich countries benefit from the deal negotiated in Glasgow.

Climate Change 2021, 40 pp (tags)

It is unequivocal that human influence has warmed the atmosphere, ocean and land. Widespread and rapid changes in the atmosphere, ocean, cryosphere and biosphere have occurred. A.1.1 Since 2011, concentrations have continued to increase in the atmosphere, reaching annual averages of 410 parts

The Humanity Simulation (tags)

"Everything faded into mist. The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became truth" - George Orwell. "The struggle of the people against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting" - Milan Kundera. Erasing, obliterating is an essential element in building the money machine and the illusion of democracy.

The 1.5 target calls for an eco-socialist revolution (tags)

The only responsible way forward is the IPCC's P1 scenario, which envisages rapid and radical interventions in existing production, transport and consumption structures, i.e. a massive industrial transformation and deconstruction in the main capitalist countries (15ff.).

Is Green Growth the Solution? (tags)

Just as every millimeter of social progress must be fought for against capital interests, the protection of nature and climate must also be won against the rulers. In these struggles lies the future of the planet.

Limitation to 1.5 degrees is not possible with our economic system (tags)

In economics, an international mainstream dominates, which establishes optimized formal models that exclude many areas of economic relations, such as feminism, historical school, as well as post-Keynesianism, which considers the importance of demand and demand to be at least as important as good conditions for companies.

We face the alternative: system change or collapse (tags)

Economic Crisis in the Anthropocene (tags)

They are in a life-and-death struggle for the future of American democracy and from their point of view – and I happen to share this view – that depends on their not losing the congressional majority to the GOP in 2022, which doesn’t necessarily end American democracy, but it takes us in a direction which is really bad.

With a plan against the climate crisis (tags)

Quality and enjoyment would be the new maxims, and the true wealth would be free time. Admittedly, a change in consciousness would remain necessary, and many a convenience in lifestyle would have to be abandoned in favor of the ecosystem. However, the standard of living could be raised significantly through free time.

The "Great Reset" and the Deep State (tags)

Taboo truths, about which the authorities remain shamefully silent, can indeed be kept under the carpet very well for decades. The course of history is massively influenced by these informal, unelected structures that operate in the interests of the old elites.

Lessons from the First New Deal for the Next One (tags)

8 points for a global agenda of structural change in the COVID-19 pandemic (tags)

"We can have democracy or concentration of wealth, not both," said Justice Louis Brandeis, the longest-serving Supreme Court justice."

The economy for faith healers (tags)

Due to the sharpening contradictions of late capitalist socialization, barbarism, not reason, is increasing. Reason is not advancing in the overall historical movement, as once postulated by Hegel. Only the overcoming of this false whole, would offer humankind a chance of survival.

Trump and the Post-Factual (tags)

Trump's politics is naive and skeptical, gullible and cynical. Trump's relation with truth is like a generalization of conspiracy theory assumptions that see manipulative-conspiratorial activities at work behind observable reality. Beware pathological narcissists & path paranoids!

Los Angeles Youth Climate Strike (tags)

LA Youth Raise Their Voices For The Future

Los Angeles Youth Climate Strike (tags)

LA Youth Raise Their Voices For The Future

Los Angeles Youth School Strike For The World Climate Crises (tags)

LA Youth Raise Their Voices For The Future

The Global Justice Project and Human Survival: We're Badly Off Track (tags)

Something has gone seriously, seriously wrong.

The Global Justice Project and Human Survival: We're Badly Off Track (tags)

Something has gone seriously, seriously wrong.

The Global Justice Project and Human Survival: We're Badly Off Track (tags)

Something has gone seriously, seriously wrong.

Capital as Climate Killer (tags)

The growth pressure of the world economy makes a resource-sparing social order only possible beyond capital. The seeming rationality of capitalist goods production serves an irrational end-in-itself - the multiplication of capital.

For a World Free of Nuclear Risks (tags)

The International Uranium Film Festival will return this year to USA and show lots of films about nuclear power and uranium risks. And it kindly asks for your support and participation.

Spring 2018 National Immigrant Solidarity Network News Alert! (tags)

Support DACA, Support Clean DREAM Act, No to the Border Wall, Racist Trump's Shithole Rhetoric!

Global Warming / Climate Change has Become a New Religion - What's it all About? (tags)

So, is there, or isn't there, man-made Global Warming / Climate Change?

The Shortwave Report 11/10/17 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, Spanish National Radio, and Sputnik Radio.

Trump and Climate Change (tags)

Human activities have contributed to the ice loss in the Arctic. In his short term in office, Trump and his accessories in the government rescinded two dozen regulations to protect the climate and the environment. The climate, peace and anti-racism movements must join forces.

The Purse is Mightier than the Pen (tags)

The climate crisis is here now, but a compromised, corrupted media doesn't want to know. What is salient is not important. What is important is not salient.

Harvey Didn’t Come Out of the Blue. Now is the Time to Talk About Climate Change. (tags)

Now is exactly the time to talk about climate change, and all the other systemic injustices — from racial profiling to economic austerity — that turn disasters like Harvey into human catastrophes.

A Generation is Lost (tags)

Thousands upon thousands of researchers demonstrate for the freedom of science and research funding. Public policy isn't a wrecking-ball or a sledgehammer. Democracy isn't following autocratic orders without compromise, negotiations and countermeasures

Global Warming / Climate Change - What's it all About? (tags)

So, is there, or isn't there, man-made Global Warming? What a Hegelian Mind-fck!

The Shortwave Report 11/18/16 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, Spanish National Radio, and Sputnik Radio.

Protesters Block Construction on Dakota Access Pipeline (tags)

The Standing Rock Sioux and their supporters temporarily blocked construction on the Dakota Access Pipeline. The protest in Canon Ball, ND is ongoing and activists are being arrested as they become more effective in slowing the construction.

Who Owns the Sky? The Climate in the Globalization Trap (tags)

The bad news is that there are more inconvenient truths. Climate change is present, not future. Globalization and protection of the atmosphere do not go together. Climate policy has a past. Economic profit dominance always has a priority over climate protection.

We Can Phase Out Fossil Fuels Within a Decade, Study Says (tags)

Thinking is the best way to travel - as we transition to a post-materialist, post-fossil and post-autistic economy.

Philippines: Climate Focus - Time to act is now on energy transformation (tags)

What could possibly be so urgent and life-threatening to drive leaders of people from a small and barely reachable island off the coast of Mindoro to leave their homes and travel 285 kilometers by land and sea over the period of five days just to reach Metro Manila? On November 27, a day before the biggest climate justice march in the country, they have reach the Presidential Palace.

The Shortwave Report 10/16/15 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Spanish National Radio, NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Sputnik Radio, and Radio Havana Cuba.

End Climate Crimes (tags)

“Every city in our country has some serious similarities to New Orleans. Every city has some abandoned neighborhoods. Every city in our country has abandoned some public education, public housing, public healthcare, and criminal justice." (Bill Quigley quoted by Naomi Klein)

The Shortwave Report 05/22/15 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, China Radio International, and Sputnik Radio.

Elected US President in 2000, Al Gore Became Vegan A While Ago (tags)

As Al Gore has become vegan, light is focused on environmental reasons to stop eating animals or their products

The Shortwave Report 12/12/14 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, Sputnik Radio, and Radio Deutsche-Welle.

The Shortwave Report 12/05/14 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, the Voice of Russia, NHK Japan, and Radio Havana Cuba.

Climate Change and the Great Inaction, 20pp (tags)

More information at,,,,,, and

Philippine activists start 1,000-km march for climate justice (tags)

MANILA, Philippines-- Climate change advocates from various sectors urged world governments to “walk their climate talk” as they launched the Climate Walk, dubbed as “A People’s Walk for Climate Justice.”

Interview with Naomi Klein (tags)

This is a crisis with spectacularly bad timing because it fell in our laps at the very moment that history was being declared over and liberals around the world were exporting this market fundamentalism. They’re telling us we can’t regulate just when we need to regulate and that we can’t invest in the public sphere just when we need to

Google Venice, CA Offices Vandalized (tags)

"She's got the world locked inside a plastic box." -Jim Morrison

The Shortwave Report 03/28/14 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Deutsche-Welle, the Voice of Russia, and Spanish National Radio.

The clathrate gun has been fired (tags)

The U.S. has to put itself on a war footing, recall its entire military forces and set them to work on the massive change over to renewable energy that the country needs to undertake, if it wishes to survive the fast approaching catastrophe. The enemy now is Mother Nature who has infinite power at her disposal and intends to take no prisoners in this very short, absolutely brutal, 30 to 40 year war she has begun. I cannot emphasise more, how serious humanity’s predicament is and what we should try to do to prevent our certain final destruction and extinction in the next 30 to 40 years if we continue down the present path we are following .

Philippines: Justice for Ka Norvict! (tags)

Akbayan Partylist condemns the cold-blooded murder of its fisherfolk leader Honorio “ Norvict” Baculao in Bohol. Ka Norvict, as he is fondly called by comrades in the civil society community and social movements, had just attended a municipal assembly of civil society groups and basic sectors in Getafe, Bohol on Tuesday when he was shot in the head by a lone gunman. We extend our deepest condolences to his family, friends and comrades who are grieving his loss.

The Shortwave Report 11/29/13 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Spanish National Radio, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, and NHK World Radio Japan.

We Are All in This Together – Taiwan Combats Climate Change (tags)

As climate change is happening, Taiwan has taken steps to curb carbon emissions and to transform to a green energy island. Taiwan can receive support from and contribute to the world if it is able to participate fully in UNFCCC. Video included and runs 2:40.

Philippines: They Destroy, We Suffer (tags)

Capitalism is destroying the planet. Now we suffer. The devastating horror unleashed by monster-typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) upon the eastern and central Philippines regions is unspeakable. As of writing, estimates of the number of casualties and actual damages are tentative because many areas remain isolated and communications, power, road and port systems are down.

We Are All in This Together – Taiwan Combats Climate Change (tags)

As climate change is happening, Taiwan has taken steps to curb carbon emissions and to transform to a green energy island. Taiwan can receive support from and contribute to the world if it is able to participate fully in UNFCCC. Video included and runs 2:40.

Super typhoon Haiyan is climate wake-up call (tags)

It seems these days that whenever Mother Nature wants to send an urgent message to humankind, it sends it via the Philippines. This year the messenger was Haiyan, known in the Philippines as Yolanda.

The Shortwave Report 11/08/13 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, and the Voice of Russia.

Climate-change summary and update. (tags)

These are the latest updates as of July 28 2013 from Guy Mcpherson's update page which is quite large, so I'm only publishing here the latest news.

Nobel Peace Laureates Urge Obama and Kerry to Nix Keystone XL (tags)

Firmly linking the Keystone XL pipeline with climate change, 10 Nobel Peace Prize winners are urging President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry to reject the project.

Firing Up Action On Climate Change (tags)

As wildfire season commences in California, a local group of citizens is stepping forward on May 29 to ask Rep. Judy Chu of Pasadena to address the cause of the increase in fires by taking a leadership role in Congress on climate change legislation and resources, including ending the sequester which harms California's ability to combat fires..

Climate Space: Rethinking Strategies to Fight For Our Future (tags)

Open call to join the Climate Space at the World Social Forum in Tunisia, March 26-30, 2013

"We need a new economic balance" (tags)

If the US removed the cap on social security taxes, public spirit and generational fairness would return to the states. At present, there is a cap at $106K. If you make $4 million, you only pay social security tax on the first $106K.

Why Organized Labor Must Stand Against the Keystone XL Pipeline (tags)

Spurred by real urgency over the corporate driven ruin of the environment, a growing social movement is taking shape that will be on display this Sunday, February 17, when tens of thousands descend on the streets of Washington, D.C. in a show of power titled “Forward On Climate.”

The Shortwave Report 12/14/12 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Spanish National Radio, the Voice of Russia, Radio Havana Cuba, China Radio International, and NHK World Radio Japan.

On Typhoon Bhopa and the Doha Conference (tags)

Typhoon Bhopa (Philippine name Pablo) have resulted to a total number of 647 casualties, with another 1,842 people injured, and 780 missing.

Why UN Climate Agreements Fail (tags)

History will undoubtedly deliver the harshest condemnations of the UN climate talks currently underway in Doha, Qatar. But the conference was laughable before it began; the inept “goals” of the talks stand in tragic-comic opposition to what we already know about climate change — that the climate has already changed in profound ways and its trajectory spells doom for civilization if drastic, coordinated steps are not taken in the immediate future.

The Shortwave Report 11/30/12 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Spanish National Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, and the Voice of Russia.

Struggle over Neoliberal Ideology (tags)

Tax cuts for the rich do not lead to economic growth or lower unemployment. Profits soar while wages have stagnated for 30 years. Lower taxes and lower wages mean lower demand and lower employment. FDR created 4 million jobs in 1934, built 650,000 public buildings and 1700 bridges.

TransCanada, shocking critics, wins Nobel prize for unique climate change policies (tags)

The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded today to Canadian oil giant TransCanada for its innovative public policies on climate change and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, particularly it's recent public partnerships with community members in Texas.

Climate Change Policy Gap Between USA and Europe Grows, as Norway Sets New Carbon Tax (tags)

Ignored in the Presidential debates -- climate change policies in the USA and Europe are diverting - wildly. Norway just set a new national carbon tax, while the US House of Representatives recently voted to ban CO2 regulations. Like we live on different planets.

We were wrong to think the environment could wait (tags)

Amy Hall meets outspoken Filipino campaigner Lidy Nacpil, who shares her thoughts on floods, solidarity and ramming home the climate-change message.

Climate Change and the Next U.S. Revolution (tags)

The U.S. heat wave is slowly shaking the foundations of American politics. It may take years for the deep rumble to evolve into an above ground, institution-shattering earthquake, but U.S. society has changed for good.

Climate Change and the Next U.S. Revolution (tags)

The U.S. heat wave is slowly shaking the foundations of American politics. It may take years for the deep rumble to evolve into an above ground, institution-shattering earthquake, but U.S. society has changed for good.

BTL:"Climate Impacts Day" Connects Dots Between Global Climate Change and Extreme Weather (tags)

Interview with Laura Bozzi, an organizer with Connecticut, conducted by Melinda Tuhus

NRDC Propaganda Praises Pipeline Pat (tags)

Propaganda from the NRDC praises SNWA pipeline proponent General Manager Pat Mulroy for her brilliant plan to heist groundwater from under the Goshute Nation and deliver it to her developer friends like Mr. Harvey Whittemore, an early funder of the pipeline. In the process of depleting the aquifer an entire spring fed ecosystem with endemic spring snails will be destroyed, but hey, we need more suburban sprawl in the desert so Whittemore and Mulroy can have a nice retirement at all of our expense!

BTL:Durban Climate Change Conference Averts Collapse, Negotiations on New Treaty Delayed (tags)

Interview with Daphne Wysham, co-director of the Institute for Policy Studies’ Sustainable Energy and Economy Network, conducted by Scott Harris

Obama?s Continued Failures on the Environment and Jobs (tags)

[Photo: Bridge in Felton, California built by workers in the Works Progress Administration which employed 3.8 million people from 1935 to 1941 and built 11,000 schools, 122,000 public buildings, 77,000 bridges, 285 airports, 24,000 miles of sewer, and 664,000 miles of road. Photo by Liberation News]

BTL:Climate Scientists Now Connect Extreme Weather with Global Climate Change (tags)

Interview with Kevin Trenberth, senior scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research , conducted by Melinda Tuhus

"Globalize the Struggle, Globalize the Hope!" (tags)

No to market-based business deals proposed by the governments of industrialized countries and transnational corporations, the thousands of solutions to the climate crisis are in the hands of the people.

"Our America is Coming" : Social Movements Assembly Declaration - August 2010 (tags)

Social movements present at the IV Americas Social Forum, in Asuncion, Paraguay, we reaffirm our solidarity and commitment to Paraguayan people to the urgent need for progress in their process to sovereignty recovery over its territory, goods common, energy resources, land reform and democratization.

Flying Is One of the Worst Things You Can Do for the Environment (tags)

Flying Is One of the Worst Things You Can Do for the Environment -- So Why Do So Many Well-Intentioned Folks Do It?

BTL:Big Oil Companies Back California Referendum to Repeal Climate Change Regulations (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

BTL:Despite Setbacks, Climate Change Activist Bill McKibben Sponsors Global Day of Action, (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

Capitalists, Global Warming, and the Climate Justice Movement (tags)

(This essay was published in Anarcho-Syndicalist Review, #54, Summer 2010, pages 23-28. For this internet edition I've made a few more changes and additions). An urgent analysis of the climate crisis and call to action.

“A Sea Change”: Film Shows What CO2 Is Doing to the Oceans (tags)

Barbara Ettinger’s film “A Sea Change,” shown at the First Unitarian-Universalist Church in San Diego August 5, shows the other side of the climate change issue: what all that carbon dioxide is doing to the oceans, which absorb much of it after fossil-fuel burning and other human activities release it into the atmosphere. It turns into carbonic acid, which alters the pH of the sea and threatens plankton, coral and other small marine life crucially important to the life cycles of fish and marine mammals. “Imagine a world without fish,” says the publicity material for the film, which was followed at this screening by a discussion with two graduate students from Scripps Institute of Oceanography who expressed their frustration at the political opposition to taking climate change seriously.

VIDEO and Book Review: "The Long Emergency" (tags)

Maybe BP should finance the relocation of Gulf citizens. Do corporations and rights and responsibilities or are they extra-legal tyrants? Americans are also brave, resilient, compassionate, resourceful and adaptable.

VIDEO and Book Review: "The Long Emergency" (tags)

Maybe BP should finance the relocation of Gulf citizens. Do corporations have rights and responsibilities or are they extra-legal tyrants? Americans are also brave, resilient, compassionate, resourceful and adaptable.

Gulf Oil Spill: A Hole in the World (tags)

The Deepwater Horizon disaster is not just an industrial accident – it is a violent wound inflicted on the Earth itself. In this special report from the Gulf coast, a leading author and activist shows how it lays bare the hubris at the heart of capitalism

Indigenous Organizations Meet in Managua to Discuss Climate Change (tags)

MANAGUA, Nicaragua - June 8 - On May 24th and 25th, representatives from Indigenous organizations and networks from across the Americas met in Managua

Earth Day Film Festival - The Antarctica Challenge (tags)

The Antarctica Challenge: A Global Warning was the only film to be officially invited to screen to world leaders attending COP15, the climate change conference in Copenhagen last December. On Saturday, April 24, the award-winning documentary will make its Los Angeles premiere as part of Earth Day celebrations.

Climate Summit + Food Sovereignty Delegation to Bolivia: Be part of history (tags)

Be part of history! Celebrate Earth Day and attend the Peoples’ World Conference on Climate Change and Mother Earth’s Rights in Cochabamba, Bolivia . Social movement leaders, scientists, academics, and representatives of governments that want to work with their citizens to save our planet will be in attendance. (Conference is scheduled for April 19-22, 2010 - more info at

20 Theses against a Green Capitalism (tags)

Is a Green New Deal possible? These theses were published in an English translation in: Prager Fruhling (Prague Spring) in December 2009.

The President's Leadership Challenge: A Call to Bold Action (tags)

"Mr. President, there has never been any doubt you are a brilliant orator. And it is also clear that nothing you have said will cause the Republicans in the Senate to break their stranglehold on progress, using threats of filibusters to destroy the majority rule that is the hallmark ..."

ALBA Declaration on Copenhagen Climate Summit (tags)

"It’s clear that we can’t consider the issue of climate change without considering changing the system. The model of capitalist production and consumption is bringing life on the planet to the point of no return and to a crucial moment in human history, and the debate in these situations can’t be reduced to the economic interests of a small group."

Chávez: Netherlands and U.S. Planning Military Aggression Against Venezuela from Dutch Ant (tags)

"Today each year about 9.2 million children die before reaching their fifth year and 99.9 percent of these deaths occur in poorer countries. Infant mortality is 47 deaths per thousand live births, but is only 5 per thousand in rich countries. Life expectancy on the planet is 67 years, in rich countries it is 79, while in some poor nations is only 40 years. Additionally, there are 1.1 billion people without access to drinking water, 2.6 billion without sanitation services, over 800 million illiterate and 1.02 billion hungry people, that’s the global scenario. Now the cause, what is the cause? Let’s talk about the cause, let’s not evade responsibilities, and let’s not evade the depth of this problem. The cause, undoubtedly, I return to the theme of this whole disastrous panorama, is the destructive metabolic system of capital and its embodied model: Capitalism."

BTL:Climate Justice Activists on Water-Only Fast in Copenhagen; Protest Inaction on Global (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

copenhagen police destroy integrity of the conference (tags)

a new phase of climate destruction, the public violent beating of earth advocates

Filipinos join global action in Copenhagen Vs Climate Change (tags)

As world leaders negotiate on carbon emission limits, Filipino activists join tens of thousands of activists all around the world in mobilizations dubbed “People’s Assembly to Reclaim Power and Avoid Climate Crisis.” “We are in solidarity with the people who fight for climate justice. This big protest action is a testament to the people’s demand for quick and meaningful action by national governments and international institutions like the United Nations,” said Filipino climate activist Clemente Bautista of Philippine Climate Watch Alliance. “But as expected, leaders and government of capitalist countries like the United States, Japan, and European Union are evading responsibility and sabotaging the negotiation,” he said in a statement e-mailed to media outfits.

Climategate (tags)


Good and Bad Choices for Energy Policy and the Environmental Movement 2009-2010 (tags)

Two energy/environment phenomena are being widely discussed currently. These are global warming, and its mitigation, and the nuclear resurgence – the worldwide push to supply power with nuclear power plants. Careful study of these issues leads to the following conclusions: 1. Global warming is real and is causing harm. 2. Global warming is mostly due to heat production by human industry since the 1800s, from nuclear power and fossil fuels, better termed hydrocarbons, – coal, oil, natural gas. Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2 play a minor role even though they are widely claimed the cause. 3. Both nuclear and hydrocarbon-based power must be eliminated to solve the global warming problem. 4. Nuclear power advocates have commandeered the global warming/greenhouse gas formula to promote nuclear power, based upon two errors: exaggerating the role of CO2 on the one hand and incorrectly claiming that nuclear power plants do not produce CO2 on the other hand. 5. Nuclear power can not be separated from nuclear weapons, which are essential to the consistent drive for American military dominationof the world. This is the reason for nuclear power. Nuclear power does not make sense as a safe, efficient, or economical way to provide energy. 6. Solar and solar-derived (wind, wave) sources of power do not add heat to the environment and can be used to supply virtually unlimited electrical energy without causing global warming. If done properly they will open up new vistas of human freedom and cultural development. They also produce much less CO2 than either nukes or hydrocarbons.

Dr. Helen Caldicott Speaks in San Diego (tags)

Dr. Helen Caldicott, a powerful international activist against nuclear weapons and nuclear power for over a quarter-century, spoke at the First Unitarian-Universalist Church in San Diego October 23 and painted a picture of global warming as an imminent apocalypse that requires immediate action to develop alternative energy sources and stop using fossil fuels. She also denounced the public-relations campaigns aimed at convincing people that global warming isn't a threat, and said climate-change deniers like Rush Limbaugh directly threaten the survival of the earth and therefore should not be allowed to broadcast.

BTL:Concessions in Cap and Trade Bill Boost Nuclear Power, Offshore Oil Drilling (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

Global Warming Accelerates While US Backpedals (tags)

Two recent studies have shocked the world in regard to global warming. A phenomenon that was to happen “possibly in our lifetime” has evolved into a threat capable of transforming the world in ten years time. A recent, extensive study of the northern polar ice caps released by climate expert Professor Peter Wadham, concluded that the Arctic Ocean would be “mostly” ice free in 10 years during the summer months. This study is a stunning compliment to research done by NASA at the South Pole, which noted that ice sheets have been losing 30 feet a year in thickness since 2003. The research concluded that the rate of melting is accelerating, creating a “runaway effect.”

Maritime Security - Oct. 20-21 (tags)

Public to View Maritime Security Technology Oct. 20-21 at Long Beach Convention Center

British Columbia's Premier Takes His Environmental Hypocrisy to Los Angeles (tags)

The Premier of British Columbia is in California today for the Governors' summit on Climate Action, even though his record at home is one of environmental hypocrisy. Campbell has been pushing for coastal drilling for oil and gas, and campaigning to open up crude oil tanker traffic along the coastline of the Great Bear Rainforest.


The Philippine Peasant Support Network (Pesante)-USA, an environmental and a peasant advocacy group based in the united States vehemently condemns the US –Arroyo regime for its criminal negligence and lack of preparedness against the natural calamities that regularly hit the Philippines. It was evident with Typhoon Ondoy (international code name Ketsana) that dumped 334 millimeters of rain in the first six hours, the highest ever recorded rainfall in the Metropolis. The previous record was 341 millimeters over a 24 hour period 42 years ago. Ondoy submerged up to 80% of the city, and covered areas that never experienced flooding before, stranding people on rooftops and bringing death and misery to Filipinos

Actions Spreading Across the U.S. Against Corporate-Driven Climate Policy (tags)

As groups protest the Pittsburgh International Coal Conference days before the G-20 arrives in the city, additional actions against U.S. climate policy and the fossil fuels industry took place on both the east and west coasts.

BTL:Worsening Forest Fires Tied to Climate Change (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

Greenpeace Rallies On Climate Change In Issues In Mexico (tags)

Greenpeace is not just about stopping whaling. It has many active chapters all over the world. The Mexican branch of Greenpeace recently held a protest in front of the foreign ministry in Mexico City. The issue they were calling attention to was climate change.

On the PGMA-Obama Meeting On July 29-31 in the US (tags)

“ I did not become president to be popular”. Taking a cue from the dictator Marcos who said, “I did not become president to preside of the death of the Philippine republic” in 1972, Gloria M. Arroyo made her intentions very clear and went to the United States to seek the blessing and support of the new US president. Like all Philippine presidents before her, she will kowtow and try to impress the chief executive officer of the ruling capitalist class of the United States. She will for sure in the name of “fighting global; terrorism and “climate change” align her interest with the US of the capitalist class.

BTL:G-8 Summit Fails to Make Progress on Global Warming (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

BTL:Day of Action on Global Warming Set for October 24th (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

New standards for growing soy will destroy forests, livelihoods and the climate (tags)

New standards for growing soy will destroy forests, livelihoods and the climate

Earth Without Stocks (tags)

This struggle demands more than setting up wind turbines, buying more economical cars and rehabilitating houses. An historically unique pact is necessary between North and South, between industrial countries and threshold and developing countries.

Our noble brothers of the jungle (tags)

Wow ... The prince of the most famous, mediatic and rich royal house on the planet landed in the Amazon to receive an award for his significant contributions in protecting the forest. Beautifuly he speaks on the urgency of stoping climate change, he talks to NGOs, authorities, indigenous


There is a flurry of activities in the Philippine countryside spurred by the recent escalation of UN campaign on climate change. Forums, symposiums and trade shows, addressing the issues and technology are taking the character of a new cottage industry in the making. But what is remarkably noticeable is the proliferation of foreign companies peddling a plethora of items related to the UN initiative, from contraptions to capture fugitive emission to financing mechanisms and templates on organizational structures to facilitate a better chance of certification from pertinent UN bodies.

Energy and Climate - Hunger and Money (tags)

At the World Economic Forum, the extensive global crisis is trivialized to four "great risks." The neoliberal elite does not want a system change. It wants to assure itself against the threatening fourfold injustice. A 20% loss in the global social product could be avoided.

Question official version of Army bioweapons researcher Bruce Ivin's suicide (tags)

Questions arise following the death of U.S. Army scientist Bruce Ivins as a so-called suicide, when the hidden goings on at Fort Detrick bioweapons laboratories may "justify" the need for a scapegoat to blame the post 9/11 antrax attacks on without casting any suspicion on the Bush/Cheney regime who used the public panic following 9/11 and anthrax attacks to launch their Patriot Act and illegal invasion of Iraq..

Derail Doha, Save the Climate (tags)

A sharp U-turn in consumption and growth in the developed countries and a significant decrease in global trade are unavoidable if we want to have a viable strategy against climate change.

Radio Ecoshock on James Hansen on Climate Criminals (tags)

Author: Alex Smith NASA scientist James Hansen shakes up Capitol Hill (and the media) with explosive testimony to the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Climate Change. For one thing, he thinks oil industry executives who purposely (and secretly) fund groups to confuse the public about climate science – should be charged with crimes against humanity.

CIA/US Military Perpetrated Most of Iraq's "Suicide Bombs"! (tags) Baghdad when an Iraqi driver had his license and car confiscated at a checkpoint, after which he was instructed "to report to an American military camp near Baghdad airport for interrogation and in order to retrieve his license." After being questioned for a short while, he was told to drive his car to an Iraqi police station, where his license had been forwarded, and that he should go quickly. "The driver did leave in a hurry, but was soon alarmed with a feeling that his car was driving as if carrying a heavy load, and he also became suspicious of a low flying helicopter that kept hovering overhead, as if trailing him. He stopped the car and inspected it carefully. He found nearly 100 kilograms of explosives hidden in the back seat and along the two back doors. The only feasible explanation for this incident is that the car was indeed booby trapped by the Americans and intended for the al-Khadimiya Shiite district of Baghdad. The helicopter was monitoring his movement and witnessing the anticipated ‘hideous attack by foreign elements."[17]

world petroleum congress: non grato (tags)

Summer is coming and, besides the nice sunny days and good weather, this year threatens us with the occupation of the capital city of the Spanish State by a gloomy lobby.

Current Climate Lectures of Latest Research, Free Online (tags)

Here are two lectures given at the Univ. of Washington about the current state of the climate by two researchers who have been gathering data for decades. I highly recommend these to everyone. They were both aired on DishNetwork Channel 9404 in the past week.

New Orleans North American Leaders’ Summit: Misrepresentation in SPP Joint Statement (tags)

Bush, Calderon and Harper, in their April 22, 2008 Security and Prosperity Partnership Agreement statement emanating from New Orleans made spurious claims. They claim that “they are committed to democratic government, the rule of law and respect for individual freedoms”.

Perfectly Clear, Shinning Example of Climate Change Danger - Here and Now (tags)

In the past several years there have been studies showing plants flowering as much as a month early, butterflies migrating weeks later than usual, changes in the timing and location of bird migrations, tropical frog extinctions, bears in Spain no longer hibernating because there is enough food to eat all winter, tree lines moving up mountainsides and up in latitude, the line of permafrost moving north, and others. But none of these are close enough or important enough to us, personally, to make us (Americans) concerned. These are all out on the fringe of our world and simply do not affect us.

The Shortwave Report 4/04 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

The Shortwave Report 3/21 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

Thousands protest against planned coal-fired power plant in Iloilo (tags)

Thousands join a protest against coal-fired power plant in Iloilo City ,Philippines which if built would contribute to global climate change and lock the country in a dirty energy cycle for years to come. Greenpeace together with students from St. Paul University to form a human formation that reads "QUIT COAL" at the protest rally March 5, 2008.

World says ‘No bloody thanks!’ to Australian sheep cruelty (tags)

World consumers are turning away in their droves from blood stained Australian wool. Horrific farm practices in Australia are being exposed thanks to the work of animal welfare groups including PETA and more recently the Swedish media. One of the current issues is the barbaric practice of muelsing, ripping the skin off the backside of live sheep to prevent flystrike which diminishes the export value of this woeful trade. At the same time we witness corruption of Australian government officials and a representative of Australian Wool Innovations, Kevin Craig.

VIDEO: Focus the Nation on Climate Change - Mike Feinstein @ Santa Monica College (tags)

National Teach-in on Climate Change

A Will for Change: New Economic Thinking (tags)

Since economic thinking shapes the world, we can't leave economists alone to putter with their theories. Too many of them hung up their thinking caps the moment they got their degrees, and stopped looking out the window.

Aussie Uranium Dumps Waste (tags)

Alleged environmental contamination at the Mount Gee Uranium deposit in the far north of South Australia is being investigated by the SA Government and the Environment Protection Authority (EPA). (ABC News Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:25pm AEDT). The plan to extract seven billion dollars worth of Uranium ore has been controversial from the outset, with Mount Gee being situated in the Arkaroola Wilderness Sanctuary and the mining process posing considerable threat to the ecology of the area and the ancient aquifers connected to the Paralana hot springs, a site of significance for the Adnyamathanha people reports Nigel Carney on 17th January 2008.

Open Letter to the World from the Exxon/Haliburton Administration (tags)

[With the Bali Conference being diminished by the Bush Administration's political appointees to a waste of the world's time by refusing every attempt of a global emissions treaty, it may help people to remember the Apollo 13 mission. That is the one where the lunar vehicle's oxygen tank exploded and it took a herculean effort of the NASA ground crew to come up with a CO2 scrubber to keep the crew alive long enough to return to Earth. They had only a very limited amount of material to work with and a very short time to devise a system of removing the CO2 from the capsule........but THEY DID IT!!!!! Miraculously they came up with a make shift device, out of nearly nothing, to take the harmful carbon dioxide from the air in that little spacecraft and saved the crew's lives. With that knowledge, and the record of the US delegation in obstructing the Bali Conference on Climate Change searing in our memory, the letter below is the only conclusion that makes sense of it all: I realize the scale of the problem is beyond point is that scientists can do some very amazing things, if they are allowed to.]

Reviewing David Edwards and David Cromwell's Guardians of Power (tags)

A powerful critique of the dominant media

The Antarctic Ice Sheet Is Growing? (tags)

The climate change deniers never miss a chance to tell us that research is showing the Antarctic ice sheet is actually growing. That sounds like the total amount of ice is increasing and things are just fine......the globe isn't heating up if it's not happening there......right?

Bali: A Missed Opportunity (tags)

The gap between the urgent threat of global warming and the collective will to do something about it has never been greater. The recently concluded Conference on Climate Change in Bali was a grand opportunity to act. Instead, it was another missed opportunity. Unfortunately, the United States played a very negative role, standing in the way of consensus at every turn. And unfortunately, the rest of the world thought that seducing the US into a new agreement on climate action was top priority, resulting in a Bali Roadmap that was very sketchy.

Videos: Mike Feinstein on UN Climate Change negotiations in Bali (tags)

Videos: Mike Feinstein on UN Climate Change negotiations in Bali

Climate Change George Bali Bush Knifes the Earth in the Heart (tags)

All that glitters is not gold.

The Shortwave Report 12/14/07 ¡Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

The Shortwave Report 11/23/07 ¡Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

Bill and Hillary Clinton did Irreparable Damage on Global Warming (tags)

Are you going to let them continue until we are no more?


The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is using out-dated data to form it's report. The deadline for data was over a year ago for info from scientific research. That means all of their predictions are too rosy. And yet, the politicians in the IPCC are softening the language of the report. That's just great. Keep the public stupid about the facts.......they can't handle the truth.

Bank of America and Citi Targeted for Coal Investment (tags)

Local activists will join others across the nation today to protest major investments by Cit and Bank of America in the dirtiest energy source: Coal.

Money for Firefighting & Prevention; Not for War (tags)

The World Socialist Website has 2 excllent articles providing the details of the Southern California fire crisis and their relation to the neglect of our domestic needs in favor of war profiteering.

Nobel Hypocrisy (tags)

The shameful awarding of the Peace Prize to a war criminal

Al Gore shares Nobel's Explosive Peace Prize (tags)

Awarding Al Gore the Nobel Peace Prize reminds most people of the unbelievable awarding of this Prize to another infamous global warmonger, Henry Kissinger. Vietnam was still burning in 1973, and Le Duc Tho, who was supposed to share the Peace Prize with Kissinger, said the whole 'Nobel Prize business' was 'dishonorable'. Al Gore proves it again.

Very Interesting Timeline (tags)

Mid 80's - Some scientists warn about CO2 and global warming but they are largely dismissed by other scientists and the public. 1993 - Two separate ice cores drilled into the Greenland Ice Sheet to depths of two miles both confirmed earlier evidence of many 'abrupt climate changes' that have occurred in as little as a decade rather than the thousand year transition that was previously believed.

Where's the clean coal, bud? (tags)

In my dreams.

CUBA Calls for End to Insensitivity... (tags)

Cuban Foreign Minister Felipe Pérez Roque spoke on Monday, September 24, at a UN high-level event on climate change in New York, United States. We offers here the full text of the Cuban diplomat's speech.

How Bad Is the Climate Situation ...... Really? (tags)

I became aware of the power of the climate decades ago in college classes that were the most interesting that I had. The professor was not talking about 'Global Warming' or 'Climate Change' at all, only about the immensity of the oceans and their affect on the climate and weather.

Reviewing Linda McQuaig's "It's the Crude, Dude" (tags)

War, oil, Iraq, Big Oil, global warming and more in one package.

Global Warming Destroys Maple Sugar Industry (tags)

Global warming is the most serious threat facing planet. We have an opportunity, and an obligation, to lead in solving this global crisis by investing in clean and safe electricity, efficient buildings and a less polluting transportation system.

Global Warming and Agriculture: Impact Estimates by Country (tags)

...while there is growing recognition that global warming is a problem, little attention has been paid to the likely impact at the country level, especially in the developing world. In this new book, William Cline, a joint senior fellow at CGD and the Peterson Institute for International Economics, provides the first ever estimates of the impact on agriculture by country, with a particular focus on social and economic implications in China, India, Brazil, and the poor countries of the tropical belt in Africa and Latin America.

Here Is Where Al Gore Is Coming From - You Had Best Be Aware (tags)

An Update of Climate Science From Around the World This is a collection of articles from google alerts, and a few sites such as NOAA from the past year and a half. It is very compelling information mostly not published in the American corporate media, and shows why the energy giants are spending many millions on their massive dis-information campaign. Please pass this on and post it everywhere you can. And please sign the petition being promoted this weekend with the global environmental music festival.

Worst Case Climate Scenario? We've Got It! Times 2 (tags)

Two paragraphs from the British newspaper The Observer about a Pentagon study: "A secret report, suppressed by US defense chiefs and obtained by The Observer, warns that major European cities will be sunk beneath rising seas as Britain is plunged into a 'Siberian' climate by 2020. Nuclear conflict, mega-droughts, famine and widespread rioting will erupt across the world." "The [secret] document predicts that abrupt climate change could bring the planet to the edge of anarchy as countries develop a nuclear threat to defend and secure dwindling food, water and energy supplies. The threat to global stability vastly eclipses that of terrorism, say the few experts privy to its contents."

Dr. James Hansen Amps Up Language on Climate (tags)

A report to the British Royal Society was released Tuesday in which America's top climate scientist and five others spoke with stronger feelings about the climate situation than their usual drab scientific findings. They were, of course, trying to wake people up to the seriousness of the problems of our climate's future.

Resource Wars - Can We Survive Them? (tags)

Resource wars will destroy all planetary life.

Teen Jazz Band's Solution Tour (tags)

Teen Jazz Band In Black is taking their Solutions Tour to the Jazz Bakery in Culver City. The band is promoting issues surrounding climate change solutions and great jazz.

Teen Jazz Band's Solution Tour (tags)

Teen Jazz Band In Black is taking their Solutions Tour to the Jazz Bakery in Culver City. The band is promoting issues surrounding climate change solutions and great jazz.

Teen Jazz Band's Solutions Tour (tags)

Teen jazz band In Black takes their Solutions Tour to the Jazz Bakery in Culver City. The band is traveling from N. California to S. California, promoting issues around climate change, solutions, and great jazz.

The WORST Thing That Could Possibly Happen To Climate Has Begun (tags)

A team of Researchers from the British Antarctic Survey has published their research into CO2 and the oceans Friday in the journal Science. They have found that the southern oceans are no longer absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere. But to make things worse, they are starting to release it back into the air.

US Climate Science Reduced to a 'Pack o Lies' (tags)

by Don Beck "It seems more like Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union than the United States" - Dr. James Hansen, NASA climatologist Keep the facts of global warming away from the American people.....they can't handle the truth. That is the message we are getting from this Administration who have placed political appointees to head key agencies in order to filter and even alter the scientific facts. In February, the leading climatologist at NASA, Dr. James Hansen testified to a congressional committee in a hearing looking into the Bush

Scientists are VERY WORRIED About Atmospheric Warming (tags)

Recent reports of climatologists from around the world are revealing that their projections of warming and CO2 levels have been too low. They are startled by what their data is showing and how fast the changes have been happening in the past few years.

International Day of Direct Action against Climate Change and the G8 Friday 8th June 2007 (tags)

We all know the terrifying statistics: a million species extinct by 2050, 19 of the 20 hottest years on record since 1980, Greenland and Antarctica melting, droughts, floods, famines … the G8 have had over 30 years to address climate change and only succeeded in providing trillions in subsidies to the very industries that are destroying our planet and our future.

Why the recent Climate Report was so Harsh (tags)

Here is a collection of reports about the scientific studies being conducted around the world from just the past few months. These are the reports that went into the IPCC's data bank and where from they came to their latest estimates and projections. The first few have been published after the Feb. 2 IPCC release. The majority of them are from foriegn news agencies and were never published in the US media. Our corporate media wants you to know every detail of a woman who decides to fly to Vegas rather than get married. They don't care if you are aware of the facts regarding our changing climate. Please send this to eveywhere you can.

Regional Economics Against Climate Change (tags)

Modern industrial society faces a dilemma. On one hand, people of industrial countries do not want to abandon their assets and habits or way of living. On the other hand, the climate problem ends up in destruction of humanity if emissions continue as in the past

Antarctica Melting Faster than Expected (tags)

A leading Australian marine scientist John Church in an interview by Michael Byrnes of Rueters told of his research revealing that "Observations are in the very upper edge of the projections,"(1) "I feel that we're getting uncomfortably close to threshold," said Church. "....the Antarctic Peninsula is warming faster than anywhere else on Earth, and glaciers are in massive retreat." A United Nations report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in February projected sea level gains of 18-59 centimeters (7-23 inches) this century from temperature rises


For all those who like so many were persuaded and discomforted by the Chanel 4 'science' documentary': Great Global Warming Swindle', take heart...youve been conned by an experienced charlatan:Martin Durkin. Media lens takes a closer look at this con.

Make a Film and Make a Difference! (tags)

NUFF Global is a grassroots side-project of the Nordic Youth Film Festival (NUFF) held each year in Tromsø, Norway.

We All Can Enlist in the War on Climate Change (tags)

There are common-sense ways to deal with many of the environmental problems we have created. Help from O Canada to counter our helplessness and hopelessness

Your Govt Working Hard to Keep You Uninformed - Evidence (tags)

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee has received a few of the documents it has requested from the White House after months of filing requests in their "investigation into suspicions that the Bush White House has edited scientific reports to downplay the effects of global warming."

Your Grandchildren Will Despise You Immensely! (tags)

Expect to hear things like this:

Climate Change Impact 'underestimated due to undeclared emissions' (tags)

The UK's real impact on global warming has been hugely underestimated, according to new research out today.

Truth is being witheld from Americans on global warming (tags)

Just read the titles, if nothing else, of these articles from the past few months. Very few were printed in the US, and only a few were posted anywhere other than foriegn sites and the IMC Network.

Carbon dioxide rate is at highest level for 650,000 years (tags)

[Here's another article from Europe that won't get any print in the US.]

Scientists offered cash to dispute climate study (tags)

by UK Guardian

World's sea levels rising at accelerating rate (tags)

by UK Guardian

The Shortwave Report 2/2/07 ¡Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Cuba, China, and Russia.

Turn everything off for 5 minutes!!! (tags)

On February 1st you can participate in the worldwide greatest action against climate change!!! Turn everything off - On February 1st between 7:55 p.m. until 8 p.m..

Earth is Losing its Ability to Absorb CO2? (tags)

Scientists are very worried from their data that shows increasing CO2 levels that are growing faster than anticipated and faster than the growth of emissions.

Imperial Interventions (tags)

Interview with Gregory Elich about his new book, 'Strange Liberators: Militarism, Mayhem, and the Pursuit of Profit'

Climate News that YOU NEED TO KNOW! (tags)

Here are some recent reports that you may have missed because of the Holidays or the corporate media's censoring of this information.

Reduce CO2 in Ten Years, or Climate Will be Out-of-Control (tags)

With the new scientific discovery that the result of global warming will be "abrupt climate change" to ice age conditions (Broecker) due to a shut down of ocean currents, this article is a scream in the wilderness from a scientist that has been muffled for years by the US Government. Note it was not printed in the US.

Bears That Have Stopped Hibernating: More GW Consequences (tags)

This article tells of bears in Spain that for at least three years have not hibernated, rather they stayed active because there was plenty to eat and no need for the normal slumber. It also tells of many other plant and wildlife abnormalities attributed to the rising temperatures in Europe.

Volumes of Research Daily Now Says - CLIMATE IN CRISIS (tags)

Climate change: 'It is, in fact, a crisis'

Experts warn North Pole will be 'ice free' by 2040 (tags)

..."but our research suggests that the decrease over the next few decades could be far more dramatic than anything that has happened so far," .... "These changes are surprisingly rapid."

NOAA Scientist Barred from Mentioning ‘Kyoto’ and 'Climate Change' (tags)

By Jim Erickson December 11, 2006 "It seems more like Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union than the United States,"

Climate Change through the Lens of Youth (tags)

“The strongest way to deliver an environmental message and to create an impact is certainly through film…” (Nick Bonner, cartoonist, landscape artist, filmmaker and NUFF Global ambassador from Beijing, China)

Climate Crisis Coalition Reports: Climate Change is Largest Looming Health Threat. (tags)

This is just one of many reports from around the world on Global Warming and Climate Change. Climate Crisis Coalition Website, daily reports, 12/5/06:

New Expose´of ExxonMobil, "Out of Balance" Released (tags)

Joe Public Films releases new documentary, "Out of Balance" about ExxonMobil

Climate Change and Corporate Litigation Anxiety (tags)

A recent news item on NPR this week -- legal action against the automotive industry in the USA for its complicity in global warming -- has let the ‘bull’ out of the bag; the ‘cat’ has bolted; the unmentionable has finally been plainly stated! Nothing occurs in a vacuum and climate change is no exception. Liable groups/parties/corporations continue to lobby governments and manipulate public opinion in their efforts to minimise any litigation arising from their complicity in poisoning our planet. Present reality dictates that the future tenability of numerous species, including humans is under threat; nevertheless, profits and economic factors remain the primary consideration for leaders of industry and governments. [This criminally perverse view will ironically prove to be the most expensive error of judgement in human history.]

Royal Society tells Exxon: stop funding climate change denial (tags)

Britain's leading scientists have challenged the US oil company ExxonMobil to stop funding groups that attempt to undermine the scientific consensus on climate change.

Ride for Climate Justice: A Critical Mass Call to Action (tags)

On August 25th, 16 cities around the world will be swarming the streets by bike to demand an end to environmental injustice and bring the issue of climate change front and center.

Doomsday Global Warming: Fact-Sheet / What To Do? (tags)

Tragic Climate Change is well underway and will worsen unto Doomsday if we do not take drastic measures to stop its progress. The development of clean, renewable and CHEAP Green Energy is indispensable. This has never been a difficult technical problem. The Problem is POLITICAL, necessitating a crucial political change -- Polluters' Power overridden by People's Power.

The sudden collapse of the Amazon Rain Forest (tags)

Rapid, sudden climate change has always been the historical norm

Counter the G8 + 5 Climate Summit! October 3-4 in Mexico City: CLIMATE JUSTICE NOW! (tags)

On Tuesday, October 3 in Mexico City, the Energy and Environment Ministers from the "Group of Eight" (G8) industrialized countries are scheduled to begin negotiating a climate change deal to succeed the Kyoto Protocol, which expires in 2012. They will be joined by Energy and Environment Ministers from the five "emerging" countries of Brazil, India, China, South Africa and Mexico. All together, these "G8 + 5" countries represent 58% of the world's human population, 61% of oil consumption, 80% of coal consumption, and 73% of C02 emissions.

Worldwide Protests Slam G8 Support of Nuclear, Coal, Oil (tags)

The protests included large "banner drops" in multiple cities, protests of coal and oil companies, and rallies at the U.S. embassy in London and the Washington, DC home of U.S. Secretary of Energy Samuel Bodman. On Friday, protestors showed up at Bodman's home, demanding that the United States and the G8 abandon the focus on nuclear, coal, and on oil wars as "energy security." They chanted "No Coal, No Nukes, G-8 shut it down!" No arrests took place.



solar energy links USA (tags)

review of support groups for solar energy, climate protection, clean air and food securtiy

July 15 No G8 International Day of Action Against Climate Change (tags)

July 15th will be an International Day of Action Against Climate Change. As G8 energy ministers promise trillions in new subsidies to the industries destroying our planet and our future, we will take action to shut them down! This is a call for autonomous, decentralized actions appropriate for your town, city, or bioregion. Use this international day of action to support local struggles against oil refineries, gas pipelines, strip mines and coal-fired power plants. Disrupt the financial backers of the fossil fuel industry. Host teach-ins to spread sustainable post-petroleum living skills. Find a weak point in the infrastructure of resource exploitation and throw a literal or symbolic wrench in the works. Visit your local polluters and give 'em hell!


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Spain, Cuba, and Russia.

IPCC: Human Influence is DOMINANT Cause of Warming (tags)

Global warming fastest for 20,000 years - and it is mankind's fault. ....convincing evidence showing that climate change is already happening.

Al Gore speech on Threats to Constitution by actions by the Executive Branch (tags)

On January 16, 2006, Al Gore spoke for about an hour at Constitution Hall (Washington, DC) as part an event on Martin Luther King Day. See the link to an MP3 file of the audio of the speech. There are links to additional speech's by Al Gore at the link

'Energy Dissent' and the 2006 G8 Summit in Russia (tags)

Reclaim the debate! Resist the G8! In July 2006, the G8 will hold its annual Summit in St.Petersburg, Russia. Vladimir Putin says he's placing "energy security" at the top of the G8 agenda during Russia's presidency. The G8 countries consume 45% of world oil and produce 47% of global CO2 emissions. Their "energy security" is our energy grave!

BTL:Global Warming Conference in Montreal Turns Back U.S. Attempt to... (tags)

...Derail Kyoto Treaty ~ Interview with Alden Meyer, energy special with Union of Concern Scientists, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

Large Demos Globally Against Bush Admin's Climate Policy (tags)

In 32 countries around the world, thousands of protesters railed against the inaction of the US Government to curb it's fossil fuel polluting of the atmosphere.

Open letter to the Peace Movement From Lloyd Hart. (tags)

Humanity's Greatest Act of Inequality.

UN-banned weapon system can trigger hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis (tags)

The UN has banned it. It's reported to be in the arsenal of several nations, including the U.S. It's reported to be OPERATIONAL. What are we going to do about this weapon system? And did it play a role in creating Hurricane Katrina or in steering her along her murderous path?

G8 International Day of Action on Climate Change - U.S. Public Enemy #1 (tags)

The facts are in: we suck. Your grandchildren will curse your existence. Change it or die.

THURS 7PM: CodePink Vigil for Peace at British Consulate in WLA (tags)

CODEPINK Women’s Peace Group Holds Vigil This Evening at British Consulate in Los Angeles WHEN: 7 PM on Thursday, July 7 WHERE: British Consulate-General, 1766 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 1200 (between Bundy and Barrington) West Los Angeles

International Day of Action on Climate Change - July 8 (tags)

What? No action in LA ???

Snowed: US (Corporate) Media Ignore climate change (tags)

author: Ross Gelbspan / Mother Jones Jun 11, 2005 12:05 Though global climate change is breaking out all around us, the U.S. news media has remained silent. Not because climate change is a bad story-to the contrary: Conflict is the lifeblood of journalism, and the climate issue is riven with conflict.

The Vulgar Logger (tags)

With the Global Climate Change initiative, Bush presented an alternative to the rejected Kyoto protocol..Dan Kowalzig from the NGO Friends of the Earth described the initiative as merely a camouflage to protect industry.

International Call to Action on Causes of Climate Change (tags)

As of this writing we've not heard of any events planned in the U.S. for the International Call to Action on Root Causes of Climate Change called for the final day of the G8 in Scotland, July 8 2005. A national event in Detroit would, for obvious reasons, be ideal. If United Auto Workers members could be involved it would be even better. Re-tooling for new hybrid and electric vehicles means jobs. In any case, such a national action does not rule out creating local actions in your own region! [see links at bottom for details]

Possibility of Abrupt Climate Change Needs Research and Attention (tags)

author: The National Academies Global climate, like other complex systems, is subject to abrupt changes if stressed. Global warming could cause such an abrupt shift, which could lead to severe problems for humans and other life.

Climate Change! We Must Intervene! (tags)

Can we take climate change activism beyond uptopian demands into the realm of meaningful strategy? The climate change battle is largely being fought-and currently lost!-in the media.

CNN's ... Melting Point... [global warming] (tags)

"The confusing debate over climate change has given way to a new scientific consensus: The Earth is getting warmer."

Arctic and Midwest climate change (tags)

Graph on global land air temperatures is shown below, and ...

BTL:Rising Ocean Levels Tied to Global Warming May Have Exacerbated Tidal Waves'... (tags)

...Destructive Power~ Interview with Ross Gelbspan, journalist and author, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Impacts, Causes and Effects of North America's Forest Dieback (tags)

The following is a brief discussion of the extent and potential impact of America's forest dieback in the immediate future, as well as a discussion of the various causes and scenarios which describe the impact of forest loss on human civilization and the planetary ecosystem.

Profit over Science (tags)

"The shortsighted criminality of capitalist society is clear. Mentally deficient and motor handicapped babies will be born becauwse the political state is an instrument of powerful industrial interests.."

The Fortune 500 are thinking Green (tags)

Global warming is becoming a major concern for businesses like Allianz Group, AON, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Johnson & Johnson and BP. They say it's a risk too costly to ignore.

Global Warming as WMD (tags)

The politics of global warming

An anti-state communist perspective on the war (tags)

This is 2003 article about the Iraq War 2, just before it started. It's from Anarchy: a journal of desire armed. It's unusually prescient in its predictions of how the entire war will go. I post this because the journal has been criticized by some anarchistists as "primitivist", and Anarchism has been derided by the Left as everything from chaos to disruptive and unthinking. Liberals stereotype anarchists as young fashion victims, implying they are shallow. These are simplistic stereotypes at best, and fear mongering at the worst. Articles like this one below, I hope, give people pause to consider the relevance and usefulness of anti-state, anti-capitalist critique. Remember, this article was written before we invaded Iraq. So here goes. -- Just Another Anarchist

Pentagon report and global environmental crisis (tags)

The Pentagon is saying in the report printed below that world capitalism is going to be thrown into severe crisis by the developing environmental catastrophe. For all activists, and for the working class in general, this is the most important report to be made available to us in decades.

War On Terrorism is a Ruse/Secret Pentagon Climate Report (tags)

In other words the conservative elites are going after control the strategic oil supply throughout the world in order that they will have the fuel that their tanks, helicopters, fighter jets and troop transports will require to seaze control of what remains of the collapsing food and fresh water supply. The war on terrorism is simply just a ruse.

The Climate Change HOAX! (tags)

Climate change over the next 20 years could result in a global catastrophe costing billions of lives in natural disasters and famine if nothing is done about it. Eon’s report warns that major European cities, such as Venice and Amsterdam will be sunk under the sea as Europe is roasted by a 'Tropical' climate by 2020. L.A. will get cooler.

Hanoi John (tags)

The book he doesn’t want you to see: When Kerry ran for election to the U.S. House of Representative in 1972, “he found it necessary to suppress reproduction of the cover picture appearing on his own book, The New Soldier. His political opponent pointed out that it depicted several unkempt youths crudely handling an American flag to mock the famous photo of the U.S. Marines at Iwo Jima,” according to Vietnam Veterans Against John Kerry. “Suddenly, copies of the book became unavailable and even disappeared from libraries. But the Lowell (Mass.) Sun said of the type of person shown on its cover: ‘These people spit on the flag, they burn the flag, they carry the flag upside down, [and] they all but wipe their noses with it in their efforts to show their contempt for everything it still stands for,’” the New American reported. Even today it is hard to find this infamous photo and book.

Greenhouse gas 'plan B' gaining support (tags)

While the Contraction & Convergence model seems anathema to countries like the US, which would have to buy large numbers of pollution credits in the early years. But it does meet most of the criticisms made by the Bush administration of the Kyoto protocol.

Input "Of paramount importance" not seriously considered by NOAA-NWS (tags)

Input by Patrick J. Neuman, Senior Hydrologist, sent June 5, 2003 for consideration in the NOAA-NWS Strategic Plan for FY 2003 - FY 2008 stated: ... "Of paramount importance is to greatly increase the application of climate information and knowledge to aid in the preparations for rapidly warming U.S. regional climates having increasing frequencies and extremes of excessive heat and humidity for longer periods of time" ...

Global Warming and Climate Change - connecting the dots (tags)

A collection of links to some stories I have been posting in the recent past, gathered together, which describe changes taking place in the climate around the world. Any one of these stories might not seem significant, but taken together they indicate that weather patterns are being disturbed and are changing around the globe, with the greatest changes taking place over the last three decades, and the rate of change has been accelerating in the last decade.

Climate Change Endangers Growth of World Economy (tags)

"The solar architect Rolf Disch in Freiburg sold the first solar-energy-plus houses that produce more energy with the help of the sun than is consumed in these energy-houses. Every homeowner becomes an energy-seller. Economy and ecology harmonize.."

Boycotting Exxon/The evil of capitalism (tags)

Boycott ExxonMobil

Global warming: Smog belches from Bush administration (tags)

The New Year began with environmentalists pressing two separate lawsuits charging the Bush administration with gutting the Clean Air Act and pushing policies that have accelerated global warming that poses a long term threat to life on earth.

BTL:Ousted Chair of U.N. Climate Panel Says U.S. Role Critical to... (tags)

...Reverse Global Warming. Interview with Robert Watson, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change conducted by Melinda Tuhus.


IT'S OFFICIAL FROM NASA. Glaciers cannot be receding due to Global warming - because the Globe is not warming.

Ice Core Evidence Of Rapid Climate Change (tags)

One of the endplates from the NAS report "Abrupt Climate Change: Inevitable Surprises"

The Shortwave Report 11/16/01 ¡LISTEN GLOBALLY! (tags)

A 30 minute review of news and opinions recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality 13.6MB/ quickdownload & streaming 3.4MB. Free to rebroadcast upon notification. Times and freqs for listening at home. China, Netherflands, Cuba, Germany

The Shortwave Report 11/9/01 ¡LISTEN GLOBALLY! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast (13.8MB) and quick/streaming (3.4MB). Free to rebroadcast upon notification. Netherlands, Germany, Russia, China.

The Shortwave Report 11/2/01 ¡LISTEN GLOBALLY! (tags)

A 30 minute weekly review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files-broadcast quality 13.7MB/ quickdownload & streaming 3.4MB.Free to rebroadcast upon notification. Times and freqs for listening at home. Netherlands, Cuba, Russia, China, Spain, Germany.

Seeking Change in Genoa (tags)

G-8 nations have pledged to address poverty, disease and debt reform at this weekend’s meetings, but activists and campaigners don’t believe the G-8 has what it takes to make real change.

Greenpeace Blocks US Oil Delivery to Protest GW Bush's Climate Stance (tags)

- As US President George Bush prepares to visit Europe this week to negotiate the future of the Kyoto Protocol, Greenpeace today stopped a tanker delivering US owned oil to Le Havre, France.

Major flooding in the White House - our beds are burning (tags)

- Bush's campaign for presidency was backed and financed by major US oil giants, which campaigned against the international treaty to prevent global warming. President George W Bush is commited to ruin the climate.

Of Deregulation, Climate Change, Gas Decline, Blackouts, Nukes, Circuit Breakers (tags)

Have you heard about that big nuke at San Onofre going down? If not, go to the URL below. What's the old saying about the weakest link in the chain?

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