fix articles 36614, hegelian dialectic
Covid Myth Busting Before It Was Fact Using Some Commonsense - Get Ready for 2024 (tags)
Commonsense trumps real science - which needs real data, not commonsense... and that empirical data comes too late sometimes as a consequence of nefarious policies and disguised political agendas. There'd have been no covid injuries and vaccine uptake would have been near zero had the vast majority of public worldwide exercised some shrewd commonsense and recognized snake oil for what it was / still is. Modernity's greatest hijacking through behavior control is co-opting public's commonsense. Even coercion requires a measure of public's consent. How not to withhold consent is the entire edifice upon which oligarchic controls rest. Understanding this gets back to the public using their commonsense to preempt the dystopic oligarchic agendas.
Ongoing Operation Gladio Redux in Pakistan Written by Zahir Ebrahim (tags)
The sorry fact that the entire establishment of Pakistan, in toto, is self-servingly pitching that imperial narrative while continuing to permit her sovereign territories to be droned by the sole superpower, with occasional outbursts of bravado by her own military in equally futile military operations which mostly kill and displace her own innocent civilians, which in turn naturally seed from amongst the angry and traumatized survivors a continual supply of new recruits into the same terrorist cesspool of suicide bombers, bespeaks of the validity of the common man's rather empirical opinion that childish fools and brigands and blackguards are ruling Pakistan.
Book Announcement: Hijacking the Holy Qur'an and Islam (tags)
Why is the Holy Qur'an and Islam so easy to Hijack for "imperial mobilization"?
FBI Muslims and Militancy Considerations --- Heads up By Zahir Ebrahim (tags)
The roots of this ?Militancy Considerations? graph in the FBI training presentation for its agents are very distinguished and very deep-seated in doctrinal warfare. It is not merely some ad hoc ?overreaction? to the ?war on terror? against ?militant Islam? by an overzealous state security apparatus' training program to keep the Americans safe from terrorists.
CAIR Report Islamophobia and Its Impact ? Calling CAIR to Account for its Omissions (tags)
The CAIR Report: 'Islamophobia and Its Impact in the United States January 2009-December 2010', a joint collaboration with UC Berkeley?s Center for Race and Gender, will certainly come in handy one day if Muslims ever become like our Jewish brethren ? the eternal victims. The Jews have perfected the art of seeking endless claims, as noted in the Press Release ( Did You or Your Family Take Palestinian Property during the Jewish Zionist Era Since 1948? June 27, 2011 ). But we shall surely ?better that instruction? (Shakespeare in Merchant of Venice). Just kidding.... But unfortunately, this report serves little purpose other than being a Mighty Wurlitzer piece as a limited hangout.
The White Man's Burden appears Uniformly Distributed By Zahir Ebrahim (tags)
‘If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.’ -- Sun Tzu, The Art of War