fix articles 36227, chief bratton
Art Walkers Occupy Free Speech (tags)
When people at the downtown Art Walk joined with Occupy Los Angeles to assert their right to speak, LAPD answered with guns.
At its most prestigious ceremony the LAPD will be awarding its highest honor, the Medal of Valor, to 10 of the SWAT officers involved in their 2005 murder of 18 month old Baby Susie Pena. 10:30am Thursday, 5/28, Kodak Theater.
Chiefs of Los Angeles Police and Fire Departments make bold new changes (tags)
Heads of Los Angeles Police and Fire Departments make bold new changes in hopes of reducing reported crime and fires
My observations on May 1st (tags)
These are my observations from being a participant during the May 1st melee
An open letter with some thoughts on what the City Council's Special Task Force should consider.
Antonio Villaraigosa and Fabian Núñez at Back to the Park on Thursday??? (tags)
Read Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, Speaker Fabian Núñez and radio host El Piolin are billed as participants in a Thursday procession and candlelight vigil for immigration reform at MacArthur Park. If this true..count me out!
Public Terror: Escalating the War on Migrants (tags)
The mass public assault on the May 1st rally and a public raid on migrants at a shopping mall in Chicago shortly before May 1st mark a brutal and highly public escalation in the ruling class's war on migrants. Increased resistance like the upcoming May 17th march to MacArthur Park is exactly what the situation calls for.
Bratton sweats under spotlight (tags)
LAPD Chief Bratton sweats under the spotlight at the police commission hearing about the police riot in MacArthur Park.
“If the LAPD acts like this in broad daylight in front of cameras, what do they do at night?”
MIWON still covering for LAPD mayday attack (tags)
MIWON march 'leaders' still backing lapd statements blaming activists for the designed police assault.
Reassigned LAPD Cmdr. Gray Gave Orders to Shoot Protesters in 2000 (tags)
Commander Gray, who was reassigned from Central Division, was the individual who gave the order to shoot people with less lethal weapons in October 22, 2000. And, you know, the city wound up paying a little over a million dollars for all the cases that resulted from that.
Eye Witness Reports: May Day 2007 Los Angeles Police Attack at the MacArthur Park (tags)
If you are immigrant rights organization or media would talk to them, please contact us: (213)403-0131 or e-mail:
FOX TV camerawoman files claim against City of Los Angeles and Police Department (tags)
Update: FOX TV camerawoman files claim against City of Los Angeles and Police Department for sustaining injuries in Police melee
Community Organizers Demand the Resignation of Chief Bratton. (tags)
Thousands March In A Day Without Latinos (tags)
Update: Thousands March In A Day Without Latinos
Call for October 22nd, 2006 in LA (tags)
Call for October 22, 2006: Eleventh Annual National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality, Repression and the Criminalization of a Generation
After reporting this to Internal Affairs, it was kicked back to the Hooper Heliport for investigation. Given the fact that the Captain is one of the men involved, I hardly feel they can conduct an unbias investigation.
LAPD Shuts Down Hip Hop Katrina Benefit Show (tags)
Article on shut-down Katrina benefit show in south central LA- LAPD shuts down benefit show.
Murdering Enforcers Have No Right to Rule (tags)
Murdering Enforcers Have No Right to Rule Word from the RC4 On the LAPD Massacre of Raúl Peña and His 18-Month-Old Daughter Susie
A.N.S.W.E.R. CONDEMNS THE LAPD KILLING OF SUZIE MARIE PEÑA Stop Racist Police Violence! Take Action Today!
Chief Bratton Endangers Public Safety! May 11th, 2005 (tags)
MAY 11th, 2005 CHIEF BRATTON ENDANGERS PUBLIC SAFETY! May 11th, 2005 De-Generate Latino Women and White Women Neighborhood Watch Members abuse power! Neighborhood Watch Members abuse power! For all News Casters... Real NEWS! 5-5-05 ------------------------------------------- iraq,war,bomb,bomber,suicide,LAPD,crooks,neighborhood,watch,commies,CIA,FBI,LADA West,Hollywood,Wallywood,Bratton,Mafia,Gay,Pride,Blue,Wall,of,Silence,ATD,LASD,K Credit for this wonderful information is Given to: Mary Ann Stratton Elenor White (all these women are brave, intelligent, great people!). (Posted by victim of horror and abuse, "Walter Tribe" on 5-4-2005.). H.R. 2977 / H.R. 3616 H.R. 2977 Oct. 2, 2001 We would like to thank Mr. Dennis Kucinich a Representative from Ohio who submitted the H.R. 2977 Preservation of Space bill into the House of Representatives on Oct. 2, 2001. This was a short lived bill but one of the most exciting disclosure projects of Government information. In the definition part of this bill as stated below there were true disclosure of directed energy like extremely low frequency electromagnetic energy (which has been used as a mind control tool) and words like mind control and psychotronics. When all of us victims saw this bill for the first time we cried and laughed for joy since we realized that our pain and suffering would soon come to an end. That our torture would finally stop. It was sent to the Armed Services Committee and several other committees where all of those disclosure words in definition section were omitted. We were saddened by this, but the bill H.R. 3616 is still standing for what the first one stood for which was to stop weaponization of space. We will support this bill and Kucinich for being so brave to stand up against such a super power Govt. for he is the only Congressman who has ever had nerve enough to expose the truth about mind control weapons and we will always support him.
Devin Was 13...and the Police Killed Him (tags)
In the quiet of 4:00 on a Sunday morning, in the darkness, alone in the front seat of a car, the short, sweet life of Devin Brown was ended in a violent burst of gunfire. A night-riding Los Angeles police officer stood near the car he was in. It took him seconds to draw his gun and fire: Five shots. Then five more. Half of them struck and killed the boy in the car. Devin Brown was 13.
The LA murder rate is going up and the police chief has requested more officers. But California is broke and cannot afford to recruit. Civil rights lawyer Connie Rice warns that with too few officers to "police humanely", parts of the city may as well be in Falluja.
Watts: How the so-called war-on-gangs is stripping the rights of a whole community (tags)
Robocops patrol deserted, quiet streets. Young people walking to school are tense--they never know if they might be arrested for whistling, shouting, or talking to each other. Houses and apartments may be raided at any time, and unauthorized people arrested for being there. No one is hanging out. This is not U.S.-occupied Iraq. This is LAPD-occupied Watts. This is the reality Chief Bratton, Mayor Hahn, and the city authorities are bringing down on Nickerson Gardens.
Graffiti Against The System - G.A.T.S. (tags)
G.A.T.S. is a radical graffiti crew that has been formed by ghetto youth from all over Los Angeles to counter-attack the abuse and false propaganda that has been exposed to the masses.
A meeting with the new Chief of Police was a great disappointment to local downtown residents.