fix articles 36201, original Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : original


DIARY OF A CON MAN . 25 (tags)

le journal d´anne frank n´est pas authentique


DARIO (tags)


Why Star Wars: The Force Awakens Is A Parable That Supports US Empire (tags)

Why Star Wars: The Force Awakens Is A Parable That Supports US Empire 10 comparisons and 11 reasons to consider A review/commentary

Los Angeles Artist Threatens 40 Million Dollar Law Suit for Public Storage Illegal Auction (tags)

Another illegal auction by Public Storage is sparking yet another law suit. This time for 40 million dollars against Ronald L. Havner's already legally embattled company, Public Storage. Public Storage is currently being sued all over the country for... "Bait and Switch", "False Advertising", Fraudulent Conversion" Wrongful Auctions" and more...


Ronald L. Havner Jr., one of the Sleaziest CEO , heading one of the sleaziest companies in America today… Yes… That would be “Public Storage” who is being sued again in yet another class action law suit for ”False Advertising... Deceptive Business Practices... Bait and switch… Fraudulent Conversion… Unlawful Auctions of people’s belongings…” with more law suits on the way. “Public Storage is conscientiously ruining people's lives with an array of illegal actions and auctions.” say’s the attorney heading a team of lawyers in Los Angeles. Their fraudulent actions are sparking law suits from angry customers all over the country. If you Google ‘Public Storage Lawsuits’, you will find dozens and dozens of current law suits have been filed against Ronald L. Havner Jr ‘s company, Public Storage.

Do Not Submit! Republish the Mohammed Cartoons Everywhere. Here’s How. (tags)

Strike a chord for freedom

Black Flag "Nature of Anarchism" Special Issue Now Available (tags)

Announcement that the latest issue of Black Flag, the flagship publication of the Free Association of Anarchists (F@@), is now available.


Works in Narrative, Animated, and Documentary Short, regardless of the original production format, and the date when it was completed, are considered. Submissions should be not longer than 30 minutes.

America's Unequal Heritage (tags)

Though a lot of the Tea Party's pretensions to be representing the original intent of the authors of the U.S. Constitution are wrong and even silly, there's one issue on which the Tea Party is right. The authors of the U.S. Constitution really did intend this country to be a limited republic, governed by an elite representing the large landowners who were the 1 percent of their day. The Constitution's principal author, James Madison, called "an equal division of property" one of the "improper or wicked projects" the Constitution was designed to prevent.

NoNazi original (tags)

image depicting Nazi supporters of Palestinians

An event billed as "An Evening of Debate With Some Members of the Invisible Committee." (tags)

Where was the debate?

VIDEO: "The Original Knickerbocker" - Washington Irving (tags)

Washington Irving was an American author best known for his fictional works, "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" & "Rip Van Winkle." Andrew Burstein discusses his book, "The Original Knickerbocker: The Life of Washington Irving."

The Sherrod factor (tags)

The Sherrod factor

Save KPFA--hijacking a legendary name (tags)

The "Concerned Listeners" have appropriated the name "Save KPFA" -- a name belonging to the group of activists who fought for listener democracy during most of the 1990's. Their name "Save KPFA" is legendary, inappropriate for the "Concerned Listeners", a group whose purpose is diametrically opposite.

PIRATiPad (tags)

Steve Jobs are fucked!

U.S. Still Plans Assault on Latin America. Will We Stop this Madness? (tags)

"In an explicit attempt to hide Washington’s military objectives in South America, a U.S. Air Force document submitted to Congress in May 2009 that provoked deep concerns in the region has been modified and re-published on November 16, 2009. The official U.S. Air Force document, revealed and denounced by this author on November 4th, explained the justification for a $46 million request to improve the military installations in one of the seven bases Washington will occupy under the military accord signed on October 30th between Colombia and the United States. The modified document has eliminated all mention of war and military operations in the region, as well as offensive language directed at Colombia’s neighbors, Venezuela and Ecuador."

Thirteen new photos from inside occupied Carter-Huggins Hall (UCLA/Campbell Hall) (tags)

Thirteen new pictures shed light on the written expressions of the opening hours of the UCLA insurgency from last week

Venezuela: The error of being Lusbi Portillo (tags)

* The latest demonstration of political criminalization of autonomous social movements by the Venezuelan government is exposed by Rafael Uzcategui, a member of the anarchist collective El Libertario.

Unfinished Fontaineleau Las Vegas (tags)

A formal comparison of the original Fontainebleau to the Las Vegas knock off and recount of funding issues

Photo Set 2 - TERMINATORS ILLEGAL VETOS spark HIV Protest and Vigil in Downtown L.A. (tags)

Photo set 2 Original article and Photo-set at

AVSI Online Auction - Bid Now thru June 20! (tags)

Incredible items available for bidding! Artists, businesses, and individuals donated nationwide to support this critical fundraiser for the African Village Survival Initiative! Participate - Bid Generously - Make a donation!

Homeowners' rallying cry: Produce the note (tags)

ZEPHYRHILLS, Fla. (AP) — Kathy Lovelace lost her job and was about to lose her house, too. But then she made a seemingly simple request of the bank: Show me the original mortgage paperwork. And just like that, the foreclosure proceedings came to a standstill.

Mary-Guadalupe Day ! Celebrate Dec.12 downtown (tags)

Red Suited fat guys are not all that this season represents. In the land of deserts and conquerors, another honored person still exists, called Senora or Virgen, but always Guadalupe [ with familiarity and maternal warmth in her projected image]


THYESTES' FEAST: Project Runway meets Oedipus Rex Project Runway meets Oedipus Rex!!! NEW GREEK TRAGEDY BASED ON FRAGMENTS OF LOST PLAYS OPENS IN HOLLYWOOD OCTOBER 26, 2008 .An Elizabethan/Mycenaen/Kabuki fantasy filled with wit, humor and emotion on one of the great lost plays of Antiquity!!!

A dangerous country USA - Minn. protestors intimidated already (tags)

This is reposted from to insure all in LA also become aware of the dangers of "planning to protest" in this US of Anger and Intimidation. Now for out !!!

Before Trillanes was Vizmanos, the ‘original rebel soldier’ (tags)

efore the likes of Antonio Trillanes IV, there was Danilo “Ka Dan” Vizmanos, the quintessential “young rebel officer” who fought against martial law and continues to wage the good fight. A retired Navy captain, Vizmanos resisted Ferdinand Marcos’ dictatorship despite torture, crusaded against US military bases on Philippine soil, and campaigned to terminate the RP-US Balikatan war games in the South. “Ka Dan is the original rebel soldier,” said Bagong Alyansang Makabayan (Bayan) secretary general Renato Reyes Jr.


Robert D. Salisbury, Anaheim, original ABVA trust settlement attorney 1993 $13.26 Billion settlement Contract UCC De 9314600 is the lead IRS embezzlement Audit attorney.

Toys (fo)R uS (tags)

Retailer steps into messy immigration issue with first baby contest

The Winter Harvest of the South Central Farmers (tags)

The Farmers open a new center and a new farm, ready to bring their organic produce to South Central. The rest of us might get a taste, too.

Republinazis reportedly tracked to attack against California (tags)

Republicans hate everything America stands for.

A Fact or Fiction ? (tags)

The Ttell tale of infamous Yamashita's Gold is brought into life behind a music and entertainment galore concert to be held on May 28, 2006 at Radisson Hotel , 1850 So. Harbor Blvd. Anaheim, Ca. The song pieces are original compositions of a talented Asian, RB d' Monte Cristo of the Philippines, writing for a 3200 page novel about a group of young American's tragedy and success in searching for Yamashita's Gold in the Philippines , written by Christopher Paul Ryan due for release soon. The music pieces are selections from Deux Ex Machina album released (

Inymedia is a tool of the right-wing fascist media establishment. (tags)

This IMC is, like all indymedia, meant to confuse and destroy the anti-war movement.

Epilogue (Backstabbed: The History of a Photograph) (tags)

Further developments since the article was published.


This is a post from dated 11/30/04.

Drawing Resistance: Political Art Show (tags)

"Tijuanna No!" by Winston Smith. Giclee print of original collage printed on Premium Luster Paper. Original collage is 14" x 48" Smith is one of the artists included in the show.

Rainbowstop Makes Authentic Peace Flags and Will Donate to (tags)

05-02-2004 Seattle, WA – to donate money to

System News (tags)

A short note about the system upgrade.

“Democracy Dies Behind Closed Doors” -- Article Dedicated to the 4th of July (tags)

6-26-03 Topanga Community House (Los Angeles area) Stephan F. Rohde - constitutional lawyer, author and lecturer spoke on the post 911 erosion of civil rights under the Bush Administration. Event sponsored by the newly formed --- Mother’s for an Aware America--- Below is a portion of the transcript and photos:

Tax Protester Provided a Prime Opportunity to Finally End the Federal Income Tax (tags)

The Justice Department has provided a New Hampshire tax protester with a prime opportunity to finally end the federal income tax by indicting him on 18 felony counts of violating the internal revenue laws.

Daily Resistance Graphic (tags)

Back by popular demand. This scan is as close to the original as I could get it. I remember the background as a lot yellower, so maybe the color on this original from the 60s has changed. Didn't want to hazard a guess.


THE ART OF PUNK exhibit will offer original artworks and related materials documenting the rise of L.A.'s Punk underground at the close of the 20th century.


THE ART OF PUNK exhibit will offer original artworks and related materials documenting the rise of L.A.'s Punk underground at the close of the 20th century.

Upgrade to the Green Party's 10 Key Values (tags)

You can have the very same idea and describe it where it is appealing, confusing or appalling. The current language is a good document if you are talking to the choir, but those folks are already on board. If we are going to have real political impact we need to seek the middle class, disenfranchised voter.


"United We Stand" against war, racism, poverty, and repression!"


AVE 50 GALLERY in Highland Park has on display important Artworks and memorabilia pertaining to the original Chicano Moratorium of 1970.


The banner at the head of the Aug. 24th, 2002 ChicanoMoratorium March in Highland Park. Some 300 people participated.

Original Woodstock site is being threatened by corporate interests (tags)

In Bethel, NY, the town where the original Woodstock festival took place in 1969, is now being threatened by corporate interests who want to bulldoze the site and turn it into an off-limits area for those who wish to see the site where the legendary event took place. We can put a stop to this if enough people are aware of it. Pass the word around...

Bari v FBI-Plaintiffs Rest Their Case; The Late Judi Bari’s Heartwrenching Testi (tags)

OAKLAND, CA—Yesterday, Wednesday, May 8, the Plaintiffs rested their case after testimony by their final two witnesses and the videotaped deposition of Judi Bari, and a videotape of television news coverage was entered into evidence.

e-mail access curtailed? (tags)

la local's hotmail access curtailed under questionable grounds. hotmail nor he clarify what exactly was the nature of the "objectionable material " was

Lynne Cheney's Thought Police Report--The Unsanitized Version (tags)

The original version of "Defending Civilization: How Our Universities Are Failing America, and What Can Be Done About It," a report from the American Council of Trustees and Alumni (ACTA), founded in 1995 by Lynne Cheney and Senator Joseph Lieberman. This version names names, in good ol' Joe McCarthy style. It has since been pulled from ACTA's website.


The Sep29 Convening Organizations wish to clarify a fraudulent story appearing on Indymedia; S29 Justice Mobilization postponed their march and rally for September 29 and the overwhelming majority of the original 100 endorsers have withdrawn their support for the newly planned event. for downtown L.A. on that date.

M25: The Death of Woodstock (tags)

Our notion of "peace" is for profit only... no hippies allowed.

Riordan IS the owner of The Pantry (tags)

To all anarchists considering violence in our cities (tags)

Remember, I (LA Mayor, Richard Riordan) own both The Pantry at 877 S. Figueroa and Original Pantry Bakery & Sandwich Shop at 875 Figueroa St. they are both located within walking distance from the Staples Center. It is of the utmost importance that all Angelenos take part in the preservation and unending accumulation of my wealth and keep these properties from harm.

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