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one who

Fbi pure evil & immorality (tags)

Fbi thugs & cowards delete this post from New Zealand Indymedia

"Too Smart to Fail" by Thomas Frank (tags)

The “sound” banker, alas! is not one who sees danger and avoids it, but one who, when he is ruined, is ruined in a conventional and orthodox way along with his fellows so that no one can really blame him. –John Maynard Keynes

Social State as Home (tags)

This society cannot afford to dismantle the social state. The social state guarantees inner peace. The strength of a people is measured by the well-being of the weak, those not born with a silver spoon. Solidarity, social justice and equal opportunities are key words and open doors.

what is war? and more (tags)

question from a person checking media-speak: “what is the difference between a war protester and an ANTI war protester ? "

divine inspiration (tags)

from me and the book of truth it is say the one who falow the spirit shall become imortal.we all have the power of creating the reality we want. the pivot is the use of the law of atraction this universal law of life visualise you self in the place you want

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