fix articles 352571, boiler
To CIA,In-Q-Tel,Amit Yoran re SRA International, Mantas Inc stock fraud money laundering (tags)
I am writing you specifically to ask what you might know about the promotion of shares in the CIA's SRA International investment by a boiler room operation called Bellador Group , , of Kuala Lumpur and Dubai.Did you know that this company, SRA Inernational , that is supposed to guard and protect our U.S. government IT security has had its shares recommended by a Kuala Lumpur and Dubai boiler room that promotes U.S.penny stocks offshore ?
Porter Goss: CIA Cyber and stock fraud ops damaged by leaks ? (tags)
Ionatron that was a CIA investment that was 'touted' or promoted over the internet to increase demand and price of its shares that the CIA employee-investors then dumped on the market thus decreasing other investors share price,basically defrauding them...If the CIA wishes to use 911 to promote lesser civil liberties from now into the future perhaps they should at least pledge not to invest in and thus tamper with our stock markets.