fix articles 3525, images Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : images


BlackSky's newest satellite delivers first insights within 24 hours (tags)


Remembrance culture and the Cold War (tags)

"No to racism, anti-Semitism, the production of images of the enemy, and the slandering of history!" Russia is once again declared the enemy, but at a rapid pace now so is China. The new Cold War seems unstoppable. Enemy images are marked by a simple binary world view.

Don't Give Permission for Free Photos (tags)

The commercial blogs and some news sites try to get your content for free. Don't fall for it.

Help KCET and UCLA identify 60s-70s Chicano images (tags)

Help KCET identify 60s-70s Chicano images

Bernie Sanders Event Photos, Please (tags)

A plea for some photos, and an explanation about licensing.

Do Not Submit! Republish the Mohammed Cartoons Everywhere. Here’s How. (tags)

Strike a chord for freedom

Guadalupe's Day is today in LA, look for her (tags)

Guadalupe is seen and honored everywhere especiallly in LA, as everyone noticed. Most dont know the stories that are connected to her but can still relate and experience Guadalupe as a symbol of natural life forces, indigenous ones that emanate and connect us to earth. She is not a Cathoic nor a religious symbol or representative tho that has been co-opted via majority religious practices.

Big Lies Risk Confrontation with Russia (tags)


Big Lies Drown Out Truth (tags)


It’s war that sells (tags)

The war on Iraq won’t be remembered for how it was waged so much as for how it was sold. It was a propaganda war, a war of perception management, where loaded phrases, such as “weapons of mass destruction” and “rogue state” were hurled like precision weapons at the target audience: us.

UK soldier slaying suspects had been investigated (tags)

Two men accused of butchering a British soldier had been investigated previously by security services, a British official said Thursday, as investigators searched several locations and tried to determine whether the men were part of a wider plot to instill terror on the streets of London.

Boston Black Ops: Manufacturing Terror (tags)

police state

A few Berkeley sitting-ban ordinance articles and images... (tags)

Right-Wing Mayor Tom Bates is attacking the homeless in Berkeley -- Adopt a Resolution placing the attached measure to adopt an ordinance prohibiting sitting on commercial sidewalks on the ballot for the November 6, 2012 General Municipal Election.

BBC Wages Propaganda War on Syria (tags)


Hunter Moore, and Cyber Rape (tags)

Cyber rape is a disturbing trend in which websites upload copyright-protected naked images in order to trash reputations and end careers; and of course, make money. I spent a heart-wrenching week consoling victims.

F29 - Images from Riverside (tags)

Screen grabs: Images streamed live today from the walmart action.

How to Convert Excel to PDF Easily and Instantly? (tags)

This article mainly gives you 2 methods to convert excel to pdf. The pros and cons of these methods are listed for your reference.

Data Doctors searchs customers computers for the cop (tags)

From this article it sounds like if you bring your computer to Data Doctors, they are more interested in searching it for the police then helping you fix your computer problems.

03-19 Antiwar March in Hollywood (2 of 3) (tags)

2nd of 3 sets of images from yesterday's rally

Georgetown Students Serve Uribe Subpoena (tags)

"Last week, students at Georgetown University in Washington, DC succeeded in serving Colombia's ex-president Álvaro Uribe with a subpoena to testify about paramilitary ties in Colombia. The Adios Uribe Coalition has campaigned since September to get Georgetown to drop Uribe as a 'Distinguished Scholar."

May Day LA (10) (tags)

10th set of images

May Day LA (9) (tags)

9th set of images

May Day LA (8) (tags)

8th set of images

May Day LA (7) (tags)

7th set of images

May Day LA (6) (tags)

6th set of images

May Day LA (5) (tags)

5th set of pictures

May Day LA (4) (tags)

4th set of images

May Day LA (3) (tags)

shot from 7th & Broadway. We arrived and got a spot in the shade about 10 minutes before the first marchers approached. 4 hours later the march was still in progress.

May Day LA (2) (tags)

2nd set of images


Meditations on the "drip blood" TV journalism.

LA Student Protest 10th set (video only) (tags)

3 parts of a spoken word piece.

LA Student Protest 9th set (tags)

9th set of images from the downtown LA student protests

LA Student Protest 8th set (tags)

images from the downtown LA protests

LA Student Protest 7th set (tags)

downtown LA student protest

LA Student Protest 6th set (tags)

still images from downtown la student protest

LA Student Protest 5th set (tags)

more images from the student protest downtown LA

LA Student Protest 4th set (tags)

4th set of images & video

LA Student Protest 3rd set (tags)

3rd set of images & video

LA Student Protest 2nd set (tags)

2nd set of images from student protests

Xmas still remains an old-styled story of kindness (tags)

Xmas can be seen as other than in our today's mind older-images of Santa give other meaning and value to what only a few could own, even before... but the IMAGE creates positive meanings even now.

08-11-09 HIV budget cuts protest (tags)

3rd set of images and some video from the event

Fight for our Lives - HIV Budget Protest (5th set) (tags)

5th set of images from today's protest against the proposed cut of HIV from the general funds

Fight for our Lives - HIV Budget Protest (2nd set) (tags)

2nd set of images from the pre-protest protest. 1st set of images here:

Recognize the Armenian Genocide. April 24, 2009 Genocide March in Hollywood, CA (tags)

Armenian Genocide Commemoration Unified Young Armenians hold their annual Armenian Genocide commamoration event in "Little Armenia" in Hollywood, CA. These images capture this special, tragic day for all Armenians around the world.


Hiding a post / article that is not currently PC is clearly CENSORSHIP, and it is happening here at IMC as easily and often as in private news media. And no one is accountable, reachable, responsible, or respondable for it. Is this site "independent" of what ?

Final Update: Online Sit In Against HLS (tags)

sit in

Update: Online Sit In Against HLS (tags)

sit in

Online Sit In Against HLS (tags)

Sit In

Images from the Gaza War Protest (tags)

1000's of people demonstrated in Westwood this Saturday against the bombing on Gaza by Israel.

01-10-09 Free Palestine (4) (tags)

4th set of images from 01/10/09 demonstration at the Federal Building in Westwood. (video only)

01-10-09 Free Palestine (3) (tags)

3rd set set of images from 01/10/09 demonstration at the Federal Building in Westwood

01-10-09 Free Palestine (2) (tags)

2nd set of images from 01/10/09 demonstration at the Federal Building in Westwood.

11-15-08 downtown Prop 8 demo (3) (tags)

3rd set of images

Art and Advocacy (tags)

Images from Today's Boyle Hts. Protest (tags)

BOYLE HEIGHTS, March 20, 2008 - About 35 students from Roosevelt High marched to a military recruitment center today and staged picket to protest the war in Iraq and the presence of military recruiters on their campus.

HollyWould Freewaves’ 11th Festival of New Media Arts - OPEN CALL (tags)

OPEN CALL for experimental media art, video, animation, cell videos, wifi events, images for electronic moving signs's Sleazy Managment (tags) Sleazy management with no talent hacks and no integrity. As posted on J.A. Citizen Editorials.

Vigil for transwoman who died in ICE custody (2 of 2) (tags)

page 2 of 2 images from tonight's vigil

Missing Plane Parts, Other Analyses, Dispute Official Pentagon Tragedy (tags)

The analysis of experts point out the oddities at the Pentagon during one of the most tragic loss-of-life situations in recent United States History.

Eyes on Darfur (tags)

Amnesty International started posting satellite images on the Internet of villages in Sudan's conflict-ravaged Darfur on Wednesday in a bid to pressure Khartoum to allow U.N. peacekeepers into the region.

TransUnity (tags)

final images of TransUnity - Sunday. I wasn't there for the short-film festival, but check on the MySpace site. Maybe someone will post there.

TransUnity workshops (tags)

images from the resource fair

Somebody's Watching You - Turning the camera back on the cops (tags)

yahoo news story on the case of Sherman Austin from and CopWatch LA

Somebody's Watching You - Turning camera back on the cops (tags)

Somebody's Watching You A convicted felon turns cameras on the cops, putting a balance of power, he says, back in the hands of the people.

Somebody's Watching You - CopWatch LA and the case of Sherman Austin (tags)


Documenting Baggage (tags)

On November 24th, 2006, I traveled to the 3rd Street Promenade in Santa Monica, California, to observe and document how people were spending their time on “the busiest shopping day of the year,” the day after Thanksgiving. To narrow down the focus of my documentary, I decided to use photos of people and the bag or bags that they were carrying. The bag a person carries can lead to many assumptions about the person carrying the bag. In some cases, the owner of the bag may not be the person who carries the bag, though I believe the bags shown in Baggage are all carried by their new or longtime owners.

images from the 10/28/06 march and rally in Hollywood. (tags)

1st set of images from the 10/28/06 march and rally in Hollywood.

images from the 10/28/06 march and rally in Hollywood. (tags)

4th set of images from the 10/28/06 march and rally in Hollywood.

images from the 10/28/06 march and rally in Hollywood. (tags)

3rd set of images from the 10/28/06 march and rally in Hollywood.

10-28-06 Demonstration (tags)

images from the 10/28/06 march and rally in Hollywood.

Shut Up & Shoot: A Photography Show of Unexpected Moments (tags)

Cactus Gallery  4534 Eagle Rock Blvd., Eagle Rock, CA 90041 323-256-6117 tue-fri 12-7 sat 10-5 sun 10-2

Dispatch from Ground Zero (overview-link to series of posts) (tags)

Week of 09/11/06 - 5th anniversary portests

Dispatches from NYC - week of 09/11 (tags)

Images from the Granny Brigade's Weekly Vigil in NYC

Real Photo Fakers, Real War Crimes (tags)

During Israel's war against the people of Lebanon, our media, politicians and diplomats have colluded with the aggressors by distracting us with irrelevancies, by concocting controversies, and by framing the language of diplomacy. In the fragile truce that is currently holding while Lebanon waits for Israel to withdraw, we are simply getting more of the same.

Lebanese deaths, and Israeli war crimes, kept off the balance sheet (tags)

By Jonathan Cook in Nazareth

Stop now, immediately (tags)

The fact that George Bush and Tony Blair are cheering Israel might be consolation for Ehud Olmert and the media in Israel, but it is not enough to persuade millions of TV viewers who see the images of destruction and devastation, most of which are not shown to Israeli audiences. The world sees entire neighborhoods that have been destroyed, hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing in panic, homeless, and hundreds of civilians dead and wounded including many children who have nothing to do with Hezbollah.

Popular Blogging Site Restricts Use of Breastfeeding Photos: (tags)



notes from mictlan: images 4 (tags)

notes from mictlan: images 3 (tags)


notes from mictlan: images 2 (tags)


notes from mictlan: images 1 (tags)


a post-'normal' booke review: chellis glendinning on recovery from western civilization (tags)

this review employs two main elements: orthodox "texting" and as well, permitting myself to art into another direction than perhaps previously anticipated. incorporated into this post is image, non-blunt points, rectangles, and other lines, along with 'marginal' commentary. All of this certainly cuts down on the verbiage and gets to "the point" (and allows for more broad input from those whose spirit just really ain't oriented to 'composing' formal ideas of text, re: "book reviews"). Lastly, this way allows people to leave *traces* of their spirit in a less mediated way.

09/24 Demo (tags)

images from the 09/24/05 peace demo downtown LA

Venice Artists About Venice (tags)

Venice Artists, present their images and experiences about Venice. Curators: Emily Winters, Janet Gervers

ITS JULY 5th: WHERE'S SOS? - Addtional images/comments from the RECONQUISTA (tags)

Addtional images and comments after the "deadline".

Iraqi Resistance Video - The Cowboys in Iraq - A Must See - Extremely Powerful Images (tags)

June, 2005 Video Release by the Iraqi Resistance - The Cowboys in Iraq - A Must See - Extremely Powerful Images

More Racist Images from Border Vigilantes (tags)

Here are more racist images from the saveourstate.orgsite. While these patheitc clones try to deny their brutal, racist neofascist nature , it only takes algance to see the real deal. A picture, as thye say, is worth....

After the Sea Stood Up - IMC Photographer Mukai & Michael Slate Back From Tsunami Zone (tags)

After the Sea Stood Up: Introducing a New Series From the Tsunami Zone of Sri Lanka Written by Michael Slate, Photographs by Mukai All Images © 2005 Mukai Photography. All rights reserved. Images may not be reproduced, republished, or posted on the internet without written permission from copyright holder.

call for rad. art (tags)

Attention Radical Artists! CALL FOR ARTWORK to be published in a new book. Deadline: October 31st, 2005 Reproduce and Revolt!: Radical Graphics for the 21st Century Edited by Josh MacPhee Soft Skull Press Reproduce and Revolt! is a graphic toolbox to be launched into the hands of political activists. The book will contain over 300 new and exciting high-quality illustrations and graphics about social justice and political activism for activists to use on flyers, posters, t-shirts, brochures, stencils or any other graphic aspects of political campaigns. All the graphics will be bold and easy to reproduce, in addition to being open source/anti-copyright. The book will come with clear instructions on how to best utilize the images so as to improve the graphic qualities of political campaigns. It will also contain a short history of political graphics, an archive of political flyers and posters throughout history, as well as information about and a bibliography of further reading for all of the social justice issues the art will cover.

Posters for M19 -- SAY SOMETHING (tags)

New posters just in time for M19: IF YOU SEE WAR CRIMES, SAY WAR CRIMINAL

Don't Do Business With Computers N.L.A. (tags)

I took my machine to Computers N.L.A. A guy named Ned took my machine and promised to remove the viruses preventing me from using IE.

J20 Coronation Protest in LA (tags)

Below find a Quick Time video of one minutes and 45 seconds and 8 images about the inauguration protest in Westwood, California, January 20, 2005.

Shocking images of Iraqi family slaughtered under US fire (tags)

WARNING: This gallery contains graphic images Shocking images of Iraqi family slaughtered under US fire


If you get a message that you have not supplied author when trying to public pictures just re-select your images and then hit Publish button again.

Was Bush Wired All 3 Times? Is He Lying Now? NASA Expert Says You Bet! (tags)

Using the same techniques he applies to the photos from the Cassini Saturn probe, a JPL photo expert at NASA examined pics of Bush’s back from all three debates. The astonishing images of what were under the jacket are all revealed here. So are the President’s lies.

Immigrant Rights Marches (tags)

Find 19 images and a short commentary about the two marches and the two rallies, about immigrant rights, that took place in East Los Angeles and Downtown Los Angeles on Saturday, October 16th, 2004 Between 9 AM and 4:30 PM.

Tibetans gain voice with photo exhibits (tags)

Through their own photos, Tibetans are gaining a voice for their rights and culture. Exhibits scheduled.

Volunteers Needed For Direct Action Campaign (tags)

Please assist us in raising awareness about the number of Americans that have died in the war in Iraq.

International Call for Photos, Art, Graphics, Posters, all Images! (tags)

International call for photos and art for use in an upcoming book called "Rebel Voices," to be published in 2005 in the u.s.

EZLN images of a movement. An exhibit retrospective of the ZAPATISTA struggle (tags)

A visual exploration of the Zapatista movement, the daily life of the indigenous peoples of Chiapas, and the various manifestations of support that the Mexican and international civil society has given to the social, political and cultural movement provoked by the EZLN.

The sexual sadism of our culture, in peace and in war (tags)

The Abu Ghraib images have all the hallmarks of contemporary porn.

[GenoaG8] counter investigation (tags)

Italy: Genoa Counter-investigation

Activists Report on Afghanistan, Iraq (tags)

Global Exchange's Medea Benjamin questioned the ongoing war in Iraq, and KPFK's Sonali Kolhatkar spoke of the how commercial news media neglects to report on the suffering of the people of Afghanistan in a May 27th forum.

The media's double standard on Iraq prison abuse (tags)

Iraqatrix: The S&M PsyOp - Torture psyop ends in Passion of Nick (tags)

By now, you must know the Nick Berg beheading video was some kind of fake or scam. How could you not know? The Internet is abuzz with details of a host of video anomalies.

A picture's worth a thousand words (tags)

“It is the photographs that give one the vivid realisation of what actually took place. Words don't do it.” — Donald Rumsfeld, May 7, 2004.

ROBERT FISK: An illegal and immoral war, betrayed by images that reveal our racism (tags)

First, our enemies created the suicide bomber. Now, we have our own digital suicide bomber, the camera. Just look at the way US army reservist Lynndie England holds the leash of the naked, bearded Iraqi. Take a close look at the leather strap, the pain on the prisoner's face. No sadistic movie could outdo the damage of this image. In September 2001, the planes smashed into the buildings; today, Lynndie smashes to pieces our entire morality with just one tug on the leash.

French TV screens images 'of US helicopter crew killing Iraqis' DOWNLOAD HERE (tags)

PARIS, May 4 (AFP) - The French cable television station Canal Plus on Tuesday will broadcast images, stolen in Iraq, of a US army helicopter killing three Iraqis, one of them wounded, who do not appear to be posing any threat

Vet Memorial in S.M. (tags)

Veteran Memorial in Santa Monica, February 15th, this Memorial is held every Sunday from 11 AM to 1PM. Below Six Images and a 35 SECONDS VIDEO

Words and images from the picket line (tags)

Words and images from the picket line


- Graph of atmospheric CO2 concentrations at: - - Law Dome, Antarctica, ice cores,1000-1975 - - Mauna Loa, Hawaii 1975-2002 data from NOAA Go see NEW GRAPH OF CO2 and join P&C: - Graph of Global Land Temperature(GLT) 1880-2003 Go see NEW GRAPH of GLT and join:

Veteran's Day truth (tags)

From Today's L.A. Times Patt Morrison column

CHERYL SEAL WEEKEND UPDATE: Twisted Photos for Sept 12-14 plus WTO Pix (tags)

fractured photo captions plus a gallery of WTO protest images from around the world

Lightning Definitely NOT Cause of US/Can Blackout (tags)

A study of National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration radar images for upstate New York and the New England region shows that no thunderstorms have been in that area this evening, and there have been no rain events in the Niagara Falls-Buffalo area in the past 48 hours.

Ché Y Qué! Images of Ernesto Ché Guevara (tags)

Information about upcoming exhibit!


Why US peace groups demanded the censorship of a British anti-war CD - and got it!

Social War in France (tags)

"The radicalisation of the strikes, the images of violence like those seen on Tuesday evening in Paris could disturb consumers' peace of mind"

images: May Day LA (tags)

Images from the immigrant workers march and rally in LA's garment district. May 1, 2003.

Attacks on Iraq an organised butchery of Innocent civilians (tags)

Muslims and Islam dragged into Mire. The Islamic World seem vulnerable and cold-blooded. Clear signs of appearance of the awaited Imam Mehdi, yet the Muslims reject it so are they suffering now.

What to do with photos of dead Iraqis on cover of USA Today/NYT? (tags)

After seeing the past few NYT and USA Today cover photos, it doesn't seem that images of death are going to be the force that turns Americans off of this war.

Guantanamo: USA's AUSCHWITZ (tags)

images from USA's Guantanamo Base in Cuba, where they keep their war prisioners


Having destroyed its water and power supplies, cut off food supply routes and having failed to crack its human defences, they are now preparing to lay siege to Iraq's second city which is more than 40 per cent children.

Internet Site Censored (tags)

Where are all the images of war?

reports from the microcosm (tags)

i have posted a local community activism resource center for the west los angeles area featuring reportage and images from the ongoing anti-war demonstrations including analysis, stories, links, and images. updated every single day.

Anti-War Portraits (tags)

The public requires an intimate portrayal of those who demonstrate, one that portrays the thought process and humanity inherent in their perspective. These portraits put a face on opinions, and that makes their voices harder to deny.

Hollywood Peace Rally - Four Photos and One Minute of Audio (tags)

Notes, images and audio from the Peace Rally in Hollywood on Saturday, February 15, 2003

images of Hollywood Protest (tags)

Selected images taken with my digital camera at the Hollywood Abti-War March and Rally. 02.15.03.

The War and the Spectacle (tags)

"Socially and psychologically repressed, people are drawn to spectacles of violent conflict that allow their accumulated frustrations to explode in socially condoned orgasms of collective pride and hate. Deprived of significant accomplishments in their own work and leisure, they participate vicariously in military enterprises that have real and undeniable effects."

India, Pakistan, Nagasaki Nightmare! (tags)

An exhibition of Artworks created by survivors of the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, send a warning to the people of India and Pakistan.


Swiss non-governmental organization Aktion Kinder des Holocaust is threatening with legal charges two members from editorial staff of Independent Media Center of Switzerland, an alternative media group formed by volunteer activists, for publishing of material seems as anti-Semitic.

Democratic Post-Traumatic S11 Art Show At Track-16 (tags)

Track 16 Gallery Bergamot Station 2525 Michigan Ave Santa Monica- Originally in Soho NY, this show gathered a collection of images after the S11 tragedy and allowed for the audience to continually add the show creating a "A Democracy of Photographs". The democratic tradition continues in the LA show.

compiled images from 10/27 rally and march in LA (tags)

compiled images from Saturday's rally and march in downtown los angeles (many thanks to rtf and marc).

compiled images from 10/27 rally and march in LA (tags)

compiled images from today's rally and march in downtown los angeles (many thanks to rtf).

compiled images from today's rally and march in LA (tags)

compiled images from today's rally and march in downtown los angeles (many thanks to rtf.)

compiled images from today's rally and march in LA (tags)

compiled images from today's rally and march in downtown los angeles. (with many thanks to rtf.)

Bilderberg Images, Listings & References (tags)

Bilderberg Images, Listings & References

Palestinian Celebrations Possibly Staged (tags)

Translation from German article (Spiegel) asserting that Palestinian celebrations may have been staged.

How to report "violence". (tags)

Reporting violent acts Undercurrents has attended meetings over the last few years on how to report conflicts. Danny from sums it up well here-

U.S./Mexico Action - Artistic Placard (tags)

One of the hundreds of creative protest signs carried by anti-FTAA demonstrators.

ignored tags synonyms top tags bottom tags