fix articles 35178, national center Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : national center

national center

Contact with Police May Be Detrimental to Your Health & Well-Being (tags)

Calling the police can frequently do more harm than good, and other options should be considered whenever possible. The emotional impacts of violence and repression can be serious and it is important that we are aware of those impacts and work together to deal with them. Looking after ourselves and our friends or affinity groups does not end when the action ends!


the sars cov 2 virus does not exist : conclusive scientific, empirical and logical evidence for this pharmanazi scam


There is no such thing as the alleged sars cov 2 virus : conclusive scientific evidence


"covid" is a criminal hoax : the scientific evidence


The alleged sars cov 2 virus, covid disease and pandemic do not exist : the definitive scientific evidence.


There is no such thing as the alleged sars cov 2 virus/covid disease or pandemic thereof : all the scientific evidence.


There is no such thing as the alleged "sars cov 2 virus"/"covid disease"/"pandemic" : conclusive evidence.


conclusive scientific evidence for the convid scam


covid´s a spoof and here is proof


the alleged sars cov 2 virus does not exist : here is conclusive proof


"covid" ´s a lie and here is y

Trump and Climate Change (tags)

Human activities have contributed to the ice loss in the Arctic. In his short term in office, Trump and his accessories in the government rescinded two dozen regulations to protect the climate and the environment. The climate, peace and anti-racism movements must join forces.

Chernobyl + 30 (tags)

Thirty Years after the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe, the disaster continues.

End Climate Crimes (tags)

“Every city in our country has some serious similarities to New Orleans. Every city has some abandoned neighborhoods. Every city in our country has abandoned some public education, public housing, public healthcare, and criminal justice." (Bill Quigley quoted by Naomi Klein)

Christmas in America (tags)


CIA/FBI Film-faker and Famous Church of Satan Agents Exposed (tags)

CIA/FBI Film-faker and Famous Church of Satan Agents Exposed in Mind Control Black-Op to Neutralize "Dissidents"

Growing Hunger and Homelessness in America (tags)

class war

Target:Homeles-South Coast Homeless Advisory Committee Advocate Reports (tags)

Target:Homeles-South Coast Homeless Advisory Committee Advocate Reports The City of Santa Barbara is poised to push homeless out with illegal legislation which violates the US Constitution. Here is the report they never released to the public - or even discussed!!! Because frankly, they don't give a damn.

BTL:Climate Scientists Now Connect Extreme Weather with Global Climate Change (tags)

Interview with Kevin Trenberth, senior scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research , conducted by Melinda Tuhus

Russia's Foremost LGBT Leader in LA! (tags)

In a bid to promote the prominence of this May's Moscow Pride and thus hopefully forestall threatened repression by the authorities, Russia's foremost gay leader, Nikolai Alekseev, will tour seven U.S. cities February 26 thru March 6.

Permanent Debt Bondage from America's Student Loan Racket (tags)


Foundation for Change Honors Local “Changemakers” Sept. 26 (tags)

The San Diego Foundation for Change held its annual “Changemaker Celebration” Sunday, September 26 on the Prado patio in Balboa Park. Part outdoor picnic, part bazaar of social-change organizations, part fundraiser and part short commemoration, the event honored longtime local activists Larry Baza of the San Diego Democratic Club, Victor Clark-Alfaro of Tijuana’s Bi-National Center for Human Rights, and the Environmental Health Coalition and its longtime director, Diane Takvorian.

Affects of Bullying at School often Overlooked (tags)

While the US National Statistics will say the violent crimes are decreasing in public school, bullying, either as an act of verbal or physical abuse, is a problem that is not decreasing.

Under Threat: A Free and Open Internet (tags)

Internet threatened

Climategate (tags)


Obama Supports Food Inc.'s World Domination and All We Get Is the White House Garden? (tags)

While Michele Obama took the needed steps in tearing out the White House lawn and planting an organic garden, her husband isn't so quick to drop the old pandering to biotechnology habits of big agribusiness corporations. With Obama's chosen staff of Tom Vilsack, Rajiv Shah, and Islam Siddiqui we have a continuation of the revolving door between corporate agribusiness, biotechnology and government regulators.

Bioweapons, Dangerous Vaccines, and Threats of a Global Pandemic (tags)

dangerous mandated vaccines must be avoided

Is it just me or is it getting warmer? (tags)


San Diego Hosts Meeting on Same-Sex Marriage Equality (tags)

The San Diego Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Community Center hosted a town-hall meeting April 2 to discuss the future of marriage equality in the wake of the upcoming California Supreme Court ruling on Proposition 8, the voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage in the state. Speakers included Kate Kendell, executive director of the National Center for Lesbian Rights, other professionals and grass-roots activists like Fernando Lopez, whose group is organizing people to go talk to individuals one-on-one to make them aware of how Queer people suffer from not having access to civil marriage.

Monetary and Fiscal Failure, Fraud, and Fear of What's Next (tags)

looting the treasury continues with militarism ready to confront dissent

Commentary: State Supreme Court Hears Prop. 8 Cases (tags)

Not everything that is unjust is therefore unconstitutional. That's the lesson the progressive community should learn from the California Supreme Court's oral hearings on Proposition 8, the ban on same-sex marriage recently approved by a narrow majority of California voters. Instead of relying on the courts to secure our rights, we should be doing education, direct action and other tactics to win majority support for equality.

Over 500 Turn Out for Marriage Equality Demonstration (tags)

San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders and his Lesbian daughter Lisa (pictured) led off the San Diego installment of "March Forth on March Fourth," a series of rallies and demonstrations held statewide on the eve of the California Supreme Court's oral hearings on the legal challenges to Proposition 8. Mayor Sanders endorsed same-sex marriage equality last year after deciding he couldn't tell his daughter that her relationship was less important than his.

Anti-Proposition 8 Protests in San Diego (tags)

The statewide wave of protests against the passage of anti-Queer, anti-marriage, anti-family Proposition 8 hit San Diego November 7 and 8 with a nighttime rally in Balboa Park November 7 and a march from Hillcrest to North Park, through San Diego's most Queer neighborhoods, the next day.

Mexican drug cartels infiltrating colleges and high school campuses in America (tags)

One of the main suspects in this international drug investigation is Omar Castaneda, a gang member from Pomona with ties to the Mexican Tijuana drug cartels, officials said

Destroying Public Education in America (tags)

Privatizations schemes to destroy public education.

Heath Ledger and “Legal” Drugs (tags)

The late Heath Ledger has been compared tto James Dean, but the real prematurely deceased celebrities he should be listed with are Marilyn Monroe, Judy Garland and Elvis Presley — all heavy prescription drug abusers who thought that, because their drugs came from doctors and drug companies instead of street pushers, they somehow woudln't be as dangerous as illegal "recreational" drugs. Hopefully Ledger's death will awaken people to the dangers of pharmaceutical drugs and the drug-company strategies that get people hooked on them.


National Center for Transgender Equality, the West Hollywood Transgender Task Force, and many other LBGT organizations urge you to ask your Congressperson to vote YES on HR 2015 [Trans inclusive ENDA, and NO on HR 3685 [phony "ENDA' bill that excludes Trans folks].

Global Warming Destroys Maple Sugar Industry (tags)

Global warming is the most serious threat facing planet. We have an opportunity, and an obligation, to lead in solving this global crisis by investing in clean and safe electricity, efficient buildings and a less polluting transportation system.

Man Continues Legal Battle Against American Airlines After Dog Dies at Airport (tags)

For many pet owners who value their companion animals as priceless, the risks of transporting their animals by air may be too high of a price to pay. Terrence Ing of San Francisco never dreamed he would still be paying the price for the death of Willie, his beloved English bulldog. But, two years later, Mr. Ing’s on-going battle against American Airlines is just beginning. The landmark case is expected to go to trial on March 19, 2007.

Climate Crisis Coalition Reports: Climate Change is Largest Looming Health Threat. (tags)

This is just one of many reports from around the world on Global Warming and Climate Change. Climate Crisis Coalition Website, daily reports, 12/5/06:

Flag law forces colleges to pay (tags)

When they make us worship their flag it's time to get out the guns, and burn a few flags and burn a few government tyrannts.

Another lame ass federal government program to steal from us??? (tags)

solar energy links USA (tags)

review of support groups for solar energy, climate protection, clean air and food securtiy

May Saw a "First" in the Anti-War Movement (tags)

"America's first woman GI to declare herself a conscientious objector, Katherine Jashinski, was denied a discharge and courtmartialed on May 23rd. She is serving a 120 day prison sentence."


Puppy Dies Because American Airlines Denies Emergency Care. Dog Guardian Sues Company

Battered by Katrina, Gulf Coast workers stand up (tags)

NEW ORLEANS — Gail Andrews, a quiet, unassuming African American woman from New Orleans East, found her mother two weeks after Hurricane Katrina. Six weeks later, she lost her again. This time forever. At age 68, Andrews’ mother died.

KATRINA TELLS THE TALE: Racism and Classism in Capitalist America (tags)

Katrina has turned out to be the worst disaster in the recorded history of this nation. What’s most egregious is that it was predicted years earlier in books on climate change and the growing global warming crisis, as well as from local officials of the region who knew of the dangers and tried to get Federal assistance.

A Mom's FYI: Reality Bites (tags)


Former Bush Team Member-WTC Collapse Likely A Controlled Demolition (tags)

author: Greg Szymanski Highly recognized former chief economist in Labor Department now doubts official 9/11 story, claiming suspicious facts and evidence cover-up indicate government foul play and possible criminal implications.

Gwen Araujo Mistrial: Town Hall & Demonstration (tags)

the jury that heard the case against the murderers of Gwen Araujo, the young transgender women who was killed last year in Newark, California, were unable to agree on a verdict and the judge was forced to declare a mistrial.

Transgenders: We Ho to March vs. Hate as No Cal Jury Deliberates (tags)

As a jury in Hayward decides the fate of 3 accused in the Transgender "Emmet Till" murder case, West Hollywood anti-hate activists will march Friday evening.

Unprecedented Week of Transgender Activism in Nation’s Capital (tags)

A bit of history occurred the end of April and early May. Three national transgender or gender-diverse civil rights organizations lobbied Capitol Hill simultaneously and, for the first time, all lobbied for the same issues. In addition, yet another rejuvenated national group conducted its first organized protest in years, and still another organization conducted a march to the Viet Nam Veterans’ Memorial, and conducted a historic wreath laying ceremony.

60% of U.S. adults drink toxic drugs (tags)

60% of U.S. adults drink toxic drugs and up to 20 percent are binge users, according to a new comprehensive report of American habits and vices released on Wednesday. About 23 percent smoke toxic drugs, according to the survey.



CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: Iraq's New War: Blackmarket Bloodshed and Corporate Intrigue (tags)

Who has been targeting Iraq's police and military? The likely culprits are, mysteriously, not even being mentioned as a possibility by Bush or the media


Children's environmental health

Smoking Out Big Tobacco (tags)

By means of their settlement with the States, the tobacco people have achieved something else that is absolutely invaluable to them -- complacent Americans think that the tobacco problem is solved.

Conservatives in Media Close Ranks Around Limbaugh (tags)

Self-described libertarian pundit Neal Boortz wrote on his website. "Limbaugh is seen by the left as a huge, almost insurmountable threat to their designs on regaining control in (Washington) D.C.. Limbaugh crossed a politically-correct line. Only liberals are allowed to bring race into any issue."


Landmark Measure by San Francisco Assemblyman Mark Leno is first of three LGBT Bills to Reach Davis' Desk

Equality for California Transgendered Citizens! Governor Signs Bill Into Law (tags)

California Governor Gray Davis presented the gift of freedom to thousands of his fellow Californians on Saturday, August 2nd. In signing AB196, which clarifies the state’s Fair Employment and Housing Act by including gender-identity and expression, Governor Davis brings California into a leadership position of a growing human rights struggle. California now becomes the most populous jurisdiction to enact equal rights for transgendered citizens.

From Fairbanks to Miami, 29 Cities to Protest or Celebrate Court Decision (tags)

THE U.S.A. WAITS WHILE CANADA CELEBRATES: From Fairbanks to Miami, 29 U.S. Cities to Protest or Celebrate Supreme Court Decision on Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Rights

RW: U.S.: More Kids In Extreme Poverty (tags)


Anti-War Leader Launches Campaign to Impeach Bush (tags)

( - A former U.S. attorney general has drafted articles of impeachment against President Bush and three other top administration officials as a means of preventing the U.S. from advancing a "first strike, potentially nuclear preemptive war" against Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.

Chemtrails: Michel Chossudovsky on HAARP (tags)

They want/ed to patent life forms and they did attempt to control the food chain through the Terminator Seed ( Monsanto ) - why WOULDN'T they sell nice weather. We ARE talking about megalomaniacs after all.



USA/Africa: Anthrax, History and Security (tags)

In the New York Times of July 2, columnist Nicholas Kristof attacked FBI foot dragging in the investigation of last year's anthrax attacks. In particular, Kristof pointed to the failure of the FBI to fully investigate "Mr. Z," rumored within the biodefense community to be a prime suspect. "If Mr Z. were an Arab national, he would have been imprisoned long ago," Kristof commented. "Mr. Z" is identified elsewhere in news stories and on the internet as Steven J. Hatfill, an American bioterrorism specialist who is reported to have served in the Rhodesian military in the 1970s.

Domestic Violence Coverup in LAPD Made Public (tags)

The details of as many as 277 possible domestic violence related crimes involving Los Angeles police officers were posted on the internet on Friday. Bob Mullally, a lawyer from South Dakota, performed a review of personnel files of officers accused of domestic abuse and produced a report detailing 61 assaults, 28 assaults with a deadly weapon, six rapes and one sodomy.

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