fix articles 350079, overturned
Albert Woodfox: 41 Years in Solitary Unjustly (tags)
police state
A Moral Outrage: Rev. Dr. Patricia Bates on the torture of Albert Woodfox (tags)
We interview Rev. Dr. Patricia Bates from the National Religious Coalition Against Torture (, who attended Albert Woodfox's recent January 7 oral arguments before the US Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals and made a statement at the press conference outside the courtroom on behalf of NRCAT.
Take Action Online w/ Amnesty International for Albert Woodfox of the Angola 3 (tags)
On Monday, Amnesty International launched an online campaign asking Louisiana Attorney General James Caldwell to not appeal the District Court's ruling to either release or retry Albert Woodfox, declaring: "After decades of injustice, let the Angola 3 ruling stand!" Please support Albert by taking action, and helping to spread the word. Now is a critical time in the fight for Albert's freedom. We want Caldwell's office to be inundated with emails so he hears it loud and clear that the cycle of injustice and cruelty must end.
Amnesty Intl urges State of Louisiana to not appeal Albert Woodfox's overturned conviction (tags)
In response to Judge Brady’s ruling this week that overturned Albert Woodfox’s conviction for a third time, Amnesty International has released a new statement calling on the Louisiana Attorney General to not appeal Brady’s ruling to the Fifth Circuit Court. The complete Amnesty statement is reprinted below.
Pretending we don't live in a police state!!!!! (tags)
They just don't get it. All the cops in the Rampart scandel got slap on the wrist punishments. And what happened in Rampart happens everyday in police departments across the country. The only difference is that in the Rampart case the bad cops got caught, and punished with a slap on the wrist.