fix articles 349, activities Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : activities


How to Solve the US Housing Problem and Avoid a Recession: A Revived HOLC and RTC (tags)

In 1933, Congress passed the Glass-Steagall Act, which banned banks from underwriting securities. Financial institutions had to choose either to be a simple bank lender or an underwriter (investment banker or brokerage firm).

The true costs of capitalist wealth (tags)

What drives the capitalist mode of production is the endless compulsion to increase abstract wealth, or, put more simply, the compulsion to turn money into more money... Society is richer than it knows, because it does not take all kinds of wealth factors into account in GDP.

Care instead of profit (tags)

"A society based on solidarity begins when the capitalistically necessary separation of paid and unpaid work is broken down, in that there is no longer paid work and people satisfy their needs directly instead of mediated through money and the exchange of goods.

Trump and Climate Change (tags)

Human activities have contributed to the ice loss in the Arctic. In his short term in office, Trump and his accessories in the government rescinded two dozen regulations to protect the climate and the environment. The climate, peace and anti-racism movements must join forces.

Bertolt Brecht Testifies Before the House Un-American Activities Committee (1947) 2 min (tags)

725 free movies, 700 free ebooks and 450 free audio books (including "1984") are ours on Enjoy the feast! How can anyone be hard-nosed with 725 freed movies?

Irresponsible US China Bashing (tags)


Senate Fails to Block Iran Nuclear Deal (tags)


Russia Challenges America's Orwellian National Endowment for Democracy (tags)


Anti-Iranian Nuclear Deal Blitzkrieg in Full Swing (tags)


CIA Human Experimentation (tags)


Irresponsible China Bashing (tags)


On the death of Filipino Comedian-Activist Arvin “Tado” Jimenez (tags)

We mourn the untimely loss of an artist, comrade, and friend who had been one of standard-bearers of our party during the local elections in May last year.

Proposed Senate Bill Risks Undermining Geneva (tags)


When Prevention Becomes Paranoia (tags)

According to Bernd Greiner, more Americans die annually from deadly bee stings than from terrorism. The 68-antiwar movement should have taught us to redefine security, health, strength and happiness and not fall into the traps of militarism or financialization. Jobs create true security.

When you are on top, ‘might makes right’ is ‘rule of law’ (tags)

The U.S. government has consistently refused to extradite former dictators, accused terrorists, torturers and others wanted by other countries. It is the height of hypocrisy for the Obama administration to give lectures about international obligations in its blunderbuss efforts to get Edward Snowden.

State Department Debunks Iranian Latin American Terrorism Links (tags)


Another Side of Israel: The Impact of Tikkun Olam (tags)

A side of Israel we never hear about

Stoking False Threats (tags)


Inland Empire General Strike! (tags)

Inland Empire General Strike!

Occupy Riverside, in cooperation with our friends and allies, is working to make May 1 a day of community empowerment in which individuals disengage from the institutions and practices that oppress us, and engage in activities that foster community and humanity.

We are starting with 5 days of "Spring training" to gear up for the big day!

Criminalizing Dissent in America (tags)


Illegal FBI Spying on Community Groups (tags)

police state

Our Man in Havana (tags)


America's War on Food Not Bombs (tags)

eroding freedoms

Why Rwanda's sham elections must be stopped (tags)

After 16 years in exile, I came back peacefully to my motherland. Peace will be my guiding light in my political activities and the activities of my political organization, FDU INKINGI, in our endeavor to end injustice and remove all barriers to the people’s full enjoyment of their inalienable political and civil rights. The Rwandan people are now living in anxiety and fear and are longing and yearning for a genuine policy of national unity and reconciliation.

The Sierra Madre Anarchist Picnic (From an Organizer's Perspective) (tags)

From the LA Anarchist Weekly Blog:

Monica Pignotti, Jean Mercer, and Larry Sarner: Members of a Fringe Movement (tags)

Monica Pignott, Larry Sarner, Linda Rosa, and Jean Mercer run a "fringe" advocacy group; instead of performing advocacy, the group's primary activities are defamation and censorship.

Llano Del RIo Collective... Looking for Another LA (tags)

The Llano Del Rio working group is creating a map, to be published and made available (free to you and others) of Another LA. We seek your entries of sites where activities making real other possibilities occur.

Dams, flooding and power (tags)

Not long after Typhoon Ondoy inundated the metropolis with flood waters, Typhoon Pepeng reversed course to hover around Western Luzon and drop more than 600mm of rain in the area. This time, it was the Cordillera region and Pangasinan that were under distress. More than 40 landslides occurred in the Cordilleras triggered by the massive rain which resulted in as many as 250 deaths. Local groups attributed the area’s increased vulnerability to landslides to the long-term large-scale mining activities especially in Itogon and Mankayan in Benguet province. We remember the Colalo landslide that happened in 1999 in Mankayan which AGHAM visited with the Cordillera People’s Alliance (CPA) and environmental groups. And only three months ago, geologists from AGHAM and the Center for Environmental Concerns conducted an inspection of land subsidence in the same area.

Obama Administration Targets Environmental and Animal Rights Activists As Eco-Terrorists (tags)

for Obama, activism = terrorism

Online Petition to Revoke LDS Not for Profit Status (tags)

Research shows that LDS funding of Prop 8 is in violation of their 501(c)(3) Not-for Profit status, and the goal is to pressure the IRS to revoke their 501 status as a result of their illegal actions in promoting Prop 8 bigotry..

Funding For USA's Intel Operations (tags)

Lift the veil to discover the sources for fbi/cia global covert criminal intel operations.

AJLPP Year End Report, 2008 (tags)

The year 2008 started with a flurry of activities with the anti-war movement marking the 5th year of the US-occupation of Iraq and the War Against Terror and ended with a militant rallies at the Israeli Consulate against the siege and bombing of Gaza on Dec. 30,2008. As an opening salvo, the AJLPP participated in the first ever Women’s March Against the War in Los Angeles led by the GABNET of the MARIPOSA ALLIANCE that drew more than 800 people. The AJLPP also supported the militant Screen Actors Guild Strike in Hollywood. The AJLPP mobilized its forces together with its allies against the successive visits of US prime puppet Gloria Macapagal Arroyo in July in the East Coast and November on the West Coast

JFAV Represented in Big Events in WAshington DC and SFO (tags)

The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) continues it unrelenting advocacy even in the advent of the Christmas season 2008. While the Filipino Veterans Support Bill, SB 3689 hangs in the balance like SB 1315, different JFAV chapters continued it activities everywhere.

American Capita-Socialism (tags)

Corruption is a Way of Life in America Who is to blame?

Doctors Without Borders Forced to Scale Back Gaza Operations (tags)

Israel's illegal policy ensures that those helping the Palestinians avert disaster are unable to do their work. There needs to be an immediate, world-wide boycott of all military and financial aid to Israel until this siege stops, and concrete steps are taken to create a viable Palestinian state. Our corrupt Government has betrayed Canadians on this issue, cannot justify their policy decisions, and must be forced to reverse this trend. Israel must be made to realize, in the most tangible (and peaceful) ways possible, that they cannot continue this collective punishment against Gazan Palestinians any more. But make no mistake, the ruling Extremists in Israel will keep pushing, so long as nobody speaks up or forces them to obey the law.

U.S. Citizen Terrorist surveillance Program (tags)

The American public appears to be being hoodwinked into believing the Terrorist Surveillance program it is good for us and protects us from the terrorist. What it really does is takes away many of our constitutional rights guaranteed by our founding fathers


Just a reminder to join us this Sunday, September 9th as we gather in community and in solidarity for children's right to education.

GSA turns to industry to study Web users (tags)

GSA said it intends to buy the results of research conducted by a company that reviews Web users’ Internet activities. GSA plans to compare and perhaps benchmark the company’s results against what the agency already understands about who visits, the RFP states.


The People’s Community Organization for Reform and Empowerment (People’s CORE) and the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) composed of Filipino World War II veterans and their advocates, ardently participates in the first Rotary Club of Historic Filipino 5 Kilometer Run Walk last August 5. The activities was capped by a 5-kilometer run on Sunday Aug.5 More than 400 runners and walkers participated on the event. City Council Member Wendy Gruel awarded the winners of the 5K Run/Walk chaired by Rotarian Donny Joaquin, the 5K Run/Walk Race Director. More than 20 veterans and youth acted as watchers along the route of the 5K run from Burlington/ Court street to Commonwealth/2nd Streets back to the finish line.


Justice for Filipino American Veterans ( JFAV ) composed of Filipino World War II veterans and their advocates, ardently participates in the first Rotary Club of Historic Filipino 5 Kilometer Run Walk last August 5. The August 4-5 activities was capped by a 5-kilometer run on Sunday Aug.5 More than 400 runners and walkers participated on the event. City Council Member Wendy Gruel awarded the winners of the 5K Run/Walk chaired by Rotarian Dony Joaquin. More than 20 veterans and youth acted as watchers along the route of the 5K run from Burlington/ Court street to Commonwealth/2nd Streets back to the fiish line.


Justice for Filipino American Veterans ( JFAV ) composed of Filipino World War II veterans and their advocates, will join the 5th Historic Filipino Town Festival on August 4 and 5. Energized by recent victories JFAV veterans leaders led by Commanders Franco Arcebal,Peping Baclig, Jack Vergara and Nick Gadia will support the 5th year of commemorative activities on the designation by the city as Historic Filipinotown. The August 4-5 activities will be capped by a 5-kilometer run on Sunday Aug.5 More than 300 runners and walkers will participate on the event.

CIA Finally Releases 1973 "Family Jewels" Document - Partial Notes on Ch 1 (tags)

The CIA has, after a long battle against activists and journalists using the "Freedom of Information Act", finally released a document outlining the "most sensitive operations" it had undertaken from the 1950s through 1973.

Working Without Coercion (tags)

Basic income is not a plant-closing bonus. Labor productivity will continue growing if the tax burden on the factor labor is reduced. The belief that full employment could return through economic growth is wishful thinking. Ecologically it could prove a horror.

Posada’s release exposes Washington’s hypocrisy (tags)

The decision by the US authorities to release the terrorist Luis Posada Carriles exposes before the eyes of the world the hypocritical attitude of the United States government to terrorism. Posada Carriles Posada is the author of the 1976 attack that brought down a Cubana de Aviación civilian airliner off the coast of Barbados, which cost the lives of 73 innocent people. By releasing this criminal, the US authorities have admitted that they support terrorism when this is in the interests of US imperialism. Bush's so-called war on terrorism therefore stands exposed as a shameful deception. In an editorial of April 20, the Los Angeles Times condemned the decision:

AKBAYAN denounces US intervention in Philippine elections (tags)

AKBAYAN Party-list condemned today the reported participation of US soldiers Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) initiated campaigns against leftist party-list organizations. The group said that it received reports from the local media in Zamboanga City that US soldiers are also campaigning against party-list groups that the AFP considers as “communist fronts.”

The Franklin Cover-up by John W. DeCamp E-Book (tags)

This is a PDF version of "The Franklin Cover-Up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska" by John W. Decamp

Organizing against police suppression of political activities (tags)

Jim DeMaegt was visited by the Secret Service at his apartment building on January 3 of this year at about 2:30 or 3:00 p.m.

Boycott All UFPJ and IA Activities (tags)

This weekend's so-called peace rally in Washington D.C. will simply amount to aa enormous waste of time

North Korea has "put everything in place to conduct a [second nuclear] test (tags)

news of the world

Weldon's Paris trips tied to cover-up of 9/11 French intelligence intercepts (tags)

International and federal agents active and retired within a worldwide executive intelligence network are reporting that Congressman Curt Weldon (R-7-PA) has made five trips to Paris during the last few years while French intelligence surveillance stakeouts filmed and taped Weldon's hotel activities and meetings with Israeli—Iranian double agent Manucher Ghorbanifar.

Civil society groups denounce Singapore government, IMF-WB for barring activists (tags)

Jubilee South and the Freedom from Debt Coalition of the Philippines, two of the proponents and lead organizers of the International Peoples Forum vs the IMF and World Bank, denounce the latest move of the Singapore government to prevent the exercise of freedom of speech and peaceful assembly.

Bulgaria: National policy on increasing pet populations (tags)

Letter to the Chairman of Bulgarian Parliament

Illegal collection and traffic of cats and dogs in Bulgaria (tags)

Letter to the Supreme Prosecutor of Bulgaria

Bring the Troops Home FAST! 3,000 Join Sheehan in a Fast (tags)

3,000 people from all over the world have joined Cindy Sheehan and Code Pink in a fast to bring the troops home "FAST".

The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy (tags)

In this paper, John J. Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago's Department of Political Science and Stephen M.Walt of Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government contend that the centerpiece of U.S. Middle East policy is its intimate relationship with Israel. The authors argue that although often justified as reflecting shared strategic interests or compelling moral imperatives, the U.S. commitment to Israel is due primarily to the activities of the “Israel Lobby." This paper goes on to describe the various activities that pro-Israel groups have undertaken in order to shift U.S. foreign policy in a pro-Israel direction.

Stop "Divine Strake" Bombing in Newe Sogobia (NTS); May 28 (tags)

On May 28, 2006 dozens of indigenous, environmental justice and peace and disarmament organizations will converge at the Peace Camp outside the Nevada Test Site near Mercury Nevada to protest the Divine Strake test scheduled for June 2, but now apparently postponed to June 23.

The Alternative Social Forum in Caracas: voices from the left (tags)

* In Caracas, Venezuela between the 23rd and 29th of January 2006, 10 local socio-political organizations offered an alternative forum and critique of national politics in response to the World Social Forum. The result was a smaller-scale event but self-directed and reflective of current self-organizing capacity. The alternative forum was independent, self-managed and borne out of years of experience of organizing in the Venezuelan context.

Lessons from a Criminal Complaint (tags)

Observation on the criminal complaint against ERIC McDAVID, LAUREN WEINER, and ZACHARY JENSON.

NSA Security Guidelines Handbook (tags)

Found this...

Stanford University,Chris Heeschen,John Cooke, penny stock fraud money laundering (tags)

You(Stanford) may recall I contacted you earlier this year with regards to Endovasc and their use of your 'nicotine for angiogenesis' and 'stemcell recruitment' patents for fraud,(i.e.-illegal pump and dump activities including through a Charles Schwab hosted account as well as a Bellador Group of Kuala Lumpur and Dubai boiler room deal that scattered unaudited and unregistered Endovasc shares around Asia and who knows where else). Probably post 911 money laundering is involved as well in terrorist suspect money laundering regions.

Whistleblower or Drug Dealer? (tags)

Plaintiff Charles Schlund is suing George Bush for using high-tech TORTURE to silence him in order to prevent him from exposing *massive* high-level corruption in the U.S. government. The government claims that Charles Schlund is a drug user/dealer. Charles Schlund says that he does not use, sell or manufacture drugs. Who is telling the truth? Who is LYING? Charles Schlund's challenge to the U.S. government: TEST ME! Charles Schlund is willing to provide hair samples to be tested IN THE COURTROOM! His hair has not been cut in more than *ten* years. Any use of drugs in the last tens years could be detected. It is time for the government to put up or shut up. Are they willing to test him?

A branch of the U.S. Military saved my life (tags)

What if the military only did positive things? Would it still be a military?

Pastors for Peace Members Threatened with Heavy Fines (tags)

Local activists receive letters from OFAC for taking crutches and walkers to Cuba! Computers for school children remain "arrested" by Commerce Dept and homelandia InSecurity!

An open letter to anti-immigrant groups (tags)

A satirical, but sincere offer to anti-immigrant groups claiming they aren't racists.

Disrupt the MinuteMen, Campo, July 16th-19th (tags)

This is a call from the o.r.g.a.n.i.c. collective to all those who oppose racist violence to come to Campo, California, one hour east of San Diego, from July 16th to 19th and disrupt, interfere with and stop the activities of the MinuteMen.

Silence=Complicity:Israel’s Silent Nuclear Attack Revealed (tags)

The uranium level in El-Khalil valley reaches 237 becquerel (bcq) per kilogram3, which equals about 10 times the permitted concentration, which is 25 bcq. The Thorium 232 (Th) level reaches 152 bcq where the permitted concentration level is also 25 bcq. The readings on Cesium 137 (Cs), another radio-active isotope that only emerges from nuclear explosions or nuclear activities is equivalently high.

Andrew Aaron Weisburd of Internet Haganah: Cyber Terrorist (tags)

Do the revolution a favor, give the Feds no excuse to ignore a cyber terrorist targeting IMCs.

FESTIVAL OF CHILDHOOD: Peace Through a Child's Eye (tags)

The Center for Non Violent Education and Parenting is holding its sixth annual Festival of Childhood (for all ages) featuring music, entertainment, arts & crafts and many other fun and creative activities for children and parents.

Building Bridges Radio: 1.Workers' Advice Center;2.Revitalizing the Labor Movement (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents his 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW.

Caracas: the opening of a Libertarian Centre & social library (tags)

* The Venezuelan Comision de Relaciones Anarquistas (CRA) calls for solidarity with a project which is the first of its kind in our country: the opening (sunday 14th November 2004) of a Libertarian Social Studies Centre (Centro de Estudios Sociales Libertarios - CESL), together with a social library.

S. Korea, MSSC Struggle Report (5.24/25) (tags)

The last developments of migrant workers (Myeong-dong Sit-in Struggle Collective) struggle in S. Korea. We're preparing the 200th sit-in struggle day celebration for Sunday.

about un-American activities (tags)

and American activities

Worldwide Activities Mark April 25th, Call for End to Half-decade of Persecution (tags)

Practitioners of Falun Gong will mark April 25 this Sunday with activities around the world, renewing the call for Beijing to end a five-year campaign of suppression that legal experts have come to term genocide.

Planning Activist Activities? (tags)

The start of any undertaking is either supported by the universe or not, knowing how to use nature forces can make the difference between growth and success, or wasted energy and failure.

People of Europe! Won’t you discuss “What kind of democracy you have?” (tags)

Date: 30 November 2003 Statement: 319 After the four bomb attacks, which came up in Istanbul on November 15th and 20th, some countries of Europe and organs of the European Union took decisions towards Turkey.

A Times Editorial (tags)

Other people are now beginning to wake up to the depredations of Reichsfuhrer Ashcroft. It is nice the Mainstream is finally beginning to notice. Where were they 2 years ago?

FBI Intelligence Bulletin no. 89: Spying On Protestors (tags)

The FBI intelligence bulletin, disseminated on a weekly basis, provides law enforcement with current, relevant terrorism information developed from counterterrorism investigations and analysis. The intelligence bulletin does not contain threat warning information.

Its official COINTELPRO has returned (tags)

WASHINGTON, Nov. 22 The Federal Bureau of Investigation has collected extensive information on the tactics, training and organization of antiwar demonstrators and has advised local law enforcement officials to report any suspicious activity at protests to its counterterrorism squads, according to interviews and a confidential bureau memorandum.

November 9th: Popular Mobilization throughout Palestine to Mark Day (tags)

Throughout Palestine, communities affected by the Apartheid Wall--local councils, civil society organizations, political parties, youth groups, schools and universities, and the population at large--are coordinating a momentous week of activities beginning on November 9th for opposing the Israeli Apartheid Wall.


Peace Fresno was infiltrated by an agent working for the Fresno Sheriff’s Department.

Action Alert! Protests in Long Beach to Stop the Pillage of our Oceans (tags)

Shut down the West Coast Seafood Show/National Fisheries Institute Meetings, Oct. 11-12, October in Long Beach

Code Pink briefly terminates Arnold (tags)

Code Pink briefly terminates Arnold

US Govt Releases 9/11 Report (tags)

"In February 2002, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence agreed to conduct a Joint Inquiry into the activities of the U.S. Intelligence Community in connection with the terrorist attacks perpetrated against our nation on September 11, 2001. This report (available as both S. Rept. 107-351 and H. Rept. 107-792) consists of 832 pages that presents the joint inquiry’s findings and conclusions, an accompanying narrative, and a series of recommendations."

The Pitiable State of LA-IMC (tags)

Pathetic, really.

Targeting of Political Liberals (tags)

Researcher gathering information on political targeting of U.S. citizens involved in legal and first amendment activities.

International Campaign to support Worker Communist Party of Iraq (tags)

International Campaign to support Worker Communist Party of Iraq

The Octopus (tags)

Why are people being killed to keep this quiet? See for yourself...

Us Islamic Festival Next Thursday (tags)

A variety of activities helping people to understand modern Islam will be held at the Cultural Exchange Centre of 5th Avenue

Benefit Show in Santa Ana (tags)

Benefit show in Santa Ana Saturday

Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003 ("Patriot II") (tags)

recently a document was leaked from the justice department. They say it is a "draft". Here is a summary of the Patriot II

Continue the Boycott of Computers N.L.A. (tags)

Computers N.L.A. provides web services and Internet hosting to the Internet's most active anti-Arab/anti-Muslim hate group. In fact, they refuse to shut the hate group down.

Boycott Computers N.L.A., Supporter of Racism (tags)

Harbor City Host of Anti-Arab/Anti-Muslim Hate Group

Continue to Boycott Webhost of Racist Brownshirt Organization (tags)

Boycott Harbor City Host of Anti-Arab/Anti-Muslim Hate Group

REDS & BLACKLISTS IN HOLLYWOOD - Movies & Free Exhibit (tags)

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in Beverly Hills California presents a special exhibit and film series on the history of anti-Communism in Hollywood.

Whose Terrorist? (tags)

At a Senate hearing last Thursday, Attorney General John Ashcroft finally defined the word terrorist for us. He also came up with the idea of Osama TV and waved an al Qaeda training manual around like McCarthy used to do in the '50s with his fake list of communists.

Union Delegates Call on AFL-CIO to ‘Come Clean’ on International Activities (tags)

The Washington State Labor Council (WSLC) is now the second major labor organization on the West Coast to pass a resolution calling on the AFL-CIO to “come clean” about its foreign relations activities and to make amends for the “excesses of the Cold War era.”

The Barcelona Campain's NEW Calender (tags)

The Barcelona Campain's oficial calendar for June

An effective way to lower energy prices (tags)


June is Peliter Awareness Month (tags)

June is Leonard Peltier Awareness Month - lobby for the release of this political prisoner.

Spread the Words (tags)

As some of you may know I've been composing a "flyer" to distribute concerning the activities of the state in regards to political activism.

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