fix articles 34745, your help
5 Reasons to Support RAC-LA This Month (tags)
A call for funds and/or other support for the critical work Revolutionary Autonomous Communities, Los Angeles (RAC-LA) does to fight hunger and poverty by building anti-authoritarian people's power here in LA.
FBI makes it harder for post-incarcerated folks to get jobs (tags)
We are asking for your help opposing a troubling new proposal by the FBI which would, for the first time, authorize the agency to report "non-serious" offenses in response to a criminal background check conducted for employment purposes
Images from S. Lebanon You Won't See in the US Press. (tags)
'" Dear friends and colleagues ,You will all have to excuse me for sending this. It's pictures of the bodies of babies killed by the Israelis in South Lebanon. They are all burnt. I need your help.
Children die in convoy attack as Israel widens Lebanon assault (tags)
'" Dear friends and colleagues ,You will all have to excuse me for sending this. It's pictures of the bodies of babies killed by the Israelis in South Lebanon. They are all burnt. I need your help. I am almost certain these pictures won't be published in the West, although they are Associated Press pictures. I need your help exposing them if you can..."
OCAP needs Your Help
A John Kusumi appeal for the China Support Network (tags)
The China Support Network can build upon the 'people power' victory in Hong Kong -- with your help.
a youth french need a militant help...
Wasatch Activist Convergence & Training (tags)
In preparation for the World Bank/IMF and Anti-War Demonstrations in D.C. and globally, the Westminster Action Network is hosting training workshops on political, social and cultural activism. Topics include lobbying, non-violent resistance, affinity groups, anti-globalization, green living, preserving biodiversity, and legal training.
Declare Our Independence (tags)
Seattle ACORN Workers on Strike, your help is needed! (tags)
Seattle ACORN Workers have been on strike for a month. Scabs have been brought in. Your help is needed!