fix articles 34704, d. it
USAID: Funding Offshoring/Outsourcing of American Jobs to Sri Lanka (tags)
USAID is giving money to Sri Lanka to "train tech workers" who will eventually take American jobs away.
Once called "battle fatigue" and "shell shock" Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), recognized as a clinical condition in 1980, has been a part of warfare for those serving in armed forces for as long as anyone can figure. People who suffer from the disease often experience vivid flashbacks so real some act out what they re-experience. Other symptoms may be feeling distant from others, severe depression, feeling unable to be happy. Having trouble falling asleep and suffering uncontrollable outbursts of anger may also accompany the disease.
See Sicko and Win Trip to Europe/Canada (tags)
Sicko, the outstanding movie exposing the bankrupt US healthcare system and supporting single payer healthcare a la Canada, Britain, France and Cuba, is now playing at 500 more movie theaters and director Michael Moore promises you a trip to Europe or Canada if you see Sicko this weekend, July 20-22, 2007.
MIWON cover for LAPD mayday attack unresolved (tags)
MIWON maintains its refusal to publicly renounce its cover for LAPD mayday attack, enabling police commanders to escape accountability.
Below you will see exactly what your tax dollars are doing in the Air Support Division of the LAPD. Not only are they perverts, they harbor child molestors like Rod Bernsen. (accused)...ha. What's the saying.....where there's smoke, there's fire?
The Best Housing & Poverty Review of 2005 (tags)
The Nation's Housing Policies Are A Complete Disaster!
Los Angeles Unified School District vs the Community of 52nd Place and 53rd Street (tags)
The Los Angeles School District has threatened long time residence and business owners with the law of eminent domain in their desire to remove elderly and poor citizens from their homes in order to build schools and income producing apartments.
LAST MINUTE CHANGE: Andres Barrera Presentation (tags)
LAST MINUTE CHANGE: Due to circumstances beyond our control, the Andres Barreda workshop on the Plan Puebla Panama HAS BEEN MOVED. It will now be held at the WORLD BEAT CENTER, in Balboa Park, 2100 Park Blvd. CAMBIO DE LUGAR PARA EL TALLER DE ANDRES BARREDA. Debido a circunstancias fuera de nustro control, se cambiara el taller de Andres Barreda al WORLD BEAT CENTER en el Parque Balboa, 2100 Park Blvd.