fix articles 345857, s. can
Neoliberalism, Democracy and the University as a Public Sphere (tags)
What can educators & others concerned about the future of higher education do to make sure it is not colonized by corporate & other antidemocratic interests? First, educators & others need to figure out how to defend more vigorously higher education as a public good & how central it is in producing the formative culture necessary to educate young people to be critical & engaged.
ADDICTED TO WAR: Why the U.S. Can't Kick Militarism by Joel Andreas (tags)
ADDICTED TO WAR takes on the most active, powerful and destructive military in the world. Hard-hitting, carefully documented, and heavily illustrated, it reveals why the U.S. has been involved in more wars in recent years than any other country. Read ADDICTED TO WAR to find out who benefits from these military adventures, who pays and who dies.